View Full Version : anyone else get like this when they drink a lot

Unholy S14
02-02-2008, 07:56 AM
I drank about 10 Sam Adams Cherry Wheat beers and killed a half gallon bottle of Jd with the other girls last night

now today I gotta take a shit every 30 minutes

02-02-2008, 08:00 AM
Its the D.A.D.S .... the day after drinkin shits.... gotta love em.

02-02-2008, 08:02 AM
hell yeah!!! thats the reason y Im up right now, beer shits buddy... oh BTW, dont try to take any meds or try to counter the shits by eating breads. It'll only make it worse. Water, drink it.

Unholy S14
02-02-2008, 08:04 AM
yea hahahha ive been drinking water all morning

got home at 6 am, woke up at 9 thanks to the shits and been up ever since.

02-02-2008, 08:08 AM
liquor before beer, never fear

beer before liquor, never sicker...

remember this and heed the words of the grasshopper.

Unholy S14
02-02-2008, 08:23 AM
yea thats where i fucked up

i was mixing them up, one game id drink a beer and next game some JD

02-02-2008, 08:24 AM
I drank way too much last night. My DD dropped me off on my parents front porch instead of my house. I haven been hearing about my drinking since 7am from my old lady. Bitch make me some french toast.

02-02-2008, 08:33 AM
Drink Pedialyte.
yes, the children medicine.
Get the biggest one they have.
Makes all that beer shit/hangover bullshit go away.

Or a shit ton of Gatorade.

02-02-2008, 08:42 AM
i stayed home last night likea misserable bastard. im glad i did. i feel like $100 today. i havnt been getting wasted 3-4 days a week like i used to.

02-02-2008, 08:51 AM
hahaha i was partying at university of new hampshire at my friends house off campus and we started drinking by like 530ish. me and my friend killed off the first thirty rack by about 830-9ish then started in on the next.. by about 3 i was walking through downtown with this girl.. wokee up the next morning freezing my balls off cuz cuz i was naked and the bitch kept taking the covers all morning and then waking up to the sound of a truck plowing snow at 7am after staying up drinking and fucking most of the night was not a good wake up call. ended up leaving at like 8ish cuz she kept rolling around... ya well apparently it was a good mile and a half walk back to my friends house across campus in a god damn blizzard and not knowing where i was to start with besides a girls sorority house.. well finally got back and then my friend dev decided it would be a good idea to have some mcdonalds double cheese burgers at 11 in the morning. i dont think ive ever felt more sick in my life...

02-02-2008, 08:55 AM
Drink Pedialyte.
yes, the children medicine.
Get the biggest one they have.
Makes all that beer shit/hangover bullshit go away.

Or a shit ton of Gatorade.

+1 pedialyte works like a champ.:bigok:

02-02-2008, 09:11 AM
I have some stories that would make everyone ask me how I am still alive. But year bud light gives me the worst beer shits in the entire world. Just the smell peels the paint off the walls.

one good story i have was one Saturday I stayed home and made a home made paint booth in the garage to paint three sets of wheels for random friends. It started raining so I didn't want moisture in the garage so I closed the door. I was using a t shirt for a mask. Well I sipped some beers maybe like 2 over 4 hours cause I was focused on masking and painting more. Get out of the garage and was like holy shit I'm high as a kite. My friends show up and they are like hey there are a few girl we need you to go pick up. SO I go completely high out of my mind off paint fumes, pick up two girls one is cute the other was hooking up with my friend at the time and had another cute friend who was wicked nice to me but out of town at the time her name was Karissa (I didn't know at the time she was like all about me). SO we get back like 4 pm and I'm still high go back into the garage finish clearing all the wheels set up the lights and let them bake. Now I have no idea whats going on. GO shower get out of the shower walk in my room and the cute girl is sitting on my bed...I have jeans on but no shirts so i put a t shirt on and an oxford and go to grab a sweater to put on over that (it was cold that day) cute girl ask if I am going to wear the sweater over the shirt and I'm like well yeah. I guess that was some super turn on for her. hours later i have played 5 games of 15 cup beer pong made countless mix drinks for the girl waaay to strong and ended up drinking them myself and the played a game of shot checkers with 100 proof soco. At this point I'm missing my mouth with my beer and not making any sense. i thought i walked up stairs went in my room and locked my door alone. Hit the bed pass out cold...wake up three hours later making out with cute naked chick... i guess I banged her and she was loud enough everyone could here from down stairs. Wake up in the am there a cute naked girl in my bed take her home get back asked everyone what her name was. HAHAHA it was Jen. Other girl goes home 20 minutes later I get a call from the Karissa girl she is on her way home and wants to hang out BUT she hears I had a good time last night. Apparently we talked last night when I was black out drunk and she confessed her obsession for me and we were supposed to see what happens....then I baged that girl HA! Anyway I ended up not talking to the Jen girl hooking up with Karissa and then for the next year and a half having "YOU BANGED SOME CHICK THE NIGHT BEFORE WE STARTED DATING YOU ASS....AND THEN BANGED ME THE VERY NEXT WEEK IN THE SAME BED"

