View Full Version : For all you romantically challenged<3

02-13-2008, 10:22 PM
I was helping out one of Zilvia's members with some possible ideas for his girl for tomorrow (V-day) and figured..."Shit, theres probably other guys on here in complete denial that they have absolutely no cash and/or plans for tomorrow." So, I figure it couldn't hurt to start a thread with some cheap ideas that will help us all out.

The Giving Jar:
1. Get a mason jar (Glass jar with a screw off lid)
2. Get construction paper (pink and red for vday son!)
3. Get a marker (Sharpie will bleed through)
4. Write cute crap that you will do on construction paper
-One free kiss
-one free massage
-One night i wont ask to bang you
-dinner at a nice restaurant
5. Cut out the strips (Try not to make them too long)
6. roll them around a pencil or pen (each one will take up more space in the jar making it seem more full
7. Decorate the jar however you see fit (Legit mason jars have a removable center section too the lid that you can put a piece of cloth in to make it pretty)

The Scavenger Hunt:

1. This one takes quite a bit of time and planning
2. Make a list of a bunch of memorable places
3. For each place make up a clue that shell be able to figure out so she can make her way to the next place. (Where did we first kiss, where did i ask you out, where did you throw up after drinking to much.)
4. You will probably have to talk to store managers and or employees and tell them that a girl is going to come in and look REAL confused and to just give her the clue.
5. Make sure that the last clue leads to you (Where do i live)
6. Possibly make dinner or something so its ready when she gets there.

The Happy Trail:

1. If your girl lives at her parents house this is easy.
2. Get a hold of her parents and ask them if you can stop by before she wakes up.
3. make a trail of hershey kisses from her bedroom door to the family room.
4. Flowers, candy, card etc... where shell see it at the end of the trail.
5. Leave and go get coffee or something and wait for her to call u and head over and enjoy!:cj:

Thats it for now. Feel free to add your own.
All of the above methods are pimp tested and pimp approved so feel free to use them.
If you do get some as a result of one of my methods be sure to leave me posi rep:)

Dr. Greenthumb
02-13-2008, 10:27 PM
sweet, some guys will find this helpfull

02-13-2008, 11:11 PM
I thought what my friend did last year was clever:

Give her 11 real roses, and one fake one. Than say "I will love you until every last rose dies." At first they are probably like wtf? But than they get it, and its all good. lol

02-13-2008, 11:17 PM
Those are really good ideas.

I wish my bf would read this!

LOL. He is ...uhh lets just say he isnt that romantic!

But he makes up for it in other ways.


02-13-2008, 11:22 PM
I thought what my friend did last year was clever:

Give her 11 real roses, and one fake one. Than say "I will love you until every last rose dies." At first they are probably like wtf? But than they get it, and its all good. lol

that is the oldest one in the book lol.

02-13-2008, 11:24 PM
Those are really good ideas.

I wish my bf would read this!

LOL. He is ...uhh lets just say he isnt that romantic!

But he makes up for it in other ways.



Shut up you! ^^


02-14-2008, 01:33 AM
I have some really cool ideas.

But I save those up in my own thoughts. Can't be letting dudes in on the secrets son.

Their clever, but you'll never know.

02-14-2008, 02:01 AM
Jack, why do yu have to be such a jerk?

Theres a legit spot near my house, in a park.

Its closed off, but after the hike, you reach a grove with a huge tree in the middle. You get a SUPER LEGIT view of the moon and sky, and its secluded like hell. SOOO amazing.

02-14-2008, 02:11 AM
i need lazy things to do!

02-14-2008, 02:38 AM
Jack, why do yu have to be such a jerk?

It's not me, its everyone else.

02-14-2008, 02:54 AM
Here are things I've done in the past:

-leave stuff on her desk at school, or whichever class she has first
-cover her car with roses/petals/etc before she uses it for the day
-a "scavenger hunt" type thing, where you give her clues on where
to go, so that she'll find you
-write little "certificates" with things such as "ONE FREE MASSAGE",

