View Full Version : sad story on RX7.com

11-06-2002, 04:30 AM
a story i found out from TI.net
the post here (http://www.rx7club.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=127438&perpage=25&pagenumber=1)

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Originally quoted by Midnight Hour

Me/Father in fatal RX-7 accident

Late last night(October 26th) around 11pm I left my girlfriends house because I was starting to get tired and I didn't want to drive my 'new' '94 Vintage Red RX-7 while I was half-awake. As I was walking inside to my house, my parents pulled up, coming home from a concert at the Houma Civic Center. I told them hi and that I was going to bed. Around 11:30-11:40 my dad called up to me from downstairs, "Brandon! Let's go for a ride in your car! ...but only if I drive!" Well I got dressed again, since I was already in bed, and me and my dad got into my car and drove off. As we pulled out of my subdivision he went through the gears...grinding 3rd...and then about 4 miles up the road he stopped at a gas station and gave me a complimentary fill-up. Thanks, dad! Then we left, driving on a road that bordered a bayou. He was testing out the capabilities of the car about 70% since I had just purchased it 4 days earlier from a seller in Houston. We turned on a bridge that crossed the bayou and headed back towards the house on an adjacent road on the opposite side the bayou as before. He was going around 70-80mph when there was a hump about 3 1/2' high coming up on a slow left hand turn with a slow right turn right after. He started to take the slow left. We hit the hump. The springs compressed. The springs rebounded as the hump was receding. My dad turned the wheel to the right and the back end started sliding out. My dad muttered, "Oh fuck..."We were sliding completely backwards now...towards the bayou. I heard a loud CRASH, noticed a slight fall(about 4 feet), then I felt water rushing inside the car. My window was open, but his was closed. We were both buckled in. I manged to get out of the car before my head even went under the water...which I still don't know how I managed. I screamed my dad's name ...no reply. Then as I was treading water, I felt the car hit my foot. I immediately tried my hardest to swim under and grab my dad loose. No dice. I swam to the shore and ran to the closest house which was around 400 yards away. I yelled at them to call 911, which they did. Once I got back to the scene it had been 10 minutes at the least. I alredy knew he was gone. Ambulances, police, firetrucks, a wrecker, tons of people were there. I didn't want to look when they took the car out of the bayou, but the paramedic said he was still buckled in.

The happiest day of my life(getting my RX-7), was immediately followed by the worst. This was the first time someone close to me died ...and damn was he close to me. Before we wrecked he was just commenting on how fast it was and how amazing it handled. "It just sticks to the road like fly on flypaper," he said.

My father's name was Wayne Rushing. He owned his own want-ad paper called "The Weekly Want Ad's." He was only 50 years young. He had so many plans to look forward to.

In the coming days I'll try my hardest to get a picture of the car(before/after), the wreck scene, and of my father.

Please guys. Slow down on public roads. You NEVER expect things like this to happen when you go out for a 'fun drive' with your girlfriend, best friend, mom/dad ...whoever. I don't want anyone to go through the shit I'm going through right now.

Please, take care.

Brandon Rushing
</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

i posted, i am sorry i took the liberty to speak for everbody on zilvia.net 240sx.org and freshalloy.com w/o permission. again i am sorry. hopefully you guys understand y i did it and dont act like jerks and flame for the actions i took, but i know you guys would do the same [probably] and would want to wish him to be strong.


11-06-2002, 07:32 AM
sad, sad story, ...thank you for speaking for us as a group

11-06-2002, 08:38 AM
This was posted a few days ago here (http://www.zilvia.net/f/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=11;t=18453)

So you WERE speaking for us, you just didn't realize it..

Sad story &nbsp;<img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/huh2.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':huh2:'>