View Full Version : who plays world of war craft?

02-15-2008, 03:43 PM
im here bored at work, and i came across this article about this couple who got a divorce over the game, i found it funny cause my brother plays it and he spends all his time on the computer, i really dont see whats so addicting about that game, but this was pretty funny, was just wondering who else plays this game


02-15-2008, 04:16 PM
how plays? lol.
my last gf's older brother played that ish like 24-7. he was seriously never seen during daylight hours and was this sick ass pale white. but i guess he was having fun so whatev.

02-15-2008, 04:40 PM
everytime i see or hear something about this game...im reminded of the southpark episode where they made fun of it..

02-15-2008, 04:45 PM
four wheels of fury!

02-15-2008, 04:47 PM
this is always a good one


02-15-2008, 04:51 PM
i never played it.. i tried some online rpgs and played them for a few days, but got bored real fast.. I dont really think any game is worth paying monthly to play.

reminds me of one of my exs.. i got to read her aim away message about them doin it, then her away message reading" watchin my man play WOW" .. she thinnks its cute. i just thought how much of a loser this guy probably is. lol

02-15-2008, 04:56 PM
yeah sorry about the title i meant to type who*, yeah my brother gets home at 5 am from work, he works the graveyard, and he plays from like 5 to 10am or so, then knocks out, wakes up again and back to the computer

02-15-2008, 05:40 PM
I actually wrote an English paper on the topic of Second Life and WoW. I have never played the game and never will. There are online forums dedicated to people who want to quit playing. IIRC, www.wowrecovery.com was one of them. I had always had the mindset of "what a fucking loser" towards anyone who played, but after researching more about the topic, I learned how sad and worthless the addicted players' lives really are.

02-15-2008, 06:01 PM
i played

i logged in over 130 days played thats in like minutes and hours i was actually playing

one day i woke up and was like what the fuck am i doing

rul sad story

edit: no i'm not a fucking pimply ass nerdy kid

02-15-2008, 06:14 PM
Like I always saw it and all the like real nerdy ass kids played it, or that MAGIC card game, shit scares me.

02-15-2008, 06:18 PM
I don't play WoW. It's not because of the stereotypes that go along with the players who play it or because it's not my kind of game, I simply choose not to because I know my ass is gonna get addicted to it. When I was in high school I knew people who'd skip school just to stay home and play it, stay up till 2-3 in the morning, and all they'd do is talk WoW and nothing else. No other game mattered to them except that one, no Halo, no GTA, no nothing. It's pretty sad. One of them I knew kicked the habit, don't know about the rest. Shit is like a fucking drug.

Here's a vid. WoW funeral ambush:

(Cliff notes:
1) Some kid dies of cancer in real life.
2) In WoW, the faction he was in holds a funeral service for him. They're carrying no weapons for the event.
3) Opposing faction pulls off a surprise attack and slaughters every last one of them.)

02-15-2008, 06:27 PM
I used to play wow, and it's a bit weird because you go through your day without knowing that like perhaps 1/4 of the people you walk by also play wow. Yeah, the pimply nerdy dudes definitely play wow but a lot of normal and social people play wow too. The fanbase is fucking huge and is everyone's little secret, in 2006 blizzard pulled in 5.5 million players. I don't even know how bad it is now being that it's been two years, an expansion came out, and another one is in the works. Seriously, almost everyone has played, or still plays that shit.

edit: found some more numbers

sept 2006, 7million players

jan 2008, 10million players

02-15-2008, 06:30 PM
i played beta until battlegrounds

they killed the game with battlegrounds i was all for world pvp

thats what made it fun being the server asshole that everyone hated because you camped them all night

02-15-2008, 06:33 PM

02-15-2008, 06:38 PM

Dungeons and dragons online is 10x better (except wow's pvp > ddo)....... there's better games out there than wow... wow's a kiddish game.

02-15-2008, 06:47 PM
wows pvp now is pretty much garbage

they went with their own thing and turned a fun thing into another grind lost a lot of their customers because of it too

the best part of wow is the free environment and controls

02-15-2008, 07:20 PM
this is who plays........

02-15-2008, 07:23 PM
Am I supposed to laugh at the WoW funeral ambush vid? Half of me wants to, but the other half doesn't. :hahano:

02-15-2008, 07:25 PM
this is who plays........

yup, 10 million of them.

02-15-2008, 07:29 PM
i used to play WoW. all my roomies and i used to get hammered and grief the pussy Alliance. have 3 lvl 50+'s then walked away from the game. never got one to 60...

02-15-2008, 07:40 PM
i play. it's nothing too serious. some friends play, they hook it up.

edit: it's freaky how my 666th post was about wow. lol.

02-15-2008, 07:45 PM
this is who plays........

where did you find my pic?

02-15-2008, 07:49 PM
sadly i got lured into playing wow like 2 yrs ago. had a bunch of characters. I did enjoy it and it WAS insanely addicting which is why i dont play it anymore. Also helps cuz the game blows now compared to before the expansion imo. People who never played don't understand why it's addicting, and neither did I, until I played it and was hooked :( no more MMO's for me. Don't ever play a game that doesn't have an ending. I think it's easier to get addicted when you either have friends playing the game with you, or you make friends in the game. The game is very fun and that alone is "addicting" but having friends that play as well doesn't help.

