View Full Version : street fighter: legend of chun li

02-23-2008, 07:09 PM

As we reported last year (http://uk.movies.ign.com/articles/818/818203p1.html), Romeo Must Die and Exit Wounds director Andrzej Bartkowiak will helm the project, although we're more excited that Hong Kong fight choreographer Dion Liam – who worked on The Matrix– has been signed up to oversee the fight sequences.

Typically, movies based on video games don’t fare too well, and movies based on video games that are not particularly plot heavy tend to be even more problematic. And let’s also not forget that a previous attempt at a live-action Street Fighter movie was generally considered by most to be an outright disaster.

Despite all this, accomplished action movie director Andrzej Bartkowiak (Doom, Cradle 2 The Grave, Exit Wounds, Romeo Must Die) is signed on to the project, which is being produced by Twentieth Century Fox. A partial cast list has been released, so we’ve made our best guesses as to what parts everyone will be playing.


We already know that Kristen Kreuk (Smallville) has been cast in the titular role as Chun Li. Focusing on the plot line of this one character is probably the best news yet for fans of the series, as Chun Li has one of the most coherent plotlines in the canon.


Chris Klein has been cast as Nash, which is the Japanese name for the character we know as Charlie. Charlie is a war buddy of Guile’s that Chun Li is tracking because of his undercover connection with M. Bison, the man Chun Li seeks to enact revenge for the murder of her father.


Michael Clarke Duncan will be playing the part of Balrog, one of M. Bison’s personal bodyguards. MCD is always good, too bad He'll probably have a pretty small role in this.


Taboo of the Black Eyed Peas is cast in the film as well. One can only assume that he will be playing Vega. He’s got long, luxurious hair, and his face is probably best covered up with a mask. Really, the dude is unfortunate looking.


Rick Yune will be playing the part of Gen, the kung fu master that trained Chun Li. Which is weird because Gen is supposed to be like 100 years old but whatever.


Edmund Chen will most likely be playing the part of Ryu, and will very likely be developed into some sort of love interest for Chun Li.


I’m going to guess that Moon Bloodgood will be Cammy, the brainwashed clone enforcer of M. Bison that Chun Li has run ins with throughout the series. This would keep in line with the military/Shadowloo (M. Bison’s criminal organization) theme of the film that seems to be developing.


The only other actor that has not already been assigned a character is Pei-pei Cheng. The only obvious role for her would have to be Sakura. Sakura is a plucky young fan of Ryu that could serve as a comical sidekick and strengthen the connection between Chun Li and Ryu.

We still don’t know who will be playing M. Bison. Personally, I’d be pulling for Gary Oldman, myself. Or Clive Owen, it’s about time he played a really bad guy. Henry Rollins would be rad. The Rock may as well be Sagat now that Dolph Lundgren is getting a bit oldish. Owen Wilson as Ken would be funny, and I wouldn’t mind Jason Statham as Guile if he got some hair plugs for his bald-ass head. But let’s just leave the really corny characters out of this one, what do you say? That means no Blanka, E. Honda, Zangief or Dhalsim. This movie is guaranteed to be better without any green, hairy men or sumo wrestlers showing up for absolutely no goddamn reason like in the last Street Fighter movie.

here we go :mepoke:

02-23-2008, 07:15 PM



02-23-2008, 07:33 PM
will guile return?

i vote donny yen for ryu.

02-23-2008, 08:03 PM
from what i've read, there still trying to decide on.........


02-23-2008, 08:09 PM
damn this is going to be a good movie

02-23-2008, 08:32 PM
Kristen Kreuk for Chun-Li? Isnt she a lil..."soft" for the character?

02-23-2008, 08:33 PM
If those guesses are indeed true, this movie may have potential. I can see Kristen playing Chun Li for some reason. Don't know about Rick playing Gen though haha but who knows maybe he can pull it off. And if Edmund is gonna play Ryu, he better pack some more muscle. I think Tony Jaa could make for a good Ryu.

02-23-2008, 08:56 PM
O man i cant wait for this movie. I wonder if Gen is going to have a s2000 haha.

