View Full Version : Wangan Midnight or Initial D

02-26-2008, 01:47 AM
posting this thread makes me feel like a nerd but if anyone out there is caught up on the manga or anime which do u prefer?

i like wangan alot because before touge vids when i was a kid i used to watch shuto videos and movies like shutokosokou trials and i was in awe haha

i like Initial D because freshman and sophomore year that was pretty much the only thing on my mind...other than getting a 180 = )

those arent valid reasons haha just opinion what's yours?:hug:

02-26-2008, 01:54 AM
i love initial D because freshman/sopho in college 2001, that's all i watched and it sparked my interest for cars! I am going to follow up on that wangan anime you speak of

02-26-2008, 02:57 AM
I think I've seen like 1 episode of wangan midnight. IMO, the animation is probably 10x better than Initial D, but I prefer Initial D's storyline.

anyone see the Initial D movie that they made like last year or so? IT SUCKED! total disappointment, lol...

Omarius Maximus
02-26-2008, 02:59 AM
The only thing I like about wangan midnight is that it reminds me of 80's japan for some reason. Otherwise, Initial D is the better anime, with a coherent and at least mildly entertaining plot.

02-26-2008, 03:04 AM
I think I've seen like 1 episode of wangan midnight. IMO, the animation is probably 10x better than Initial D, but I prefer Initial D's storyline.

anyone see the Initial D movie that they made like last year or so? IT SUCKED! total disappointment, lol...

I tried watch wangan, but couldn't get into it as much as initial d. Also 4th stage initial d and wangan are the same animation comapany so idk what you're talking about. The older initial d series is dated though.

The only thing I like about wangan midnight is that it reminds me of 80's japan for some reason. Otherwise, Initial D is the better anime, with a coherent and at least mildly entertaining plot.

It reminds you of 80's japan because that's when the manga was originally written, they're both really old series, but initial d is still SLOWLY coming out with new mangas last I heard.

02-26-2008, 04:43 AM
both of them are good...but for wangan can't get into it since i can't find any subbed eps anymore...i mean the first 6 eps was fun since i can understand it haha

02-26-2008, 05:05 AM
like Initial D because when I sold my green two tone Silvia the Japanese kid kept saying Initial D over and over...had no clue what he was so fired up about...

he paid me, then I found out what the hell he was talking about...probably could have gotten more for the car had I known.... :(

after that I started watching it on TV

02-26-2008, 06:03 AM
Initial D is cool and all but I've come to prefer Wangan Midnight even more.

02-26-2008, 06:23 AM



the story line is better.

the concept is better.

i can't sit through initial d.

02-26-2008, 06:41 AM
not a big anime guy but i have seen initial d and liked it...might have to check out wangan midnight

Dirty Habit
02-26-2008, 07:07 AM



the story line is better.

the concept is better.

i can't sit through initial d.

That about sums up my thoughts too. :bigok:

02-26-2008, 09:38 AM
I think Initial d drew me more into the story and wanted me to keep watching what happens in the next episode, along with the cool songs it was pretty exciting. I remember watching it back in 2001 on DVD from a friend during my first year of college, I stayed up all night trying to finish watching them all since she had all 3 stages.
I watched a little of Wangan(first 6 subbed episodes), it was alright to me, but I couldn't really get into it as much as I did with initial d.
The Initial D movie was pretty good, I didn't like it at first, but I watched it again with better subs and I know some cantonese, which made it a little better to understand the jokes and not just go by what they translated it as. It's entertaining, just like how F&F is just for entertainment too.

02-26-2008, 10:20 AM
I like both, but i am going to have to go with Wangan. The reason being that to me the storyline is way better.

Dirty Habit
02-26-2008, 10:23 AM
Seriously, a Devil Datsun over a tofu delivery car. COME ON PEOPLE!?

02-26-2008, 10:51 AM
I think Initial D does a better job of sucking you into the story. More characters and better development imo. S30 is cool but it's hard for me to fully sympathize with the main character. Still, I like both but for me Initial D > Wangan Midnight.

Vision Garage
02-26-2008, 11:28 AM
Initial D!

Sorry i prefer the skills of the driver over the "skills" of the car.

Demon Z. What the hell is that?

02-26-2008, 11:58 AM
i perfer real life lol

This video would have been better if teh Z they used was twin turbo like the anime... it was only NA so hence why it probably was the slowest of the cars tested.

wangan midnight, but it just wasnt as hyphy as initial d was.. initial d had better character animations and better action.. nothing really happens on the wangan.. lol

02-26-2008, 12:25 PM
Initial D all the way.

