View Full Version : dissasembling TB for anodization, questions?

02-07-2008, 06:45 PM
i want to get my throttle body anodized so tonight i tried to take it apart.
i got the sensor side off, but it looks like the pull the other side off, i need to remove the butterfly. no big deal.
well, there is some sort of loctite or something being used on those screws. i gave the screwdriver hell and still couldnt break them loose.
is there a trick to this?
furthermore, after the butterfly is removed, am i correct in assuming the rest just slips off?
any insight/advice would be appreciated.

fueled by hate
02-07-2008, 09:54 PM
For really tight screws you need to put the screwdriver on the screw and hit it with a hammer a few times. Then you very slightly try and tighten the screw then unscrew it. It should come off easily after this but if you strip the screw you're an ape.

02-07-2008, 10:01 PM
i had the same problem with the little butterfly valve crap on my intake mani so i sprayed some PB on it then i took some curved needle nose pliers to the outside of each screw and loosened em up. it works, just makes the round screw a little squared.

02-09-2008, 06:35 PM
i got the butterfly off and it looks like all i need to do now is slide the rotor assembly out of the throttle body itself, but it wont budge. am i missing something?