View Full Version : The Bucket List

02-12-2008, 10:37 PM
Now, I'm not talking about the movie, but that is sort of where I got the idea from, that and work...

Anyways, lets say you go to the doctor tomorrow and he tells you that you have a week to live. Not a week of you lying in bed dying, but you will be fine until your 7 days are up and then you are going to drop dead.

What would you do before you "kick the bucket"?

I'd go sky diving for sure because that is something that I have always planned on doing (besides the fact that it is winter here and would be cold as hell) Pretty similar but base jumping would also be pretty damn cool, probably hit that up.

And as dumb as it may sound, I've always been curious if I could out run the cops, so I might give that a try. For the record, that is not something I have done or intend on doing.

I'am sure there are many more things that will come to me, but for the moment that will do.

Your turn.

02-12-2008, 10:56 PM
just a few things that come to mind...

i would definitely do the out run the cops on foot thing. I've always wanted to do it.

I have no intention of really doing it like for real though. Although, i know i could. well, except for the dogs....but i digress.

I'd rent a hummer and when people drove stupid on the road, i would ram them. Old people driving 40 on the freeway and people that lane change without a blinker especially.

Joy ride in a lambo muricelago.

Take a shit in the back of a movie theater and then just WAIT, to hear someone sit it in it to hear it squish. thats funny to me. lol

i'll add more later

02-12-2008, 11:21 PM
Use my illness sympathy to get my band booked on a huge show and play in front of a shit load of people.

Drink a bottle of JD with Robert DeNiro whilst playing cards with Ryan Reynolds then hit the town. I don't even like JD, but for some reason it just seems fitting.

Joy ride in a D1 spec car on the streets of Fallbrook... THEN try to outrun the cops in it.

Fuck Martha Stewart (idk why, but for a couple days of my life I could be like yeah... you know Martha Stewart...I hit that). Then that chick from the Scary Movie series.

Fill a pool up with cherry jell-o swim in it, and then set off m1000's from the bottom.

Beat the shit out of someone wearing a twinkie costume.

Kick Peyton and Eli Manning in the nuts.

Fight a kangaroo, and a koala bear. Marsupials are feisty.

Then to end that awesome week. Try and build an awesome rocket/plane contraption I've been working out and see if it works.


02-12-2008, 11:33 PM
Honestly, if I had a week to live, I'd pump myself full of drugs... If it weren't for the whole, you know, being bad for you thing, I'd love to experience things like coke, LSD, PCP, etc...

Take a test drive, but not REALLY bring it back right away... Or rent a car, and take out the suspension and drop the thing on its nuts and abuse it, then try to return it like that.

Chase people around wearing a cartoon costume of some sort, in a menacing manner.

I love the "fill a pool with jello" idea, but I'd do it to somebody else's pool, or a mall fountain.

Call me ex and tell her the real reason I broke up with her, not the 'easy to handle' reason.

Get a big, stupid tattoo somewhere visible so it'd have to be a closed casket funeral.

Leave a flaming bag of dog doo on some random person's porch and ring the bell, but stand in plain view at the foot of the porch, just to say "I don't even care that you have a small, rancid fire on your porch, cuz I lit it"

Blow up a car or small shed with way more than enough explosives to get the job done

Carve my name or a lewd picture into the side of a brick building with something equivilent to a chainsaw

Swing big, smoky donuts in front of every store in a strip mall, or one big, long burnout through front row parking spots.

Set off a fire alarm, just to be a dick

God, you know now that I'm listing off things that come to mind that sound super fun, I realize how destructive I am!

02-13-2008, 12:03 AM
I'd totally give into all of those impulses I have, but I don't want to have to deal with the reprecussions.
That little fire demon in the back of my head that tells me to burn things would finally be allowed out.
I've always wanted to outrun the cops too. But as a fatty, outrunning them on foot would be problematic. Thus, a car chase the likes of which have never been seen would ensue.
Have you ever wanted to punch a midget in the head? I know I would.
I'd burn old acquaintance's houses for the simple fact that they wronged me in some way at some point in time.
I'll think of more light-hearted and cheeky antics later.

02-13-2008, 12:06 AM
Wow just seven days. Hopefully i can die on the last night not that morning. Here's the list in the order i'd want to do them.

1. Punch the doctor.
2. Fight some people i've always hated
3. Play catch with my dad
4. Spend the day with my lil' bro'
5. Spend the entire day with my wife (if i'm married at the moment)
6. Give my nephew my S14 and give my stuff out to my fam.
7. High speed police chase Thelma and Louise style


02-13-2008, 11:26 AM
Hahaha there is the funniest shit in here that I never would have thought of that sound sooo fun. Definatly add those to the list of things to do. And meth..gonna die anyways, why the hell not. Id probably take a dump in the mall, run down the ailes at the grocery store and knock EVERYTHING off. Order 5000 Big Macs at Mcdonalds, then tell them I wanted no onions. Tip over a Smart car, just a random one in the parking lot, or smoke one with a truck to try and get it air born.