02-26-2008, 12:32 PM
has anyone been able to find Wangan Midnight with english subs for episodes 3-6? I cant find anything but italian and spanish.

02-26-2008, 01:04 PM
^^ yeah check youtube!!

and to give some back story, the Z in wangan midnight is based on a real Z that was exactly as it was in the manga. ill dig up more info later.

02-26-2008, 01:09 PM
initial D FTW

Koopa Troopa
02-26-2008, 01:14 PM



the story line is better.

the concept is better.

i can't sit through initial d.

WTF? It's like Driven to Days of Thunder... Same fucking thing different cars.

I think I've seen like 1 episode of wangan midnight. IMO, the animation is probably 10x better than Initial D, but I prefer Initial D's storyline.

anyone see the Initial D movie that they made like last year or so? IT SUCKED! total disappointment, lol...

They made a Wangan Midnight movie. It also sucked so what point are you trying to make?

I like them both as they're both great shows however if I had to choose 1 I would choose Initial D as Wangan racing is so fucking boring.

02-26-2008, 02:29 PM
Wangan Midnight. Maybe it's different for me since I can understand what the characters are saying in the latter episodes?

Does anyone know what the last episode of WM is? I've seen up to 14.

I need to download some Initial D.

Edit: Post 666 Devil's Z.

02-26-2008, 02:34 PM
Wangan Midnight. Maybe it's different for me since I can understand what the characters are saying in the latter episodes?

Does anyone know what the last episode of WM is? I've seen up to 14.

I need to download some Initial D.

Edit: Post 666 Devil's Z.

Last epsiode is 26 I believe, a full seasons worth of anime.

02-26-2008, 02:56 PM
I choose SlamDunk! or Apple Seed.
I can't stand the character design in Wangan Midnight or Initial D.

02-26-2008, 03:04 PM
Initial D because they build up EXCITE like no other

02-26-2008, 03:17 PM
Initial D because it's easier to impersonate in real life.

02-26-2008, 03:57 PM
having seen one episode of each, i'm gonna have to go with initial D, wangan just seems too corny to me..

02-26-2008, 04:28 PM
WTF? It's like Driven to Days of Thunder... Same fucking thing different cars.

They made a Wangan Midnight movie. It also sucked so what point are you trying to make?

I like them both as they're both great shows however if I had to choose 1 I would choose Initial D as Wangan racing is so fucking boring.

LOL WHAT? as far as i remember they dont go left for 200 laps.....

also, initial D was just as repetitive and the characters were fucking ANNOYING.

and again, any day of the week S30 pwns AE86.

oh and yeah like i said above, the Z was actually based off of a real built Z, unlike the 86.

02-26-2008, 06:19 PM
LOL WHAT? as far as i remember they dont go left for 200 laps.....

also, initial D was just as repetitive and the characters were fucking ANNOYING.

and again, any day of the week S30 pwns AE86.

oh and yeah like i said above, the Z was actually based off of a real built Z, unlike the 86.

eh. arguing that one anime is more real than another is moot. moot. wangan is boring. ever watch a video option with wangan segments? cool for the first 2 minutes. then you realize that all they're doing is driving really fast in a straight line. initial d is better. it's not good, but it's better.

02-26-2008, 06:33 PM
i like wagan because i wasted lots of quarters on it. lol. plus the soundtrack and storyplay helped a bit.

02-26-2008, 07:35 PM
Nobody has any fucking manga, movies, or any other shit for WM around. Fail.

Somebody needs to translate the rest of the episodes already. I can only comprehend so much.

The games have some pretty good tracks, very good driving music. When I hear them, I like to release the Akio inside of me on the highways...jk.

02-26-2008, 08:48 PM
Initial D because it just has that special feeling down in your heart and when i watched all of it back in the day that was also a special time in my life, yeah i know i sound like a wuss but ohh well, wangan midnight is tight to but just isnt the same.

02-26-2008, 09:03 PM
I just drove ~500 miles in my S13 (moving house) pumping the Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune soundtracks, so it's Wangan Midnight for me.

I watched all 6 subtitled episodes over a long weekend, good stuff. I just thought it was classier, and the animation in Wangan Midnight, compared to the 1st episodes of Initial D (which is all I watched) was far far better.

Maybe I'll try some later episodes of Initial D and see if they are more to my liking.

