View Full Version : Retired teacher admits he was illiterate til he was 48 YAY California School System!!

02-12-2008, 02:11 PM
OCEANSIDE, Calif. -- John Corcoran graduated from college and taught high school for 17 years without being able to read, write or spell.

Corcoran's life of secrecy started at a young age. He said his teachers moved him up from grade to grade. Often placed in what he calls the "dumb row," the images of his tribulations in the classroom are still vividly clear.

"I can remember when I was 8 years old saying my prayers at night saying, 'please, God, tomorrow when it's my turn to read please let me read.' You just pretend that you are invisible and when the teacher says, 'Johnnie read,' you just wait the teacher out because you know the teacher has to go away at some point," said Corcoran. Corcoran eventually started acting up to hide his illiteracy. From fifth through seventh grade he was expelled, suspended and spent most of his days at the principal's office.

The former teacher said he came from a loving family that always supported him.

"My parents came to school and it no longer was a problem for me reading because this boy Johnnie the -- native alien I call him -- he didn't have a reading problem as far as the teachers were concerned. He had an emotional problem. He had a psychological problem. He had a behavioral problem," said Corcoran.

Corcoran later attended Palo Verde High School in Blythe, Calif. He cheated his way through high school, receiving his diploma in June 1956.

"When I was a child I was just sort of just moved along when I got to high school I wanted to participate in athletics. At that time in high school I went underground. I decided to behave myself and do what it took. I started cheating by turning in other peoples' paper, dated the valedictorian, and ran around with college prep kids," said Corcoran.

"I couldn't read words but I could read the system and I could read people," adds Corcoran.

He stole tests and pursuaded friends to complete his assignments. Corcoran earned an athletic scholarship to Texas Western College. He said his cheating intensified, claiming he cheated in every class.

"I passed a bluebook out the window to a friend I painstakingly copied four essay questions off the board in U.S. government class that was required, and hoped my friend would get it back to me with the right answers," Corcoran said.

In 1961, Corcoran graduated with a bachelor's degree in education, while still illiterate he contends. He then went on to become a teacher during a teacher shortage.

"When I graduated from the university, the school district in El Paso, where I went to school, gave almost all the college education graduates a job," said Corcoran.

For 17 years Corcoran taught high school for the Oceanside School District. Relying on teacher's assistants for help and oral lesson plans, he said he did a great job at teaching his students.

"What I did was I created an oral and visual environment. There wasn't the written word in there. I always had two or three teacher's assistants in each class to do board work or read the bulletin," said Corcoran.

In retrospect, Corcoran said, his deceit took him a long time to accept.

"As a teacher it really made me sick to think that I was a teacher who couldn't read. It is embarrassing for me, and it's embarrassing for this nation and it's embarrassing for schools that we're failing to teach our children how to read, write and spell!"

While still teaching, Corcoran dabbled in real estate. He was granted a leave of absence, eventually becoming a successful real estate developer.

It wasn't until he was 48 years old that he gave reading and writing another chance. He drove to an inconspicuous office with a sign he couldn't read. He studied and worked with a tutor at the Literacy Center of Carlsbad. Assigned to a 65-year-old volunteer tutor, Eleanor Condit, he was able to read at a sixth-grade level within a year.

"I'm just an optimistic hopeful person that believes in the impossible and miracles," said Corcoran.

Carlsbad City Library literacy coordinator Carrie Scott said people of all walks of life go through the reading program, including teachers.

Corcoran is now an education advocate.

"I believe that illiteracy in America is a form of child neglect and child abuse and the child is blamed and they carry the shame, if we just teach our people how to read we'd give them a fair chance," Corcoran said.

He has written two books, "The Teacher Who Couldn't Read" and "Bridge to Literacy." He is also the founder of the John Corcoran Foundation. The foundation is state-approved as a supplemental service provider for literacy in Colorado and California – providing tutoring programs for over 600 students in small group settings, and individually in homes through an online program.

Find out more about John Corcoran at his Web site: johncorcoranfoundation.com (http://www.johncorcoranfoundation.com/)

02-12-2008, 02:16 PM

no one caught him.

02-12-2008, 02:27 PM
wow, that's a long time to hide something of that nature

02-12-2008, 02:28 PM
thats awesome.

02-12-2008, 02:29 PM
If I were him, I would probably cash in on the book deal that could come from telling the story how he got through high school and college, THEN taught other peoples' kids without being able to read himself.

02-12-2008, 02:40 PM
I can imagine a hollywood movie about this guy bein played by Tom Hanks or something lol.

He seems to have been very successful for being illiterate.

02-12-2008, 02:49 PM
He really and truly is living proof that "its not what you know its who you know!"

lol this seriously takes away from a lot of people in this countries argument that they cant get a decent job because they didnt recieve a good education...even tho this is like a 1 in a million story

lol but seriously you really can get over on people and make an ass load of money if your line of bullshit is good enough hahaha

02-12-2008, 02:53 PM
He really and truly is living proof that "its not what you know its who you know!"

lol this seriously takes away from a lot of people in this countries argument that they cant get a decent job because they didnt recieve a good education...even tho this is like a 1 in a million story

lol but seriously you really can get over on people and make an ass load of money if your line of bullshit is good enough hahaha

No, Max...
He GOT a decent education on paper, he just didn't "get" the education... He had a large amount of know how and game, he'd have made a great criminal if he'd have learned to read early on in life

steve shadows
02-12-2008, 02:55 PM
No, Max...
He GOT a decent education on paper, he just didn't "get" the education... He had a large amount of know how and game.

