View Full Version : get ready for an attack on USA

02-01-2008, 11:37 AM
Any way, I was watching CNN and obama and clinton are debating. They are both talking about pulling out of iraq as soon as they are elected(if the are). I feel this is a horrible call and it will imeddiatly lead to an attack on the USA. Our troops are keeping us safe. Yes, the war, has a scewed subject(basically we are there for oil). But now that we are there, we are a threat. Pulling out will generate a large upest. We should either nuke them(like we should have on 9-12-2001) or continue staying there in order to protect our homeland. Let me know what you guys/gals think. Basically my topic is "Do you think this election is going to lead to an attack on the US?"

02-01-2008, 11:40 AM
yeah cause using a nuclear device in the middle east would have solved all the world's problems... come on buddy.

02-01-2008, 11:44 AM
That statement was to be "use a bigger force in retaliation" not neccecarly a nuke. What do you think?

02-01-2008, 11:45 AM

"Kill'em all.........let God sort'em out"

but no........ we shouldnt nuke them. peace and love. thats where its at :kiss:

02-01-2008, 11:46 AM
Its a useless war that we cannot win. We just don't want to admit it because we're better than everyone else. :cj:

02-01-2008, 11:51 AM
hahah wtf are you serious. I can't take this thread serious. IF we dropped a nuke We'd burn all the bridges, our failing economy would just rot in hell. We'd become the next Russia, selling our military surplus just to keep the economy some what alive. You know how much debt the U.S. has been in ? I'm glad you're not our president.

I honestly don't think it will stop because noone likes being bullied. The more we fight terrorism the more people will join the fight against us.

Money is power, we should work on fixing our economy rather than dropping billions of dollars into this war. This rebate shit that Bush is doing is not going to help the U.S. but actually make it worse. If people aren't using the rebate on paying off bills then they'll be out paying for gas, or buying a toshiba tv or something... the money that he is rebating isn't even money we have. Printed money just puts us more in debt and a majority of the people are just going to put it back into a foreign market... like oil, or tv's or cars.

Thus, as much as people gave Bill Clinton shit for his presidential term, he actually helped our economy. He decreased our debt. Bush just put us back into a hole by spending money. What people don't realize is the money war cost. The uniforms, enlisting, the guns they carry, the bullets they shoot, the vehicles they use. Not to mention the lives lost... for what ? fighting terrorism? That's not even a person or a country.

02-01-2008, 11:59 AM
no. you are a dumbass.

02-01-2008, 12:03 PM
Actually no candidate has said they are going to pull out immediately when they get elected and the US pulling out will not lead to an attack on the US.

It will lead to a civil unrest/war within their country, not ours.

02-01-2008, 12:06 PM
if we pull out of iraq they are going to follow us like a stray dog follows you home.

02-01-2008, 12:11 PM
I am pretty sure this thread (the OP's intent in) is the dumbest fucking attempt at political discussion I have seen this month.

02-01-2008, 12:14 PM
OP...I'd be more worried about the Zombie attack... :squint:

02-01-2008, 12:14 PM
yeah dude, it's gonna be like red dawn up in this motherfucker.

02-01-2008, 12:19 PM
yeah dude, it's gonna be like red dawn up in this motherfucker.

I always thought that scenario would make a good video game.

Wait a second...Red Dawn + Zombie's = Red Dawn of the Dead! Man that's a scary thought.

02-01-2008, 12:19 PM
I am pretty sure this thread (the OP's intent in) is the dumbest fucking attempt at political discussion I have seen this month.

Well it has only been 13 hours into the month... J/K I totally agree.

02-01-2008, 12:26 PM
TOPPER HARLEY will save us


02-01-2008, 12:28 PM
I always thought that scenario would make a good video game.

Wait a second...Red Dawn + Zombie's = Red Dawn of the Dead! Man that's a scary thought.

soviet zombies? yikes.

from russia with nom nom nom

02-01-2008, 12:29 PM
I always thought that scenario would make a good video game.

