View Full Version : Kids these days

02-12-2008, 04:23 PM
Man this is the jr. high I used to go to.
I don't justify violence in anyway, but if you can't avoid that doesn't mean you have to shoot someone. What ever happened to the concept of taking a beating? or giving one? And who in their right mind would give a kid a gun???? People these days.


02-12-2008, 04:26 PM
No its more like WHY ARENT THE PARENTS NOT PUTTING THERE GUNS AWAY AND LOCKING THEM? sighh.... Bitches be crazy....

A Spec Products
02-12-2008, 04:29 PM
Man this is the jr. high I used to go to.
I don't justify violence in anyway, but if you can't avoid that doesn't mean you have to shoot someone. What ever happened to the concept of taking a beating? or giving one? And who in their right mind would give a kid a gun???? People these days.

I definitely agree

I don't care if you were bullied in school, teased, whatever

It doesn't give you the right to take another human beings life, period

Parents blame the media, but they really should be blaming themselves when it comes to youth violence

Also, they should let parents spank their kids

Kids are mad weak these days, can't even take a good whuppin (when they rightly deserve it)

Parents are scared to spank their kids cause the kids will threaten to call the cops



02-12-2008, 04:31 PM
it was marilyn manson's fault.

02-12-2008, 04:32 PM
crazy shit..

02-12-2008, 04:34 PM
geeebus, thats insane... remindes me of a girl i went to middle school with. she was on her second abortion in 6th grade. that was insane as well.

02-12-2008, 04:36 PM
I use to get Mad Spanking's when I was little.

I turned out fine.

Kids need more spank'nz

02-12-2008, 04:44 PM
Kids these days are too "hardcore" for an ass beating. Its become so cool to pick up a gun. Weak ass punks.

Ive gotten my ass beaten a couple of times. Once it was over with, I went home and licked my wounds.

02-12-2008, 04:50 PM
i never got beat up yet..Im still waiting on it. I just wanna know how it feels like.

02-12-2008, 04:55 PM
seriously, i think the parents are just as much to blame. where the hell did that kid get a gun from? if it was from his parents, then they are equally responsible for not securing it properly. and +1 for spankings. hell i want one right now! (but not from any of you)

02-12-2008, 05:03 PM
am I the only one to be thinkin "damn first period is way too early in the morning to get shot" I wouldnt even be fully awake yet

schools are fuckin nuts now tho....so much drama and violence and shit...theyre more like prisons than schools...high school can be crazy, i went to a pretty suburban highschool whith a ton of kids who thought they were hardasses and there was always drama over dumb shit, but middle school is starting off young, but now that I think of it there were more fights then, than there were in highschool....still tho no one would ever get shot, you can beat the bag outta someone but no one has to die...both kids lives are potentially ruined now

blame hormones

02-12-2008, 05:23 PM
Dam, when i was in jr high kids fought but that was about it. Its sad but this is the world we live in.

02-12-2008, 05:26 PM
am I the only one to be thinkin "damn first period is way too early in the morning to get shot" I wouldnt even be fully awake yet


parents need to lock their guns away and beat their kids

02-12-2008, 05:41 PM
i got beat with a wooden spoon belt and thrown into walls
set me straight
giving spankings and stuff will only make them stronger in the heart and know what not to do
when i have kids and they do something wrong ill give em a spanking for sure
ill be damned if my kids turn out to be like the rest of the youth of today

02-12-2008, 05:44 PM
i never got beat up yet..Im still waiting on it. I just wanna know how it feels like.
I havent either sober... and drunk doesnt really hurt at all. Maybe a little the next morning.
so I guess technically, I really dont know how it feels either.

02-12-2008, 05:47 PM
My little bro is starting to become an asshole and my parents don't do shit about it anymore.

Sure, beat us when we fucked up, but let the little bastard get away with it...

That's why I beat him.