Yeah that was a sweet house...Good times. good times

02-02-2008, 09:30 AM
hahahaha your the man rontom

02-02-2008, 09:42 AM
i see no issue with that story... it's happened several times over the years in the course of my life... word of wisdom for you younger guys... get a new matress before getting serious with anyone, it draws less questions.

02-02-2008, 09:53 AM
Chili fries, do it.

It's not really solution to the arse end of the problem (probably make it worse by adding mad gas), but it's so fucking good when everything else is making you miserable.

02-02-2008, 10:04 AM
i see no issue with that story... it's happened several times over the years in the course of my life... word of wisdom for you younger guys... get a new matress before getting serious with anyone, it draws less questions.

or even just be less lazy and buy new sheets. That was too much effort fro me though

02-02-2008, 10:10 AM
yes............. i HATE it.

02-02-2008, 10:11 AM
I never have to shit every 30 mins after I get shit faced... I just have to take the biggest shit on record the next morning. I think Jack ripped your asshole a little bigger...

02-02-2008, 11:33 AM
Nope you're not alone. I have the same problem when I drink a lot f dark beer, but the worse has got to be with Samuel Adam.

02-02-2008, 11:37 AM
Theres two things that will take this away... #1 pedialyte.. #2 do you have any friends that are medics? If so tell them to bring a bag of IV fluid over and hook you up!! No hang over no D.A.D.S and your all goood..

Trust me this works..

02-02-2008, 11:37 AM
I can't wait for summer.... Sam Adams summer ale... yummy

02-02-2008, 11:48 AM
water is your friend, consume as much as possible before passing out. but beer shit's are hard to avoid if you drink a lot of it.

Unholy S14
02-02-2008, 11:51 AM
I can't wait for summer.... Sam Adams summer ale... yummy

tell me about it

Winter Lager just aint the same :(

02-02-2008, 12:38 PM
I just call them the "Firey Poo's"

02-02-2008, 02:42 PM
I just call them the "Firey Poo's"
We called it BAS for Burning Ass Syndrome.

02-02-2008, 02:48 PM
Eat Pho and sleep

02-02-2008, 02:51 PM
haha I always shit the next day cause I get drunk then incredibly hungry at the end of the night...so im always hittin up food places and stuffin my face with roastbeef sandwhiches and shit before i go to sleep haha...drink water or gatorade tho....ur most likely dehydrated

02-02-2008, 02:58 PM
Dehydration is the main cause of hangover symptoms. Drinking pedialyte and gatorade is a great hydrator. If anyone has a medical professional as a friend as to be hooked into an IV to get rid of your hangover the fastest

02-02-2008, 03:16 PM
whoa to the OP, i don't know about every 30 minutes. but i'll wake up and be in the bathroom for a long time taking a shit. then after that i'm good for the day. it's only when i consume a lot of beer from the night before.

02-02-2008, 03:18 PM
i usually drink a couple bottles or large glasses of water before i go to bed. and i swallow 800-1000MG's of ibuprofen. that works wonders on my headaches. then more water in the morning. it really depends what i drink though. shitty (dumbmestic beers) beer = wicked hangover. i dont get hangovers from guinness and stuff like that. its weird. miller is the worst. i REFUSE to ever drink anything miller ever again. i am such a beer snob. i dont care, cause im not drinking that shit.

Unholy S14
02-02-2008, 03:23 PM
i went 9 times today

god this sucks hahaha and im drinking tonight again at a friends UFC party

02-02-2008, 03:32 PM
Anything Arrogant Bastard = Toilet Time for me.

but its sooo good :-/.