02-23-2008, 09:15 PM
If those guesses are indeed true, this movie may have potential. I can see Kristen playing Chun Li for some reason. Don't know about Rick playing Gen though haha but who knows maybe he can pull it off. And if Edmund is gonna play Ryu, he better pack some more muscle. I think Tony Jaa could make for a good Ryu.

all the actors above have been confirmed. its just that they havent been officially assigned characters (the ones below)

taboo as "vega"
moon bloodgood as "cammy"
pei-pei cheng as "sakura"

ohhhhh man............... i cant believe i went to the movies to see this..... ahahahahaha]


02-23-2008, 09:16 PM
kristen kruek ohhh yeaaa

02-23-2008, 09:29 PM
I love steet fighter.. and will always love it.. and i love kristen kruek and will always love.. her... im watching this movie.. 0=)

02-23-2008, 09:46 PM
they still dont use the real names. so retarded.

02-23-2008, 11:19 PM
This movie is going to be watched by me, even if it's terrible.

Kristin Kreuk is my future wife, if Natalie Portman denies my engagement.

02-23-2008, 11:48 PM
This movie is going to be watched by me, even if it's terrible.

Kristin Kreuk is my future wife, if Natalie Portman denies my engagement.

Move to Utah, you can have both :wackit:

02-24-2008, 12:11 AM
I'd reallllyyyy like to believe all of this, I really would, but until I, or a real fan, funds the whole damn thing it is going to turn out pure shit. And oh yeah, I know Ryu is Japanese, but he is at the very least a mixed look. A real Japanese dude as Ryu does NOT WORK. It's got to be at least a mixed look. I personally love Chun-Li. I've heard lots of rumors and casted parts but alas none 'be true. Iheart Chun-Li. Hehe, me and my girlfriend dressed up as Ryu and Chun-Li a couple of Halloween's ago. It was a dream come true.

02-24-2008, 12:19 AM
Here's my own photoshop of the guy from Jet Li's "Legend" (american boxer guy)
Yeah, I still think David Gallagher (Seventh Heaven, yeah I know I;m totally gay) would be an awesome Ken if he bulked up and learned enough Martial arts, And I always thought The Cruise looked alot like the Alpha Ryu, But we all know that will not happen.psshhhhh
oh shit this is comedy

02-24-2008, 12:41 AM
i vote donny yen for ryu.

me too i vote Donny Yen for Ryu

02-24-2008, 12:52 AM
Maggie Q or Kelly Hu shoulda been Chun Li.


And Daniel Henney would make a ok Ryu. he's gonna be in the new Wolverine movie.


02-24-2008, 01:54 AM
Maggie Q or Kelly Hu?



02-24-2008, 01:58 AM

I will Chung her Li.

As well as I will give Cammy a, "screwdriver" alright.

02-24-2008, 02:12 AM
Moonshine or whatever is weakkk. Get someone better. More saucy.

Donny Yen as Ryu FTW.

It'd be legit to see Zangief in the movie if it was a MMA that used Greco-Roman grappling in addition to his standard stuff. They really need to use him as the power house he is.

If Donny Yen = Ryu, then Cruise could play Ken. Cocky richy playboy that can kick ass.

On a side-note, remember that movie with Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx? The title eludes me, but when i saw that, i could totally see him playing Solidus Snake in the MGS movie. Maybe its just me.

02-24-2008, 02:38 AM
Kristen Kreuk is hot!!!

02-24-2008, 04:13 AM
donny yen would fuckin ROCK as ryu. i wonder who they'll go with for bison.

02-24-2008, 05:02 AM
too bad the guy who played the original bison (and gomez from the first two adams family movies) died, i think he did a good job....even though the movie itself was...um....a tad corny...

Xandy Boosts
02-24-2008, 11:24 AM
omg Camel Toe from Cammy! :yum:

02-24-2008, 02:37 PM

With a cast like this, the movie is going to blow.

Michael Clark Duncan is the only good person in the movie.

Kreuk is the definition of miscast since Jessica Alba as Invisible Woman and Halle Barry as Storm. In other words she's just cheap eye candy (can't act to save her life either). I hope she really beefs up because as far as I can see, she's just a bag of bones and won't live up to the Chun Li muscle and thighs. Haha.

It's also sad that Andrzej Bartkowiak's best film is Exit Wounds, and all this other movies could had been 10x better than they were.


02-24-2008, 03:45 PM
Kristen Kreuk.....hmm....has she done any big screen movies?

I think I will see this movie...just for her.

02-24-2008, 05:37 PM
+1 for kelly hu. at least she knows some type of martial arts lol.

02-24-2008, 07:37 PM
she looked good in xmen


02-24-2008, 08:15 PM
Have you ever seen pics of Kelly Hu without make up?

She's fucking TRASHED. She aged so horribly. No thanks. :jerkit:

Word up.


But aside from her face...