02-12-2008, 05:52 PM
this is why we need better recess equipment

so we can solve our problems with our fists

or bats

or swords

u dont get to beat people up when ur an adult, thats what grade school is for

02-12-2008, 05:59 PM
My little bro is starting to become an asshole and my parents don't do shit about it anymore.

Sure, beat us when we fucked up, but let the little bastard get away with it...

That's why I beat him.


lol i dont have lil bros to beat up, but i've beat my lil cousins a few times

02-12-2008, 06:00 PM
I use to get Mad Spanking's when I was little.

I turned out fine.

Kids need more spank'nz

u sure? i remember that time we picked u up and ur mom had you on lock down.. spoiled brat..
hahah :angel:

I hate watching those talk shows where the kid screams at his parents and the parents let em get away with it.. and the kid is complaining that his parents are too hard on him. lol

For real.. society is crazy now a days, thats why i really try not to front people when they mess with me, you never know now a days, its not worth putting your life on the line if someone messes with you and you defend yourself so your not "punked"

02-12-2008, 06:14 PM
FYI, according to CA Law you can hit your kids. The thing is you have to use "reasonable" force + you have to strike with an open palm. You can not use a closed fist and hit your child.

I keep forgetting the code, you can technically can hit your kids. Remeber OPEN PALM.

02-12-2008, 06:34 PM
FYI, according to CA Law you can hit your kids. The thing is you have to use "reasonable" force + you have to strike with an open palm. You can not use a closed fist and hit your child.

I keep forgetting the code, you can technically can hit your kids. Remeber OPEN PALM.

that should be common sense!

whoever takes a swing at a kid with a closed fist is :loco:

02-12-2008, 06:38 PM
to quote 311

Guns are for pussies

02-12-2008, 07:04 PM
Damn, E.O. Green. That was our rival school, I
went to Blackstock JHS. Sad to see how kids are
these days...

02-12-2008, 07:07 PM
Damn, E.O. Green. That was our rival school, I
went to Blackstock JHS.

hahaha. That's cool.

02-12-2008, 10:33 PM
it was marilyn manson's fault.

That's fucked up. I hear he takes heroine too.

Seriously though that's what i call bad parenting. Make love not war guys.

02-12-2008, 10:37 PM
Kids are just pussies these days.

Everyone gets offended at the littlest shit.

Instead of standing your ground with your fist and fighting it out like a real man should, they rather pull guns and shoot someone.

Anyone can pull a trigger, but it takes a bigger man to step and fight someone with your fists.

But I don't promote violence though.

Just saying let's get along bitches.

C. Senor
02-12-2008, 10:50 PM
thats ridiculous. there are so many kinds these days that seriously need a serious ass whoopin'. totally agree with jack. it takes a real man to fight...i think mr. jones from friday said it best. some thing along the lines of
"kids are so quick to pick up a gun. they're so afraid to take an ass whoopin. and you win some you lose some...but you live to fight another day."

02-12-2008, 10:53 PM
it was marilyn manson's fault.
I blame Doom and GTA. Oh and Mortal Kombat. That shit really fucked me up, I'm still spelling stuff with a K for no reason, and killing people can't forget that.

02-12-2008, 10:54 PM
I Blame Rap Music Hahahahahhahahahahaha.

02-13-2008, 02:23 AM
geesus fucking christ.

i LIVE less than 20 minutes from oxnard. that might explain why i saw almost NO police today...hmmm

but seriously. parents are fucking pussies lately. my parents whooped my ass. im fine. my sister gets away with tons of shit.

i have seen kids literally scream and yell at their parents, once i saw a kid actually SMACK his mom. i couldnt fucking believe it

02-13-2008, 02:36 AM
geesus fucking christ.

i LIVE less than 20 minutes from oxnard. that might explain why i saw almost NO police today...hmmm

but seriously. parents are fucking pussies lately. my parents whooped my ass. im fine. my sister gets away with tons of shit.

