View Full Version : speeding ticket - "fc m" any ideas what it means?

02-18-2008, 12:40 PM
I have a ticket I am fighting Wed. and I'm preparing for it WAY too late. The guy checked the box "radar" on the ticket, and in hand writing above he put:



Does anyone have any idea what that might mean? Its gotta be shorthand for something. Is that a type of radar? Brand? Model?
He was traveling the opposite direction when he nailed me - my radar detector didn't go off until he was right in front of me.

I want to look up the manual online but I was curious if anyone had any idea?

02-18-2008, 01:53 PM
Just a guess, maybe its short hand for what you just described.
FC could be front something to indicate which radar device he used
M for moving or in motion

Vision Garage
02-18-2008, 01:59 PM


JP. Have no idea. Try checkin up at the DMV.

02-18-2008, 07:26 PM
call and ask.

02-18-2008, 09:01 PM
Get a traffic lawyer its usually cheaper that way (at least where I live)...hell, you can just call one and ask what it means. I'm sure they wont charge you just to tell you that.

02-18-2008, 09:04 PM
You can call your local PD at any time to ask what something means on a ticket if you're not sure.

02-18-2008, 10:10 PM
^^ as the above said, again I say, call and ask.

They can be rude, but you have a right to know what is on your ticket.

02-18-2008, 10:13 PM
maybe he thought your car was an FC.

har. har. har.

02-18-2008, 11:19 PM
FC = front of car?

M = motion? like he was moving too?

02-18-2008, 11:20 PM
He was traveling the opposite direction when he nailed me - my radar detector didn't go off until he was right in front of me.

I want to look up the manual online but I was curious if anyone had any idea?

Also, it could be that your radar didn't go off because he used the instant on thing. I was reading about it in my manual that came with my radar detector. Either way sucks to hear, at least he was using a radar and if there was anyone next to you and you didn't admit or try to give an excuse you should be fine.

Just be glad he didn't use a laser/lidar because then you'd be basically screwed because those are very accurate.

02-18-2008, 11:43 PM
how can you accurately calculate the speed of something moving in the opposite direction? am I retarded or wouldnt the fact that you are moving at some rate of speed in one direction change the reading you got? If a radar is measuring the rate of speed at which you are moving toward it the fact that it is also moving towards you means that the gap closes faster so it appears you are moving much faster right? And if a cop measures your speed as you are passing by and he continues to move then its like you are racing toward each other but as it continues to measure as you move past him and he keeps driving its like you are racing away from each other so the gap widens faster. If it was a stopped measurment or he was pacing you in the same direction Id believe it....but I might fight it just based on the fact that objects moving away from each other cant really accurately measure each others speed.....or am i just wrong on this whole thing....at 1:45am

02-18-2008, 11:47 PM
Would it work if you know what speed you're going (i.e. 40 mph) and get someone on the radar going 96 mph or something. Then just deduct how fast you were going (assuming it was a steady constant rate of speed)? Of course there will be a little bit of error depending on how accurate your speedo is and the radar etc. But if that works out it could be close enough to give someone a ticket if they were enough over the limit.

Or maybe I'm wrong, I'm tired too.

02-18-2008, 11:56 PM
^^ yeah I mean to some degree that would work but I mean im assuming we are talking about some reasonable amount of speed not like he was flying at 96 past a cop...which would be obvious anyway....if he was going say 55 and the cop was going by at like 40 id make that argument that the measurment would be inaccurate and that my car is loud and low so it looks and sounds like its going faster anyway...if he was gunnin it by the cop then there is not a whole lot you can say

EDIT: hey tastyratz just noticed it says your from MA where exactly you from? and whered u get pulled over lol

02-19-2008, 12:09 AM
i am in the same situation as tastyratz, got a ticket on pch after leaving Neptune's over here. the cop was coming at me. he said i was doing 81 in a 55. but i wasn't doing 81. it's marked radar unit on the ticket

i was in front of a white rsx and like 2 other cars, all my friends and i thnk its bs, it was the 29th and my car is on megans so its a lot lower than stock.

i wana fight it, but does highway patrol have diff equipment? or should i also fight mine.

02-19-2008, 12:13 AM
Wait... what speed is written on the ticket? 81? or whatever it may be?

Also did the cop ask you how fast you were going? Did he verbaly trick you into saying you were going that fast? Or just state I clocked you going an X ammount of speed?

02-19-2008, 12:15 AM
^^ yeah I mean to some degree that would work but I mean im assuming we are talking about some reasonable amount of speed not like he was flying at 96 past a cop...which would be obvious anyway....if he was going say 55 and the cop was going by at like 40 id make that argument that the measurment would be inaccurate and that my car is loud and low so it looks and sounds like its going faster anyway...if he was gunnin it by the cop then there is not a whole lot you can say

EDIT: hey tastyratz just noticed it says your from MA where exactly you from? and whered u get pulled over lol

Oh and I guess I didn't make it clear enough. Of course the radar would read 96, but if you deduct 40 then it would be 56 in lets say a 35 mph zone. And therefore gave him grounds to write a ticket. Either way it's hard to pull that off, but being how gay cops are I'm sure he would say he was cruising at a steady pace if that's how things actually ended up working. And it's gonna be a cops word with radar over yours... a potential law breaker.