02-24-2008, 08:26 PM
WOW Kelly Hu looks nothing like Chun-Li!
That being said, the actor does not actually have to be the race they're playing as long as they look the part. Both Ryu and Chun-Li look mixed at least. We need some no namers to get on board here.

02-24-2008, 08:31 PM
im just gonna go ahead and throw this out there....

this move is gonna suck.

03-06-2008, 11:09 AM
from empireonline.com

What does it say about us that we're a little sad to know that Jean Claude Van Damme turned down a role in Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li? The '80s action hero revealed to MTV that he was offered the chance to appear in the new movie (presumably reprising his role as Guile), in an interview that made us feel a little sad for the Muscles From Brussels.

"They called me for that movie, to do the sequel," he said. "I would have been well paid but I didn't want to do it. I've made enough money. I don't want to make a movie and then come home and be unhappy about it. Life is short. I'm 47 years old. I've got 10 years to go where I can be the best I can be. I want those 10 years to be precious, not like before, cranking two or three movies a year. I've made a ton of movies in my life, but so what? It's time for me to do things I like so I will be happy, my wife will be happy, my friends will be happy. I just want to do something I'm proud of."

Street Fighter: The Movie was, of course, pustalant bilge. But there's something strange inside us that wishes he'd said yes. Is it because the movie was so bad that we've grown to love it a little bit, as long as we never actually have to sit through it again? Is it that it just seems too long since we've seen Van Damme near a big screen doing anything? Might it be that we're still a tad exhausted from the weekend and not thinking properly? Is it that instead of Van Damme in the new movie, we're getting Chris Klein?...Yep, we think it's the last one.

i'm not sure how i feel about this. i mean... i pretty much grew up watching the "Dammeage" in action. i guess most of the movies he does just have shit scripts. ah well.

03-06-2008, 11:28 AM
I don't see this movie doing well at all. Kristin Kreuk as Chun Li?

03-06-2008, 11:48 AM

8 years too late

03-06-2008, 12:14 PM
no offense, but most celebs without make up looks like ugh

03-06-2008, 12:22 PM
^exactly. just ordinary people like everyone else.

03-06-2008, 12:36 PM
Kim Kardashian with no makeup? Like WHATTHEFUCK. Not even the same person.

03-24-2008, 07:15 PM
so Neal Mcdonough has been cast as Bison according to wired.com


03-25-2008, 11:10 AM
i will still watch it no matter how corny really. Its entertainment to me.

03-25-2008, 11:19 AM
^yeah actually the casting is pretty decent so far. i'll be there.

06-15-2008, 05:48 PM
chun li movie blog (http://streetfightermovie.net)
here's an official page for the new movie as well as a cast of characters. Sounds pretty good. I don't know about the directors track record though. We shall see I guess.

Baka Sama
06-15-2008, 06:33 PM
Despite all this, accomplished action movie director Andrzej Bartkowiak (Doom, Cradle 2 The Grave, Exit Wounds, Romeo Must Die) is signed on to the project, which is being produced by Twentieth Century Fox. A partial cast list has been released, so we’ve made our best guesses as to what parts everyone will be playing.

I dont think any of those movies should be considered accomplished. I like street fighter but as brought out there really is no story behind it. This movie will end up just like DOA the movie. No thanks, ill save my $10.

06-15-2008, 06:49 PM
*sigh* if only Raul Julia was still alive to reclaim his role as M. Bison


06-16-2008, 12:28 AM

With a cast like this, the movie is going to blow.

Michael Clark Duncan is the only good person in the movie.

Kreuk is the definition of miscast since Jessica Alba as Invisible Woman and Halle Barry as Storm. In other words she's just cheap eye candy (can't act to save her life either). I hope she really beefs up because as far as I can see, she's just a bag of bones and won't live up to the Chun Li muscle and thighs. Haha.

It's also sad that Andrzej Bartkowiak's best film is Exit Wounds, and all this other movies could had been 10x better than they were.


totally agreed, the cast doesn't seem too promising and the premise has been a disaster for film adaptation. i see this going straight to video. sf can work as anime, but thats about it.

06-16-2008, 12:44 AM
what happend to that.. uhh... dead or alive movie? ohh straight to dvd...

yeah it will happen to this one too.