Wait a second...Red Dawn + Zombie's = Red Dawn of the Dead! Man that's a scary thought.

cuban and russian zombies?

so would there be an undead cold war?

and phlip, i agree.

02-01-2008, 12:30 PM
i have many weapons and many rounds of ammo at my house im not worried.

02-01-2008, 12:31 PM
how the hell did this turn into a zombie discussion? ah well........ more ammo on the way


02-01-2008, 12:31 PM
TOPPER HARLEY will save us


i'd far rather be saved by weird al


02-01-2008, 12:33 PM
zombies? yikes.

from south asia with nom nom nom

fixed it for you

(posted in thread of the living dead as well)

02-01-2008, 12:35 PM
oh christ almighty, i really hope you dont think that way. im pretty sure ur young and stupid and all you know about nukes is what you see in games but still i need to get this out of my system.....

ur retarded

god have mercy on this kid

02-01-2008, 12:36 PM
how the hell did this turn into a zombie discussion? ah well........ more ammo on the way


I'm pretty sure I can turn any thread into a zombie thread.

02-01-2008, 12:36 PM
hell yeah! nuke em! that way we can....wait what?

I think we should get that oil.

02-01-2008, 12:40 PM
^^^ No, we're there to liberate them and bring them democracy, in the face of instability and guerrilla warfare, this is NOT about oil... It is about stabilizing the environment, weren't you listening when the president said that Iraq was crucial in the global war on terror?

(shit, it even sounds hilarious when I say it)

02-01-2008, 12:42 PM
Haha, the only thing that bothered me is that i don't really like being lied to by the government.

Though i guess if they had said "we want their oil" they would have had less support.

02-01-2008, 12:46 PM
*insert pulling out joke here*

02-01-2008, 12:49 PM
^^^ No, we're there to liberate them and bring them democracy, in the face of instability and guerrilla warfare, this is NOT about oil... It is about stabilizing the environment, weren't you listening when the president said that Iraq was crucial in the global war on terror?

(shit, it even sounds hilarious when I say it)
That is why they are building a command in Africa now. Save the children. If you see some diamonds on the way you can pick them up tho.

02-01-2008, 12:49 PM
holy shit lol

02-01-2008, 12:50 PM
That is why they are building a command in Africa now. Save the children. If you see some diamonds on the way you can pick them up tho.

This thread is like the gift that keeps getting funnier.

02-01-2008, 12:56 PM
I'm concerned now.
Not a single presidential candidate has mentioned their views on the potential zombie crisis.

Oh, by the way, Red Dawn of the dead would be amazingly pointless.
The intial red dawn attack was with paratroopers.
Zombies can't pull ripcords.
How's that for a mental image?

02-01-2008, 01:11 PM
I'm concerned now.
Not a single presidential candidate has mentioned their views on the potential zombie crisis.

Oh, by the way, Red Dawn of the dead would be amazingly pointless.
The intial red dawn attack was with paratroopers.
Zombies can't pull ripcords.
How's that for a mental image?

they could do tandem so long as they don't eat their instructors. but if you've got one skydiving bro for every zombie, what's the point

also, who's flying the plane?

02-01-2008, 01:12 PM
OP: Vote for Mccain then.

We can all get our zombie, and you can get more war. It's win win really.


*I almost fell out of my chair at the zombies not pulling the rip chords lol

steve shadows
02-01-2008, 01:14 PM
Any way, I was watching CNN and obama and clinton are debating. They are both talking about pulling out of iraq as soon as they are elected(if the are). I feel this is a horrible call and it will imeddiatly lead to an attack on the USA. Our troops are keeping us safe. Yes, the war, has a scewed subject(basically we are there for oil). But now that we are there, we are a threat. Pulling out will generate a large upest. We should either nuke them(like we should have on 9-12-2001) or continue staying there in order to protect our homeland. Let me know what you guys/gals think. Basically my topic is "Do you think this election is going to lead to an attack on the US?"