i have seen kids literally scream and yell at their parents, once i saw a kid actually SMACK his mom. i couldnt fucking believe it

i went out with my ex gfs cousin (not a smart move) but she would yell and curse at her mom
i was on phone with her when she actually pushed her mom down the stairs cuz she diddnt wanna get off the phone
i hung up at that point
her moms a cop too...

but then again :hitit: again

02-13-2008, 03:43 AM
Also, they should let parents spank their kids

Kids are mad weak these days, can't even take a good whuppin (when they rightly deserve it)

Parents are scared to spank their kids cause the kids will threaten to call the cops

start at around 3 mins., or watch the whole thing


02-13-2008, 11:20 AM
when i was in 8th grade a kid brought a gun to school he never shot any one but he pointed it at a few kids could have easily turned ugly if he decided to do with this kid dam crazy world we live in

02-13-2008, 11:32 AM
i blame all this on the 80's and 90's parents and GOV.

they made those generations PUSSIES.

02-13-2008, 02:38 PM
I Blame Rap Music Hahahahahhahahahahaha.

haha to all those "gangsta" kids out there that think there badass that would get there ass's kicked in about .2 seconds by just about anyone. so instead they carry a gun and talk shit to people. then act all badass cock it side ways and shoot some kid... bunch of douche bags seriously. and ya where im from in new hampshire like my town has 4000 people in it and there was more fights in middle school then there were through out my high school time. and high school had alot more people. sure lots of kids talked shit and stuff but then back donw like bitches or try and pull out a golf club or baseball bat to someone. or even a tire iron in one case. kids are wack and need to be put in line. i used to get all sortsof punishment.. shit sucked but ya spankings, and a shit ton of chores, and not being able to do stuff does straighten a kid out i believe. unless its taken to far... such as closed fist and what not. or throwing your kid around like a rag doll. teens are influenced mostly by who they hang out with, and from there parents. ya stupid ideas come from movies but its a proven fact that friends and family have the biggest inpact on your life and the decisions you make. and these need to be watched more closely... use fists not weapons in a fight....

02-13-2008, 07:06 PM
The boy died. Im not sure if was yesterday or today but i just saw it on the news.

02-13-2008, 07:40 PM
the problem is alot of parents are not parents. they let music, video games, TV and popular culture raise thier kids for them. the TV is a great babysitter.

02-14-2008, 01:41 AM

this has to got to be the greatest article ever made on beating your kids!

i literally lolled all the way through.

02-14-2008, 09:00 AM
ok i take it back...i guess hes not dead. Well sort of. Hes pretty much a vegetable and are just keeping him alive because of his organs(donation)

02-14-2008, 09:32 AM
gun control is the issue here

02-14-2008, 10:49 AM
gun control is the issue here

yeah, we should totally get into an argument about that

02-14-2008, 11:47 AM
Home › Education › Education

Boy declared brain-dead

By Adam Foxman (Contact)
Thursday, February 14, 2008

A boy shot this week at an Oxnard middle school was pronounced brain-dead Wednesday, and the 14-year-old classmate suspected in the shooting could be tried for murder as an adult, authorities said.

Lawrence King, 15, an eighth-grader at E.O. Green School, was pronounced brain-dead at St. John's Regional Medical Center in Oxnard about 2 p.m. after two examinations by neurosurgeons, said Craig Stevens, a Ventura County senior deputy medical examiner.

Although King was clinically dead, he was being kept on life support late Wednesday for possible organ donations, Stevens said.

King's condition appeared to be improving Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, according to police and school district officials. It was not immediately clear what caused his condition to take a mortal turn.

King was shot in the head about 8:30 a.m. Tuesday in a computer lab where about two dozen other students were working on English assignments, authorities said.

Student witnesses said classmate Brandon McInerney shot King twice. Authorities have declined to identify the suspect.

The shooter left the computer lab after the attack and dropped the gun at the scene. Minutes after responding to Green, a Port Hueneme police officer noticed a boy who matched the shooter's description walking and talking on a cellular phone on Pearson Road, Port Hueneme police Cmdr. Jerry Beck said. The officer arrested the 14-year-old, who was later identified as the suspect, Beck said.