06-16-2008, 01:11 PM
hollywood did a decent job making movies out of transformers, ironman.. etc..

but street fighter has always been a japanese produced game.. If they have everyone speaking clear english =(

My idea of chun li, michelle yun.. shes not eye candy but she could kick ass.. but im sure shes old as dirt now lol

Jackie Chan's take on street fighter lmao

06-16-2008, 01:21 PM
^^^hahahahha!!!!!!!1 jackie chan dressed as chun li


07-28-2008, 12:10 PM
Here's some pics from the movie and some info












Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (2009) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0891592/)

07-28-2008, 12:23 PM
omfg Kelly Hu is fuckin fire but the chick from smallville is cute as hell so either or will do

07-28-2008, 01:12 PM

Taboo of the Black Eyed Peas is cast in the film as well. One can only assume that he will be playing Vega. He’s got long, luxurious hair, and his face is probably best covered up with a mask. Really, the dude is unfortunate looking.

Isn't Vega supposed to be a good lookin ladies man or something? Dude looks weird as fuck

07-28-2008, 01:20 PM
epic to the max.................


07-28-2008, 02:17 PM
omfg Kelly Hu is fuckin fire but the chick from smallville is cute as hell so either or will do

Kelly Hu I can understand, but Kreuk doesn't even look remotely Chinese.
Hollywood needs to take advantage of more hot Asian actresses!

07-28-2008, 02:22 PM
omfg Kelly Hu is fuckin fire but the chick from smallville is cute as hell so either or will do

Kelly Hu I can understand, but Kreuk doesn't even look Chinese. Hollywood needs more hot Asian actresses!

Zhang Zhiyi would be my first choice personally, given her experience with martial arts films and her (appealing to me) northern Chinese looks, but its probably not as marketable in NA as Kruek.

07-28-2008, 02:42 PM
what about David hayter as Bison...he just needs to bulk up a bit...lol

and the wrestler guy from Legend would make an awsome Sagat...i hate that in the LAM they made him some small old asian guy...FAIL...

07-28-2008, 03:29 PM
Kelly Hu I can understand, but Kreuk doesn't even look Chinese. Hollywood needs more hot Asian actresses!

Zhang Zhiyi would be my first choice personally, given her experience with martial arts films and her (appealing to me) northern Chinese looks, but its probably not as marketable in NA as Kruek.

Yea Zhang Zhiyi would be good or kelly hu or

that chick from that movie so close Shu Qi


Yeah i know she aint drop dead hot but would still do better that kristen

07-28-2008, 04:20 PM
plus in the anime movies i remember...chunli was a lil bit more...filled in were it matters :coolugh::keke:

07-28-2008, 04:22 PM
I don't see this movie doing well at all. Kristin Kreuk as Chun Li?

like wise, this just seems like it will be another dead or alive

07-28-2008, 11:27 PM
Not that I don't like asian ass, I do......and I can't reiterate that enough, asian ass is all well and good but......are you guys crazy?




Scotty doesn't know?

More like Zilvia doesn't know.

07-29-2008, 01:02 AM
meh, not really my cup of tea

07-29-2008, 07:45 AM
She's cute but not for chun li

and yes like it was said chun li has a fat ass and thick thighs and was still dropping mofo's like nothing so we need an asian actress with a nice ass and dope legs

07-29-2008, 08:24 AM
She's cute but not for chun li

and yes like it was said chun li has a fat ass and thick thighs and was still dropping mofo's like nothing so we need an asian actress with a nice ass and dope legs

Yes we do but who HUMMMMM :ugh:

07-29-2008, 10:43 AM
She's cute but not for chun li

and yes like it was said chun li has a fat ass and thick thighs and was still dropping mofo's like nothing so we need an asian actress with a nice ass and dope legs

Is a fat asses thick legged asian even possible?

07-29-2008, 10:49 AM
maybe if she is filipino and mixed with a bit of spanish haha

07-29-2008, 10:56 AM
Shit thats a sexy combo. Matter o fact, thats too sexy. It would disrupt the natural order of the world, if said girl is found, after the third movie we have to kill her.:squint:

07-29-2008, 11:02 AM
haha come to NYC i'll find you a few lol

Fa real though

07-29-2008, 11:05 AM
Is a fat asses thick legged asian even possible?

Ive seen an asian chick like that at partycity in alhambra once.... AND she wasnt even wearing skin tight clothes. I literally could not stop staring, I would hit on her but my girlfriends brother was with me at the time, sigh.....

07-29-2008, 11:05 AM
^awh that would've blown my day too

07-29-2008, 11:07 AM
sexiest asian I have seen have a gorgeous face, I mean that kind of "you better hope you not drivin or you will run the stop" sign type of gorgeous, but the rest was a bit lackin

07-29-2008, 11:09 AM
i got one at my job who is drop dead in that smart kinda way whoooooooooh

07-29-2008, 11:20 AM
Is a fat asses thick legged asian even possible?

