View Full Version : PS3 Is Catching Up...about gawdamn time!!!

02-18-2008, 05:14 AM

Numbers from Jan 2008:
274k - Wii
269k - PlayStation 3
251k - Nintendo DS
230k - PlayStation Portable
230k - Xbox 360

Thank you HD-DVD for loosing...:bigok:

02-18-2008, 06:23 AM
yeah about time, since that means prices will once again come down so then when GT5 comes out i can afford a ps3 haha

02-18-2008, 06:33 AM
PS3 is finally getting some decent games, or people are finally buying them anyways. Warhawk is very much FTW. Really though, people are buying it for a blu-ray player that just happens to come with a bonus video game system.

02-18-2008, 07:01 AM
Blu-Ray is a major influence on PS3's current success.

i hear rumors of a price break come summer. :)

02-18-2008, 07:33 AM
Blu-Ray is a major influence on PS3's current success.

One of the major reasons I bought one.

02-18-2008, 07:34 AM
One of the major reasons I bought one.


02-18-2008, 08:07 AM

I wish the article stated if those were total numbers or just for NA or what?

A PS3 is on the top of my list of purchases this year.

02-18-2008, 09:52 AM
one of the comments on that page were true though " has anyone tried to get an elite" I have not seen one in stores over here since they came out, I love my 360 but also love my ps3 for blu ray. xbox without a doubt for games and online, the ps3 for imports (wangan midnight) and blu ray.

02-18-2008, 09:54 AM

OKOK, that too.

02-18-2008, 10:18 AM
Yeah, the PS3 will be the one I purchase, I think I will sit and wait for the price to go down a little bit more before taking action though

02-18-2008, 10:52 AM
Apparently there is a 120GB or 160GB version PS3 replacing the 80GB.

And EVERYONE is buying PS3's for blu-ray. lol At least from me. I even had an older guy that was into SCCA and cars buy it and he's waiting for GT5 to come out cause he played the demo. ROFLMAO.

02-18-2008, 10:56 AM
once hddvd is officially dead i'll be picking up a ps3. and it shouldn't be long before the Wii fad is over.
yeah, i called it a fad. shit's not gaming. it's a lame gimmick. i fell for it, but i came to my senses and sold it.

02-18-2008, 11:02 AM
lol the wii fad was gone because no one pays for games anymore.. I payed for about 4 out of the 87 that I own.. and even when nintendo tried to stop it with mario galaxy it did not work.

also the ps3.. when the full psp support is out its gonna take over.. Aparently you can watch your movies and listen to your music thats on the ps3 when your MILES away from the it.. read about that in a game informer, cant waitt

02-18-2008, 11:51 AM
Cheapest Blu-Ray player you can ever buy!!!
i plan to buy one once the price drops again =/

SKATE is awesome on PS3!!

02-18-2008, 12:01 PM
lol the wii fad was gone because no one pays for games anymore.. I payed for about 4 out of the 87 that I own.. and even when nintendo tried to stop it with mario galaxy it did not work.

also the ps3.. when the full psp support is out its gonna take over.. Aparently you can watch your movies and listen to your music thats on the ps3 when your MILES away from the it.. read about that in a game informer, cant waitt

so it's like a slingbox? that's a pretty cool built in feature. xbox should do the same thing with the zune.

02-18-2008, 12:33 PM
Yeah, the PS3 will be the one I purchase, I think I will sit and wait for the price to go down a little bit more before taking action though

same here...... no hurry :bigok:

02-18-2008, 01:00 PM
lol the wii fad was gone because no one pays for games anymore.. I payed for about 4 out of the 87 that I own.. and even when nintendo tried to stop it with mario galaxy it did not work.

also the ps3.. when the full psp support is out its gonna take over.. Aparently you can watch your movies and listen to your music thats on the ps3 when your MILES away from the it.. read about that in a game informer, cant waitt

Just cause you do it doesn't mean people aren't buying games.

02-18-2008, 03:39 PM
The best thing about the PS3 as a Blue-Ray is that Sony constantly keep it up with software upgrades every other month or so. Isnt most players they have are non-upgradable software wise. I figured thats the best thing about the PS3 over the other players out there.

02-18-2008, 04:20 PM
I like the software updates I get from the PS3 and the potential the unit has. I'm not urked if there is a price cut in the near future. As long as they don't change the design real soon or release a sliver one this x-mas..I will be fine. :)

02-18-2008, 04:27 PM
not to sound like a fan boy but M$ did have a shortage on 360 pros and elites very recently. if my roommate didnt already have a ps3 i would buy one for blue ray.