With all due respect,

are you retarded?

steve shadows
02-01-2008, 01:16 PM
TOPPER HARLEY will save us


damnit I cant rep you haha

02-01-2008, 01:32 PM
^hell yes.

careful people.......... they're already here


02-01-2008, 01:44 PM
cant we just take over their oil already? look at the gas price...

02-01-2008, 01:49 PM
I see where the op is coming from, but the attack wouldnt be immediatly. Basically what will happen, unless we have an excellent exit strategy (Im no military mind, so I have zero Ideas), another power hungry dictator will take controll of the country, and eventually lead more attacks on the US. Is being there doing us any good?? No. Will leaving do us any good? No. We need Patton. But seriously, we should have gone in there, taken care of bussiness and gotten the fuck out. We fucked up with all the political no shooting first and such bullshit. Pretty much, we fucked up, and theres not really a way to fix this. But whatever they do, Im sick of these high ass gas prices.

02-01-2008, 01:50 PM
omg, this thread killed a kitten somewhere.

02-01-2008, 01:57 PM
whoever is the next president, he/she is just there to clean up the mess that Bush left.

02-01-2008, 02:14 PM
Zombies can't pull ripcords.
How's that for a mental image?



Sorry, don't have time to create the old Batman-style graphics.

02-01-2008, 02:18 PM


Sorry, don't have time to create the old Batman-style graphics.

lol @ the mental image of a spinninng graphic with "ka-splat!" plastered across it...

02-01-2008, 02:21 PM
What goes:

A Squad of Communist zombie paratroopers upon seeing a miniature poodle fall out the door of the plane.

02-01-2008, 03:19 PM
sorry to burst your bubble but nukes will only make things worse lol. it would surely start ww3. you think US is the country with that shit you're wrong.

we need to pull out our troops over the next few years and rebuild our goddamn economy before we go into an economic depression. it's sad when our money is worth less then the CDN and 1/2 of the Euro (last time i checked which was a couple months ago).

02-01-2008, 03:47 PM
Oh know not the Turtle Zombies!!!

02-01-2008, 03:56 PM
Any way, I was watching CNN and obama and clinton are debating. They are both talking about pulling out of iraq as soon as they are elected(if the are). I feel this is a horrible call and it will imeddiatly lead to an attack on the USA. Our troops are keeping us safe. Yes, the war, has a scewed subject(basically we are there for oil). But now that we are there, we are a threat. Pulling out will generate a large upest. We should either nuke them(like we should have on 9-12-2001) or continue staying there in order to protect our homeland. Let me know what you guys/gals think. Basically my topic is "Do you think this election is going to lead to an attack on the US?"

You = -1 to the gene pool

02-01-2008, 03:57 PM
war in iraq? no such thing

its a police effort over their government

please shut up

02-01-2008, 04:05 PM
hahah wtf are you serious. I can't take this thread serious. IF we dropped a nuke We'd burn all the bridges, our failing economy would just rot in hell. We'd become the next Russia, selling our military surplus just to keep the economy some what alive. You know how much debt the U.S. has been in ? I'm glad you're not our president.

I honestly don't think it will stop because noone likes being bullied. The more we fight terrorism the more people will join the fight against us.

Money is power, we should work on fixing our economy rather than dropping billions of dollars into this war. This rebate shit that Bush is doing is not going to help the U.S. but actually make it worse. If people aren't using the rebate on paying off bills then they'll be out paying for gas, or buying a toshiba tv or something... the money that he is rebating isn't even money we have. Printed money just puts us more in debt and a majority of the people are just going to put it back into a foreign market... like oil, or tv's or cars.

Thus, as much as people gave Bill Clinton shit for his presidential term, he actually helped our economy. He decreased our debt. Bush just put us back into a hole by spending money. What people don't realize is the money war cost. The uniforms, enlisting, the guns they carry, the bullets they shoot, the vehicles they use. Not to mention the lives lost... for what ? fighting terrorism? That's not even a person or a country.

agree with you... first thing i thought was that this will help us better control our debt.. we are spending trillions of dollars and going into a bigger debt and our economy is going to shit. hopefully our economy picks up and we all the US people will have a better standard of living... the way it looks now, i hear some people saying that anyplace is better to live in than the US right now.