02-14-2008, 01:55 PM
I'd probably break a lot of crimes and do a lot of drugs and fuck a lot of bitches

Just like I do every day

Thug life baby


02-14-2008, 02:18 PM
omfg thats prob some of the best shit ive ever read, idk what the hell id ever do if i was told i had 7 days to live, but id sure as hell start with some of the previously noted ones hahha

and without any question i think everyone would want to outrun the cops on these forums

02-14-2008, 02:24 PM
i would probably do whatever crosses my mind... like...punch some random dude in the face...take a huge dump on my bosses desk...do a car chase and try to outrun the cops...get wasted on drugs...so, yeah, pretty much anything i would NEVER NEVER EVER do in my normal life...

but ask yourself this...what if the doctor misdiagnosed and you're actually gonna live after those 7 days? i think i would go kill myself then.

02-14-2008, 02:24 PM
scare the shit out of cops with loud air horns

run away from cops in a police chase

get a monster of a car / truck and just ram random ass cars in the street,

sky dive

tell every hot woman that i ever thought was hot if they wanted to make out, chill, go out, have sex

spend time with my dad mom sis stepdad uncles as much as possible

beg the usaf to give me a ride in their fastest jet

beg nasa to take me to space

find some jail bait to do it with

and just in cause if i forget to do it the first time, make sure to get myself into a huge police pursuit and esacpe

hmmm thats it for now, Ill think of more later

02-14-2008, 02:31 PM

-police chase in a car fo sho
-get real fucked up and go streaking everywhere haha
-def shit on the bosses desk
-get as much as i could in those 7 days
-fuck the chief of polices daughter and get it on film and send it to him(the one that pulled me over endlessly)
-a shit load of illegal stuff that i wouldnt get caught for immediately cuz it would suck to get caught the first day of those 7.
-spraypaint a hugeee dick on every single car in the mall parking lot
-steal something big like a car and run with it
-sky dive fo sho
-and more to come soon once i think of them

02-14-2008, 02:35 PM
Just one thing comes to mind....get my hands on a millitary chopper and try and blow up all the court houses that I can before they shoot me down.

That should help clear up some of YOUR tickets.:hyper:

02-14-2008, 03:21 PM
Just one thing comes to mind....get my hands on a millitary chopper and try and blow up all the court houses that I can before they shoot me down.

That should help clear up some of YOUR tickets.:hyper:

lol nice, but you would get shot down in about 1.4 hours

steve shadows
02-14-2008, 03:23 PM
I would have sex with 6 triplets

02-14-2008, 03:24 PM
Ok, new plan..... Find a way to get em all.

02-14-2008, 03:54 PM
i would want to change the world for the better and use my death as a tool to make the difference.

"take one for the team" kinda thing.

i dunno, go talk to the CARB board and keep slitting my wrists until they agree to legalize the SR...

...or maybe something a bit more important.

02-14-2008, 04:30 PM

Any Questions?

02-14-2008, 04:52 PM
^ WOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAW (speech? hello? hello?) :rawk:

02-14-2008, 04:57 PM
-meet sean connery.
-punch my shop foreman in the face and break his nose
-fuck the owner of the dealership's hot daughter and hot wife
-go for one last run in the 240
-go for my first run in the 280
-get all the tattoos ive been meaning to get
-blow up a VW dealership
-meet the guy who has always done the voice of optimus prime and shake his hand

....the list goes on.

02-14-2008, 07:25 PM

Any Questions?

WINNER! cept for the girl in the last pic.. mmm.. for me, it'd have to be christina aguilera pre prego status, otherwise, you're a real man my friend.

02-18-2008, 06:52 PM
I would punt that Badger in the face...mean little shits.

02-18-2008, 09:23 PM
but ask yourself this...what if the doctor misdiagnosed and you're actually gonna live after those 7 days? i think i would go kill myself then.

Dude that would be a sweet lawsuit. Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy that money in jail.

02-19-2008, 10:52 AM
Fax a copy of my ass to the IRS.
Fuck as many girls as possible.
Run from the police.

And I have four days left.


06-08-2009, 12:09 AM
Plan A: I would load my S13 up with cameras and make the coolest through the town drift video ever making sure to do donuts in the police station lot. Then probably just drive around to all my ex bosses, girlfriends who cheated, people who pissed me off, etc and blow up their mailboxes, cars, pools, whatever.

Plan B: Drain my bank account and use the money to buy hundreds of drift tires. Then call in everyone here and everyone else I know who drifts to stage the greatest citywide free for all the world has ever seen. Only rules, no tires left un burned.

06-08-2009, 12:12 AM
-drift track

-skydive (friend of mine is an instructor)

-spend time with fam

06-08-2009, 12:14 AM

Andrew Bohan
06-08-2009, 12:29 AM
my last 7 days would look just like grand theft auto.

actually i might not make it to the 7th day hahahah

06-08-2009, 01:24 AM
Tell all the hot bitches that I'd be down to fuck like animals. Then ignore them to the point they want it harder than a monkey.

