View Full Version : T4 Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins

02-26-2008, 10:39 AM
It's set for a May 22, 2009 release. I'm stoked for this one! 3 sucked.

A Date With the Terminator
Bale's Salvation release set.
by IGN Staff

February 26, 2008 - Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins, starring Christian Bale and Sam Worthington, has been set for a May 22, 2009 big-screen release by Warner Bros.

T4, according to Variety, will begin filming on May 5 in New Mexico. The shoot will reportedly last two months.

The May 22, 2009 release puts the latest installment in the sci-fi action sereis up against Ben Stiller's Night at the Museum II: Escape From the Smithsonian.

Salvation will take place after the nuclear holocaust that concluded Terminator 3, with John Connor (Bale) leading a band of human survivors in the fight against Skynet.

02-26-2008, 11:19 AM
meh....they shouldve let it die already

02-26-2008, 11:21 AM
So who is going to be the Terminator on the fourth part.

02-26-2008, 11:28 AM
So who is going to be the Terminator on the fourth part.

Well the scenario is different. It takes place in the apocalyptic future. So there's gonna be terminators everywhere.

But I haven't seen who's gonna play any sort of main terminator.

drift freaq
02-26-2008, 11:51 AM
Without the Governator its not worth seeing.

02-26-2008, 11:53 AM
story sounds real interesting, now i wonder who is to replace the governator. at least they got a good actor this time to play John Connor.

02-26-2008, 11:57 AM
T3 was MEGA FAIL. i really hope they turn it around.

02-26-2008, 12:00 PM
T3 was MEGA FAIL. i really hope they turn it around.

I'm glad they are going with the new time frame.

02-26-2008, 12:11 PM
^whats the current talk? i think i saw somewhere they want to make it into another trilogy (4,5,6)? all taking place in the future.

02-26-2008, 12:22 PM
Oh this is sweet. I think Christian Bale would be a kick ass John Connor. Its true this should of died when Arnold became govenor,........... c'mon. You know you're gonna go see it.

02-26-2008, 12:28 PM
^whats the current talk? i think i saw somewhere they want to make it into another trilogy (4,5,6)? all taking place in the future.

Yep, that's what I've read. I'm pretty sure 3 more movies are planned.

You know we're on the same page. ;)

02-26-2008, 01:38 PM
Trying to milk every penny out of the series, like American Pie 22, Police Academy 43 etc. etc. Too many sequels ruin it for me.

Koopa Troopa
02-26-2008, 01:40 PM
They have the opportunity to make this movie so fucking badass if they take the Rambo 4 approach to it.

If they do the Die Hard 4.0 it will mega fail

02-26-2008, 02:24 PM
O man this is going to be good. I can't wait.

02-26-2008, 02:26 PM
Well the scenario is different. It takes place in the apocalyptic future. So there's gonna be terminators everywhere.

hmmmmmmm. terminators running around everywhere...... all out battles..... :bigok:

EDIT.............. well according to several sites, Sam Worthington will be taking over for Arnold, as recomended by James Cameron.


02-26-2008, 03:33 PM
It'll be a lot like the second to last episode of the series. It was damn good.

02-26-2008, 03:41 PM
Badass i love terminator, still another year though until it comes out i hope they make it worth the wait.

02-26-2008, 03:44 PM
Even if Arnold just make a slight cameo as being caught and reprogrammed by Conner(Bale) that would be awesome. Arnold would still be in it, but wouldn't be in it enough to show his age. I grew up watching those old action heroes and I hate to see them retire from such films because now a days it isn't the same.

And to the above that said to take the "Rambo" approach had it spot on. That was a great movie and I was very grateful to see Sly still had a pair onscreen. (Kinda bad reference now that I remember he did porn, eh)

Team Aero-K
02-26-2008, 04:03 PM
oh snap!!! Love all Terminator movies, actually just finished watching T3, that chic is so hot!!!

02-26-2008, 04:08 PM
T2 was one of, if not my favourite film ever.

T3 was one of, if not my most hated films ever. Totally ruined the franchise.

Hope this one can re-raise the bar! I always did want to see more of the apocolyptic future

02-26-2008, 04:31 PM
great. first mad max 4 was greenlighted, and now T4...

cmon people let them die already...stop raping good movie series!

02-26-2008, 05:55 PM
great. first mad max 4 was greenlighted, and now T4...

cmon people let them die already...stop raping good movie series!

i've read that they're even considering remaking the "blade" films :loco:. leave it alone.... move on.... come up with something new. hollywood, go figure.

anyway. like we've said before. it would still be cool as hell to see the machines/humans in all out war. as long as they do it right.

02-26-2008, 06:17 PM
Without the Governator its not worth seeing.

LOL I agree. But you never know it might be a good movie.

02-26-2008, 07:41 PM
With or without Ahnuld, it's whatever. I just hope it's better than T3.

02-26-2008, 07:48 PM
lets rock :rl:


02-26-2008, 07:52 PM
meh....they shouldve let it die already
indeed...with T2 :-/

02-26-2008, 08:01 PM
Looks like Universal gets to rip out another ride...


02-26-2008, 08:02 PM
This is something completely different that I have been waiting to see. I loved it on the series when they showed the future and the war.

I didn't like T3 very much either, but I am sure this will be enjoyable enough to watch. This is where he begins to grow up to what he is supposed to be and the future is finally going to be figured out.

Impact Drift
02-26-2008, 10:38 PM
what they need is to make some unbelievable explosions and stunts. Maybe add in a crazy fast chase scene with some fast pace fighting. Quick! Someone call the director of the Bourne Identity!

As long as Arnold or a woman isn't the Terminator then I'll be fine.

02-27-2008, 04:38 AM
oh they better hook this up right 1 and 2 were awesome...3 eh (I generally don't hate movies...unless they are from the F&F franchise)

02-27-2008, 05:10 AM
No James Cameron = FAIL

02-27-2008, 06:37 AM
Without the Governator its not worth seeing.

I scoff at that notion. Sure, Arnie is the original personification of Ze Terminatah, but to say that it'll have no worth because of his absence is ignorant. T3 had him and it was (relative to the first two films), utter shit.
That they concentrated more budget and effort on carchases, etc than to storytelling was reprehensible.

Frankly I'm stoked. I find Christian Bale to be an amazing actor who really rips into every role he takes on. That he's attached to this film will be enough to get me to watch it. A cameo from Arnold could be interesting, but is ultimately unnecessary. Seeing Linda Hamilton again would be a treat, though.

Looks like Universal gets to rip out another ride...


Thanks to YouTube, I no longer have to regret having never attended that attraction. Not for the fact that I know what happens, but simply for how awful it is. They should've titled it The Terminator Bad Acting One Liner Experience.

02-27-2008, 07:04 AM
Thanks to YouTube, I no longer have to regret having never attended that attraction. Not for the fact that I know what happens, but simply for how awful it is. They should've titled it The Terminator Bad Acting One Liner Experience.
The best part is the live fire. The movie I tend to fall a sleep during.

Here's the version you missed:

Heh the Japanese don't use blanks. Nothing like a shotgun going off in an enclosed room...

02-27-2008, 07:10 AM
Without the Governator its not worth seeing.

I'm going to have to disagree with you there. Arnold should have never made the third movie...utter crap. He was spectacular in the first and second movies but he should have left it there. We saw the worst a terminator could do and the best. I was sad to see him be destroyed but I realized it was necessary. I think CB will be great in this movie and I have been dying to see the how John Connor organizes the resistance in the future.

02-27-2008, 11:18 AM
McG said: "There will be a suggestion of the liquid metal development and a suggestion of the T-800 development.

that should be cool to see.

02-27-2008, 03:12 PM
I just wanna see 2 hrs of Apacolyptic Ass-Kicking WAR God Damn IT! :rant2:
Not just the prick-teasing crap they have scatterdly shown in the various films.