Edit: also look for any errors at all written on the ticket because that may be your way out. My gf got off with her first ticket because the cop forgot to write the state of her license # on the ticket.

02-19-2008, 12:16 AM
Wait... what speed is written on the ticket? 81? or whatever it may be?

Also did the cop ask you how fast you were going? Did he verbaly trick you into saying you were going that fast? Or just state I clocked you going an X ammount of speed?

it says speed approx: 81, the max says 55,

ya he just came over goin i clocked you bla bla, lemme see your crap, and now that i look closely lol, he wrote down i'm 16

and im 18, almost 19 within a couple months.

02-19-2008, 12:21 AM
it says speed approx: 81, the max says 55,

ya he just came over goin i clocked you bla bla, lemme see your crap, and now that i look closely lol, he wrote down i'm 16

and im 18, almost 19 within a couple months.

That MIGHT be enough grounds to get your ticket thrown out. Because you're obviously not 16. I mean, they have all your information written down in front of them on legal documents and how the fuck do you mess that up? You're seriously just copying shit.

02-19-2008, 12:23 AM
yeah always a tough sell when you are goin up against cops lol I got a moving violation for my exhaust when i wasnt even in the car lol....I was parked, they mailed the ticket to my house haha....you do have somewhat of an argument based on the fact that he was moving away from you but still cops word vs yours

EDIT: yeah hustlervibes but you forget that your age isnt written down just your birthday....and subtraction is hard sometimes, sounds like a cop who failed math lol

02-19-2008, 12:25 AM
^ totally forgot about that :duh:

02-19-2008, 12:26 AM
Another good tip I think for fighting a ticket. Try to set your court date on the same day of the week the cop was working on and around the same time you got the ticket, in hopes he doesn't show up. If he doesn't show there is no one to fight you, so you basically win :D

02-19-2008, 12:31 AM
That MIGHT be enough grounds to get your ticket thrown out. Because you're obviously not 16. I mean, they have all your information written down in front of them on legal documents and how the fuck do you mess that up? You're seriously just copying shit.

lol yea, its not hard ha.

now i also had someone with me in the car, should he have asked that person for id or whatever?? cuase ive had that happen to me when i was riding with someone who got pulled over.

02-19-2008, 12:48 AM
^^ doesnt have to ask...he can if he wants but its not neccessary unless ur friend is a sketchball

02-19-2008, 12:49 AM
No as far as I know the other person doesn't really matter because you're the one getting the speeding ticket.

02-19-2008, 12:52 AM
i got a ticket from a stalker 5000000 lol

02-19-2008, 12:58 AM
ok, cool thanks guys.

02-19-2008, 01:18 AM
Obviously it's a map to hidden treasure.

02-19-2008, 01:19 AM
I got pulled too, but they thought i was drunk and took me in for a breath test. but anyways all the cars seem to have the radar built into it and it can read the oncoming cars, other than that, you want to ask the officer when the last time the machine was collaborated, you also want to listen carefully and see what his story is, maybe he'll slip up and say he pulled you over at 730pm and cited you, when he really pulled you at 12am as your ticket says, which happened to me

02-19-2008, 01:21 AM
ya he just came over goin i clocked you bla bla, lemme see your crap, and now that i look closely lol, he wrote down i'm 16

and im 18, almost 19 within a couple months.

any descrepancies in his judgement being off can win in your favor.

02-19-2008, 06:47 AM
wow lots of posts since I put this up, cool.
Few things:

Used to be from around the lowell area but moved to nh since then and didnt update my profile :p

Suprafreak:always fight your ticket. Unless you have a loaded record you have a really good shot of getting off or at least reduced. Where it hits you in the insurance is where you die - if I didn't lose a safe driver discount and get points I would have just paid it and not wasted time... Who cares what the ticket costs.

Errors on the ticket - clerical errors wont usually get you off so don't hold your breath. 16, 18, doesn't matter- you were the confirmed driver. Dont count on that as your staple. Visual errors can (for example, he said the car was green when its blue- how can he prove it wasn't another green car)

cop not showing up:
This might work some of the time - don't bank on it. Even if you don't get the original cop big cities have traffic cops that do nothing besides go to court cases for other cops all day long. - obviously then its not always a reason just call it possible last minute leverage.
Going to traffic cases is part of a traffic cops job- They don't just blow off cases for no reason -

I was not so blessed as to get an error on the ticket it was pretty straight forward. What I WAS blessed with is this was already continued and there were no notes written on the back of the ticket. Since this occurred back in September I'm hoping he forgot a lot of details.

Ticket is for 65 in a 40 in nh- If you go 40 on that road you get run over - limit should be 55- its pretty much a highway but its revenue generating...

Im fighting it tomorrow and most likely I'm going to be winging things depending on what he says or what I find out.
I might go with the avoiding a drunk driver excuse that always seems to get me off of written tickets/warnings lol.

He checked medium on the ticket for traffic so I might have a shot with saying he nabbed another car.

I find a lot of BS on the web for fighting tickets but its hard to wade through to real information.
(for example, depending on the zoning in MA its legal to exceed the speed limit for a short given distance before its a problem. I cant find anything on whether or not that applies to NH)