02-02-2008, 03:41 PM
Haha just bring a laptop in the bathroom and keep us updated.

02-02-2008, 05:35 PM
I drank about 10 Sam Adams Cherry Wheat beers and killed a half gallon bottle of Jd with the other girls last night

now today I gotta take a shit every 30 minutes
Sam Adams Cherry Wheat is the shit!

02-02-2008, 05:54 PM
everyone! lets drink 10 sam adams and a half gallon bottle of Jd so we can have shits the next day.

i dont get it, whats the point?

Unholy S14
02-02-2008, 06:37 PM
i didnt plan on this

I was having last night, you think i drank on purpose to be shitting all day ?

make it 10

02-02-2008, 06:58 PM
Top your night off with some IRISH CARBOMBS and let me know how your shiets are the following morning. For you guys who arent sure what that is, Tall glass of Guiness with a shot glassed dropped in with Baileys and some Irish whiskey. Last time I had that shiet was at Philadelphia Airport after an excercise in NJ...I dont remember how I got to Denver Intl once I walked into the plane...

02-02-2008, 07:18 PM
jameson or nothing in car bombs. love those things. mmmmm.

02-02-2008, 07:23 PM
when i'm drinking to drink, there are four courses of action.
1.) rum and coke
2.) Colt 45 (40's only. drinking malt liquor out of anything less doesn't feel right)
3.) bud light/select
4.) amber bock

and when i wake up i always feel fine. my "tagged by other people" pics on facebook show i get pretty ripped, but i've only felt shitty the next day one time, EVER. i woke up, puked, and went back to sleep. and that was it.

02-02-2008, 07:40 PM
I never really get bad shits from beer or liquor no matter the combination. The only time I got shits was from drinking busch pounders at college. I would shit at least 3 times before leaving for class and it was like coffee grinds coming from my ass. Coors light would give me one nasty shit but that was it. I guess I just have a digestive system built for mass quanitities of alcohol .

Dirty Habit
02-02-2008, 07:43 PM
Two girls one pitcher.

02-02-2008, 08:14 PM
There are several things that will blow your o-ring the next day. My top:
1. OE 800. The 8ball wrecks me. I seemed to have repressed the memory of spending an hour on the throne every saturday morning for all of high school. But you sure couldn't beat the good ol' day-glo orange "$1.89 Out the Door" stickers. A 40 of OE and a St. Ide's Special Brew (Snoop's favorite is Berry Blue) were the best, it was perfect. You'd get perved, but not sloppy.
2. PABST BLUE RIBBON. They don't call it Pabst-ass for nothing. But I always loved a bar that sold pitchers of PBR because that was an indication of class. Plus it was like 6 bucks a pitcher. Not only do you shit yourself, you also have very loud, explosive gas.
3. 7-11 nachos aka Drunken Nachos (because you only eat them if you are wastoid). The secret is to use the top to get as much cheeze product and meatlike chilistuff as you can. My stomach is bubbling just thinking about them.
4. Baby powder. If you don't know what I'm talking about, good. Keep it that way.

I used to drink mostly Cminus while in college in Davis and Buttlight while visiting Isla Vista. For some reason, my intestines didn't mind them so much. Maybe it was all the toughening up they were given by years of OE/Mickey's/St. Ide's/211/Colt 45/Camo/Panther/Magnum consumption.

Drinking water before bed is the best way to avoid a hangover (well, second only to not drinking), but this isn't always practical because you may be on a fantastic voyage (blacked out) or in the middle of something (usually regrettable). I've heard chaser works good, but that stuff came out after I had already quit boozing. Some of my friends swear by it.

02-02-2008, 08:15 PM
Two girls one pitcher.

It's actually 1girl1pitcher. That's the sequel.

02-02-2008, 09:16 PM
Yea, i got trashed last night....woke up at 7am with the worst shit ever....

Newcastle owns me....I absolutely love that shit...

Newcastle, Yuengling, Blue Moon, and Irish Car Bombs all day for me....

02-02-2008, 09:21 PM
i can get down with new castle. only on tap though. shit is bad out of the bottle. i am a fucking snobb now. haha.

02-02-2008, 09:34 PM
Eat Pho and sleep

very good drunk food. Makes your night pho-fect.