And T3 sucked balls :fawk2:

05-06-2008, 07:28 AM
Some new info:

Terminator Finds Common Touch
Rapper joins T4 cast.
by Orlando Parfitt, IGN UK

UK, May 6, 2008 - Following yesterday's report that Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins may get a PG-13 rating, we've learned today (from Variety) that rapper-turned-actor Common has joined the cast of the sci-fi drama.

He is set to play a freedom fighter and close confidante of John Connor (Christian Bale) in the human resistance against the machines. As yet no one as been cast to replace Arnold Swarzenegger as the Terminator, though Josh Brolin has been rumored for the role.
- Steve Granitz/WireImage.com
Common does this pose in every photo.

Common is set to appear opposite Angelina Jolie and James McAvoy in the upcoming Wanted, and also made creditable turns in Smokin' Aces and American Gangster.

The next Terminator instalment will make its bow worldwide on May 22.

05-06-2008, 07:36 AM
I will wait for reviews before watching this. So far from what I'm reading..its not looking good.

Christian Bale is one of my favorite actors too. Has we won any awards?

05-06-2008, 09:32 AM
PG-13? Really?

On a similar note: When does the Terminator TV series start back up?

05-06-2008, 09:40 AM
PG-13? Really?

On a similar note: When does the Terminator TV series start back up?

Not soon enough. But Brian Austin Green is now a regular character on the show. I think he did a really good job.

05-06-2008, 09:44 AM
Not soon enough. But Brian Austin Green is now a regular character on the show. I think he did a really good job.

i agree. at first i was like :hahano: . but he actually did/does a really good job. i look foward to the new season.

05-06-2008, 10:10 AM
I won't even bother with it if it is PG-13.

Post apocalyptic war zone with barely any graphic violence = fail

05-06-2008, 11:15 AM
Not soon enough. But Brian Austin Green is now a regular character on the show. I think he did a really good job.

Yeah I know. I rarely watch TV anymore but Terminator is one of the few shows I make it a point to watch every week (The Office is the only other show.)

05-06-2008, 12:14 PM
Me too. I watch like 3 things on TV faithfully.

Ultimate Fighter

and yes...

Desperate Housewives

05-06-2008, 12:46 PM
I won't even bother with it if it is PG-13.

Post apocalyptic war zone with barely any graphic violence = fail


pg13 is what was wrong with AVP and die hard 4. why cast christian bale and to make a half assed pg-13 movie. save some money and get some unknowns.

05-06-2008, 03:38 PM
hopefully it's not all computer generated. I like Christian Bale so hopefully it will be good. Wonder if the Governor will make a small camio at least?

05-06-2008, 03:43 PM
Christian Bale = win.

With all the evil terminators trying to destroy humanity, it's a good thing we have Iron Man and the Autobots on our side.

05-06-2008, 08:32 PM
See, this is what T3 should've been, the movie set entirely in the apocalyptic future.

I'll go see it in theaters when it comes out, for sure.

05-08-2008, 08:53 AM
Me too. I watch like 3 things on TV faithfully.

Ultimate Fighter

and yes...

Desperate Housewives



you rock mel

05-08-2008, 10:50 AM
Without the Governator its not worth seeing.

i agree....its not the same...

05-08-2008, 11:27 AM
Christian Bale = win.

With all the evil terminators trying to destroy humanity, it's a good thing we have Iron Man and the Autobots on our side.

and batman, superman, blade, hulk, chuck norris, spiderman, predator

05-22-2008, 10:41 AM
Without the Governator its not worth seeing.

HA! Sounds like it'll be worth it to you now!

Cannes 2008: T4 Producers Talk
Looks like Arnie might be coming back...
by Orlando Parfitt, IGN UK

UK, May 22, 2008 - Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek, producers of the new Terminator movies were in Cannes this week and let slip some info on the sci-fi franchise to The Guardian.

When asked about the rumours that Arnold Schwarzenegger would return to the series, the duo said they couldn't say anything, but that: "At the moment we're keeping everything under lock and key, we want the fans to be really excited and surprised." This, coupled with what Arnie himself said a few months back, means we think its a sure thing the "governator" will be making an appearance.

Speaking about the series in general, Kubicek said: "We were both big Terminator fans which is why we acquired the franchise. We're approaching it as real fans -- what would make us really happy to see in the next Terminator movie."

Insert lame 'I'll be back' pun here...

They said there was still a lot of mileage in the man-versus-machine story, saying: "If you think of where Terminator 3 left off, there's still a lot of potential story to be told," said Anderson. "Being huge fans, we wanted to know the rest of the story."

The first McG-directed instalment, Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins, started filming last week and will be released next year.

05-22-2008, 10:59 AM
Without the Governator it WILL be worth seeing.

there we go.

05-22-2008, 11:05 AM
As much as I love the first two movies (and trust me I LOVE those movies. I would marry them if I could) with Arnold, I can do without him.

The TV series proves to me that the franchise can be a success without him. The Series really is good.

05-22-2008, 11:09 AM
^^ I was kind of sad it was such a short first season.

05-22-2008, 11:16 AM
^^ I was kind of sad it was such a short first season.

Yea, blame the writers strike on that. It did suck. it wasn't supposed to end the way it did either.

But it'll be back soon. Can't wait!

05-22-2008, 11:46 AM
indeed...with T2 :-/

agreed.:) :naughty:

05-22-2008, 01:16 PM
put Arnold in this asap, just a cameo though haha!

05-22-2008, 04:01 PM
I just read an article on t4, they are making it pg13 ...they want kids to be able to watch it and then they will want to buy terminator toys. I think its gonna be the worst terminator movie of all time. all the other ones are R rated.

05-23-2008, 09:50 AM
The movie comes out exactly one year from yesterday.

May 23, 2008 - Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins, starring Sam Worthington and Christian Bale, began principal photography on May 5, 2008, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Halcyon Company Presentation of a Moritz Borman Production of a McG Film, Terminator Salvation is directed by McG from a script by Michael Ferris and John Brancato.

The film is being produced by Moritz Borman, Derek Anderson, Victor Kubicek and Jeffrey Silver and executive produced by Peter D. Graves, Bahman Naraghi, Mario F. Kassar, Andrew G. Vajna, Joel B. Michaels, Dan Lin and Jeanne Allgood. Warner Bros. Pictures is handling all U.S. and Canadian distribution rights for the film, with Sony Pictures Entertainment handling distribution rights in most international territories (excluding Korea and select Mideast territories).

In the highly anticipated new installment of The Terminator film franchise, set in post-apocalyptic 2018, Christian Bale stars as John Connor, the man fated to lead the human resistance against Skynet and its army of Terminators. But the future Connor was raised to believe in is altered in part by the appearance of Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), a stranger whose last memory is of being on death row. Connor must decide whether Marcus has been sent from the future, or rescued from the past. As Skynet prepares its final onslaught, Connor and Marcus both embark on an odyssey that takes them into the heart of Skynet's operations, where they uncover the terrible secret behind the possible annihilation of mankind.

The film also stars Anton Yelchin as Kyle Reese, Charlotte Gainsbourg as Kate Connor, Moon Bloodgood as Blair Williams, Common as Barnes, and Jadagrace as Star.

Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins is scheduled for a North American theatrical release May 22, 2009. Principal photography is taking place at the Albuquerque Studios and on location throughout New Mexico.

05-23-2008, 10:17 AM
So John sent Reese back in time to do him mom and make him.... WTF?

05-23-2008, 10:22 AM
Well he sent him back in time to protect her. He just happened to have SCORED on the job.

05-23-2008, 10:30 AM
Yea but then she became pregnant at the end when she is getting gas with the german shepard.. I know he knocked it out, but I was like, "WTF? Reese is his father? How did this happen?"