Murder charge possible

Oxnard police, who are in charge of the investigation, had not formally presented a case to the District Attorney's Office. But District Attorney Greg Totten said Wednesday that given the severity of the crime, he expected the suspect to be charged as an adult.

The suspect could be charged with murder and using a firearm during the commission of a crime, Totten said. If convicted, the 14-year-old boy could be sentenced to 50 years to life in prison.

The District Attorney's Office expected to file charges this morning. The suspect is scheduled to be arraigned in Ventura County court this afternoon. He was being held in Juvenile Hall on Wednesday.

Relatives of McInerney declined to comment Wednesday.

"It's a horrible tragedy for everybody involved," said McInerney's attorney, Brian Vogel.

"My client's family's thoughts and prayers go out to the teen's family," Vogel said of the victim.

Two had personal dispute

Relatives of King, a foster child, could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

Oxnard police said the shooting apparently stemmed from a personal dispute between King and the suspect. Police spokesman David Keith said investigators interviewed more than 100 people Tuesday, but he declined to reveal further information on a possible motive.

Some students have said King was openly gay, although police and school officials have declined to comment on that. Others have said he and the suspect had an ongoing dispute, including an argument Monday.

Matthew Puga, a seventh-grader at Green, said King was sometimes teased for wearing makeup and girl's clothing to school. Another seventh-grader, Emmanuel Martinez, said other kids would often pick on King because he dressed and acted differently.

Speaking to reporters who gathered outside the C Street campus before classes resumed Wednesday morning, Principal Joel Lovstedt said he was not aware of any previous fight between the victim and suspect. "If there had been a fight, it wasn't to the level that it reached my office," he said.

Lovstedt said he had heard reports of teasing, and he had spoken to the victim about the problem. "I've talked to the victim myself, and I said if anyone teases you, let me know," he said.

Lovstedt said the suspect "didn't seem like a violent kid at all."

King was in foster care, living for the past few months at Casa Pacifica, a residential center for troubled and abused youths in Camarillo, said Steven Elson, the facility's administrator. King traveled by bus to Green every day, he said.

Elson said he could not comment on King's personal life because foster care records are confidential.

Memorial planned

"It's just overwhelming, unbelievable," he said of the shooting. "Our staff and kids are really trying to cope with this.

"We have not had a child die in a violent manner like this," Elson said, adding that Casa Pacifica plans to hold a memorial service next week.

Staff members at Casa Pacifica were familiar with King's struggles, and when they heard about the shooting, they contacted the Ventura County Rainbow Alliance, said Jay Smith, executive director of the alliance. The nonprofit group advocates for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights.

About three-quarters of Green's 1,150 students showed up for class Wednesday, said Hueneme School District Superintendent Jerry Dannenberg. As the school day began, mental health counselors spoke to each class. Students were also invited to visit counselors individually.

"I'm very sad that he died and I won't be seeing him anymore," student Martinez said.

Need for tolerance stressed

Dannenberg met with reporters at the school after hearing of King's worsening condition. "I'm deeply saddened by what happened," Dannenberg said. "My heart and my prayers go out to his family."

Without commenting on a possible motive, Dannenberg stressed the importance of tolerance. "We have to be accepting of others, and when there are differences, people need to resolve them without resorting to violence," he said.

Oxnard Councilman Tim Flynn expressed his sorrow, saying "you have two young lives completely destroyed."

Flynn's father, county Supervisor John Flynn, went to the school Wednesday afternoon. The elder Flynn said he taught at the school when it first opened in the 1960s. "It's horrible what happened here," he said.

Principal Lovstedt said Green would review its safety policies.

"This is a horrific act. If we had any inkling that something like this would have happened, we would have stopped it," he said.

"This has generally been a pretty good school — not a lot of fights on campus. The next part we need to look at is prevention."

— Star staff writers John Scheibe, Anna Bakalis, Raul Hernandez and Kathleen Wilson contributed to this report.