02-01-2008, 04:28 PM
If you really think that anyplace is better to live than here, THEN LEAVE. If you don't like it here or think it's better to live in China then just go there. I'm no war monger but we have a very delicate situation going on in the Middle East, and have for quite some time. If we do pull our troops out too soon there will be a power vaccuum which will be filled with the strongest and most ruthless group in the area. Like it or not THOSE people HATE you! Just because you are not one of them. If you do not believe their ideology or follow their cause then you are their enemy and they will have NO problem or regret using any methods neccessary to eliminate all those who oppose them. This is the real reason we cannot leave Iraq in such a precarious state. Those people WILL come here and WILL attack us, it's just a matter of time. The only way to pull out now is to LOCK DOWN our borders, build walls, fences, guard towers and live in hopes that we can fend off others when they come. Then we can stop providing financial aid to ALL other countries who have not proven to be our FAITHFUL allies. Stop buying Arab oil stop buying Chinese goods and live in total ISOLATIONISM only concerning ourselves with what is good for our country. When those countries that live on our money no longer have our money they will do whatever they can to save themselves and their own economies which will lead to more and widespread wars. I don't like that we are dependant on another nations resources and they have us by the perverbial balls with the oil that they produce but sadly thats just the way things are and until we all are willing to or do make DRASTIC changes in our everyday lifestyles this is the way it will stay. I LOVE THIS COUNTRY AND WOULDN'T LIVE ANYWHERE ELSE, FOR BETTER OR WORSE GOD BLESS AMERICA.

02-01-2008, 05:15 PM
Hijacking this thread.

GO and buy the new Mars Volta cut The Bedlam in Goliath.

So sososososososos heavy. The track Goliath made me sweaty just listening to it. MMMMMMMM yeah.

As for the original post: .

02-01-2008, 06:59 PM
We are totally fucked. Like I said from the begining. Its Vietnam II, the desert saga. Its a fucking no win.

Since when has anything in the middle east been solved with force???? Its been war torn since 3000BC easily, and then we gotta get involved???

Shit, our asses pissed osama off in the first place.

we need to get a plan and get out. And no one will be attacking us unless its a small Terrorist group like Osama ran. Terrorist groups attack the rest of the world quite often, and you dont see the world attacking the countries because thats where they reside.

And if your for the war, maybe you should talk to my friends that had to go over there and kill peoples parents,husbands and kids everyday. They are just defending what they have been told is right, like our armed forces are doing. Like anyone of us would do if some Red Dawn shit happened here.

Bush is just a fucking moron.

02-01-2008, 07:07 PM
Why would we nuke Iraq on 9-12-01?

What did they have to do with 9/11?

02-01-2008, 07:12 PM
omg, this thread killed a kitten somewhere.

wait... who is jacking off?

02-01-2008, 07:18 PM

its the united states using its global police force via military

its not a war please stop calling this a war just because we're in someone elses country

nobody has declared war on anyone and that will never ever happen

along with nuking, are you fucking daft you really think anyone is going to use a nuke anymore? its all biological or chemical warfare from here on out not who can blow up the most people

02-01-2008, 07:20 PM
wait... who is jacking off?
sorry internet political discussions just get me so worked up

02-01-2008, 07:51 PM
I'm in lost for words here.


Maybe we should build a Great Wall all around the US, then have Anti-Missiles on top of that wall.

Then have Goliaths waiting, with Zerglings.

drift freaq
02-01-2008, 08:25 PM
hahah wtf are you serious. I can't take this thread serious. IF we dropped a nuke We'd burn all the bridges, our failing economy would just rot in hell. We'd become the next Russia, selling our military surplus just to keep the economy some what alive. You know how much debt the U.S. has been in ? I'm glad you're not our president.

I honestly don't think it will stop because noone likes being bullied. The more we fight terrorism the more people will join the fight against us.