05-23-2008, 03:55 PM
damnnnnnnnnn t1 and t2 kicked ass. t3.... mehhhhh. t4, will def watch

07-13-2008, 11:10 AM
hopefully the movie will be decent. most of the crap I have seen and heard about the sets here in NM was just a bunch of exploding buildings and crap. I wish I would have taken my camera with me at work, passed a couple of sets when driving.

07-18-2008, 12:49 PM
Ok, now I'm convinced this movie is going to be BA!

Teaser Trailer!



And this dude is replacing Arnold as the T-800! He actually played Arnold in A&E's biopic See Arnold Run.
http://cache.viewimages.com/xc/782940.jpg?v=1&c=ViewImages&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF193875DCB1DD8387ABBC9B2EAE67A140716 284831B75F48EF45

07-18-2008, 01:37 PM
They have the opportunity to make this movie so fucking badass if they take the Rambo 4 approach to it.

If they do the Die Hard 4.0 it will mega fail

Man, I thought that 4.0 was the best Die Hard ever. Just for the fact, that something like that could happen.

07-18-2008, 01:53 PM
This better be the last effin terminator movie.

07-18-2008, 02:24 PM
They have been here in the Albuquerque area for at least three months I saw a few of the movie sets and they took alot of time on these sets, one was like a burnt out 7-11 and another was a power plant which looked rusted and something on a sandy desert hill (where local moto-x's ride) could'nt get close enough to tell what is was...

07-18-2008, 02:25 PM
Ok, now I'm convinced this movie is going to be BA!

Teaser Trailer!



And this dude is replacing Arnold as the T-800! He actually played Arnold in A&E's biopic See Arnold Run.
http://cache.viewimages.com/xc/782940.jpg?v=1&c=ViewImages&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF193875DCB1DD8387ABBC9B2EAE67A140716 284831B75F48EF45

What is up with his sagging man boobs?

07-18-2008, 02:29 PM
This better be the last effin terminator movie.

Nope they are rebutting the franchise. But it is set in the future. So it's like a whole different movie all together.

07-18-2008, 02:42 PM
The teaser that Exitspeed showed looks more like what I saw here in Town FYI Christian Bale will be back in town in Aug so I'm sure that are still doing some filming for that month...

07-29-2008, 07:56 AM

these are some of the new robots that we will see in the upcoming T4. they look pretty badass


Human Lab Rats
Humans are penned up in cages, for what we can assume from previous plot leaks are experiments. In the trailer, you can see one poor soul frantically climbing out of the pen with dozens of humans below. If you look directly over his shoulder you can see his robot prison guard, which up close looks like this...


T4 director McG has explained that he is interested in exploring the in between periods of Skynet's experimentation. McG called the T-600 a, "bigger, grimier, nastier version that preceded the T-800....they're easier to spot but they pack a mini gun and carry kick ass fire power. They're eight-foot tall killers that prowl the badlands looking for anything with a heartbeat to terminate." And from the looks of this giant with a cannon for an arm, this very well could be the T-600.


The Harvester
A giant metal hand breaks through the ceiling and pulls out this puny human. It doesn't appear that it wants to harm the human, but capture him. So it could be an easy guess that this is a first look at the "Harvesters" as McG calls them, or the robots that are sent out to collect human specimens for robots to run experiments on.


Here's a closer look at the Hydrobots that patrol the waters of our future. The crew spent some time filming inside water tanks so it should be interesting how much the Hydro bots are utilized

07-29-2008, 08:33 AM
The T-600 is a bad MF!

This movie is def. up there on my "can't wait to see" list.

09-11-2008, 08:25 AM
Arnold Most Likely In New Terminator

Reader Ballack sent me this picture of Arnold standing by Christian Bale. Long as this isn't a great Photoshop job, it means Arnold is involved in a limited capacity. This is ALL rumor for now until things are confirmed, but it's cool news nonetheless. There were reports that Arnold has a presence in the film, whether or not this was taken on set or at a lunch meeting, we don't know.

Ballack has more info on Arnold and T4. I'm not fixing his spelling because I hate right clicking. I don't know why he calls me Georgie but as long as he sends me pics and news he can call me Susan for all I care:

Hi Georgie,

Hope all is well. You never seemed to run with the email i sent you containing the Terminator 4 Salvation images which WB released a week later. [I never got that e-mail, I don't think -Ed.] Noneytheless, i've got a sneak peak for you which will make your day. Please find attached an Image of the Governator and John Connor meeting for the first time, yes it was on the set of T4.

I should make it clear, i have varous contacts in WB and from what i've been told the fans are in for a treat. The premise of Arnie's involvement is to have a fully rendered digital face of Arnie replacing the recently cast Roland Kickinger (The Younger version of Arnie). It seems the Director Mc G will in no doubt try all he can to ensure the Governator has some sort of involvement and as a result Arnold was on set providing key ADR (Voice over) for the visual effects guys to reference during post production. You have to remember, Arnold's commitments are preventing his return to the movie business and this seems the best logical way to ensure his involvement.

You may recall Christopher Lee's face being embossed on a stunt double in the Star Wars prequels?, imagine that with Arnold and you will get the picture. With ILM's best on the scene, it looks like Mc G is trying to get a head start on James Cameron's photo realistic stereoscopic camera systems.


The Dark Knight Meets Mr. Freeze - Movie News - Latest Movie Reviews and trailers (http://www.latinoreview.com/news/the-dark-knight-meets-mr-freeze-5357)

09-11-2008, 08:29 AM
Yo i thought the Governator wasn't allowed to act while in office???

boro otaku
09-11-2008, 08:35 AM
T3 was MEGA FAIL. i really hope they turn it around.
+1 Glad to see they went with a totally different timeline. They should call this one "part 3" also & just sneak away all copies of the old part 3. I'm sure nobody will care:naughty:

09-11-2008, 01:37 PM
Yo i thought the Governator wasn't allowed to act while in office???

not too sure of that but i read somewhere that he's gonna be making a cameo. I mean he did do Around the World in 80 Days with Jackie Chan while he was in office so i'm pretty sure he CAN act during his term. Just to clear the air they're not actually replacing the Governator in the movie the timeline is suppose to take place during the development of the t-101 model aka Arnold.

Anyways the movie looks great so far! Christian Bale sure has my vote :bigok:

09-11-2008, 03:15 PM
Governator in the movie the timeline is suppose to take place during the development of the t-101 model aka Arnold.

I'm pretty sure Arnold is actually a T-800 Model 101 Infiltrator lol

09-11-2008, 03:27 PM
indeed...with T2 :-/

heh! I am actually excited!

09-11-2008, 03:32 PM
not too sure of that but i read somewhere that he's gonna be making a cameo. I mean he did do Around the World in 80 Days with Jackie Chan while he was in office so i'm pretty sure he CAN act during his term. Just to clear the air they're not actually replacing the Governator in the movie the timeline is suppose to take place during the development of the t-101 model aka Arnold.

Anyways the movie looks great so far! Christian Bale sure has my vote :bigok:

I heard that he caught alot of shit for doing that 80 days movie and they said it would be his last while in office...

but it could've all been BS like 99.9 percent of shit they say..

12-10-2008, 10:16 AM
Terminator Salvation (Christian Bale, Common) [05.22.09] International Trailer


12-10-2008, 10:57 AM
I worked on this thing for like 2 months in New Mexico and a bunch of 2nd unit stuff (I'm a gun wrangler and coordinator).

I PROMISE you guys will have your mind bottled... There is going to be some badass shit in this movie. I get desensitized because I work on so many movies so when I see something get filmed that makes me go ... "holy....fuck!" ... that means its pretty sick.

12-10-2008, 03:58 PM


12-10-2008, 04:08 PM

02-03-2009, 09:55 AM
The Audio from Christian Bale's temper tantrum just came out:

Bale Went Ballistic - TMZ.com (http://www.tmz.com/2009/02/02/bale-went-ballistic/)

02-03-2009, 10:02 AM
who fucking cares! it happens man lol...

