View Full Version : WTF Northern Illinois University shooting

02-14-2008, 03:37 PM
any one else watchin this right now? 18 ppl shot and 3 killed

02-14-2008, 03:48 PM
no, what happened??

02-14-2008, 03:59 PM
Up to 15 reported injured in Northern Illinois University shooting

February 14, 2008

DeKALB, Ill. - DeKalb Police say a gunman who opened fired at Northern Illinois University is dead.
Authorities say the gunman started shooting in a lecture hall at about 3 p.m. Central time, injuring as many as 15 people as students frantically scrambled over desks for cover. The hall is near King Commons, a central gathering place on the 25,000-student campus, about 65 miles west of Chicago.
Kishwaukee Hospital reported that up to 15 people were being brought to the hospital, CBS-TV in Chicago reported, including three or four who had head wounds. The DeKalb County Sheriff's Department said the assailant, who was armed with a pistol and a shotgun, was dead. It was not clear immediately how he died.

“It has been confirmed that there has been a shooting on campus and several people have been taken away by ambulance,” officials said in a message posted on the school’s Web site at 3:50 p.m. Central time. “People are urged not to come to campus.”
At 4:14 p.m., the Web site said, “Campus police report that the immediate danger has passed. The gunman is no longer a threat.”

Messages were left for university police and police in DeKalb.

Dominique Broxton, 22, a student from Oak Park, told the Chicago Tribune she could see two wounded students from her dorm room.

"The ambulance took away two students on the ground right outside my dorm," she said. "I don't know them. They looked bloody. Where I am right now, there are a lot of police, at least a dozen. There are police cars and trucks everywhere."

Broxton said the scene was chaotic.

"I saw a lot of confusion," she said. "Students were running. People really didn't know what was going on. There is an intercom system inside the dorm. Someone came on and stated that someone had been caught. They said they caught the shooter and that we should remain calm and stay in our rooms. I am in my room

In a report by the Tribune, sophomore Geoff Alberti of Geneva told his parents he was in geology class when the gunman, carrying both a piston and a shotgun, entered the auditorium-style classroom through an emergency exit. The shooter did not say anything before opening fire on the class, he told his parents.

"He said at least 20 rounds were fired," said his mother, Marilyn.

Most students dropped to the floor after hearing the first shot and then crawled out of the classroom on their bellies, his mother said. Alberti called his parents at 3:20 p.m. immediately after exiting the building.

"He was just frantic," Marilyn Alberti said. "He said, 'Mom, a guy just shot up my class.' "

Geoff Alberti is currently being interviewed by police on campus, she said.
The Daily-Journal in Kankakee, Ill., reported that the school closed last December after it received an anonymous threat, including a racial slur, that referenced the Virginia Tech shootings last April. That threat was scrawled on a restroom wall in a residence hall.


02-14-2008, 04:01 PM
a shooter shot 18 people most wounds to the head, 3 confirmed dead including gunman

02-14-2008, 04:03 PM
What is going on in America these days... sad to see.

02-14-2008, 04:13 PM
maybe he didnt have a valentine

02-14-2008, 04:16 PM
wtf is this shit a trend now? seriously wtf! Is it just a coincedience that theres a lot of fucked up students or what?

02-14-2008, 04:16 PM
^^^Seriously, it seems like every week we have another incident like this.

02-14-2008, 04:23 PM
It's because college isn't so much a place for educating 18-23 year olds anymore; for the most part, it's merely a place to babysit young adults who have no idea wtf they should or could do with their lives.

According to the SF Chronicle, this is the 4th shooting in a week.

The NRA should be getting a little nervous about how the Court's gonna rule in Heller.

This shooter was a skinny white guy in a ski mask. If he had a sword instead of a gun, he'd have been tired by the 2nd or 3rd victim.

02-14-2008, 04:29 PM
Thank God crazy people can't aim.

Let's not turn this into another gun rights thread...

02-14-2008, 04:30 PM
I'm just pro-sword.

