View Full Version : College Question

02-17-2008, 07:34 AM
So after 6 years of slacking off and partying I am finally going to recieve my Bachelor's in Psychology. My main focus of study was Love/relationships cause I planned onbeing a marriage counselor. Now to do that I knew i needed a master probly even a doctorate, but I did not however know that to do almost anything in my related feild I needed a masters. I have started applying to a few places for a serious job while I finished up my masters. I found that in the state of NY I can't even be a high school guidance councelor.

Is it like this in other states for Psych. grads as well?

02-17-2008, 07:43 AM
You're planning to be a Marriage Counselor, and you still ask childish crap like this...

Maybe you should just find a new line of work. I think Chuck E. Cheese needs someone to clean the ball pit.

02-17-2008, 08:03 AM
I think they want a masters so they don't get guys that partied through 6 years of college.

02-17-2008, 08:10 AM
I think they want a masters so they don't get guys that partied through 6 years of college.

I would have to agree. I know I wouldn't want someone "guiding" my child through high school that had an outlook on life like you have just mentioned in this thread....let alone the one ThatGuy mentioned.

Dirty Habit
02-17-2008, 08:34 AM
Tommy (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000394/): Did you hear I finally graduated?
Richard Hayden (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005450/): Yeah, and just a shade under a decade too, all right.
Tommy (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000394/): You know a lot of people go to college for seven years.
Richard Hayden (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005450/): I know, they're called doctors.

02-17-2008, 08:57 AM
You're planning to be a Marriage Counselor, and you still ask childish crap like this...

Maybe you should just find a new line of work. I think Chuck E. Cheese needs someone to clean the ball pit.

Read my post, I do not see where it was off color. That question was asked because it has become a recent subject of study in one of my advanced classes. With all the reactions I saw to the post of the girl with two heads I wanted to see what people thought on that subject. My statement was more a comment on how people should think of what they say before they say it and less of a ha ha funny funny. I also like to dee different people views of the age barrier. Yet the thread was closed without a chance for a pretty decent subject to be discussed

02-17-2008, 09:00 AM
Do you have a degree in lame excuses, as well?

02-17-2008, 09:05 AM
that is a lame excuse how? Those stupid motivational posters have become a part of pop culture now and yet it is accepted and found to be funny the things they say about underaged girls(mainly). I thought maybe a rational discussion could have been had on the subject of how common place it has become to exploit adolescent behavior. I thought maybe people could have an educated loosely serious discussion on here for once rather than just ask if their weak wheel fitment was right or not.

To educate someone on a subject you need them to begin thinking of your subject on their level so they become comfortable with that subject. Once they are thinking of the subject you can introduce your theories and actually have them heard rather than just read and not comprehended. SO you introduce the subject as a statement that can be comprehended at their level not yours. Once the group has reacted you can guage on how technical you can be in your approach.

02-17-2008, 09:10 AM
Right, because to start a rational discussion you mention the "awesomeness" of the underage posters, and refer to it as "sticking it in some girls pooper". Wow, they are really improving college educations today. You've become so eloquent and refined in your questioning technique.

I guess since I decided to pass on College at an earlier age, I missed out on these "advanced" classes like this.

02-17-2008, 09:14 AM
awesomeness was sarcasm.

And in my 6 years beyond the partying and slacking I managed to get an AS in international business an AS in fine art and in May a BS in Psychology. When switching major college credits are sometimes not transfereable.

02-17-2008, 09:20 AM
Well college has certainly taught you to back track over your mistakes, and debate.

Nice edit on your last post.

You can try to justify it anyway you like. Whatever makes you feel better at the end of the day.

02-17-2008, 09:25 AM
The easiest way to observe human behavior is to lock a bunch of people in a room and introduce something that is considered taboo. I tried using this forum as a room. it works most other places.

02-17-2008, 09:25 AM
And furthermore, who enters a "deep" life discussions about something born of an internet meme?
Perhaps you should include "dicking off on the internet" to the list of things that caused you 6 years to a 4-year degree.
Besides, where WOULD people talk about their wheel fitment other than on a forum where (some) like-minded individuals would so happen to be? Trust and believe, while some here ARE capable of conducting a "deep life discussion," most hat CAN aren't interested in finding that here. Besides, speaking of the SAME people who come to talk about wheel fitment, have you NOTICED that those conversations are usually neither mature, nor are they rational or civil?
I am sure there are forums that will discuss the "awesome ness" of the motivational posters and how manly it makes one to "put it in a girl's pooper," then opine on the change in the legality of such when that girl is a minor, but we try to avoid such nonsensical discourse (ha! "nonsensical discourse," an oxymoron!) around these parts... In such, it was killed and I honestly don't see this lasting TOO much longer the way it is headed.

02-17-2008, 09:29 AM
You want to observe human behavior? Check your Rep after you posted that topic. That's all the behavioral observation you need.

That should tell you how the topic is considered here.

02-17-2008, 09:32 AM
I have which with the way most people speak on here is a suprise.

case in point the thread about the girl with two heads.

02-17-2008, 09:36 AM
how the fuck can you afforded to party and pay for college for 6 years/. 6 years and only a bachelors degree =waste of time/money. make sure not to do the same for when you go for your DR. status.

02-17-2008, 09:42 AM
how the fuck can you afforded to party and pay for college for 6 years/. 6 years and only a bachelors degree =waste of time/money. make sure not to do the same for when you go for your DR. status.

I don't think the achievement of Dr. status will be an issue here. I mean, seriously; how many people who go on a car forum and starts a thread with the intention psychoanalysis of the respondents to a thread whose wording was sophomoric at best actually expect to get a doctorate?