I cant blame him, ryan seacrest was making the hugest deal ever about this.

02-03-2009, 11:17 AM
Naw, Christian Bale was out of control.
Shane Hurlbut knows what he is doing.
He's not some new guy.
Studios dont give you multiple million dollar movies to shoot if your a fuck up.
Shane Hurlbut (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0403397/)

DP's constantly are moving around, looking at the lighting and shit. Its thier job.
And you dont treat other people on set like that.
Especially the people who are making you look good.
I know when i am in charge of lighting, and someone wants to be a prick to me, they get fucked hard.
Especially older women that have wrinkles.
Dont fuck with the guys controling the light ;)

02-03-2009, 11:21 AM
EVERYONE has a bad day. no surprise there. thats showbiz.

02-03-2009, 11:47 AM
hahah so fucking bad ass, i just hope he puts that kind of passion in the movie.

02-03-2009, 05:49 PM
This was a couple days after he "allegedly" beat up his sister and mom.

The tape was sent to the insurance company after they thought he would quit after that.

02-03-2009, 06:05 PM
He just yelled in like four different accents.

02-03-2009, 06:40 PM
He just yelled in like four different accents.

rofl yeah. He probably has to switch from American to British (or w/e the fuck he is) so much he can't control it when he's pissed.

02-03-2009, 09:15 PM
I liked T3... I hope T4 is sweeeeeet

02-03-2009, 09:16 PM
YouTube - Christian Bale Goes ApeSh#t on Terminator 4 set (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLXVuy0h29c)

I know the original version was posted but check out the REEEEEEEEEEmix!

YouTube - Bale Out - RevoLucian's Christian Bale Remix! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTihsJQHt48)

02-06-2009, 07:16 PM
Did anybody hear Christian Bale call Kroq this morning and apologize? (Local radio station in Los Angeles)

Check it out... KROQ FM-The World Famous KROQ (http://www.kroq.com/)
It's on the Home page...

03-03-2009, 10:52 PM
TERMINATOR SALVATION on Yahoo! Movies (http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/terminator-salvation.html)

Final trailer.

Looks good, hopefully it's better than pt. 3, because it ended after pt. 2 for me.


03-03-2009, 11:17 PM
Looks pretty fuckign epic to me.

If nothing else it will be something pretty to look at.

The 3rd one didn't really even have have any good special fx, it was just boring bad dialogue and 80's style gun battles.

03-04-2009, 07:05 AM
Holy bad ass!

03-04-2009, 07:14 AM
Fucking sweet!

03-04-2009, 08:52 AM
damn this movie is looking better and better!

03-04-2009, 09:30 AM
originally i was worried this was deviating too much from the future war scenes you see in t1/t2. but that trailer is really impressive. i think they did a good job and this movie is going to be awesome.

03-04-2009, 09:33 AM
I liked T3

Get out.

The trailer doesn't actually look too bad. Im getting excited now, looks like they can redeem themselves

imotion s14
03-04-2009, 09:33 AM
terminator bikes.. lol.

No Cameron. No Buy.

03-04-2009, 06:39 PM
The trailer looks really nice. The movie looks better than I expected and I will actually watch it.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Yrc5ULtKc0 :keke:

03-04-2009, 10:36 PM
Why the HELL would James Cameron attach himself to this BS? He hasn't done much for Hollywood since Titanic with the exception of throwing his name on the Solaris remake, and a bunch of IMAX docs.

Shit, if I were him I'd be doing the same thing too, doing cinematic equivalent of whatever the fuck I want (which is what he has been doing with IMAX and now Avatar). The guy is one of Hollywood's biggest asshole pricks ever, but he does his work clean and gets the job done, he doesn't need to make a sequel to a movie that failed before it.


terminator bikes.. lol.

No Cameron. No Buy.

03-07-2009, 02:34 AM
dammit...going to be out to sea yet again when all the good movies come out.....

this does look really good

imotion s14
03-14-2009, 10:37 AM
Why the HELL would James Cameron attach himself to this BS? He hasn't done much for Hollywood since Titanic with the exception of throwing his name on the Solaris remake, and a bunch of IMAX docs.

Shit, if I were him I'd be doing the same thing too, doing cinematic equivalent of whatever the fuck I want (which is what he has been doing with IMAX and now Avatar). The guy is one of Hollywood's biggest asshole pricks ever, but he does his work clean and gets the job done, he doesn't need to make a sequel to a movie that failed before it.


Whoa settle down hoss! I'm saying I'm not watching a non-Cameron helmed Terminator film. As far as I'm concerned, it ended with T2.

05-12-2009, 06:35 PM
FOUR MINUTES OF TERMINATOR SALVATION VIDEO | FilmDrunk.com - Movie News for Brilliant Simpletons (http://filmdrunk.uproxx.com/2009/05/four-minutes-of-termination)

05-12-2009, 06:47 PM
I can't believe it's almost out. I can't wait!

05-12-2009, 06:59 PM
its about time they make one about the future

05-12-2009, 07:14 PM
FOUR MINUTES OF TERMINATOR SALVATION VIDEO | FilmDrunk.com - Movie News for Brilliant Simpletons (http://filmdrunk.uproxx.com/2009/05/four-minutes-of-termination)


I'm definitely going to see this movie! I can't wait!

05-12-2009, 07:38 PM
its pg-13, ughh wtf.

05-12-2009, 07:53 PM
I watched that trailer. Good god this movie looks so good. I don't know what I'm looking forward to this or TF2 more.

05-12-2009, 08:10 PM
its pg-13, ughh wtf.

They said it plays like a 'hard' pg-13... which of course would've been an R 10 years ago...

I read somewhere that they tried to make it R rated, but the ratings system is so lax nowadays that they couldn't get an R without throughing in that would detract from the story, like gratuitous sex & even more f bombs...

I can't imagine anybody stopping to get poontang while you're on the run for 70 ft tall terminators...

05-12-2009, 09:16 PM
I suspect they wanted it PG-13 because it helps move toy sales and other merchandise aimed towards children.

05-13-2009, 01:05 AM
This was a couple days after he "allegedly" beat up his sister and mom.

Shit's unforgiveable.

He's a badass actor though.

05-13-2009, 01:13 AM
Movie looks dope i will be going to see this.

agreed he is a good actor but i dont really care what he did. Yea its bad, whatever, i just whatch his movies i dont keep up with all the hype bullshit.

05-14-2009, 05:01 PM
Got an E-mail from Pizza Hut today with an exclusive scene in it with the harvester.

check it out!

Terminator Salvation (http://www.pizzahut.com/terminatorsalvation/?WT.mc_id=05012009TermiantorExclusiveFootageEmail_ WatchNow)

05-15-2009, 06:30 AM
Got an E-mail from Pizza Hut today with an exclusive scene in it with the harvester.

check it out!

Terminator Salvation (http://www.pizzahut.com/terminatorsalvation/?WT.mc_id=05012009TermiantorExclusiveFootageEmail_ WatchNow)

That was a cool clip. I like the behind the scenes stuff.

05-16-2009, 12:40 AM
YouTube - The Terminator: James Cameron's Future War (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7nq-r7QWW0)

i'm psyched for t4, but this made me sad for what t4 could have been, and probably should have been.

prypiat/chernobyl type scenery is appropriate for a localized nuclear incident. i think cameron's vision of the future is far better for widespread mass nuclear attack and subsequent nuclear winter, a pretty big distinguishing factor from prypiat. oh well.

05-16-2009, 04:49 PM
You have to realize that's it's only 2018. I'm sure the landscape will look alot worse by 2029.

Found some pics of the new Terminators.