Money is power, we should work on fixing our economy rather than dropping billions of dollars into this war. This rebate shit that Bush is doing is not going to help the U.S. but actually make it worse. If people aren't using the rebate on paying off bills then they'll be out paying for gas, or buying a toshiba tv or something... the money that he is rebating isn't even money we have. Printed money just puts us more in debt and a majority of the people are just going to put it back into a foreign market... like oil, or tv's or cars.

Thus, as much as people gave Bill Clinton shit for his presidential term, he actually helped our economy. He decreased our debt. Bush just put us back into a hole by spending money. What people don't realize is the money war cost. The uniforms, enlisting, the guns they carry, the bullets they shoot, the vehicles they use. Not to mention the lives lost... for what ? fighting terrorism? That's not even a person or a country.

Ok you have some good points but then you just go and ruin it with typical democratic propaganda. Your views on the economy are slightly on the simplistic side. First off we cannot just pull out of Iraq. We got in there made a quagmire and now we have to fix it. Yup , thank you Bush, who by the way has spent like a Democrat like no other Republican has spent in the history of the party.
To just say we bully everyone is complete and utter bullshit. There is a little problem we have being the Worlds only super power. The world expects us to rescue them when ever needed yet at the same time will criticize us for every move we make regardless. If we don't something they want they criticize if we do something they don't like they criticize. Its a no win situation. Yes if we were not in the middle east we might not have these problems. Problem is we have a ally over there that is pretty much hated by all the other countries, aka Israel. As long as Israel is our ally we will most likely have some conflict with other middle eastern states. No bully bullshit just a fucking fact!
We have made mistakes in foreign policy in some countries. Show me a country in the world that has not meddled in other countries politics. Hmm don't say France(Vietnam, Africa and a few others,) Germany? history! Russia? to many to mention. China? still does fuck with people, the list goes fucking on. Does it make it right? No. Does it happen all over the world in world politics all the time yes. Does the U.S. get chastised by the likes of these other guilty countries for it? Yes. So we have made mistakes and reaped the rewards. Ya well so has everyone else so we are equal here.

Oh and you want to give Clinton credit for the economic upswing that was already in place when he came into office? LOL thats a fucking laugh and proves you don't follow economics for shit. Ya Bush is fucking us up, but you cannot say that all Republicans do that. Just like yes not all Democrats spend. Though the fact is Clinton got fucking lucky and people like you who are oblivious to the truth want to believe the propaganda.

Now I am not a fan of Bush nor am I am fan of being in Iraq or going in there in the first place, though I will say we just can't pull out with out correcting shit. Do I feel we have spent way to much money on it? Yes.

Do I believe bailing out all the idiots that got wrapped up sub prime loans and jumbo mortgages or people that took out second mortgages to spend is wrong? Yes. Fucking Hillary Clinton wants to help the idiots out of their own mistakes which they should learn were mistakes. Helping them out does not make them learn.
Ya maybe the fed should do some more rate cuts. Put in more liquidity. Though this who idea of bailing people out who made stupid mistakes or borrowed what they could not afford? Let them live and learn they will be better for it. I have no sympathy for anyone who takes out a loan thats more than there income. Nor do I have sympathy for someone who can afford to buy a 350k house but takes a loan out to buy a 550k house because they can get the loan but technically its spending more than they earn.

Or the fools who took second or third mortgages to buy boats or go on trips because they had equity. What happened to the concept of you buy a house at a 30 year fixed rate mortgage because it was were you were going to raise your family and live and pay it off and have security? To many fucks got greedy. To many other people just plain bought what they could not afford. Bail them out? No they made the mistake.
Hillary is scary, Obama is not as bad. I honestly do not see very good candidates on either side and yes I vote fucking cross ticket. So for anyone tryng to pigeonhole my politics forget it

Oh and as far as the OP's original question goes. Whoever gets elected an immediate pullout will not happen. Congress would have to approve it and I do not see that happening. As far as our troops being over and that protecting us you have it backwards my friend. We destabilized the region by going into Iraq. Hussein may have been terrible but he kept a balance of power. Now its a vacuum, which has actually created more of a breading ground for terrorism and made us more a target than before. If we pulled over time we would be less of a target. Though going into Iraq has set back our foreign policy and World standing by 40-50 years. It will be a long time before we recover from this. Its a fact and no matter how much anyone wants to complain about it its true. The best thing we could do at this point is insure their is some kind of stable goverment in Iraq when we do leave otherwise we are fucked.