As far as I'm concerned, the gun is just another tool.

02-14-2008, 04:31 PM
they said the weapon of choice was a pump action shotgun, the stories ppl are telling are pretty chilling.

02-14-2008, 05:02 PM

That's crazy, it's seriously starting to make me feel like it really COULD happen anywhere. Before I knew that, but now I fully acknowledge it. I wonder what is going to occur after this, i'm sure there will be some drastic measures country-wide...so many shootings lately.

02-14-2008, 06:00 PM
This is fucking retarded.

I honestly go to class thinking what would happen if there was a shooting because of all this recent shit in the last couple years.

My prayers go out to all the people and families involved.

02-14-2008, 06:52 PM
I have a lot of HS friends that go to that school, and or went to that school. So far I havent heard anything regarding anyone I know, but my prayers go out to all the families. This world is getting crazy. Thats 2 shooting/massacres in Illinois in the last 2 weeks.... I think its like 5 shootings in the past 2 weeks as well...

02-14-2008, 06:58 PM
I have a lot of HS friends that go to that school, and or went to that school. So far I havent heard anything regarding anyone I know, but my prayers go out to all the families. This world is getting crazy. Thats 2 shooting/massacres in Illinois in the last 2 weeks.... I think its like 5 shootings in the past 2 weeks as well...

Keep us posted man. I hope everyone you know is alright.

02-14-2008, 07:00 PM
This shit is getting old.

02-14-2008, 07:56 PM
total victims up to 6 including shooter. stupid ass reporter lady on msnbc was saying kids are starting to think it's cool to be the biggest and baddest killer. dumbest thing i ever heard. the fucker probably had issues and didn't know how to deal w/ it. probably didn't get enough hugs when he was a kid.

02-14-2008, 08:17 PM
i think schools will soon need security officers carrying guns because this shit is getting out of hand... if its this bad now, think about how bad it will get in the future for our own kids! psycho students might just startcarrying explosives and grenade launchers..

02-14-2008, 10:16 PM
i think schools will soon need security officers carrying guns because this shit is getting out of hand... if its this bad now, think about how bad it will get in the future for our own kids! psycho students might just startcarrying explosives and grenade launchers..

where the fuck would you get a grenade launcher...
the problem is that you can legally buy a firearm at 18 in some states.
in NJ for example i can buy a 12 gauge and pop out the 3 round limiter plug and stuff 7 rounds in and go to town right after i turn 18...
however i cant buy cigarettes till im 19?
personally im 20 and fool absolutely no need to own a firearm and i really do not see the need for people in quiet neighborhoods to own shotguns and rifles outside of recreational hunter or trap shooters.

I apologize for my ADD ladel paragraph thing.
Its late and im tired.

02-14-2008, 10:27 PM
Its scary that this hits so close to home, NIU is about 25 minutes away from my hometown.

I know numerous people who go there, but luckily none of my friends were in the building at the time. However, a good friend had class in the exact auditorium of the shootings an hour before. Talk about going to church on Sunday..

I also know someone who was in the adjacent building during the shooting. Apparantly he witnesssed numerous victoms being dragged into his building with massive gunshot wounds.

Also to clarify, the shooter wasnt a student at NIU. It is also unclear if he commited suicide or was shot by police officers.

Its a sad situation all around.

02-14-2008, 10:28 PM
god dam whats wrong with people today?

02-14-2008, 10:39 PM
where the fuck would you get a grenade launcher...
the problem is that you can legally buy a firearm at 18 in some states.
in NJ for example i can buy a 12 gauge and pop out the 3 round limiter plug and stuff 7 rounds in and go to town right after i turn 18...
however i cant buy cigarettes till im 19?
personally im 20 and fool absolutely no need to own a firearm and i really do not see the need for people in quiet neighborhoods to own shotguns and rifles outside of recreational hunter or trap shooters.

I apologize for my ADD ladel paragraph thing.
Its late and im tired.