05-16-2009, 06:36 PM
You have to realize that's it's only 2018. I'm sure the landscape will look alot worse by 2029.

that might be a nice ret-con explanation, but nuclear winter is nuclear winter. if anything it makes more sense for it to look worse in the early years, and better in the later years.

Nuclear winter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_winter)

irrelevant anyway, we all know the reason it looks the way it does is because the new production team didn't want to rehash old territory, and looked to prypiat for inspiration.

05-17-2009, 12:50 AM
that might be a nice ret-con explanation, but nuclear winter is nuclear winter. if anything it makes more sense for it to look worse in the early years, and better in the later years.

Nuclear winter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_winter)

irrelevant anyway, we all know the reason it looks the way it does is because the new production team didn't want to rehash old territory, and looked to prypiat for inspiration.

And for me it makes more sense that surrounding structures and enviroment would become more destroyed due to constant fire fights. Just look at the footage you yourself supplied. Nothing but redistribution of rubble due to explosions.

05-17-2009, 08:32 AM
its pg-13, ughh wtf.

Although our pg-13 is much different than pg-13 of 10 yrs ago. I do agree with you. I want gore and violence like T1 and T2, none of this pg-13 nonsense.

05-17-2009, 08:40 AM
Non of this makes me less excited. I'm going to buy VIP tickets for the Ultra Screen today for Thursdays show.

05-21-2009, 12:30 AM
Just got back from late night screening its AIGHT.

05-21-2009, 05:33 AM
Yeah just got back back from it too..... I like it, worth the the ticket for a good time but not going to win the best movie of the year.

05-21-2009, 08:18 AM
Havent seen it, wont be showing out here in Okinawa for a couple more weeks. But I'm hearing stories about it not that much more better than T3, any truth to this??? T3 fucking sucked big donkey balls...

05-21-2009, 01:21 PM
saw it last night at 12:01... i thought it was badass. and thats not bc i had a bit of a buz goin from drinking with my boys before the show

05-21-2009, 03:49 PM
I'm not sure if this was mentioned already, but do you guys know this is part 1 of a trilogy ?

It pretty much makes sense....there were three occurrences where three different terminators seeked to destroy links to the Resistance.

This current movie introduces the T-800, so there is bound to be another movie that introduces the T-1000 and possibly the T-X.

05-21-2009, 04:35 PM
Yeah, they left it open for more. I was expecting to see more badass terminators, but I was disappointed. Other then that, I liked it. And I like the sound that huge ass thing made when it started snatching up people. I want that as my ring tone lol.

05-21-2009, 05:57 PM
I saw the midnight showing of it, I thought it was awesome.

05-21-2009, 06:06 PM
yeah it was alright,

05-21-2009, 06:18 PM
i need to go watch this tonight

05-21-2009, 10:29 PM
Just saw it. Better than 3. Much less than the first two. SPOILER Cgi arnold was rad. SPOILER Waiting for star trek to start. Stealing a double feature is rad.

Christian bale is a bitch, by the way. Such a piece of shit.

05-21-2009, 10:44 PM
I liked the movie but I expected more action between the resistance and the machines. I liked how Marcus stole the show and was pretty much the lead actor. I think it was well worth the wait.

05-21-2009, 11:57 PM
Worst part of the movie for me was the CG Arnold. I thought that was cheesy.

Over-all I liked it better then 3 but it wasn't as good as the firs two.

Star Trek was way better.

05-22-2009, 01:04 AM
^+1, star trek was infinitely better. like, i'll probably watch star trek again. but for me, Terminator ends at 2. 4 edged out 3 just barely. and that's saying pretty much nothing.

05-22-2009, 01:10 AM
I wonder if arnold is going to be in this movie, that would be a cool surprise... oh wait nevermind.

thx guys. =(

lol i'm just saying.

05-22-2009, 01:13 AM
i was going to greytext mine but i didn't feel like doing it via phone

i'll do it now

05-22-2009, 03:30 AM
felt like i was watching Batman the whole time.

but i liked it. nice action scenes and shit.

05-22-2009, 08:33 AM
felt like i was watching Batman the whole time.

Yeah I'm not a fan of him is John Connor. I hate his voice. I thought it sucked in Batman but accepted it because he was only doing it as Batman and was trying to have a fearful voice. But as John Connor it sucked.

05-22-2009, 04:57 PM
Yeah I'm not a fan of him is John Connor. I hate his voice. I thought it sucked in Batman but accepted it because he was only doing it as Batman and was trying to have a fearful voice. But as John Connor it sucked.

He didn't disguise his voice like his does when dawning the bat suit. I thought he voice was just fine. Anywho....

I just got back from the movie and its OK. I was hoping for more action, but this movie is a definite story builder for a sequel. I like some of the subtle ties to the previous movies. If you follow the storyline then you will like this movie.

I hope the next movie will be 'darker' and more action packed.

I agree that Marcus stole the movie and the trailer already spoiled the movie for me about this character. :keke:


I thought the CG Arnold was pretty cool!


05-22-2009, 05:57 PM
He didn't disguise his voice like his does when dawning the bat suit. I thought he voice was just fine. Anywho....

Not in every scene he didn 't but in a quit a few he did.

05-23-2009, 12:57 PM
just saw it. that shit was absolutely terrible.


how to escape a t-800 bent on killing you - jump through a hole in the wall down to a lower platform. the t800 will not follow; he likes the elevator. just kidding. he tricked you.

efficient terminators don't crush the life out of people when they have them in reach. instead, they throw them, giving their prey large openings for escape and attack.

efficient terminators don't simply crush your neck when they are holding you by the throat. instead, they will lift you off the ground and strangle you to death, giving other characters time to intervene.

giant flying hovercraft (with their insanely loud turbines) that deploy giant fighting robots (with giant thundering footsteps) can easily sneak up on you, even in a flat open desert with no cover for approach.

skynet doesn't directly interface with its terminators. it talks to them instead, via a giant talking head of person they are comfortable or familiar with, so the faux terminator can make a moral choice for the benefit of the audience. skynet can take him offline to fix him, but can't take him offline to prevent him from intervening in anything. because skynet is a strong proponent of free will.

it's not okay to attack a compound en masse when it has hundreds if not thousands of prisoners, but it's okay to nuke the entire compound when you've only saved 50 people or so.

the ONE thing that could have saved this movie for me would be a good battle sequence. that is what we've been primed for since seeing the guerilla warfare in t1 and open warfare in the opening of t2. and of course, it was completely absent. unbelievable.

imotion s14
05-23-2009, 01:19 PM
just saw it. that shit was absolutely terrible.


how to escape a t-800 bent on killing you - jump through a hole in the wall down to a lower platform. the t800 will not follow; he likes the elevator. just kidding. he tricked you.

efficient terminators don't crush the life out of people when they have them in reach. instead, they throw them, giving their prey large openings for escape and attack.

efficient terminators don't simply crush your neck when they are holding you by the throat. instead, they will lift you off the ground and strangle you to death, giving other characters time to intervene.

giant flying hovercraft (with their insanely loud turbines) that deploy giant fighting robots (with giant thundering footsteps) can easily sneak up on you, even in a flat open desert with no cover for approach.

skynet doesn't directly interface with its terminators. it talks to them instead, via a giant talking head of person they are comfortable or familiar with, so the faux terminator can make a moral choice for the benefit of the audience. skynet can take him offline to fix him, but can't take him offline to prevent him from intervening in anything. because skynet is a strong proponent of free will.

it's not okay to attack a compound en masse when it has hundreds if not thousands of prisoners, but it's okay to nuke the entire compound when you've only saved 50 people or so.

the ONE thing that could have saved this movie for me would be a good battle sequence. that is what we've been primed for since seeing the guerilla warfare in t1 and open warfare in the opening of t2. and of course, it was completely absent. unbelievable.

Nailed it. Any true Terminator fan would sit this one out or have their childhood raped by a creatively bankrupted Hollywood.