I know of a couple sexy women like that or just hit the beach you can find some sexy chicks like that her in the O.C. well more like Garden Grove lol

07-29-2008, 11:23 AM
i got one at my job who is drop dead in that smart kinda way whoooooooooh

^dooooooo heeeerrr!!!!

07-29-2008, 11:24 AM
I'll keep that in mind future still feeling her out!!

she a lil too dark but if not she'd work
and yes it is CASSIE!!!


She's hot not for chun-li but hot

07-29-2008, 12:48 PM
Wait this is from the guy who made Doom?


The only thing he got right in that movie was the damn logo

07-29-2008, 01:38 PM
Wait this is from the guy who made Doom?


The only thing he got right in that movie was the damn logo

yea man DOOM sucked so badly. omg. wtf did the movie have to do with the game anyway??? other than the logo

and serously kristen kruek is not hot. friggin look at her forehead and her nose. her nose is sticking straight up and her forehead is just huger than a koreans forehead.

and yea, she's too much of a girly girl for chun li.

07-29-2008, 01:39 PM
and serously kristen kruek is not hot. friggin look at her forehead and her nose. her nose is sticking straight up and her forehead is just huger than a koreans forehead.

and yea, she's too much of a girly girl for chun li.

Awh man i would +rep you for that but i'm all out for the day

She is kinda cute but not for this role

07-29-2008, 02:42 PM
hope she does a spinning star kick......



07-29-2008, 03:09 PM
^^ hahahahahahahahahahaha

Hell yea me too

07-29-2008, 05:15 PM
Is a fat asses thick legged asian even possible?

thai girls are typically taller and more gracefully voluptuous. you might find that more to your liking.

Lol, chun li doesn't have a fat ass. more like athletic. In terms of build, I think as long as a chick is tall and well toned, it'll work for the role. Kreuk is cute, but her body type isn't what I'd call athletic. I can't see her being physically intimidating in any way.

07-29-2008, 05:51 PM
A little short, definitely fills out in the right places. Have her grow the hair out and work a little pudge off the stomach and she'd work :D

07-29-2008, 07:16 PM

Wait this is from the guy who made Doom?


The only thing he got right in that movie was the damn logo

Really? well this movie has a 85% chance of being a bucket of suck

07-29-2008, 10:48 PM
if kreuk can move i wouldn't mind even if she doesn't have any of chung li's physical attirbutes.

moves like this
YouTube - Beautiful & Dangerous - Women in Action 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65ePDeE-L8Y)

i miss the old school HK women action heroes.

07-29-2008, 11:55 PM
and serously kristen kruek is not hot


friggin look at her forehead and her nose. her nose is sticking straight up and her forehead is just huger than a koreans forehead.

You're pointing out facial irregularities in a thread focusing on Asian women.

Here's to irony....:wackit::wackit::wackit::wackit::wackit:

07-30-2008, 08:24 PM
cant wait for the movie. just hope its not as lame as the first one.

11-25-2008, 11:56 PM
Kristen Kruek sucks... might as well put paris hilton as cammy.

11-26-2008, 06:49 AM

that's hot!!

11-26-2008, 07:28 AM
I'd shoot myself if i had to see Paris in a high action film

11-26-2008, 08:56 AM
I'd shoot myself if i had to see Paris in a high action film

believe it or not Stiizy...Paris Hilton Tapped for Supergirl Remake (http://www.comicbookmovie.com/supergirl/news/?a=3497)

do you want that gun shipped UPS or overnight fedex?

11-26-2008, 08:59 AM
^^ omg fedex PLEASE!!!!

11-26-2008, 09:01 AM
I'll miss you Stiizy...

11-26-2008, 09:01 AM
^^ I'll be in a better Paris-less place... :bow:

11-26-2008, 10:04 AM
^^ I'll be in a better Paris-less place... :bow:

i feel you on that. LOL she's wack. even her porn was wack. LOL...

Casting makes the difference in a movie...

they got casting down for this street fighter movie.

they couldve done better than Kruek/Chun-li. but i guess its alright.

if it were up to me i wouldve used OLIVIA MUNN. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3


11-26-2008, 10:10 AM
^^ Agreed Lana doesn't fit the part, cute yes, aggressive no

11-26-2008, 10:12 AM
I cant see Olivia as a actress

11-26-2008, 12:46 PM
she gets my vote


11-26-2008, 12:50 PM
More pics of whores.