Here's something if you really want to impress her, and something I did
awhile back, but takes a lot of planning and preparation.
-Pick out and buy a dress you know she'll like, and even jewelry
-Choose the restaurant/scenic view/fuck spot you plan on taking her
on V-Day
-Take pics of street signs beginning from her house (or wherever she'll be at),
to that place you chose above (sort of like giving directions, but in a different
style). Take pics of the signs, prominent buildings, parks, anything that that would let her know where that place is. Make sure to take a lot of pictures.
-Make the last picture the final destination, and put the pictures (in order) on a digi-cam, iPod, cell phone... anything you can view pictures.
-Wrap the dress up and inside the box, put in the device with the pictures and leave a note saying "Follow the clues" or something. Put the box in her room, or someplace she'll find it.
-I chose a restaurant in Orange County called Orange Hill Restaurant (with a nice view of the entire OC) as the final spot, and had a table reserved
-I tipped the waiter to set this ring that I got her, and he set it on the table nicely
-I was there about 30 minutes before my ex, so I just hung out
-She gets there and the waiter seats her at the table (she hasn't seen me yet)
-I can see all of this happening through a little window
-She picks up the ring and is overjoyed, she starts to look around
-There was a guitar player and piano man there that night, so before she got there, I asked them if they could play our song, when I gave them the cue
-I give them the cue and they start playing
-I finally come out and she comes rushing at me and hugs me, tears in her eyes
-Yup... you all know how the night ended. :naughtyd: That night created my baby girl. lol j/k

Damn that was long, but it was so worth it. :coold:

Andrew Bohan
02-14-2008, 03:05 AM
dick in a box

02-14-2008, 06:47 AM
dick in a box

amen!!! haha j/k

02-14-2008, 08:04 AM
dick in a box

Hell yes :bowrofl: One of the best SNL skits evar. Best gift idea evar.

02-14-2008, 09:50 AM
BW3's wings, two pitchers of beer, is as romantical as it's getting at our house tonight. :)

Normally we do more, but decided not to this year.

One year I took her to Build a Bear. That went over well.

02-14-2008, 10:16 AM
Here are things I've done in the past:

-leave stuff on her desk at school, or whichever class she has first
-cover her car with roses/petals/etc before she uses it for the day
-a "scavenger hunt" type thing, where you give her clues on where
to go, so that she'll find you
-write little "certificates" with things such as "ONE FREE MASSAGE",

Here's something if you really want to impress her, and something I did
awhile back, but takes a lot of planning and preparation.
-Pick out and buy a dress you know she'll like, and even jewelry
-Choose the restaurant/scenic view/fuck spot you plan on taking her
on V-Day
-Take pics of street signs beginning from her house (or wherever she'll be at),
to that place you chose above (sort of like giving directions, but in a different
style). Take pics of the signs, prominent buildings, parks, anything that that would let her know where that place is. Make sure to take a lot of pictures.
-Make the last picture the final destination, and put the pictures (in order) on a digi-cam, iPod, cell phone... anything you can view pictures.
-Wrap the dress up and inside the box, put in the device with the pictures and leave a note saying "Follow the clues" or something. Put the box in her room, or someplace she'll find it.
-I chose a restaurant in Orange County called Orange Hill Restaurant (with a nice view of the entire OC) as the final spot, and had a table reserved
-I tipped the waiter to set this ring that I got her, and he set it on the table nicely
-I was there about 30 minutes before my ex, so I just hung out
-She gets there and the waiter seats her at the table (she hasn't seen me yet)
-I can see all of this happening through a little window
-She picks up the ring and is overjoyed, she starts to look around
-There was a guitar player and piano man there that night, so before she got there, I asked them if they could play our song, when I gave them the cue
-I give them the cue and they start playing
-I finally come out and she comes rushing at me and hugs me, tears in her eyes
-Yup... you all know how the night ended. :naughtyd: That night created my baby girl. lol j/k

Damn that was long, but it was so worth it. :coold:
that is so PIMP, but im way to lazy and ill i want is teh sex

02-14-2008, 10:39 AM
^^^ sounds like to much effort lol

02-14-2008, 10:40 AM
I thought what my friend did last year was clever:

Give her 11 real roses, and one fake one. Than say "I will love you until every last rose dies." At first they are probably like wtf? But than they get it, and its all good. lol

technically, the fake plastic rose was never alive in the first place. i mean, you could pretend its a real rose and pretend its alive, but then what does that say for your love?! hahaha.