02-26-2008, 09:09 PM
I have Initial D on PSP and all tv shows... I like the story line more over Wangan Midnight. But as for PS3 Wangan Midnight is a must have game. Ordered mine from playasia on PS3

02-26-2008, 09:24 PM
when i was a kid i used to watch shuto videos and movies like shutokosokou trials and i was in awe haha

Where did you buy the Shuto Kousoku videos from?

Impact Drift
02-26-2008, 10:35 PM
Midnight club was a BADASS video game. they need to dub wangan midnight again and make another Midnight Club for the ps3 so I could actually understand it!

02-26-2008, 10:41 PM
Last epsiode is 26 I believe, a full seasons worth of anime.

I think that's what you told me in the AIM chat room. I was just kind of hoping someone would come back with "14" so I wouldn't have to look around for any more episodes. :keke:

4.19GB of Initial D downloading. Episodes 1-24. W00t!

02-26-2008, 11:11 PM
I like both but i've seen more episodes of initial d. So my choice would have to be Initial D to bad tokyo pop hasn't brought out a dvd in a long time

02-27-2008, 01:27 AM
i got shutokosokou from downloads theres like 4 of em and then like max i think...

i had the original wangan midnight movie = 3 but it got lost somewhere with the rest of our VHS collection = /

02-27-2008, 01:46 AM
They made a Wangan Midnight movie. It also sucked so what point are you trying to make?

was my sentence unclear? my point = the movie sucked.

I didn't know they made a wangan midnight movie... I think Imma go check that one out. Is that one also in chinese too like initial d was?

i guess its really hard for me to judge between the two, cuz I really didn't get into wangan midnight. and yeah, I agree, initial d built up waay too much hype... lol. their episodes always left you hanging, kinda like dragon ball z.

02-27-2008, 06:52 AM
Nobody has any fucking manga, movies, or any other shit for WM around. Fail.

Somebody needs to translate the rest of the episodes already. I can only comprehend so much.

The games have some pretty good tracks, very good driving music. When I hear them, I like to release the Akio inside of me on the highways...jk.

cmon homie, search.

wangan-midnight.com has most of the manga translated and available for free legal download.

02-27-2008, 09:18 AM
They are both kind of silly, but I like Initial D better.

02-27-2008, 09:24 AM
cmon homie, search.

wangan-midnight.com has most of the manga translated and available for free legal download.

Yeah I meant I checked all the bookstores and what-not around town.

I'll just have to download it.

Impact Drift
02-27-2008, 10:52 AM
where is it available at wangan-midnight.com? I went there and only found the comic downloads.

02-27-2008, 12:32 PM
you ever think that wangan or street entertainment SHOULD be boring?? if it was super glorified and idolized, then it would be bad influence on people. Yes i do enjoy both shows, but just to think that some people will take it to real life.

The story behind those shotuko or freeway speedway movies all had the same plot ending that its dangerous and should be taken up to the track .

Koopa Troopa
02-27-2008, 01:02 PM
was my sentence unclear? my point = the movie sucked.

I didn't know they made a wangan midnight movie... I think Imma go check that one out. Is that one also in chinese too like initial d was?

i guess its really hard for me to judge between the two, cuz I really didn't get into wangan midnight. and yeah, I agree, initial d built up waay too much hype... lol. their episodes always left you hanging, kinda like dragon ball z.

It was an older Japanese movie.. Maybe late 80's/ early 90's...

02-27-2008, 03:06 PM
^^he is right about the dbz reference. Initial D FTW! Wangan was kinda dumb IMO. but Initial D actually got me to acknowledge drifting and made me think w/ years of practice i could be like Takumi. LOL

02-27-2008, 05:35 PM
holy shietz! I've been watching wangan for the last 6 hours! man, no wonder that maximum tune game is so tight! i've been playing it all this time!!! haha, i love that Z, still on my to do list once I get settled down w/ a house.

02-27-2008, 10:40 PM
i've never seen either! bwahaha, i'm less of a bandwagoner than you guys :D

02-28-2008, 02:37 AM
i've never seen either! bwahaha, i'm less of a bandwagoner than you guys :D

hahha, there's a fine line bet. bandwagon hoppin' and knowing a good thing when you see one! hahah

02-28-2008, 02:48 AM
the only initial d i liked was the 4th stage. the cappuccino in it was tight!

02-28-2008, 06:35 AM
^^he is right about the dbz reference. Initial D FTW! Wangan was kinda dumb IMO. but Initial D actually got me to acknowledge drifting and made me think w/ years of practice i could be like Takumi. LOL

and thusly people like you started the drift bandwagon. another reason i hate initial D.