12-17-2008, 12:10 PM
update, there's some teasers online for the live action one.
But did any of you know about this?????????
chun li animated (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipFmrISyV7k)

12-19-2008, 08:05 AM
Fuck, this fails on so many levels.

Now I heard Maggie Q is filming King of Fighters. Another god damn miscast. She was fine in Mission: Impossible 3, typical in Die Hard, and had no other impact on me in any of her HK film roles, but fuck, this is bad.

How are these skinny actresses with ZERO FUCKING MUSCLE (and experience) playing people who can fight?


12-19-2008, 12:39 PM
Fuck, this fails on so many levels.

Now I heard Maggie Q is filming King of Fighters. Another god damn miscast. She was fine in Mission: Impossible 3, typical in Die Hard, and had no other impact on me in any of her HK film roles, but fuck, this is bad.

How are these skinny actresses with ZERO FUCKING MUSCLE (and experience) playing people who can fight?


^^^sex appeal trumps all. It sucks. Atleast have an actress that has TONED muscles and sex appeal.

12-19-2008, 01:09 PM
cuz that woman was HOT in die hard.

12-20-2008, 12:46 AM
Worange, that was pretty old, came out a new months before SF4 hit Japan shelves.

PS. Munn as Chun Li > Kruek Fail.

12-29-2008, 01:23 PM

12-29-2008, 01:27 PM
^^ looks descent

12-29-2008, 01:29 PM
no chun li outfit in the trailer

i don't know if that's a blessing or a curse

12-29-2008, 01:34 PM
I think i have seen pics where she's in her lil outfit so I'm about 65 percent sure its in the movie

12-29-2008, 01:39 PM
na there was a small clip of her in the outfit in that trailer

12-29-2008, 02:34 PM
looks like another van damme street fighter movie... will be cool for like its debute but than forgotten

12-29-2008, 09:59 PM
Jesus fuck.

That looks stupid.

Her career will go the way of Lucy Liu, and many other Asian actresses.


12-29-2008, 10:41 PM
Wow, that looks retarded. The explosions look cheap too.

12-29-2008, 11:14 PM
Well looks better than the 1994 version and that new Dragonball movie...

01-17-2009, 01:08 AM
Apple - Movie Trailers - Street Fighter: the Legend of Chun Li (http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/streetfighterthelegendofchunli/)


01-17-2009, 01:47 AM
Kristin Kreuk is hot. Have you people seen her in smallville?

01-17-2009, 11:38 AM
i need a spinning star kick...........

so i can pause the movie


01-17-2009, 01:15 PM
her thighs are not big enough. fail.

01-17-2009, 01:31 PM
Maggie Q or Kelly Hu?



you must be a smallville fan.

Yeah, Cammy is gonna be hotter than Chun Li.

yeah most likely, but she was always a little ho in the game.
I remember pervs playing with her just to see her turn around and show her butt when she wins.
I know it is just a game but there are guys that are all about hentai like it is real.
omg Camel Toe from Cammy! :yum:
made me laugh, such an appropriate smiley face.

im just gonna go ahead and throw this out there....

this move is gonna suck.

Unfortunately it will. I have to agree with the guy that said until a fan makes the movie it will suck. They need to also just have someone who directed one of the animes of Street Fighter direct this instead. Doom, and all those other jet li movies were whatevers.
Seems like the guy is a bigger dmx fan than a street fighter fan.


8 years too late It is because of the 20 year anniversary of the first Street Fighter game.

I remember lining up outside 711 and waiting for like an hour just to get my ass kicked and button mash. I was like 5-6.

Kim Kardashian with no makeup? Like WHATTHEFUCK. Not even the same person.
^^^hahahahha!!!!!!!1 jackie chan dressed as chun li

LOL:bowrofl::bowrofl::bowrofl::bowrofl::bowrofl::b owrofl::bowrofl::bowrofl::bowrofl::bowrofl:
If anyone does not know what this is about they NEED to watch City Hunter.

01-17-2009, 01:33 PM

01-17-2009, 01:34 PM
Why did they leave Bison's hair blond ? They can afford special fx but can't dye his hair? So much for his pscyo power they might as well leave that out too.

01-17-2009, 02:30 PM
goku mode


03-02-2009, 07:03 AM
I saw the movie last night, its wasn't bad...BTW, Moon Bloodgood were showing massive cleveage entire movie, and these little kids that sat in front of me, they're like: WHOA, and giggles...lol

03-02-2009, 11:17 AM
SOOO, should I watch the movie, or save my money and don't bother with it?

