View Full Version : Make your website attractive and effective

02-13-2008, 11:30 PM
In the growing world of ecommerce having a website has become a prerequisite. A website is the first impression a prospective customer has of your company therefore it needs to be of excellent quality. It is the place that will pull in the traffic and help generate revenue so website owners are looking for the complete web design solution that will make their website stand out amongst hundreds of similar ones.
Any Web Design Solution (http://www.ispg.co.in/) :hyper: begins with the planning and analysis phase. You need to decide the vision and goals that you have for your website, the purpose behind setting it up and the target audience you wish to reach. The scope and purpose of your website will decide its size, content and structure. Firstly a site map needs to be chalked out with the number of pages and how they will be linked to each other clearly brought out.
A well designed site should have good user interface, be user friendly and easy to navigate. The content matter should be relevant, precise and professional. The text and graphics should be uniform and consistent throughout. The font size and style should be suited to your target audience. Instead of long rambling paragraphs, short, simple and concise sentences should be used. Pop up ads can be a major disturbance and should be limited even if they do bring in the revenue. Too many flashy graphics should also be avoided as they not only distract the user but also slow down your web pages during downloading. Incase you are selling products online then your content matter should be geared at making the user take the desired action. In web designing less is more. Minimalist pages with soothing colour and an adequate mix of text and graphics are more popular amongst users. Remember to set up an FAQ section and state the privacy policy you follow prominently.

02-13-2008, 11:31 PM
wtf is this.

02-13-2008, 11:31 PM
i think its a bot.. i used to get those alot on my forum

02-13-2008, 11:37 PM
New type of troll? Whatever the hell it is, shit got negged pretty quick.

02-14-2008, 12:41 AM
Tomato .

02-14-2008, 01:03 AM
someone needs to lock this thread