02-18-2008, 04:30 PM
I like my PS3 and GT5 is A+

02-18-2008, 04:51 PM
finally. the blu-ray player was an added bonus to me, i mainly got it for mgs4 since i have been playing that series for a long time. also gta4, gt5, and re5, those look awesome, the future looks bright to me.

02-18-2008, 09:31 PM
The only people i've ever heard talk shit about the PS3© didn't even have one. I love my PS3©. I've been a Playstation© fan since the start. Even though i start playing Nintendo.

I'm bored of my Wii already. If it wasn't for the old skool NES and SNES games i wouldn't even bother.

Xbox....... jeez. I'm not even going to bother talking shit about that.

02-18-2008, 09:41 PM
I like the PS3, honestly I have mine hooked up to a 50" pioneer plasma home and my friend has his 360 hooked up to a 50" samsung in his and Im really not impressed with 360s graphics at all....PS3 looks 10x better IMO....but yeah def waiting for more games to come out

02-18-2008, 10:05 PM
I like the PS3, honestly I have mine hooked up to a 50" pioneer plasma home and my friend has his 360 hooked up to a 50" samsung in his and Im really not impressed with 360s graphics at all....PS3 looks 10x better IMO....but yeah def waiting for more games to come out

It might partially be because you have a Pioneer. lol

02-18-2008, 10:37 PM
^^ why? is a samsung plasma really that much worse?

02-18-2008, 10:54 PM
No it's not that much worse. The Pioneer is just the best. lol

In terms of black level you can't get any better. And that equates to better color reproduction/saturation. The video in the Pioneers are considered to be some of the best also.

The Samsung 84 series plasmas are good, and the 71/81 are great LCDs. The 54 series plasmas are kinda lacking from what I've seen. But you didn't say what model he had. =D

I can tell you though that we had a PS3 at work and hooked it up to a bunch of different TV's The Sony XBR4 looked good, but the Pioneer (5010) BLEW IT AWAY. Casino Royal look infinately better on the Pioneer. Personally I think the Sony SXRD looked better than the XBR4 (LCD). Now the PS3 is on a 5084 and it looks better than the XBR4 too. And for fast motion it looks awesome. The Gran Turismo demo kicks ass.

I'll stop ranting now. lol

02-18-2008, 11:00 PM
PS3 (free online game play) >>>>> 360 ($15 a month for live)

02-18-2008, 11:15 PM
Hooorayy!!! PS3's finally getting to where it was always supposed to be. Maybe this way some of the companies making their games supposedly exclusive to the xbox will change their minds.. maybe? Still kinda itching to play Bioshock...

02-18-2008, 11:17 PM
PS3 (free online game play) >>>>> 360 ($15 a month for live)

$50 a year. and on xbox, there's actually people to play with. and the other services that are tied in with having a Live subscription make it worth it, for now. when PS3 has an equal number of players you'll have a good argument.

02-18-2008, 11:24 PM
No it's not that much worse. The Pioneer is just the best. lol

In terms of black level you can't get any better. And that equates to better color reproduction/saturation. The video in the Pioneers are considered to be some of the best also.

The Samsung 84 series plasmas are good, and the 71/81 are great LCDs. The 54 series plasmas are kinda lacking from what I've seen. But you didn't say what model he had. =D

I can tell you though that we had a PS3 at work and hooked it up to a bunch of different TV's The Sony XBR4 looked good, but the Pioneer (5010) BLEW IT AWAY. Casino Royal look infinately better on the Pioneer. Personally I think the Sony SXRD looked better than the XBR4 (LCD). Now the PS3 is on a 5084 and it looks better than the XBR4 too. And for fast motion it looks awesome. The Gran Turismo demo kicks ass.

I'll stop ranting now. lol

lol appears my dad knows whats up then cause its our family TV...... but really its his, picture is pretty amazing tho

everyone keeps telling me to buy call of duty...i probably will very shortly

02-18-2008, 11:26 PM
$50 a year. and on xbox, there's actually people to play with. and the other services that are tied in with having a Live subscription make it worth it, for now. when PS3 has an equal number of players you'll have a good argument.

I am a playstation whore and hate xbox for reasons of my own and for no good reason, I'm just biased.