Did you miss the part where I said this isn't a Gun Rights chat? No one cares that you can't handle a firearm. People will kill people no matter what weapons they have. The reasoning is more important then the method.

02-14-2008, 10:42 PM
my sisters boyfriend goes there (1st year there). he was at the local walmart when the shootings took place. he's back in town now. he's not even sure if his parents are going to let him go back to the school (super paranoid). crazy.

02-14-2008, 11:22 PM
Did you miss the part where I said this isn't a Gun Rights chat? No one cares that you can't handle a firearm. People will kill people no matter what weapons they have. The reasoning is more important then the method.

The last statement of yours seems to open the door to the same sort of debate you say you don't want this to be.

As I assume even you'll admit that is your opinion and only one point of view on the subject, am I allowed to respond to it here?

02-14-2008, 11:34 PM
ehhh... if you take away guns then people will just start strapping bombs to themselves and blowing shit up like in the middle east. Seems like most of these shooters are suicidal anyways as they always take their own life...

02-14-2008, 11:35 PM
The last statement of yours seems to open the door to the same sort of debate you say you don't want this to be.

As I assume even you'll admit that is your opinion and only one point of view on the subject, am I allowed to respond to it here?

No, Don't try to wedge a debate in here.

02-15-2008, 05:25 AM
I just heard about this on the news this morning. Crazy shit....violence and crimes are on the rise in this country.

RIP to the victims and my condolences to the families. :(

It's because college isn't so much a place for educating 18-23 year olds anymore; for the most part, it's merely a place to babysit young adults who have no idea wtf they should or could do with their lives.

I take a slight offense to that....

02-15-2008, 06:14 AM
I take a slight offense to that....

you can take slight offense to his comment if you'd like, but fact of the matter is he's right. For the most part, kids are going to college these days without having any idea or a desire to know right away of what they are going to do with their lives. Now you do have a select few, as always with every situation, who have their heads screwed on right and go to college with goals and expectations and meet those with flying colors. You also have some that find their way amongst the chaos of college life... then you have the vast majority that waste their parents, their own, and all of our tax dollars that are spent on grants and government loans, party for a couple years and then get some bullshit degree they can never use or don't get one at all. I am a shining example of this sad fact, which is why I feel I have the right to take up for his comment. :duh:

02-15-2008, 06:28 AM
^-- yea, I can see where your coming from. I only took a slight offense to it because I didn't go to school clueless on what to do with myself. I went to school with a set goal and I recently graduated (just two months ago) with that goal achieved. Now I want to go back (MBA) and do even more. Also I had classmates around me with even more passion than I did.

02-15-2008, 06:31 AM
You had goals to graduate... i had goals to get drunk and laid... what a waste of life I am...

02-15-2008, 06:36 AM
eh? your not a waste of life....you can do all that and more

02-15-2008, 08:26 AM
For the most part, kids are going to college these days without having any idea or a desire to know right away of what they are going to do with their lives.

I don't wanna buy that kid...which is why i'm not going to college anytime soon. I've sats in on 4-5 classes and i've hated all of them. I don't see how I could pay that much just to hate life for 4+ years and then have a piece of paper that lets me do a job that I have no desire to do.

Which is why i'm going to live out my "childish" ambitions first and THEN try school. You can be too old to do a lot of things but you can't be too old to read a book.

Anyone who gets through college is stronger than me. My sister got her PharmD when she was 24 and WOW I would've killed myself if I had to deal with all the shit she went through!

02-15-2008, 09:16 AM
i think schools will soon need security officers carrying guns because this shit is getting out of hand...

I agree completely with this part. I miss the days when we had an armed police officer on campus. An armed police officer or an armed civilian there could have stopped this tragedy with in minutes, much faster than the police response time. What a shame those poor students were forced to be victims because of policy :angel:

02-15-2008, 10:18 AM
took place 15 min from my house...my towns fire dept. responded and transported 1 person.

its not good, thats for sure