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View Full Version : Transmission Problems, Locked up

02-23-2008, 11:07 AM
I broke my 5th reverse shift fork. I had another KA tranny laying around so I swapped the bellhousings and put it in. The shifter is in what appears to be neutral, but I can't move it at all. No side to side play and it won't go into gear at all. With the car on or off. I looked underneath and the slave cylinder is pushing the clutch fork. When the car is on, if you let out the clutch the car dies, but nothing turns.

So I figured I'll take the back housing off of my other transmission and then I can pull that other transmission out and swap the forks into my tranny that I know is good, just has a broken fork. I took the roll pin out of that shifter base thing so I can pull the back cover off but it some how went into 2nd gear and I can't get it back into neutral to take it apart. I had one apart awhile ago and all i did was take out that roll pin, slide it off and then pull the cover straight off, it's been a while but i thought that's how i did it. But now i can't get it in neutral.

So it's either find out why the tranny in there is locked up, or how to get the other one apart so I can just change those forks.

02-23-2008, 05:19 PM
I'll text you to check the thread. I got this from my Nissan Guru Friend.
something probably got screwed when swapping the bell housings. when he swapped them over, he probably wasn't careful with the shift fork rods. they are 3 rods that stick out on one side of the transmission and slide into the front half of the bell housing. If you arent careful when re-assembling the trans, its possible to push 2 of them in at the same time and then the transmission is stuck in 2 gears at the same time. and when you try to turn the input shaft, the output shaft is trying to spin at 2 different speeds (its stuck in 2 different gears) and everything binds up nice.

take it apart, move the shift rods to put it nuetral and be VERY careful re-assembling it.

02-24-2008, 02:22 PM
I'm gonna have to take it apart and look, thanks

02-24-2008, 11:45 PM
99% sure the trans is stuck in 2 gears at the same time. All you need to take off is the shifter tower I think, you should be able to move the individual shift forks with that off.