05-24-2009, 11:17 PM
just saw it. that shit was absolutely terrible.


how to escape a t-800 bent on killing you - jump through a hole in the wall down to a lower platform. the t800 will not follow; he likes the elevator. just kidding. he tricked you.

efficient terminators don't crush the life out of people when they have them in reach. instead, they throw them, giving their prey large openings for escape and attack.

efficient terminators don't simply crush your neck when they are holding you by the throat. instead, they will lift you off the ground and strangle you to death, giving other characters time to intervene.

giant flying hovercraft (with their insanely loud turbines) that deploy giant fighting robots (with giant thundering footsteps) can easily sneak up on you, even in a flat open desert with no cover for approach.

skynet doesn't directly interface with its terminators. it talks to them instead, via a giant talking head of person they are comfortable or familiar with, so the faux terminator can make a moral choice for the benefit of the audience. skynet can take him offline to fix him, but can't take him offline to prevent him from intervening in anything. because skynet is a strong proponent of free will.

it's not okay to attack a compound en masse when it has hundreds if not thousands of prisoners, but it's okay to nuke the entire compound when you've only saved 50 people or so.

the ONE thing that could have saved this movie for me would be a good battle sequence. that is what we've been primed for since seeing the guerilla warfare in t1 and open warfare in the opening of t2. and of course, it was completely absent. unbelievable.

agreed... there was nothing... a massive attack on skynet looked like 4 chopers flying in... "get to the transports".. yeah I'm in a base half the size of sanfransico.. with terminators all over it... 50 people are gonna find those "transports". Was lame... for as cool as the mototerminators were. They were totally ineffective. Like 3 were in the movie and only got off like 1 shot.

I'd give it a "b-". was no star trek. better than 3 but not better than 1 or 2. Another "sequel"

05-25-2009, 01:59 AM
saw this movie over the weekend.
honestly i didn't have high expectations for an action flick w/ a PG-13 rating,
so i couldn't say i was disappointed.

it's a not bad film to watch for the special effects.
cgi was fun to watch.
sound effects were awesome.
cinematography wasn't bad.
I really like art direction as far as how the robots were designed.
kinda just ate popcorn and didn't pay much attention to the details.

acting/plot/script drama element is kinda flat, but not annoying either (like transformers w/ shia la douche).
think christian bale wasn't really suitable for this role.
he might as well not even be in the film, and i wouldn't have even noticed the difference.
would have been nice to see more 'arnold', even if cgi faux arnold.

I hadn't though that there wasn't enough 'war scenes', but I do agree it would have been a better flick if was a more of a war film with even more special effects and less of the drama.

think i prefer T2>T1>T3>T4.
they need to throw arnold back in there.

overall i give it a C.

05-25-2009, 08:31 PM
got some questions thats going around on a local forum....

so how does skynet know about kyle reese?
what will happen to everyone if he is killed anyway?

05-25-2009, 08:52 PM
just saw it. that shit was absolutely terrible.


how to escape a t-800 bent on killing you - jump through a hole in the wall down to a lower platform. the t800 will not follow; he likes the elevator. just kidding. he tricked you.

efficient terminators don't crush the life out of people when they have them in reach. instead, they throw them, giving their prey large openings for escape and attack.

efficient terminators don't simply crush your neck when they are holding you by the throat. instead, they will lift you off the ground and strangle you to death, giving other characters time to intervene.

giant flying hovercraft (with their insanely loud turbines) that deploy giant fighting robots (with giant thundering footsteps) can easily sneak up on you, even in a flat open desert with no cover for approach.

skynet doesn't directly interface with its terminators. it talks to them instead, via a giant talking head of person they are comfortable or familiar with, so the faux terminator can make a moral choice for the benefit of the audience. skynet can take him offline to fix him, but can't take him offline to prevent him from intervening in anything. because skynet is a strong proponent of free will.

it's not okay to attack a compound en masse when it has hundreds if not thousands of prisoners, but it's okay to nuke the entire compound when you've only saved 50 people or so.

the ONE thing that could have saved this movie for me would be a good battle sequence. that is what we've been primed for since seeing the guerilla warfare in t1 and open warfare in the opening of t2. and of course, it was completely absent. unbelievable.

wow. these are all dead-on, and i was thinking similarly the whole time.

-when the t-800 is beating the shit out of john connor early on after the helicopter crash, it grabs him, and i'm like "oh shit, it'll kill him instantly", which is what it should have done, being a machine. instead, it fucking throws him. and then when that doesn't work... it fucking throws him again. instead of just crushing him.
-the part where marla singer's head is chatting it up with the one terminator dude. what the fuck is that.
-the most retarded part of the whole movie though is when JC (just like Jesus Christ, LOL) hacks the goddamn motorcycle robot and then rides it. why would a robot have handlebars or even the right shape for a human to hop on back?
-the ONLY thing that could have saved this movie would be, if during any of the multiple times JC uses his Sidekick to hack something, he would have said "EAAASY MONEY".

05-25-2009, 09:35 PM
try following the advice from a friend of mine by not thinking about the movie too much since it will only cause to you become enraged and cause bodily harm to yourself

it disappointing to me that none of the characters really had any time to develop their characters.. i think the director tried to cram too many ideas into such a limited amount of time, that no one got anything going

conner was/is suppose to be badass soldier, but all he does in the movie yell and gives out orders. he might as well have stayed in the submarine and give orders out like the rest of those other high ranking officials. his wife, 2nd in command, wasn't as expected either (i know she's pregnant and all) all she did was play caregiver and stand by her husband's side. common played his typical role as a guy who just wants blood and doesn't think like in Wanted.

kyle reese had more fight in him than john conner and at least both him and marcus wright (sam worthington) displayed some form of decent acting and made their characters have at least a a purpose in the movie.

05-25-2009, 09:40 PM
got some questions thats going around on a local forum....

so how does skynet know about kyle reese?
what will happen to everyone if he is killed anyway?

If Kyle Reese dies, John Connor won't exist because he's his dad...

If John Connor isn't around, he won't be able to "tell the coming of the machines" to the survivors of judgement day.

Where have you been for the past 3 movies dude?

Here is a pretty interesting article from an "insider"


05-25-2009, 09:59 PM
If Kyle Reese dies, John Connor won't exist because he's his dad...

If John Connor isn't around, he won't be able to "tell the coming of the machines" to the survivors of judgement day.

Where have you been for the past 3 movies dude?

Here is a pretty interesting article from an "insider"


wow. read that link. sucks how they changed alot of things!

but from what i was talking about, john connor already exists, he already knew about judgement day. so how would saving the kyle reese from the regular time do any good for the regular time that everyone is in?

05-25-2009, 10:05 PM
oh yeah, why do the battle sequences look so incredibly different from what we saw in t1 and t2? should have been a bunch of scraggly rambo looking motherfuckers shooting lasers at marching t-800's.

05-25-2009, 10:07 PM
-when the t-800 is beating the shit out of john connor early on after the helicopter crash, it grabs him, and i'm like "oh shit, it'll kill him instantly", which is what it should have done, being a machine. instead, it fucking throws him. and then when that doesn't work... it fucking throws him again. instead of just crushing him.

It was a T-600, therefore inefficient compared to the T-800. The CPU didn't know what tactics to employ. :keke:

Here is a pretty interesting article from an "insider"


That is a good read. This whole time I was thinking it was copyright and licensing issues that caused the script to be "rushed".

wow. read that link. sucks how they changed alot of things!

but from what i was talking about, john connor already exists, he already knew about judgment day. so how would saving the kyle reese from the regular time do any good for the regular time that everyone is in?

lol...man you really don't follow this story huh?

John Connor knows Kyle Reese is his dad and he knows that he must send him back to the past if he wants to live.

If he was killed as a kid, then the future would be completely rewritten and the humans have no chance of survival.

