View Full Version : Bioshock... worth it?

02-18-2008, 11:39 PM
So, my question is, is Bioshock worth buying an Xbox Premium for? I've really kept myself to a Sony exclusive, sorry all you Xbox people out there, and i wanna know if its worth breaking my little stint.. I would play the PC version but I don't have all that great of a video card..and i think games like these should be played sitting on the floor, controller in hand. Anyone who's played the game, gimme some feedback.

02-18-2008, 11:40 PM

It's cool for like an hour.

It's a good game, but not worth buying a system for. It gets quite repetitive and the puzzles are gay.

02-18-2008, 11:55 PM
I dunno...to be honest, the game was amazing for the first couple hours...

story was fantastic and complex...graphics were unreal...gameplay was great....and it was challenging (all on an xbox)

However, this does not justify the purchase of a 360. If you get Forza 2 with it...with the wheel...and maybe halo (but at a reduced price)....then yes....

it's very tough for a game alone to justify purchasing a system...

02-19-2008, 12:24 AM
hell no. it was entertaining for a couple hours i guess. but i just couldn't get into it. after the graphics and cool retro design wore off... i just didn't care.

02-19-2008, 12:27 AM
i bought it on steam for pc... played for an hour then just never got back into it.

I couldnt get into it.. the environment didnt drag me in.. too gloomy.. and the controls are pretty simple.. *no secondary fire or zoom in etc*..

The game tho is considered one of the best games of 07 from a few magazines simply because its different then the typical FPS. Thats why i bought it because i thought i was missing out on it.. It just wasnt for me.

02-19-2008, 12:41 AM
yeuup, what everyone else is saying to, its fun the first time around or couple hours. def not worth it imo.

xbox is all about xbox live games imo lol, if no live, then i dont buy it

02-19-2008, 07:27 AM
yeah if your buying a 360 just for a game at least buy it for COD4 which you could get on anyother system but bioshock was fun for the first few hours then got gay.... fast

02-19-2008, 08:15 AM
bioshock is a good game but 360 has so many better ones i really liked the whole idea of an underwater city.

02-19-2008, 08:34 AM
o played the demo... nothing to go crazy over i guess

02-19-2008, 08:56 AM
No, build a damn computer already.

2GB ram = $40
Q6600 = $200
680i mobo = $120
500GB HDD = $100
8800GT = $200

For less than $700, you can play any game for the next few years.

02-19-2008, 10:41 AM
No, build a damn computer already.

2GB ram = $40
Q6600 = $200
680i mobo = $120
500GB HDD = $100
8800GT = $200

For less than $700, you can play any game for the next few years.

what about psu
cd drive

and q6600 is more like 270 its more like a decent pc is going to cost at least 1k.
don't get me wrong pc gaming is the shit but consoles are eventually going to kill it sadly.by the way i bought this game for pc which if you have a good system is so much better than the console versions.

02-19-2008, 10:59 AM
I loved Bioshock.
Excellent art deco and steampunk influences.
I played it through to the end and got the good ending.

Is it worth buying a system for?
Probably not.
If you get Halo3 and Forza2 however, it will be worth it.

02-19-2008, 11:27 AM
Bioshock was awesome, I loved the story. Like everyone else said, it's not worth buying a 360 for unless you are going to get some of the other great games.

Get the ultimate alliance/forza 2 pack. Buy COD4, Halo 3, Bioshock, and Rock Band.

You will be set for a while :p

02-19-2008, 11:50 AM
i thought it was stupid. It was cool at first, but then it got waaaay old really fast. The story was "complex" just for the sake of being "complex". It really didnt need to be cuz really, after all the bs, it really wasnt. Games like that piss me off. Its totally not worth buying the system for. The 360 has so many other games that top this.

02-19-2008, 01:26 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I guess Bioshock is a no.. i mean.. the environment just looks so interesting, the gameplay..the whole morality thing.. the Big Daddys.. etc.. Anyone wanna let me borrow their xbox for a week? haha. As far as Forza.. I'd rather just save the money to spend on GT5. Anyway, thanks for all the replies. : ]

imotion s14
02-19-2008, 03:33 PM
funny how subjective people's idea of what "fun" is.

Bioshock got boring fast and the graphics get "old".. Yet I bet you everyone here would be telling you GT5 will be the greatest game ever. Yet what makes GT so special? You race around the same tracks over and over and you collect cars.. which has been done for the last 4 installments of the game.

02-19-2008, 05:39 PM
funny how subjective people's idea of what "fun" is.

Bioshock got boring fast and the graphics get "old".. Yet I bet you everyone here would be telling you GT5 will be the greatest game ever. Yet what makes GT so special? You race around the same tracks over and over and you collect cars.. which has been done for the last 4 installments of the game.

It is just done so well that you don't care that it's basically the same game and actually keeps improving (I know I will enjoy it)

02-19-2008, 05:55 PM
funny how subjective people's idea of what "fun" is.

Bioshock got boring fast and the graphics get "old".. Yet I bet you everyone here would be telling you GT5 will be the greatest game ever. Yet what makes GT so special? You race around the same tracks over and over and you collect cars.. which has been done for the last 4 installments of the game.

yeah, fun is subjective. i like driving simulations. i don't like repetitive FPS's.

02-19-2008, 10:27 PM
i loved bioshock...i wouldn't buy a 360 JUST for the game...

My rotation right now is COD4, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, and Forza 2....

Just got rid of Oblivon, Dead Rising, Halo 3, and Rainbow Six Vegas...

Can't wait for Rainbow Six Vegas 2 to ome out..

02-20-2008, 05:46 PM
I played through about 30% of Bioshock and then better games like The Orange Box came out and I haven't touched it since. It might be better later on but what I've played doesn't really make it worth it. The Xbox has soooooooooooooooo many amazing titles that if you are considering buying it, get it for the library as a whole more than one particular game. And make sure to get Live if you do. No point in having an Xbox without IMO.