03-02-2009, 11:39 AM
lol, well I know I'd be reluctant pay $8-12 for it,
looks like a bad b-movie that should have gone straight to video.
but then again it seems like a film where it makes little diff if you rent or watch on your pc.

might check it out later, if I can sneak into the local cinemaplex
doesn't seem to be like there any good new films playing at theatres anyhow.

SleepR 240sx
03-02-2009, 11:41 AM
Chris Klein gave one of the worst performances I've ever seen in this movie. He stares down everybody...even dead bodies. Good movie to go with friends and make fun of it the whole time...otherwise don't bother.

03-02-2009, 12:21 PM
The Vega fight scene was the shortest ever. I was also expecting a better fight for Balrog's last stand. Bison dead? Wow...

Where the hell was Charlie and his flash kicks?

03-02-2009, 01:20 PM
yeah, the fighting scenes are pretty short...I was expecting Vega to kick ass, but FAILED!!! Balrog did more fighting then Vega, and they picked the wrong guy for Nash/Charlie...

03-03-2009, 02:37 PM
oh shiiitttt this is a great review
Massawyrm Tiger-Uppercuts STREET FIGHTER: THE LEGEND OF CHUN LI and calls it the must see bad movie of the season!

Hola all. Massawyrm here.

Some movies are so terrible that they transcend the mortal realm of what was intended and instead become something so spectacular that you dare not blink for fear of missing a second. They are movies that make you cry out in glee and howl at the screen as each attempt at being cool or funny or inventive instead fails, tripping over itself time and again in a series of blunders so magnificent that it defies every expectation. And as you’ve probably guessed by now, Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li is just such a picture. A moist, gaping hole of sanity, this film is repeatedly fucked by its own incompetence, its mind numbingly awful script, and its complete and utter inability to even sustain its own logic.

In other words, it is one of the greatest things I have seen on screen all year.

Never boring for a minute, SF:TLoCL strives to break away from its source material – to find a story outside of the story in some vain hope of creating something better than it is adapting. Take everything you know about the STREET FIGHTER series of games and set it aside. No seriously. Take it out of your skull, put it in some of that Tupperware you keep in the bottom drawer and bury it in the back of your freezer never to be seen again. Because that’s exactly what the filmmakers did here. And it’s the only way to make a lick of god damned sense out of it. Let’s be clear on one thing: this ISN’T a god damned Street Fighter movie. There are streets. And there is (occasionally) fighting. And the main character is named CHUN LI – played by SMALLVILLES Kristin Kreuk. And that’s about where the similarities end.

There is no tournament fighting of any kind in this film. I repeat. There IS NO TOURNAMENT FIGHTING anywhere in this film. Not a single street fight for money. I counted 5 characters from the game, INCLUDING the film’s namesake – six if you count someone who has a name but not even a passing resemblance to the character he may or may not be based upon. NONE of these characters make any sense in the setting in question. You'd think being set in Bangkok, they might include one of the handful of Thai characters from the games in the film. But no. Not even Sagat. M. Bison, a blonde Irish man born and orphaned as a baby in Thailand (0_o) but mysteriously possessing an Irish accent that is apparently hereditary, is buying up waterfront property in the slums along with his man servant Balrog (played by Michael Clark Duncan.) Bison kidnaps Chun Li’s father and Chun Li, believing he’s dead continues on with her life…that is, until she receives a mysterious scroll. Don’t ask. It doesn’t mean shit. It just manages to put Chun Li in the right place at the right time to be told to go to Thailand and wander around aimlessly until a secret kung fu master decides she’s ready for training.

So she wanders aimlessly. Kung Fu master Gen finally finds her. Training in martial arts, blind fighting and causing a big glowy ball of CG bullshit to hover above your genitals ensues. But don’t worry. Despite a complete and utter lack of any physical traits that make her resemble Chun Li at all, she is incredibly hot, and will perpetually distract you from most of the boring crap this movie has to throw at you. If there’s anyone I’ll watch wander aimlessly for five minutes through the slums, it is Kristin Kreuk. In fact, the one scene they actually make her look like Chun Li at all, wearing the blue dress with her hair in those adorable buns, she looks mind numbingly awesome. She does this lesbian dance scene and strikes poses that connect with primal instincts that cannot be described in terms without using phrases like “exploding dicks” and “self generated lubricant.” The films ONE single, intentional note hits perfectly here. And then returns to its regularly scheduled suck.

