View Full Version : Computer Problem

02-20-2008, 09:32 PM
Well lately I've been having problems with my computer where it shuts off whenever I watch a video or play a video game for about 4 minutes or so. My friends and I first thought it was the power supply so we changed that out but no luck, then we assumed it was the video card, bought a new one and nope no luck. Anyone have this problem?

02-20-2008, 09:35 PM
Sounds like a heat issue.

Check the fan on your CPU to make sure its not full of dust or not mounted properly.

02-20-2008, 09:41 PM
run a check for spyware.. first.
thats what i would do.

use AVG anti spyware.. you can get it from www.download.com if you dont know..

02-20-2008, 09:41 PM
watching a video isn't going to tax your video card (much, anyway), but decompressing video and audio on the fly will tax the fuck out of your processor/ram. reseat your heatsink with new thermal compound and clean out the fan. also make sure your ram isn't dying.

edit:// i'm like 99.99% sure its not spyware

02-20-2008, 09:43 PM
thanks for the tips guys. Its not spyware I've completely reformatted my comp a couple of times. I wouldn't think its a heating issue as even if my comp has been off all day and I turn it on only to watch a vid it would only take 3-4 mins to shut off. I'll check everything though.

02-20-2008, 09:46 PM
Post system specs...

02-20-2008, 09:50 PM
watching a video isn't going to tax your video card (much, anyway), but decompressing video and audio on the fly will tax the fuck out of your processor/ram. reseat your heatsink with new thermal compound and clean out the fan. also make sure your ram isn't dying.

edit:// i'm like 99.99% sure its not spyware


It isn't spyware. Could be if you are running vista an installed an incompatible driver. But I highly doubt that.

I've known a few people who had the same problem when playing strenuous programs and what not.

Matter of fact, I was having this same problem with my computer. I cleaned out the whole case from dust and reseated my fans and heatsinks.

After that, It's running cherry.

02-20-2008, 11:01 PM
Alright guys I'm gonna try cleaning out my comp because it is dusty as crap! hopefully that helps everything work, but I just installed the drivers on my new graphics card and it said it wasn't recieving the recommended amount of electricity but then again I did replace my power supply. Specs are 3ghz AMD Processor, eGeforce 7600 agp card, 512 DDR ram. I'm not too familiar with the other stuff but thats what I have for now.

02-21-2008, 03:01 AM
How powerful is your power supply?