View Full Version : DIF fan controller stopped working

02-03-2008, 03:33 PM
I installed a DIF fan controller last winter when I did my S14SR swap. I drove the car all summer and the controller worked perfectly. About 3-4 months ago it suddenly WOULD NOT turn on at the preset temps I had it at. I just pulled everything apart, double checked ALL of my wiring and everything seems to be in order. I originally tapped into the CTS wiring at the ECU, so I wired it directly at the CTS and that did not do anything. I know the fans are getting power and ground because I can still turn them on manually via a switch.

So I have narrowed down the problem to either a bad CTS, or a bad controller. Without a multimeter how can I test to see if the CTS is bad? Where can I get a new CTS?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

02-03-2008, 04:31 PM
Are the S13 and S14 coolant temp sensors the same? All of the places I've looked only sell the S13 ones?