02-28-2008, 06:50 AM
Having all the initial d dvds and having only wangan midnights ep. 1-10, As far as the story I like initial d better it has more characters, more plot development, and a vareity of cars. As far as wangan midnight I love the fact that it's almost all nissans, but the story just is boring.

Everyone is trying to race the "akuma zeto" and the dude wrecks it like a million times and somehow it just keeps coming back to life (the guy is like the Tak Fujiwara of repairing shit). He even completely totals the S30 in a firery crash, anyone else in the world would just go out and buy another one. But no, this guy manages to take this now mangaled heap of sheet metal and turn it back to completely normal working order. All Tak did was blow a motor and fuck up his suspension.

02-28-2008, 09:26 AM
Initial D was a lot funnier. It also had a lot underlying plots that worked in conjunction with the characters that wasn't entirely car related. I mean starting in first stage, you had the whole Mogi hanging out with the old man, then working at the burger place, getting kidnapped by Miki only to be rescued by Takumi. I mean its a story that spanned across 3 stages and all these events did help Takumi grow as a character. Or even much more minor things like Iketani lamenting over Mako the whole time!

I just found it easier to related to the characters back when I first saw this. Compared to Akio who strikes me as some fanboy who was given the Devil's gift to the world and now thinks he's hot shit because of it. I don't see much character development going on. He's just getting an ego and acts like he's the one who built the Devil Z, which is annoying IMO. However, I really do like the Tuner from Hell as a character. I'm spanning the world looking for someone like that to tune my car :D

02-28-2008, 12:01 PM
Lol my 40ish year old accountant step father that NEVER watches t.v, thinks cartoons, video games etc is a waste of time and is not really a big car guy caught an episode or 2 that i was watching and was hooked on INITIAL D he watched all the episodes and the special stages etc.

02-28-2008, 12:16 PM
there's no translated version of episode 7!!!!!!

02-28-2008, 12:18 PM
I just found it easier to related to the characters back when I first saw this. Compared to Akio who strikes me as some fanboy who was given the Devil's gift to the world and now thinks he's hot shit because of it. I don't see much character development going on. He's just getting an ego and acts like he's the one who built the Devil Z, which is annoying IMO.

believe it or not, there are some peeps out there like that. buy these pretuned cars and act as if they built it from the bottom up.

02-28-2008, 03:52 PM
and thusly people like you started the drift bandwagon. another reason i hate initial D.

Im on the drift bandwagon because of Initial D??fail. Dont be a douchebag because i was stating my own opinion...and i hate Wangan Midnight cause it has a side effect on people that causes them to act like assholes. so get off my case dude.

02-28-2008, 05:12 PM
Dance Puppets dance.....

02-28-2008, 08:45 PM
Im on the drift bandwagon because of Initial D??fail. Dont be a douchebag because i was stating my own opinion...and i hate Wangan Midnight cause it has a side effect on people that causes them to act like assholes. so get off my case dude.

but Initial D actually got me to acknowledge drifting and made me think w/ years of practice i could be like Takumi. LOL

oh cry me a fucking river.

02-28-2008, 08:54 PM
i like intial d because of the character development, with wangan only having 6 episodes subbed in eng. it makes it hard for me to have a definent opinion.
the games initial d > wangan. no question

02-28-2008, 08:54 PM
i hate Wangan Midnight cause it has a side effect on people that causes them to act like assholes.

Right...because everyone who has seen Initial D never got tempted to go out and drift and act like assholes. :jerkit:

03-01-2008, 09:10 AM
^^lol valid point

03-01-2008, 10:19 AM
Basically any car related media caused people to go out there and do acts of idiocy / humor and crash on public roads.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVDWO66wBrQ <-- like these guys.

There was another hysterical video of a guy playing the initial d game in the arcade, then going into the canyon to try it in his miata and crashing, but I can't find it :(

Koopa Troopa
03-01-2008, 11:38 AM
LMAO, now that was funny...

This is why Wangan Midnight is cool..


This is why Initial D is cool


Found this intro.. Anime about a kid who started in a go kart built from junk and then made it into F1..


03-01-2008, 12:33 PM
that last anime is called capeta, pretty good too

03-01-2008, 01:37 PM
I have 4 seasons worth of Initial D to watch. :rawk: I've watched 8 episodes of the first season. So far I like the storyline of Initial D more, but the animation in Wangan Midnight is much better.