These kids had the rest of their lives ahead of them
and look where stupid choices....got them!

02-14-2008, 02:14 PM
STupid fucking people...wow.

02-14-2008, 03:09 PM
well this all started because the kid (was gay) who got shot was pickin up on the boy (mccnerny) who shot him ... now the boy who shot the individal comes from a not well family.

now yes parents 90% of the time have fault on the actions of their kids.

but here is an interesting fact...the kid (mccnerny) mention days before that he was going to kill the other kid, because the other kid said a comment that he was "cute". the school had known facts that something was going to happen, now......why??? the day of the shooting (midway 1st period the event happend) the school was already in lockdown. meaning they were aware of actions.
why didnt the school have secure supervision if a threat like that was done, and cops werent in the scene.
and the teacher, why didnt she do something about it.

mccnerny shot the kid twice one in the head, and neck, ran off in hidding.

02-14-2008, 04:22 PM
well this all started because the kid (was gay) who got shot was pickin up on the boy (mccnerny) who shot him ... now the boy who shot the individal comes from a not well family.

now yes parents 90% of the time have fault on the actions of their kids.

but here is an interesting fact...the kid (mccnerny) mention days before that he was going to kill the other kid, because the other kid said a comment that he was "cute". the school had known facts that something was going to happen, now......why??? the day of the shooting (midway 1st period the event happend) the school was already in lockdown. meaning they were aware of actions.
why didnt the school have secure supervision if a threat like that was done, and cops werent in the scene.
and the teacher, why didnt she do something about it.

mccnerny shot the kid twice one in the head, and neck, ran off in hidding.

Damn, I didn't know that they had the school on lock down prior to the shooting. Hmmm.... something doesn't sound right here. Sounds like the school is going to have some explaining to do.

BTW: Hi Frank!!!

02-14-2008, 06:07 PM
RESPONSIBILITY is something that is totally lost on today's youth and even most of their parents. Sadly today people do not take or are not made to take responsibility for their actions. "Victims of Society" HA! Don't buy it folks. When people start to take responsibility for their actions maybe things will change.
Another concept which is largely overlooked these days is the concept of CONSEQUENCE. Because people(adults and children) are not made to take responsibility for their actions they are not taught that there are consequences for the things that they do.
Kids need discipline. They need structure. They need parents who care about what they do. Without structure there are no boundaries. Without boundaries there is no responsibility. Without responsibility there is no consequence. Without consequence there is no PEACE. That is what is called ANARCHY.
We are all responsible for what happens in society. That's what the word means. A group of people living in the same environment/location. We all have different background and circumstances but we are bound by the same laws and should be accountable for our actions.
I am a father of 3 children. I LOVE my children. Because I love my children I discipline them when they need it. Yes I spank my children. I DO NOT BEAT THEM! That is wrong. The reason for spanking is to teach the concept of consequence.
My kids are happy, well loved, and well behaved. I rarely ,if ever, now have to resort to spanking.
The point is I am responsible for my children. It is my duty as a parent to teach them right and wrong, NOT the school, not the government, not the police.
Unfortunately, like it or not, agree or don't, violence is a part of nature. We are still part of nature. As rational beings we SHOULD be able to deal with things without resorting to violence, but that's just not how nature works. We still have some primitive emotions in our subconcious. When things become too overwhelming to deal with rationally we revert to that primitive thinking or instinct.
Guns don't kill, people kill. RESPONSIBLE gun owners keep their firearms secured. RESPONSIBLE parents who own firearms teach their children about the dangers they present. I grew up with firearms in my home. I knew how to shoot by the age of 5. I NEVER ONCE thought of using a firearm to settle a dispute as a child or teen or even now. I grew up understanding RESPONSIBILITY and CONSEQUENCE. I understood from a very early age that the choices I make determine the consequences I would face later on.
I know this is a little long winded but I felt that these were things which I needed to say. If you read all of this I thank you for your time and hope that we can all be responsible for turning our society around.