I went to a CSU

I have stumped Ivy League grads on basic trivia.


But wow on that story

The Governmnet sure is good at educating...

errr :ugh:

02-12-2008, 02:56 PM
^^ Life is a game, he is a good player, and he played it well

02-12-2008, 03:00 PM
^^ Life is a game, he is a good player, and he played it well

Yup, he sure learned how to play the system.
Good for him.

02-12-2008, 03:02 PM
lol i can just picture kids who had him as a teacher wathin the news....lol like "aww wtf...I failed that class" hahaha

02-12-2008, 04:12 PM
I can imagine a hollywood movie about this guy bein played by Tom Hanks or something lol.

He seems to have been very successful for being illiterate.

wasnt that Forest Gump? haha

02-12-2008, 04:32 PM
^^ Life is a game, he is a good player, and he played it well
damn thats going in my sig....

02-12-2008, 10:36 PM
I didn't even read the story. The title is just hilarious.

02-13-2008, 05:46 PM
And Oceanside High still has better test scores than my high school hahahaha.

02-13-2008, 06:47 PM
damn, this guys the man, went through more then 1/2 his life with not being able to read, write, or spell. got a degree, and became a teacher. and managed to make over 35k+ a year with not knowing how to do shit really? thats awesome

02-14-2008, 06:17 AM
I love our society. This guy lies and cheats his way though k-12 and does the same in college. Gets people to feel sorry for him and now everyone is praising him and he gets a book deal? They need to take is degree back and make an example out of him. Fine example for our kids.

02-14-2008, 09:50 AM
No, Max...
He GOT a decent education on paper, he just didn't "get" the education... He had a large amount of know how and game, he'd have made a great criminal if he'd have learned to read early on in life

Double True !!

He learned everything. They explain almost everything verbally in class, just listen.

and yes, he probably would have made a great criminal/con man, or a great bussiness man. Not everybody has the ability to read people and use out side of the box thinking like he does.

And 98s14inaz
what? are you taking it personally?? lol everyone gets away with thing, don't think they need to be made examples of??
Have you ever sped in your car?? and you told someone?? "We should make and example out of you !!!" LMAO
LOST is on tonight and its almost friday, lighten up homie :)

02-14-2008, 09:56 AM
Double True !!
And 98s14inaz
what? are you taking it personally?? lol everyone gets away with thing, don't think they need to be made examples of??
Have you ever sped in your car?? and you told someone?? "We should make and example out of you !!!" LMAO
LOST is on tonight and its almost friday, lighten up homie :)

Not taking anything personally. Don't change the subject. There are many of us that have to work very hard for our degrees with people looking over our shoulders every time you turn around. I myself am studying to be a teacher and the amount of bs I have to deal with make me sick. This guy cons his way though and then is supposed to be a good example for the kids he teaches? I don't respect this clown at all. I stand by what I said earlier. Strip his degree away and don't feel sorry for him.

02-14-2008, 09:59 AM
lol i can just picture kids who had him as a teacher wathin the news....lol like "aww wtf...I failed that class" hahaha


Man how the hell did he grade shit??? like did he even know what an A B C D was??? I cant even imagine how it is not being able to be illiterate...... really try and think about it, its nuts. Its like not knowing how to breathe

02-14-2008, 10:46 AM
someone who cheated through his entire life and never got caught... what are the odds.

02-14-2008, 11:18 AM
Not taking anything personally. Don't change the subject. There are many of us that have to work very hard for our degrees with people looking over our shoulders every time you turn around. I myself am studying to be a teacher and the amount of bs I have to deal with make me sick. This guy cons his way though and then is supposed to be a good example for the kids he teaches? I don't respect this clown at all. I stand by what I said earlier. Strip his degree away and don't feel sorry for him.

lol, no worries man. not taking anything personally.

But you gotta love the dude. He's like the Dave Thomas of teaching. And he just "hired/sub contracted" out the work. He basically got Ta to do the work.

and he must actually be very intellegent to always memorize his curiculum. He didnt use a book at all to teach those kids. always interacting with the students.

I dig it !!

Hell, lifes a garden, dig it:)

But as a future teacher, I get your point too :)

it said he quite and went to realestate anyways. i bet he can spot a sucker at the door :)

And by my spelling, can you tell I dropped out of 10th grade LOL, no GED :)
But now I make the movies and the TV shows you all watch !!! Dont hate cause I didn't takethe "proper" channells and schooling to success!!LMAO

drift freaq
02-14-2008, 11:33 AM
The guy is definitely intelligent. What is sad is how much he might have denied himself by not learning to read earlier on.

It is also sad that he hoodwinked the system at a time when California secondary schools were still good. Unlike today when they suck and do not educate the kids. When the state proposes tests at the end of each year to prove the child has learned and parents howl how its not fair,its discrimination. Bullshit!

Ya its not fair, its not fair to their children to get passed from year to year in the current system without proper testing. Its not fair that not do the kids not get educated but are allowed to go through the system and wind up in a college with no real education to help them. California has a great University system and College system unfortunately the secondary schools suck.

This guy should not be applauded for one reason. It shows kids that are not learning that they don't have to. Thereby lowering their expectations and hopes and leading them to think they can get ahead by cheating.

02-14-2008, 11:39 AM
^ I think 50 cent and Insane Clown Posse handle that already ;)