Also for you hardcore JDM fans...try drinking Pocari Sweat. It will stop hang overs and is better than that american pedialyte stuff.

Unholy S14
02-02-2008, 09:36 PM
^ good stuff

still have the wagon ?

02-02-2008, 09:42 PM

a lot of the "indie" venues around here have PBR, Stag, Natty, MHL, etc in stock. for some fucking reason, all those skinny jeans wearing motherfuckers love to be seen drinking shitty beer. i go to a show last night and get a bud light, and my long haired, thick glasses friend gets a fucking tall boy of PBR. and he was wearing a PBR shirt. what is that shit?

...that said when i want to get trashed on a budget a 30 of MHL is the way to go. the champagne of shit

02-02-2008, 09:51 PM
^ good stuff

still have the wagon ?

yessir. wagon and S14.

02-02-2008, 11:41 PM
I've only had one case of the beer shits. It was SO bad. I was still drunk on the toilet seat the next morning and my ass was shooting out bullets like a machine gun. My head was resting on my arms which were crossed on my knees. I thought I was going to die that morning.

I don't shit every 30 minutes, but have 1 long grueling battle. It's a blast.

02-02-2008, 11:55 PM
. it really depends what i drink though. shitty (dumbmestic beers) beer = wicked hangover. i dont get hangovers from guinness and stuff like that. its weird. miller is the worst. i REFUSE to ever drink anything miller ever again. i am such a beer snob. i dont care, cause im not drinking that shit.


02-02-2008, 11:57 PM
a lot of the "indie" venues around here have PBR, Stag, Natty, MHL, etc in stock. for some fucking reason, all those skinny jeans wearing motherfuckers love to be seen drinking shitty beer. i go to a show last night and get a bud light, and my long haired, thick glasses friend gets a fucking tall boy of PBR. and he was wearing a PBR shirt. what is that shit?

...that said when i want to get trashed on a budget a 30 of MHL is the way to go. the champagne of shit

Around here shitty places have it. Shitty people in shitty places drinking shitty beer. Shitty people like me in shitty places like the Tenderloin (as Dave Chappelle says, "ain't nothing tender about it").

There used to be a Pabst Brewery here in sf (15th and Folsom), so I remember my dad drinking PBR and Anchor Steam when I was a kid. My grandpa used to drink PBR, but he really loved Burgermeister. When you see people drinking Burgie, you know you've hit rock bottom.

I second High Life. 32's ftw. With the chick on the crescent moon.

02-02-2008, 11:59 PM
Also for you hardcore JDM fans...try drinking Pocari Sweat. It will stop hang overs and is better than that american pedialyte stuff.

Is that the white stuff with the blue label (with a kinda coke wavy line)?

I like those aloe drinks. Helps the tummy.

02-03-2008, 12:02 AM
for some reason when im at a club and i start drinking, i always feel like i gotta take a dump.. i dunno why, anyone else feel like that?

02-03-2008, 12:27 AM
how can you guys drink high life? shame on you guys. SHAME ON YOU.

02-03-2008, 01:16 AM
Because it's cheap. Beer is a poor man's beverage. Quantity over quality. You can't drink a 12 pack of Guiness or Newcastle without exploding. You need that light beer. Besides, when I would drink High Life, it was usually an outdoor situation like DP in IV or some bonfire or something. Who brings Newcastle to a keg party anyway? That's like drinking Pellegrino rather than using the water fountain. Or bringing some wine and cheese.

If I wanted to go on a bender, it was black label. JD if I was poor. The difference was all in the hangover.

02-03-2008, 01:18 AM
ah the beer shits. to know it is to love it.

liquor before beer, never fear

beer before liquor, never sicker...

remember this and heed the words of the grasshopper.

nope. it's alcohol after alcohol and you're still getting fucked up. but that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable.

02-03-2008, 01:26 AM
how can you guys drink high life?

because it's cheap and effective, and isn't AWFUL like natty or worse. and when you show up to a party with a 40 of MHL in each hand, you've got a conversation starter, good or bad.

02-03-2008, 01:33 AM
Want a 100% guaranteed hangover.

18 shots of Popov....