Fuck in public.

Pee on stupid children.

Watch a movie SOLELY to punch teh bitch to bring the fucking crying kid.

take a bat to the guy driving the lambo/nsx/ricers.

throw steel poles at ricer's cars WHILE driving.

Beat up a crooked cop.

Rob a bank, give that shit to a nice charity.

Hit on a few of my friend's moms. Cougar central.

Locate my highschool cheer/dance team's costumes, and rub fine itching powder in them.

Hang with my buddies at a local bar, pick up the tab. and run.

Fuck in public.

make a few sex videos and broadcast over teh internet on infinite loop.

Make a new sex tape with my old ex, the religious one, and broadcast that for her church.

Break all parking meters.

puncture all motorcycle cop's tires.

And thats just day 1.

Day 2 = Sex it up with her.


06-08-2009, 08:06 PM
Day 1: Get "TIME 2DIE" tattooed on my knuckles. Get in contact w/ every girl i have ever met and seduce them over the course of the week.

Day 2: Wake up before dawn, pack a nice lunch. Go to the beach and drop acid.
Print a Fake I.d. and go clubbing at night.

Day 3: Pawn off all of my possessions and buy a grip o bottles and a weight of nugs.
Have an amazing adventure to Palomar mountain and hunt animals.

Day 4: Track down and locate 10 assholes that deserve an ass kicking.
Ruin a strangers day.

Day 5: Drop acid. Skydiving. Go to the track and pull some gnarly shit with some crazy luck. Have dinner at a really nice restaurant and then bail before the dessert came.

Day 6: Share my accumulated knowledge with a video camera in a sauna/ Relax. maybe go walk my dog for a couple hours.

Day 7: Go rape Paris Hilton. Steal her dog and book it to canada. (rules of the road being completely ignored the whole time)

06-08-2009, 08:49 PM
Wow this thread kind of got dragged out of the ol' archieves haha. This is from Febuary..of last year. Oh well. I like reading these things.

I would hate to see what would happen if everyones last week was the same..like some end of the world bullshit. Now that would be like GTA online where you basically run around killing people and stealing cars.

06-08-2009, 09:09 PM
i guess since it got revived...
1. Chill with family
2. Give S14 and all my money and parts to my younger brother
3. Chill with best friends
4. test drive exotic car...on shrooms
Im pretty sure thats as far as ill make it

06-08-2009, 10:09 PM
i guess since it got revived...
1. Chill with family
2. Give S14 and all my money and parts to my younger brother
3. Chill with best friends
4. test drive exotic car...on shrooms
Im pretty sure thats as far as ill make it

You've got to have more fun with that haha. Atleast steal the exotic cars. No one is going to let a 18 year old take out a lambo for a test drive, unless you bring in a briefcase full of hundys anyways.

06-09-2009, 01:10 AM
I would fuck every single thing that moves.

And some that don't.


06-10-2009, 11:06 PM
fuck every hot girl i see!!!! in the butt lol

06-11-2009, 12:10 AM
I would get pulled over by the Sheriff. When he asks if I know why I got pulled over, I'd tell him every law I'd broken that day then show him the video I have of me fucking his daughter on his chair in the living room. Punch him in the dick and drive off.

I would tell my ex that now that she doesnt work out her ass really isnt that nice anymore. Proceed to fuck her sister and punch her brother in the face, over and over and over.

When ever someone cuts me off in traffic to get to the red light first, I'd get out and beat the shit out of their car with a baseball bat then spit in their face.

I'd do that wingglide base jump shit.

Jump off a 2 story building and drop kick some random person walking by in the face.

I would tell everyone that Im trying a 1000 shot of nitrous on my stock KA. Stick some C4 in the car and blow the fucker to nothing, mid drift.

Build a time machine and do it over and over and over.

06-12-2009, 02:47 PM
You guys have some interesting answers...

Go to Panama and watch the sun rise over the Atlantic and set on the Pacific.
Drive until I can't anymore, then camp out wherever that got me to.
Maybe visit my family in Ireland
I'd invite all my friends and family over for a huge BBQ, spend my savings on food and booze.

Fuck causing trouble, that just means you were too pussy to accept the consequences.

09-19-2009, 09:01 PM
i wanna try some dirt Rally racing. That looks like one of the most exciting things you could do

09-19-2009, 09:25 PM
Some things to do before I kick the bucket (assuming my current age and dying in a week).... Not sure.. My list wouldn't be very long.

I'd just try to use the "I'm dying" story to see how many times I can get laid...

And maybe try to outrun the police, lol.... Just to see how far I get...

09-20-2009, 09:21 AM
L, X, K, Yay, Dmt, then,

drive fast cars
smoke blunts
drink beers
and party till it's over!