View Full Version : sick

02-06-2008, 09:33 AM
anyone have any good home remedies for nasal congestion / sore throat / cough?

i heard "snorting" salt water gets rid of your stuffy nose & cayanne pepper in herbal tea gets rid of strep... anyone know if these work? or have any good ones of their own? i've taken like 4 sudafed's today and am sipping on some theraflu, but it just doesnt seem to be working.

i feel like i'm gonna die.


02-06-2008, 09:43 AM
anyone have any good home remedies for nasal congestion / sore throat / cough?

i heard "snorting" salt water gets rid of your stuffy nose & cayanne pepper in herbal tea gets rid of strep... anyone know if these work? or have any good ones of their own? i've taken like 4 sudafed's today and am sipping on some theraflu, but it just doesnt seem to be working.

i feel like i'm gonna die.


sore throat? heat up some honey and lemon juice mixed up. Drink that, works better than any cough syrup and sooths your throat.

Congestion? Make sure you get the "real" sudafed from behind the pharmacy counter (in arizona it is kept there and signed for because of meth heads). The new sudfed is ephedrine free and doesn't work.

I will tell you that there is a surgery you can have if you are prone to having that congestion all the time. I had it and I have never felt or breathed better. Also have your tonsils removed if you still have them.

i need tires
02-06-2008, 09:45 AM
get some Airborne! that shit is bomb seems to work for anything

also do that Oliver #1 said.. those are some good old skool methods!

steve shadows
02-06-2008, 09:49 AM
anyone have any good home remedies for nasal congestion / sore throat / cough?

i heard "snorting" salt water gets rid of your stuffy nose & cayanne pepper in herbal tea gets rid of strep... anyone know if these work? or have any good ones of their own? i've taken like 4 sudafed's today and am sipping on some theraflu, but it just doesnt seem to be working.

i feel like i'm gonna die.


pain killer and porn usually cures me when I am really sick

02-06-2008, 10:28 AM
Tea with honey is good for the congestion and cough.

Gargle with salt water for the sore throat.

I went through this a few weeks ago.

Hope you feel better.

02-06-2008, 10:31 AM
Snort some vodka.

My nostrils are soo fresh.

Heat up some Lemon and Honey, 50/50 Mix, sip that for your throat.

02-06-2008, 10:32 AM
anyone have any good home remedies for nasal congestion / sore throat / cough?

i heard "snorting" salt water gets rid of your stuffy nose & cayanne pepper in herbal tea gets rid of strep... anyone know if these work? or have any good ones of their own? i've taken like 4 sudafed's today and am sipping on some theraflu, but it just doesnt seem to be working.

i feel like i'm gonna die.


In the same boat as you, I woke up with a really bad stuffy nose and its driving me nuts. Some how managed to get to my 8:00am class without dying :hsdance:

02-06-2008, 10:36 AM
Sorry to thread jack but I thought it was along the lines of being sick. Anyone know how to get better from the stomach flu? So far my doctor has given me meds for nausea. My stomach feels like an earthquake everytime I walk. Other than drinking a lot of fluids and staying away from dairy and solids, what else can I do?

02-06-2008, 11:41 AM
most nasal decongestants you can buy are pretty much just saline, so yeah, snorting salt water would do the trick.

chicken noodle soup/sprite fixes everything


02-06-2008, 11:43 AM
Sorry to thread jack but I thought it was along the lines of being sick. Anyone know how to get better from the stomach flu? So far my doctor has given me meds for nausea. My stomach feels like an earthquake everytime I walk. Other than drinking a lot of fluids and staying away from dairy and solids, what else can I do?

weed is known to calm an upset stomach.

02-06-2008, 11:50 AM
Mucinex 12 hour Full Force nasal spray. Nothing else works for me, but this shit is like magic, seriously.

02-06-2008, 02:25 PM
thanks guys. i'm heading home early from work today. i'll try some of that stuff out.

02-06-2008, 06:19 PM
nasal sprays work great for a while, but you tend to be worse after it wears off. snorting salt water does work well for flushing the crap out of your sinuses. I have a 16 month old son, so I have one of those nasal bulbs used on babies. I just made up some warm salt water, filled the bulb, and shot it up my nose. Takes a few tries to get it flushed out.

02-06-2008, 06:23 PM
The one in the green box.
I swear to god that shit is magic. Works for 12 hours. I know its not a home remedy but your stuffiness WILL go away, quick as hell too. I swear by the stuff.

02-06-2008, 06:30 PM
Vicks vapor rub. put a bit on your upper lip.

02-06-2008, 07:07 PM
Sleep and some chicken noodle soup work wonders for me.

02-06-2008, 08:13 PM
The one in the green box.
I swear to god that shit is magic. Works for 12 hours. I know its not a home remedy but your stuffiness WILL go away, quick as hell too. I swear by the stuff.

Afrin never works for more than 6-7 hours for me, and you can't take it more than once every 12 hours. So that leaves me with 6-7 hours of bliss, and 5-6 hours of misery. and usually the congestion is worse once it wears off than it had been before using the afrin.