The future was written only once (so far) in T3 when Judgment Day was delayed for 10 years.

oh yeah, why do the battle sequences look so incredibly different from what we saw in t1 and t2? should have been a bunch of scraggly rambo looking motherfuckers shooting lasers at marching t-800's.

Different director, different vision. The director for T1 and T2 (James Cameron) pretty much set the bar.

05-25-2009, 10:13 PM
Here is a pretty interesting article from an "insider"


wow i just read half of that article and it seems like Bale fucked the whole script up because he wanted to play John Conner. script sounded pretty good, but the entire thing had to be modified on short notice to "accomodate" Bale's ego of playing the main character of the movie. and no one on the set had the balls to tell Bale off, since he's such hotshit after making Darkknight. seems the script was better and focused on different things like life after mass nuking, but had to be rearranged to give bale more screentime.

FUCK Christian Bale. :madfawk:

the original R rating with some softcore porno scenes performed by moon bloodgood and sam worthington would have at least made this movie a bit more bearable. weird consider she'd be riding his mechanical penis.

05-25-2009, 10:18 PM
oh yeah, why do the battle sequences look so incredibly different from what we saw in t1 and t2? should have been a bunch of scraggly rambo looking motherfuckers shooting lasers at marching t-800's.

because this is early parts of war. t800 shouldn't have been created for a couple more years, but skynet was able to bring them out earlier than expected.

maybe the 2nd or 3rd one of these 3 new movies will have a much more darker tone with more t800s with plasma rifles just as those flashblacks from t1 and t2. at least we know how john conner got those scars from those old flashbacks.

i have a hardtime figuring out how the resistance will take out T-1000s in the future. they would murder everything, but my friend said in one of the books that it takes skynet such as vast amount of resources to build a t1000 that they only made one and used it in t2 already.

05-26-2009, 12:47 AM
very cool link. i wonder, why try to rework a shitty script? just scrap it and write something new. they should let me do it. :D

seems the script was better and focused on different things like life after mass nuking, but had to be rearranged to give bale more screentime.

FUCK Christian Bale.

finish reading the article. "salvation" meant that skynet was actually saving humans by capturing them and putting them in a beach resort. no, i'm not joking. while the changes did kind of make the film unfocused, don't doubt for a second that the original script was garbage (just reworked into other garbage).

i have a hardtime figuring out how the resistance will take out T-1000s in the future. they would murder everything, but my friend said in one of the books that it takes skynet such as vast amount of resources to build a t1000 that they only made one and used it in t2 already.

yes. read the novelization of terminator 2. the future sequence is basically like the first quarter of the book. it has elements not seen anywhere else. sarah connor's death in the future, leading a resistance convoy. final battle storming skynet's base in the mountains. description of the time displacement stuff. sending kyle back. john revealing to tech-com troops that kyle is his dad. john selecting the t800 to go back in time to fight the t-1000.

because this is early parts of war. t800 shouldn't have been created for a couple more years, but skynet was able to bring them out earlier than expected.

more than a few years. its literally a decade early. reese says they are new in t1, and he's just arrived from 2029. having them come out in 2018 pretty much means anything goes in this new franchise. not that it matters, because it seems new terminator is dead on arrival at this point.

so how does skynet know about kyle reese?

this is completely unanswered in the film, and a huge plot hole. the only person who should know this is john, and probably kate brewster.

05-26-2009, 03:11 AM


the D-100000000000000000000000000000000000000

05-26-2009, 03:29 AM
lol...man you really don't follow this story huh?

John Connor knows Kyle Reese is his dad and he knows that he must send him back to the past if he wants to live.

If he was killed as a kid, then the future would be completely rewritten and the humans have no chance of survival.

The future was written only once (so far) in T3 when Judgment Day was delayed for 10 years.

see the part thats confusing me is how time will be rewritten. so the john conner of the future will suddenly die if kyle is killed? will he magically vanish? fawk man. if someone answers another one of my questions and i still dont get it, im just gonna do what someone else suggested a few posts earlier. just dont think so hard. lol

05-28-2009, 09:42 AM
I gotta see this shit what the fuck....

05-28-2009, 09:50 AM
danmm i never noticed this thread.. lol...

i cant wait to go see it..

05-28-2009, 11:04 AM
well you should definitely see it either in the cinema or at least with a decent home theater setup.
Sounds effects are amazing imo.

05-28-2009, 11:26 AM
well you should definitely see it either in the cinema or at least with a decent home theater setup.
Sounds effects are amazing imo.

Yeah, this is pretty much the only reason I still go to the movie theatres.

I'm over the hype of seeing a movie, because it JUST came out.

05-28-2009, 01:14 PM
wow. these are all dead-on, and i was thinking similarly the whole time.

-when the t-800 is beating the shit out of john connor early on after the helicopter crash, it grabs him, and i'm like "oh shit, it'll kill him instantly", which is what it should have done, being a machine. instead, it fucking throws him. and then when that doesn't work... it fucking throws him again. instead of just crushing him.
-the part where marla singer's head is chatting it up with the one terminator dude. what the fuck is that.
-the most retarded part of the whole movie though is when JC (just like Jesus Christ, LOL) hacks the goddamn motorcycle robot and then rides it. why would a robot have handlebars or even the right shape for a human to hop on back?
-the ONLY thing that could have saved this movie would be, if during any of the multiple times JC uses his Sidekick to hack something, he would have said "EAAASY MONEY".

Oh come off it. If anything it was a throw back to the first two, the Terminators would just throw people around even the T-1000, although he was the most efficient of them all.

The theater I saw it at has incredible sound and for what it was I loved it. I'll take some robot mayhem over gay pirate or wizard movies any day.

05-28-2009, 01:16 PM
Just saw it last night... So thoroughly disappointing. The trailers revealed entirely too much. They shouldn't have revealed Marcus to be a Terminator in the commercials and they should have wait until later in the movie to reveal it.

As Aznpoopy listed all the stuff I thought was stupid about the movie. There weren't any really cool dramatic moments like in T2. Very underwhelming, IMO.

Sarah Conner Chronicles has a cooler storyline than this movie. Between this movie and Wolverine, the summer blockbuster season has been very wack so far.

05-28-2009, 04:23 PM

Sarah Conner Chronicles has a cooler storyline than this movie. \

Seriously. It sucks we're gonna see a sequel to this movie but SCC is canceled. I'd rather not see a Terminator movie for another 10 years and keep SCC around for another 3-4 seasons.

05-28-2009, 05:30 PM
Seriously. It sucks we're gonna see a sequel to this movie but SCC is canceled. I'd rather not see a Terminator movie for another 10 years and keep SCC around for another 3-4 seasons.

I second that motion. SCC has left me with sooooo many unanswered questions. It seems they will never be answered since the show and the new trilogy aren't supposed to exactly line up.

05-28-2009, 06:25 PM
Seriously. It sucks we're gonna see a sequel to this movie but SCC is canceled. I'd rather not see a Terminator movie for another 10 years and keep SCC around for another 3-4 seasons.

I'll agree it's a shame the TV series was canceled.

Don't see how another film sequel could necessarily be a bad thing,
unless somehow you already have the script & know who's working on it.

Salvation isn't doing too well at the box office right now.
I think that should be sufficient incentive for the studios to take a diff approach.

It's still a very marketable franchise, so I doubt it would be abandoned entirely.
I have faith with a good director, good script, replacing that actor who played John Connor, removing the PG-13 rating, it can have enormous potential.
That actor (sorry I forget his name) isn't a bad actor, he's just miscast terribly.

There is one particular redeemable quality to Salvation (and T3).
Not a whole lot happened in either sequel.
None of the major good guys was killed, and Skynet is still around.
None of the main plot lines was really jeopardized.
It's not inconceivable that James Cameron could step right in & make up for it with a great T5.