Oh that was a bad morning. :down:

02-03-2008, 10:59 AM
Because it's cheap. Beer is a poor man's beverage. Quantity over quality. You can't drink a 12 pack of Guiness or Newcastle without exploding. You need that light beer. Besides, when I would drink High Life, it was usually an outdoor situation like DP in IV or some bonfire or something. Who brings Newcastle to a keg party anyway? That's like drinking Pellegrino rather than using the water fountain. Or bringing some wine and cheese.

you can, and i do it all the time. like i said, im a snobb. there are lots of other beers to drink, other than guinness and new castle.

because it's cheap and effective, and isn't AWFUL like natty or worse. and when you show up to a party with a 40 of MHL in each hand, you've got a conversation starter, good or bad.

except it IS aweful like natty. they're the same to me. shit in a can/bottle.

if i cant 'afford' to drink something decent. i wont do it. :bigok:

02-03-2008, 11:12 AM
Yea we call it having hangover poo

Nothing like a good hangover poo to get you outa bed.

02-03-2008, 12:21 PM
Because it's cheap. Beer is a poor man's beverage. Quantity over quality. You can't drink a 12 pack of Guiness or Newcastle without exploding. You need that light beer. Besides, when I would drink High Life, it was usually an outdoor situation like DP in IV or some bonfire or something. Who brings Newcastle to a keg party anyway? That's like drinking Pellegrino rather than using the water fountain. Or bringing some wine and cheese.

If I wanted to go on a bender, it was black label. JD if I was poor. The difference was all in the hangover.

i drank a 12 pack of newcastle on friday night and i didn't explode. I felt great.

02-03-2008, 01:41 PM
I actually have the opposite experience as most - dark liquor makes me hangover like hell, with a shitty stomach and the accompanying trips to the toilet. Beer and wine (even red) gets me happy without the second day regrets (for the most part, especially the shitty stomach). I've heard dark beer and red wine are the worst for hangovers, but apparently not me. The downside is that, of course, you have to drank way more volume to get to the same place. I usually accompany drinking with gatorade/water, sometimes I'll start downing liquids even before I drink.

02-03-2008, 06:15 PM
Want a 100% guaranteed hangover.

18 shots of Popov....

Oh that was a bad morning. :down:
Popov or Vladimir or Mr. Boston vodka is asking for it.
The last time I drank Popov, I had a hangover so bad I thought I was going to need physical therapy to get over it.

02-03-2008, 06:49 PM
KFC + 2 Pints of water before bed usually saves me from violent beer shits the next day!

02-03-2008, 06:54 PM
dark liquor makes me hangover like hell,

the chemical/molecules or whatever you want to call it that makes dark colored liquor dark is what makes the hangover worse for alot of people. it's true. look it up.

02-03-2008, 08:19 PM
I only get beer shits.

That's why I hardly drink beer anymore.

To help with hangovers I just drink about two glasses of water prior to sleeping and I don't get hangovers in the mornings.

02-04-2008, 01:47 AM
OH Jacky POO's!!!!! Yeay!!!!
Drink DARK, Drink OFTEN, Drink LOTS!!!!
Irish Car Bombs Are My FAVORITE!!!!
I'll buy you one Jack next time we're hangin'. Think you're up to it?:drool: :barf:

02-04-2008, 03:53 AM
KFC + 2 Pints of water before bed usually saves me from violent beer shits the next day!

dont fucking toy with me. you dont have kentucky fried chicken in brittan. i dont believe a word.

holy shit. i am so fucked up. holy shit. 5 mins to post this shit. grammar is correct though bitches.

02-04-2008, 08:42 AM
Eat Pho and sleep

i know what im having for lunch, that sounds so good right now

beer shits are the worse, seems like they're neverending...and reek to high heaven (at least mine do :keke:)

02-04-2008, 09:07 AM
We call it Bud mud haha. Dont forget about that cup of hot coffee.

last nights beer+ hot coffee= Stank ass

02-04-2008, 09:11 AM
Oh to be 21 again.

Koopa Troopa
02-04-2008, 01:47 PM
I suck at being drunk... I reach my limit and will find an empty spot wherever I am and pass out...

So far I've passed out at or during:

A formal Marine Cops event
Various park benches and bus stops
Sexual intercourse
Gas Panic! in Ropponggi
The soccer field at MCB 29 Palms
Argument with girlfriend

I don't consider myself an alcoholic though... Just a Vodka enthusiast..