But anyway I have to agree that even though it's free it only does so much if you have no one to play with. But if I already spent hundreds on the console and games and internet, I don't want to spend for a xbox live account. Sony just needs to get their shit together regarding online.

02-18-2008, 11:28 PM
From "Smarthouse": http://www.smarthouse.com.au/Gaming/Console/J7L7H2R4?page=1

Blu-ray Xbox 360 Planned By Microsoft
By David Richards | Monday | 18/02/2008

Rumours were circulating today that Microsoft is set to dump HD DVD and bring out a Blu ray Xbox 360 by as early as May 2008. The move will allow the Company to go head to head with the Sony PS3 gaming console which has been credited with being one of the main reasons that retailers have preferred Blu-ray over Toshiba’s HD DVD.
Insiders at Microsoft in the USA have told SmartHouse that Microsoft has already configured a standalone Blu-ray player that can be connected into an Xbox 360 and that subject to internal marketing and sales approvals the model could be on sale within 3 months.

The Company has also been working on a built in Blu-ray player however insiders are claiming that Microsoft see the HD format battle moving online with consumers offered 1080p movie and content files as a download as opposed to having to buy a HD DVD or Blu-ray disc.

Both Intel and Microsoft have been supporters of the HD DVD format that is set to be killed off this week.

The Company has also held discussions with several OEM manufacturers of media centres with nearly all of them telling the software Company that they are set to move to Blu-ray configured Media Centres within the next month.

Late last week US Media Centre maker Niveus dumped HD DVD in favour of Blu-ray.

The Company VP of marketing Brian Paper said that Niveus had received support from Microsoft and Intel when implementing HD DVD. The format wasn't pushed on Niveus, he said, adding that the commitment in both Intel and Microsoft "isn't religious for HD DVD".

Michael Ephraim the Managing Director of Sony Computer Entertainment said: "We would welcome Microsoft to the Blu-ray stable. In fact it is quite logical for them as the PS3 has been very succesful in driving consumers to Blu-ray. In fact we believe that it has done more to win the format war than traditional Blu-ray player".

When asked whether Sony would grant Microsoft a Blu-ray licence he said: "That is up to Sony Corporate but I see no reason why they would not do it".

During CES 2006 the then Microsoft's Xbox corporate VP of worldwide marketing and publishing Peter Moore told Japanese site ITmedia that a Blu-ray Xbox 360 peripheral could appear for the system if the need arises. Moore admitted that Microsoft isn't sure of the next-generation format war's outcome, with the worst-case scenario being a repeat of the Beta vs. VHS war of the '80s.

However, he suggested that whatever the outcome of the HD-DVD/Blu-ray war, the Xbox 360 can adopt the dominant format since its uses an external drive.


Well damn. lol

02-18-2008, 11:33 PM
From "Smarthouse": http://www.smarthouse.com.au/Gaming/Console/J7L7H2R4?page=1

Blu-ray Xbox 360 Planned By Microsoft
By David Richards | Monday | 18/02/2008

Rumours were circulating today that Microsoft is set to dump HD DVD and bring out a Blu ray Xbox 360 by as early as May 2008........

WOW. What's gonna happen with the games that have already been released? Would they have to re-buy them in a blu-ray format? I'm not sure how the whole game thing works because I was under the assumption that they were being made on hd-dvd or blu-ray unless it's just a firmware change?

This is just making me mad, the one of the few trumps card sony had might now be taken away.

02-18-2008, 11:34 PM
I am a playstation whore and hate xbox for reasons of my own and for no good reason, I'm just biased.

But anyway I have to agree that even though it's free it only does so much if you have no one to play with. But if I already spent hundreds on the console and games and internet, I don't want to spend for a xbox live account. Sony just needs to get their shit together regarding online.

i used to be a playstation prostitute. down since '95. but ps3... i just don't care yet. some day i will. hddvd's pretty much dead, so it shouldn't be long.

02-18-2008, 11:35 PM
The games for the 360 were on DVD format. The HD-DVD was an add-on drive for the console. So the games will not be affected.

02-19-2008, 11:04 PM
also the ps3.. when the full psp support is out its gonna take over.. Aparently you can watch your movies and listen to your music thats on the ps3 when your MILES away from the it.. read about that in a game informer, cant waitt

On my PS3 I have all my music and videos stored on the hard drive. Anywhere in the house I can take my PSP and open any file from the PS3 and play it through the PSP. It only works on a local area network though. I think the thing you are talking about is the Location Free player, they have that out for PSP already. ;)