Takes too much of your time away because of all the grinding and all the guild raids. Probably easier for teens but when you're in college or older, it's way too time consuming and will hurt your grades/marriage. The OP posted about divorce, yeah people take the game way serious because of how addicted they are. And not everyone who plays are typical nerds. The ones who go raiding every night definitely are no doubt about it

And there's people who take the game way serious and affects their behavior too. Arenas changed one of my friends so much, he took it way too serious and would sometimes get SERIOUSLY pissed off just cuz of a loss or something. He broke a few mouses

Oh, and don't think that anyone who plays the game is an addict. There are people who can play the game casually just like any other game. But just from its nature, it's pretty easy to put many hours/days into WOW compared to other games.

s0apgun, +1 for not playing anymore, lol

02-15-2008, 08:37 PM
its a good thing i havnt started to play, i always get addicted to games until i pass them, but knowing theirs no ending to WoW doesnt make me want to start that game, and i think people who play that game must really be addicted cause you have to pay monthly for it, its not much but its money that can go toward better things, i think

02-15-2008, 09:11 PM
True, man it's good you did not get into it. A doctor claimed that 40% of wow gamers are addicts. That was back in 2006, 2 yrs ago. And last i heard, there are 11 million subscribers now.

As for the article about the divorce, I'm sure they probably would have had problems down the road anyway. The guy could have gotten addicted to anything else, like gambling. What's interesting is that the wife worked for Blizzard as a developer for the game. She knew what the game was about, she even mentioned how Blizzard intentionally makes the game addicting... yet she bought it for her husband anyway hahaha

I also found it funny that there are advertisements for WOW in that article

02-16-2008, 12:05 AM
fags play world of war craft

i'm sure some gay people play. and many don't. what's your point?

if you're trying to troll, you should stop. if you're just being an ass, the same advice applies.

02-16-2008, 12:16 AM
everybody STOP!

and listen...


let's rave this bitch up!

02-16-2008, 01:30 AM
I'm sure I've covered this in other threads, but the WoW society is alive and well, and THRIVES on the lost souls that walk the halls at my job.

It's sad really. These people come to work to play video games, then go home and play WoW till they drop, get up and come back to work to play more. They play WoW during break times and lunch.

The first WoW firing happened this week.

02-16-2008, 01:33 AM
meh...i used to play...got boring after 2 lvl 70's and a 65...so much wasted time :(

Koopa Troopa
02-16-2008, 02:04 AM
who plays world of war craft?

Nerds, that's who.

02-16-2008, 02:15 AM
meh...i used to play...got boring after 2 lvl 70's and a 65...so much wasted time :(

Holy shit! I thought my friend played a lot and he only has one level 70 character and a few more characters that are up there. He had 165 days logged on the game at the time of the interview...really good supporting information for my paper. :keke:

That same friend has a 35R STi in the making too...weird.

02-16-2008, 12:49 PM
Holy shit! I thought my friend played a lot and he only has one level 70 character and a few more characters that are up there. He had 165 days logged on the game at the time of the interview...really good supporting information for my paper. :keke:

That same friend has a 35R STi in the making too...weird.

only 1 lvl 70? thats nothing man. my old roomie has upwards of 10 lvl 70's now. when he cant get onto his main server he will go onto another one and start a char. he plays every min hes not at work. when his gf used to come over he made her sit there and watch him play. he wouldnt say a word to her. we would have to entertain her once she got tired of watching him play for 6 hours straight. google electronic addiction. the shits real.

02-16-2008, 05:04 PM
My brother has a subscription so I made a character on his account, it's fun when I have nothing to do, though I think the game could've been made way better, it's marketed towards fairies. Diablo's fun factor was way bigger in my opinion. Actually, I want a realistic medieval adventure rpg with no magic and elves and goblins and all that garbage, just humans and human adventures.

02-16-2008, 05:32 PM
no bs magic
no superhuman dbz powers

straight up melee to melee. like free roaming fighting game.

02-17-2008, 01:27 AM
Holy shit! I thought my friend played a lot and he only has one level 70 character and a few more characters that are up there. He had 165 days logged on the game at the time of the interview...really good supporting information for my paper. :keke:

That same friend has a 35R STi in the making too...weird.

straight weaksauce (not the STi, but the only having one 70)...i loved my rogue (straight up killa :D) and my warlock was a face-melter...and my warrior would've been badass if i could be bothered to get him beyond lvl 65...yeah, that game can be contributed to my poor grades during spring term of my first year of college, as well as my dropping out of the Fire Science / Paramedicine program...oh well

02-17-2008, 10:24 AM
My friends brother is obsessed with the game. He is all about WoW. He tried getting me to play one time when i was over there....I got my character banned in less then five minutes for naming him "Jesus" I guess it doesnt help he looked like the stereotype jesus lol.

He also used to be obsessed with that star wars jedi knights game or w/e it was. We used to mess with him about it. Whenever i'd come over i'd ask him. "So hows the republic treating you, ARE YOU A JEDI YET?!" Then an object would usually come flying in my direction.

02-17-2008, 07:32 PM
There's a bunch of these kids at my school that play WOW, around noon when everyone is in the student union eating, these guys/girls would pull some tables and chair into a circle. They would be at it for hours, getting all excited, yelling and hollering. It never caught my interest though, I'm more into Battlefield 2142 and other fps.