02-03-2008, 12:54 PM
Alright here it is and this year we're starting early. There still a lot of time before this show happens but I wanted to make sure that that word was getting out there now. We're hosting a show this year an want to get everyone to come out to show off and check it all out. We had this show last year in April for the first time and decided to do it again and better this year. 200+ cars ( showed up and tons of people to check it all out. This year I'm hoping to DOULBE the number of cars. The car show will also hold a Contest judged by a panel of judges. There will be a buy in fee to enter your ride to be judged. Categories are still undecided along with the buy in fee. Trophies and prizes will be awared to the winners. There's more to come but thats all I have for right now. If you are interested in speading the word let me know I'll provide flyers also let me know your thoughts about this all comments will help.
Alright here it is and this year we're starting early. There still a lot of time before this show happens but I wanted to make sure that that word was getting out there now. We're hosting a show this year an want to get everyone to come out to show off and check it all out. We had this show last year in April for the first time and decided to do it again and better this year. 200+ cars ( showed up and tons of people to check it all out. This year I'm hoping to DOULBE the number of cars. The car show will also hold a Contest judged by a panel of judges. There will be a buy in fee to enter your ride to be judged. Categories are still undecided along with the buy in fee. Trophies and prizes will be awared to the winners. There's more to come but thats all I have for right now. If you are interested in speading the word let me know I'll provide flyers also let me know your thoughts about this all comments will help.