View Full Version : Top Colombian cocaine baron found shot dead

02-02-2008, 12:29 AM
CARACAS (AFP) - Colombia's top cocaine lord Wilber Varela, who ran the notorious Norte Valle Cartel and had a five million dollar bounty on his head, was found shot dead in Venezuela, Caracas' narcotics chief said Friday.

The bullet-riddled body of Varela, known by the nicknames "Jabon" (soap) and "Detergente" (detergent), was discovered Wednesday along with that of another man in a tourist cabin in northwestern Venezuela, authorities said.

"It has been conclusively proven that this is drug trafficker Wilber Varela," said Nestor Luis Reverol, head of Venezuela's National Anti-drug Agency.

"Thirty-two matching characteristics have been verified" identifying the suspect, Reverol told reporters.

The US Ambassador to Colombia William Brownfield said that while he could not rejoice in the death of the drug lord, he did welcome it as "good news" that the world was rid of somebody who brought misery to millions of people.

The two bodies were discovered in the cabin in Loma de Los Angeles, Merida state -- close to Venezuela's border with Colombia -- by the owner of the establishment who entered the cabin because no one had come out, according to Reverol.

Varela's body had been dead less than 48 hours, he said. The two bodies had "more than seven bullet wounds" in them, he added.

Varela, a former policeman aged in his 50s, launched his drug operations in the 1980s as a member of a group of hit men working for the Cali drug cartel.

The Norte Valle Cartel grew strong after the dismantling of the Cali and Medellin cartels in the mid-1990s left a power vacuum. The new group was credited with handling some 60 percent of the cocaine flowing out of Colombia.

Varela was put on the US Drug Enforcement Administration's list of most wanted fugitives, with a five-million-dollar reward for his arrest.

He was indicted by the US Justice Department on May 6, 2004, which called him the head of Colombia's most powerful cocaine cartel, allegedly responsible at the time for exporting 500 tonnes of cocaine worth 10 billion dollars to the United States.

The indictment said the cartel used the paramilitary forces Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia to protect its drug routes and laboratories.

The cartel collected its drugs in the Valle del Cauca region and then shipped them to the Pacific port of Buenaventura, where they were transferred to Mexican drug transporters for shipping via boats and aircraft to the United States, according to the indictment.

Varela's death brings to an end the era of the three big Colombian cartels, with their once huge presence filled by numerous harder-to-detect small trafficking organizations, according to Colombian experts.

Since 2004 a number of top Norte Valle Cartel figures have been arrested or killed. Last year Diego Montoya and Juan Carlos Ramirez were nabbed in Colombia and Brazil, respectively.

"No clear deputy exists" who could replace Varela to run the cartel now, Gustavo Alvarez, a Colombian expert on narcotics trafficking, said Friday.

"The void is very large."

lol i just realized this is post #444 and my rep pwr is 44 also. i rule. /thread.

02-02-2008, 12:37 AM
"Although less known, authorities have identified Gilmer Humberto Quintero, alias "Cabezon" ("Big Head"), and Jaime Umberto Palomino alias "Piernas Locas" ("Crazy Legs") as the successors of the Wilber Varela organization in case of Varela's arrest or death."

02-02-2008, 12:41 AM
big head+crazy legs. sound like a dangerous combination. or maybe a new muppet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhbxN4NO38k

02-02-2008, 12:44 AM
big head+crazy legs. sound like a dangerous combination. or maybe a new muppet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhbxN4NO38k

Buddy Rich is dooooooope.

drift freaq
02-02-2008, 12:47 AM
Buddy Rich is dooooooope.

Ya, I have seen him live it was sick.

02-02-2008, 01:16 AM
Ya, I have seen him live it was sick.

You lucky man. Sadly he died right before I was born =(...

Just to make you feel old hahaha.

02-02-2008, 01:25 AM
less cocaine = higher prices , not less cocaine lol...

02-02-2008, 01:28 AM
less cocaine = higher prices , not less cocaine lol...

Plus, this is the 240 community were poor enough as it is without having to pay a Dead Cartel Owner Tax =(

02-02-2008, 01:48 AM

maybe its just me but this is what comes to mind when i hear the words crazy legs.

02-02-2008, 01:58 AM
haha im with you on that jrocslider

02-02-2008, 02:18 AM
Rush rush to the yeyo.


02-02-2008, 03:11 AM
someone already took over hes job..

gotta love that whitegirl :naughty:

02-02-2008, 03:20 AM
Yes, where there is one dead leader there will rise another one who may be more lethal than the one previous.

Who knows.

The only way to stop drug trafficking is not to cut off the supply, but rather cut down or just stop the demand.

Instead of spending millions of dollars on trying to catch those who manufacture or distribute drugs. We should be spending the money on programs to educate the young about drug abuse and the effects of drug use. We should also be spending money on the rehab programs of those who are affected and addicted by drugs.

Dirty Habit
02-02-2008, 07:11 AM
I mean, you say I'm an outlaw, you say I'm a thief, but where's the Christmas dinner for the people on relief? Huh? You say you're looking for someone who's never weak but always strong, to gather flowers constantly whether you are right or wrong, someone to open each and every door, but it ain't me, babe, huh? No, no, no, it ain't me, babe. It ain't me you're looking for, babe.
You follow?

02-02-2008, 09:11 AM
the only way to get rid of drug use

is to put up way more strict laws for possession or selling it

otherwise america is never going to be drug free

02-02-2008, 09:15 AM
It's like a Hydra. Cut off 1 head then there are several others to deal with. I agree with Azndoc. People need to be educated on the effect and what it's doing to the world as a whole. It's sad when you're in a situation with no education or good jobs. You are forced to do what you have to do. Coming from a 3rd world country, I know how hard it is to make it but I know it's possible. I'm here and I'm doing well. So there is hope. They just have to want it.

02-02-2008, 01:53 PM
Meh, it's ultimately up to you. As educated as you can be about any given thing, sometimes the only way to get something through an individual's head is through experience but when it comes to drugs, sometimes after the experience it is too late.

02-02-2008, 02:35 PM
Yes, where there is one dead leader there will rise another one who may be more lethal than the one previous.

Who knows.

The only way to stop drug trafficking is not to cut off the supply, but rather cut down or just stop the demand.

Instead of spending millions of dollars on trying to catch those who manufacture or distribute drugs. We should be spending the money on programs to educate the young about drug abuse and the effects of drug use. We should also be spending money on the rehab programs of those who are affected and addicted by drugs.

Iunno. EVERYBODY knows drugs are bad, and that they are illegal.

Personally I believe thats why so many people do them. It's rebellious, just like under age drinking and smoking. It's cool to break the law.

02-03-2008, 04:15 PM
Cocaine is fucking awesome

All y'all are haters