You could probably watch T1, T2, straight to T5, and not miss anything important.
T3 & T4 were written in a conservative, open ended way that would set itself up for another sequel.
Way I see it, there's no harm done in T3 & T4 unless the studios decide to abandon the franchise completely b/c of the $ they lost.

That aside, I think Hollywood today just isn't all that great at making intense action films.
Just doesn't quite hit the spot as 90's directors Cameron & Micheal Mann (NOT to be confused with Michael Bay!!!).
Studios are prob too greedy trying to capitalize on a larger demographic and do PG-13 with everything.

05-29-2009, 03:25 PM
Why does John Connor not recognize the T-800 and was surprised by the Cyberntic organisms?

Arnold was a Cybernetic T-800 and he spent plenty of time with him in his childhood.


05-30-2009, 10:51 AM
They weren't supposed to have the T-800 built yet.

That's what the big surprise was.

05-30-2009, 11:34 AM
John Connor already exists. Killing Kyle Reese would just cause an alternate reality.


05-30-2009, 05:42 PM
Well it's sorta of a gamble you don't want to take, if you were john.
If Kyle wasn't there to bone John's mom, there's a real possibility he wouldn't exist.
There's a real possibility John (and the reality that is, b/c of his existence) would vanish into thin air, if Kyle were to be killed.

The way I saw the film, was that John was trying to cover his own ass by saving Kyle.

05-30-2009, 05:47 PM
Why does John Connor not recognize the T-800 and was surprised by the Cyberntic organisms?

Arnold was a Cybernetic T-800 and he spent plenty of time with him in his childhood.


I think he did, & that's why he was so horrified know well what Arnold was capable of.
he's prob also aware that the t-800's programming has be hacked to be on friendly terms with him.
it's not like the t-800 is pre-programmed from Skynet to say hi & shake your hand.

05-30-2009, 06:12 PM
Well it's sorta of a gamble you don't want to take, if you were john.
If Kyle wasn't there to bone John's mom, there's a real possibility he wouldn't exist.
There's a real possibility John (and the reality that is, b/c of his existence) would vanish into thin air, if Kyle were to be killed.

The way I saw the film, was that John was trying to cover his own ass by saving Kyle.

Yeah kinda the idea like Back to the Future.

05-30-2009, 08:20 PM
Oh come off it. If anything it was a throw back to the first two, the Terminators would just throw people around even the T-1000, although he was the most efficient of them all.

t1: first guy who dies gets a PUNCH that goes straight through his gut. arnold then rips his hand out and its a giant bloody mess.

t2: t800 throws people around to incapacitate/disable them, not kill. if t4 is a throw back to this, then mcG and company completely forgot the t800 in t2 was not trying to kill anyone, and was later hamstrung by a no-kill command from john.

as for the t1000, he does not throw people around at all... he stabs them. when the t1000 goes after john, it's either guns (mall shootout), run him over with a giant fucking truck, stabbing shit (elevator scene) or blunt force (hook hands when he's on the back of the car).

the terminators were tossing each other around alot, because typical shit that owns people doesn't work on terminators.

in t2, cameron was smart enough not to have the t1000 pick up john and then toss him somewhere, because the audience would immediately notice how incredibly stupid that would be considering the t1000's general killing repertoire.

likewise in t1, there is not one instance of arnold picking sarah up and tossing her anywhere. nor does he do that to kyle. the most non lethal thing he did was a giant backhand to the face, whereupon he immediately bends down next to kyle presumably to crush the life out of him with his hand. which is the same thing he does at the very end when sarah has him in the press.

there's no question about it... t4 is the anomaly here when it comes to terminator behavior.

05-30-2009, 11:46 PM
John Connor already exists. Killing Kyle Reese would just cause an alternate reality.


Seriously, what kind of nerds are you? If you've watched any Star Trek TNG or Stargate SG-1 you'd know all about alternate realities and time travel lol.

05-30-2009, 11:50 PM
t1: first guy who dies gets a PUNCH that goes straight through his gut. arnold then rips his hand out and its a giant bloody mess.

t2: t800 throws people around to incapacitate/disable them, not kill. if t4 is a throw back to this, then mcG and company completely forgot the t800 in t2 was not trying to kill anyone, and was later hamstrung by a no-kill command from john.

as for the t1000, he does not throw people around at all... he stabs them. when the t1000 goes after john, it's either guns (mall shootout), run him over with a giant fucking truck, stabbing shit (elevator scene) or blunt force (hook hands when he's on the back of the car).

the terminators were tossing each other around alot, because typical shit that owns people doesn't work on terminators.

in t2, cameron was smart enough not to have the t1000 pick up john and then toss him somewhere, because the audience would immediately notice how incredibly stupid that would be considering the t1000's general killing repertoire.

likewise in t1, there is not one instance of arnold picking sarah up and tossing her anywhere. nor does he do that to kyle. the most non lethal thing he did was a giant backhand to the face, whereupon he immediately bends down next to kyle presumably to crush the life out of him with his hand. which is the same thing he does at the very end when sarah has him in the press.

there's no question about it... t4 is the anomaly here when it comes to terminator behavior.

Could it be that this movie is a prequel and the machines haven't perfected the killing techniques yet? In T2 the T800 said it was a "learning" machine or something like that. You can tell or show someone how to kill something but until you actually do it you will never know the small details that it takes to bring down another life.

05-30-2009, 11:55 PM
my roommates rented the terminator salvation video game, that shit looks awesome on ps3.

05-31-2009, 08:49 AM
I just saw it...its okay...lots of holes in the plot.

Only thing I fucking appreciated was...anybody else realized they were using alot of music from the first 2 Terminator movies? Only reason I noticed it because I actually like the sound track for T2 when I was growing up and remembered most of the songs when they started playing. Guns N Roses' "You Could Be Mine" was one of those songs that played when John Connor jumped on the Terminator Motorcycle.

05-31-2009, 09:21 AM
Could it be that this movie is a prequel and the machines haven't perfected the killing techniques yet? In T2 the T800 said it was a "learning" machine or something like that. You can tell or show someone how to kill something but until you actually do it you will never know the small details that it takes to bring down another life.

I'm pretty sure they know the anatomy of humans if they were in existence before judgement day.

05-31-2009, 09:31 AM
i just saw it last night and loved it!!!

06-02-2009, 12:00 AM
I saw it the other day. It was pretty sick. The only thing that I got lost at was, what happened to the signal they were supposed to have that shut all the machines down. I never saw them use it in the final battle and then all of a sudden they talk about fighting on still at the end

06-02-2009, 12:05 AM
I'm pretty sure they know the anatomy of humans if they were in existence before judgement day.

Knowing how to tear someone apart is a lot different than actually doing it.

Anywho, just saw the movie. I liked it and I was entertained. Arnold was a nice touch.

06-02-2009, 12:32 AM
you can try to come up with a rational explanation for every single plot hole in the movie.

but at the end of the day, the fact that you have to do so just supports the conclusion that the movie was really dumb.

06-02-2009, 08:11 AM
you can try to come up with a rational explanation for every single plot hole in the movie.

but at the end of the day, the fact that you have to do so just supports the conclusion that the movie was really dumb.

ooooooooh ahhhhhh it's just a movie, get over it. :fawk: Let it go. Besides I think I hear your mom calling you to dinner. Hurry up junior.

08-07-2009, 12:33 PM
This is good news IMO. At least he knows he fucked up.

IGN: McG Talks T5 (http://movies.ign.com/articles/101/1011868p1.html)

08-07-2009, 01:05 PM
if they can get a good script from the start (which it sounds like they do this time), it i'm sure it'll be awesome. no more re-write while filming b.s.

also good that he's paying attention to all the negative fan reaction.

tons of talent already there, assuming all the actors come back.

08-07-2009, 01:07 PM
no more re-write while filming b.s.


I am really tired of Bale though. I'd rather have the other dude play Connor. That would be awkward.