02-14-2008, 12:06 PM
F-it Im ganna do the dick in a box...... with some strawberrys and whip cream on the side.... she'll dig that

02-14-2008, 12:24 PM
F-it Im ganna do the dick in a box...... with some strawberrys and whip cream on the side.... she'll dig that

thats the spirit!! all im doing is going home and working on my s14 for a couple hours

02-14-2008, 12:38 PM
I thought what my friend did last year was clever:

Give her 11 real roses, and one fake one. Than say &quot;I will love you until every last rose dies.&quot; At first they are probably like wtf? But than they get it, and its all good. lol

Alright since that isn't how your suppose to do it. I shall let you guys in on one of mine favorite. Cuz someone thinks I'm a jerk. Get her 11 roses and a small mirror, once she sees it she'll ask you why there's a mirror and then you tell her that if she looks in the mirror she'll see that she's the 12th rose. Blame done and done.

02-14-2008, 12:53 PM
Alright since that isn't how your suppose to do it. I shall let you guys in on one of mine favorite. Cuz someone thinks I'm a jerk. Get her 11 roses and a small mirror, once she sees it she'll ask you why there's a mirror and then you tell her that if she looks in the mirror she'll see that she's the 12th rose. Blame done and done.

so you'll only love her up until she dies and then find yourself a new rose??? thats fucked up!!!!!! :keke:

i just made my girl a basket with all sorts of stuff that i know she liked and stuffed wicked tickets in there as well. had my sis buy flowers at costco for me (i aint spending 135 for flowers that will die). ahhh yes, simple and shit, i MADDEEE IT WITH MY OWN 2 HANDS...well sorta. lol

02-14-2008, 01:21 PM
i did the whole edible arrangements thing this year. this is what i got her... came out to about 80 bucks including shipping. soo much better than flowers imo. and a hell of a lot cheaper than a dozen long stem roses that die...

here's what she got:

02-14-2008, 04:26 PM
i did the whole edible arrangements thing this year. this is what i got her... came out to about 80 bucks including shipping. soo much better than flowers imo. and a hell of a lot cheaper than a dozen long stem roses that die...

here's what she got:

Mmmm.... That looks good!!!
I would take that over roses any day.

02-14-2008, 04:36 PM
what i did whas put a whole bunch of pics thats on my computer and make a story editing the photos took me 10 min and im one of those lazy kinda guys
im gonna do the cheap eddible arrangement grab a bunch of fruits she likes and put it in a basket shell love it haha and it will be like $10 not 80$

02-14-2008, 05:39 PM
what i did whas put a whole bunch of pics thats on my computer and make a story editing the photos took me 10 min and im one of those lazy kinda guys
im gonna do the cheap eddible arrangement grab a bunch of fruits she likes and put it in a basket shell love it haha and it will be like $10 not 80$

damn ur cheap but since ur a young jedi whos on a budget let me refer you to the $20-30 vday gift

get a buddy together wit u who also has a gf, buy up 3 dozen flowers at costco (14.99/dz) sort and put together a bouqet after splittin with your buddy. boom beautiful bouqet if u have any artistic skills.

maybe make her a nice/half decent dinner depending if you know how to cook

Andrew Bohan
02-14-2008, 05:49 PM
i always wanted to call up a dildo company, and say "hey can you make a mold...of me? and then make a dildo from it? how much?"

you know

that'd be pretty awesome

02-14-2008, 07:23 PM
i always wanted to call up a dildo company, and say "hey can you make a mold...of me? and then make a dildo from it? how much?"

you know

that'd be pretty awesome

Material costs would be cheap too! :keke:

JK! haha i'm a :mrmeph:

02-14-2008, 07:29 PM
single awareness day is for chumps...

no. thats not fair. i'm just speaking out of angst.

hahahaha j/k

seriously though, just make something. Like a coupon book (coupons that she can use to have you do shit. you come up with the stuff to do though BEFORE HAND so you're not stuck going to something suuuuuuuuper gay) or a scrap book with a letter in it saying how you want to keep the memories going to fill the book....or something like that. ya know? It shows that you were thinking of her and all that shit. Oh and the cheesier and gayer it is the better. lol

02-14-2008, 08:09 PM
whoever actually has the balls to cut a whole in a box and put ur junk in it is ok by me.
whathappens if she ugs out and spins the box creating a spinning vortex of papercutting doom around you perfect member?
bet you guys never thought about that?

02-15-2008, 01:05 PM
whoever actually has the balls to cut a whole in a box and put ur junk in it is ok by me.
whathappens if she ugs out and spins the box creating a spinning vortex of papercutting doom around you perfect member?
bet you guys never thought about that?

i pity the first idiot who goes into a hospital "nurse i cut my junk with paper bc i thought dik in a box would be appropriate for vday and isntead she just spun it in circles and now i've got this" "they told never told me me not to use brand new cardboard"