Sure, what follows is this whole revenge plot and some fucking McGuffin with a girl that is supposed to be M. Bison’s weakness but instead gets left behind when the plot doesn’t need to get everyone in one place any more. But you don’t (and won’t) care about any of that once you lay your eyes upon the film’s REAL star. Chris Klein. Oh yeah – THAT Chris “American Pie” Klein. He plays Charlie Nash, who many of you will remember as Guile’s Vietnam war buddy killed by Bison only to return in the prequel. But what the fuck did I tell about that shit? Put. Your brain. Away. This Charlie Nash is an Interpol agent on the trail of Bison and his crime syndicate Shadowloo.

Charlie Nash possesses two things. The first is a magical plot thread finding computer that instantly can give him news stories Sherlock Fucking Holmes with Google and a fistful of clues couldn’t find. And the second is ATTITUDE. Serious, real, honest to god 80’s attitude. Imagine every bad cop movie you saw in the 80’s and try to remember every Don Johnson impression you ever saw in those movies. Now multiply that by the biggest number you can think of. I’m talking government bank bailout big. THAT’S how fucking awesome Chris Klein is in this. He strikes poses. He hangs up his phone with a whip of his head and the phrase “NASH OUT!” He effortlessly puts together complicated plot lines, then manages to oversimplify them to the point that a mewling idiot could understand it – all while managing to sound surprised and shocked at his own brilliance with a Keanu Reeves like level of film confusion. He then bumbles and stumbles his way through the plot, completely ignorant of the fact that he actually doesn’t have anything to do. So he FINDS things to do. Even if it doesn’t make a lick of god damned sense.

Every moment he’s off camera the film is lacking for it. He doesn’t have a place anywhere in this movie, and yet, you cannot take your eyes off of him. I want so desperately, SO DESPERATELY, to believe that Klein was doing this intentionally. That he read the script, saw the zeroes on the check and said “Fuck, it. If they’re gonna offer me a shit sandwich, I’m gonna eat it with a fucking smile.” Seriously. When you’re done here, google some photos of him from the film. Note the ever present stubble, the look of unbridled, determined intensity. No way does anybody think that looks cool. Not anyone that didn’t just wake up from a coma, that is. That said, I’m not denying that this film might have been made to capture the all too oft neglected “coma patient” demographic. It certainly feels like it’s playing to them.

This is shit. Really, really, really bad shit. And I don’t think a single one of you is surprised. It lacks a single, genuine, perfectly executed moment that doesn’t come across as completely ridiculous. Written as if they were quite literally making it up as they went along, it is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve seen since IN THE NAME OF THE KING: A DUNGEON SIEGE TALE. And it certainly falls into the category of must-see terribleness along with it and its predecessors THE COVENANT and TORQUE. This movie made me giggle and cackle with glee. It was incredible. A mind altering, fit inducing, asstastic mess of epic proportion. If you ever believed they could actually make a good Street Fighter movie, this movie will make you weep bitch tears. But if you enjoy a bad movie – I mean a really, truly awe inspiring, god awful piece of shit – then this is your midnight movie. Get some beer. Some friends. And get ready to have your ass handed to you by one Mr. Chris Klein and one miss Kristin Kreuk.

They will rock your fucking world. And you just might understand why I love the hell out of this drooling moron of a motion picture. Put away your “Come out from behind the curtain wizard,” and get ready to “NASH OUT!” Just don’t expect anything resembling a Street Fighter game.

Until next time friends, smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em.


03-03-2009, 08:05 PM
^^^yeah I agree whatever he said....

03-04-2009, 02:10 AM
this movie was worse than watching an abortion with "instant replay",slow-mo, and commentary by john madden. it was worse than watching cloverfield backwards, like actually facing away from the screen only allowing yourself to hear the horrible movie behind you.

03-04-2009, 03:21 AM
SOoo safe to assume its just as good as the first one with Van Damme?!?! If thats the case, im waiting for a torrent...

03-04-2009, 08:00 AM
The first one with Van Damme has some cheap value to it at least, and somewhat acknowledges its source (from a few of the characters to the very last frame). This movie looks like they took a crappy script from the vault and renamed it with characters from the game.


03-04-2009, 08:19 AM
wow this moie sucked ass!!! I was soooooo disappointed it was'nt funny!!!! chun-li was freakin hot thought only upside!!!!

03-04-2009, 12:15 PM

She's not even that hot.

Thick legs or ban.