02-17-2008, 10:21 AM
how the fuck can you afforded to party and pay for college for 6 years/. 6 years and only a bachelors degree =waste of time/money. make sure not to do the same for when you go for your DR. status.

I was thinking the same thing. I hear people bitch and whine about how hard it is to get a degree in four years now... BS it is. I'm well on my way to earning my bachelors in (possibley) 3 years. Why? Cause I don't waste time, fail classes cause I'm hungover every other day, and party my ass off every weekend.

Also, as someone who is taking classes in psychology, I don't see how you could possibley expect to accurately observe behavior via the internet. You're other thread was just you being a douche I think, and now trying to cover your tracks about it.

... And yes, to do almost any work in the field of psychology or counseling etc. anywhere (aside from using the bachelors degree for a law enforcement career or similar work) you're going to need a masters.

02-17-2008, 10:23 AM
masters is 2years correct? you already went to college for 6 might as well do the 2more...some offices might even pay for your grad school if they want you enough....getting your masters is pretty much the standard now anyway... so many people are getting their masters that you kinda need it to be in competition for high paying jobs

02-17-2008, 10:24 AM
yeah i was just implying that he is going to have to get a doctorate because pretty much if you are majoring in any social science/humanities you have to be a dr. for anyone to take your words seriously.

02-17-2008, 10:29 AM
yeah i was just implying that he is going to have to get a doctorate because pretty much if you are majoring in any social science/humanities you have to be a dr. for anyone to take your words seriously.

Depends on what you plan to do with your degree. I'm just going for my bachelors and then hopefully into police work, or possibley law school from there, a bachelors is all I need for that. However, if you want to do social work, teaching etc. you'll likely want at least a masters if not a doctorate.

02-17-2008, 10:36 AM
Phil, stop using big words...lol

02-17-2008, 12:47 PM
This is the funniest thread ever. Holy cow.

I've been outta school for far way too long. i DO plan on going back, but when i figure myself out. Yea, i do understand i've been slacking, but there are far too many people i know that hve their degrees in X and aren't in a job anywhere related to it. Now they owe loads of money.

There are things i love to do, but really narrowing it down to ONE thing is hard. I like being a Jack of All Trades. But Jacks get nowhere. Kings do.


02-17-2008, 01:26 PM
^^ lol for the most part what I see in my classes is that very few people actually know what they want to do...Ive been all over the place. Im now a management major but I started off taking all poli sci classes cause that was what interested me, so I learned a ton and actually took so many I now have a completed minor in poli sci lol. I also took a few art classes which were awsome. If you are not going to pursue a career where you would need a specialised degree ie engineer, doctor, dentist etc you are way better off going to school and figuring out what you want to do while you are there. Alot of people dont work in the field they got their degree in. but on average college grads make more money in their life time, masters makes more than a BA etc. My economics teacher told us that businesses arent really as concerned with where you went to school (unless its Ivy League) or what you majored in. They see college as kind of like a skills test that shows them that you can work in that kind of advanced academic setting, solve problems etc. Im a business major and Im not sure what I want to do when I get out, but just having a BA in management will open more doors for me than if I just had my highschool diploma and open doors for careers that arent even necessarily in my particular field of study. Best recommendation is go to a state school for undergrad work and then go to grad school at a really good university....Degrees = $$$

02-17-2008, 02:35 PM
in for the moderator gang bang

02-17-2008, 07:25 PM
but on average college grads make more money in their life time, masters makes more than a BA etc. My economics teacher told us that businesses arent really as concerned with where you went to school (unless its Ivy League) or what you majored in. They see college as kind of like a skills test that shows them that you can work in that kind of advanced academic setting, solve problems etc.

That is the truth! Good post.

02-17-2008, 08:39 PM
in for the moderator gang bang
beat me too it. This is kind of funny.
BTW, being a phsycologist with a masters or doctorate is hard enough. Just a BS, theres not much going on for you.

Omarius Maximus
02-17-2008, 08:46 PM
It's been about 6 years and I still don't have my bachelors. Granted, I've taken a couple years off, but still, I'm on the decade plan. Ultimately, I really don't think it matters, seeing as how I'm making about the same amount of money my peers are, and they are actual college graduates. A bachelors degree is a major dissapointment in my book. If I could go back, I'd take some acting classes and try to make it in hollywood. I'm middle eastern, so I could have the "terrorist" roles monopolized.

02-17-2008, 09:02 PM
I was thinking the same thing. I hear people bitch and whine about how hard it is to get a degree in four years now... BS it is. I'm well on my way to earning my bachelors in (possibley) 3 years. Why? Cause I don't waste time, fail classes cause I'm hungover every other day, and party my ass off every weekend.

Also, as someone who is taking classes in psychology, I don't see how you could possibley expect to accurately observe behavior via the internet. You're other thread was just you being a douche I think, and now trying to cover your tracks about it.

... And yes, to do almost any work in the field of psychology or counseling etc. anywhere (aside from using the bachelors degree for a law enforcement career or similar work) you're going to need a masters.

not everyone can take 20 credits a semester, especially with upper level classes that are sometimes only offered at the same time as other classes you have to take for your major.

or if you are like me, athletics take up a LOT of your time. 6 months out of the school year i am working out 20+ hours a week plus i am gone almost every weekend traveling for competitions. i took 15 credits my first semester, and it was almost too much, it showed in my grades, this semester i'm taking 12 and its going MUCH better, its going to help my GPA a lot. on top of this, having a job also would make it that much more difficult..