02-01-2008, 09:22 PM
Why would we nuke Iraq on 9-12-01?

What did they have to do with 9/11?

im going to go ahead and assume he REALLY meant we need to nuke the people of 90210 and im all for that... that show was terrible.

02-01-2008, 09:33 PM
Politcal threads never work in car forums.

02-01-2008, 09:45 PM
Should've never killed Saddam.

Yes I look like a monster for defending Saddam, yes he was a cruel leader, but a wild country like Iraq needed tough leadership to keep it in check. Saddam would've never ever attacked the U.S., attacking the U.S. is like committing suicide, plus he cared more about running his piece of land in the Middle East. Saddam hated terrorists, there were zero terrorists in Iraq during his reign, now Iraq is breeding grounds for terrorists and militant groups.
Suddenly caring about how Saddam was running his country was such a pathetic excuse for invading Iraq, every nation was just shaking their heads in disbelief, there have been no significant gains, it only created more enemies who are now out for American blood, but still, USA IS NOT GETTING ATTACKED, so crawl out of your bomb shelter.

Pulling out is the best solution in my opinion because this is pretty much another Vietnam War. America needs to leave others alone and stop acting like it has to be the savior of the world and start tending to its own problems instead, taking care of your own people should be first priority.

02-02-2008, 12:00 AM
who's flying the plane?

Come on man haven't you heard, DR. Sam Isaacs came out with a new version of the T-virus. Which turns regular zombies into SUPER ZOMBIES. And from what I have heard these new SUPER ZOMBIES are way smarter then regular zombies. Heck if these new zombies are able to do a child's puzzle, then you better believe that they are more then capable of flying a plane. So to answer you're question the new SUPER ZOMBIES will be flying the planes. ;)

02-02-2008, 02:55 AM
Damn talk about a slippery slope...

Fool needs to get his facts straight. Although I do love how most of the people posting are Cali folks... I would love to see if any of the other people on this forum agree with the OP.

02-02-2008, 02:56 AM
hahha you know by posting that, the govt is going through all your shit now

02-02-2008, 09:14 AM
they're in your files stealing your pornos

02-02-2008, 10:15 AM
Damn talk about a slippery slope...

Fool needs to get his facts straight. Although I do love how most of the people posting are Cali folks... I would love to see if any of the other people on this forum agree with the OP.

I'm in and from North Carolina and I think the OP is a damned idiot for his amalgamation of conflictingly stupid opinions.
It is almost like he watched MSNBC, Fox and CNN for one day each, thought he knew something and decided to make a thread. Unfortunately, NO ONE agreed with him and he made himself look silly. Then the thread was about zombies and how stupid the OP looked, both of which preserved any redeeming entertainment value.

02-02-2008, 10:19 AM

FIGHT TO THE DEATH...............

02-02-2008, 12:35 PM
wow! Poltics ---->zombies------>bashing-------->me being confused as fuck!

This OP needs to spend some time in the real world and get caught up on true current events. You been watching a lot of fox????

02-02-2008, 02:56 PM
wow the original post is so fucking retarded that I will not even attempt to respond to it with any type of long detailed response adressing why he is so fucking retarded....instead i will just post this


02-02-2008, 03:01 PM
wow the original post is so fucking retarded that I will not even attempt to respond to it with any type of long detailed response adressing why he is so fucking retarded....instead i will just post this

* snipped pic*

You are too long-winded. My response was short and to the point.

no. you are a dumbass.

02-02-2008, 03:08 PM
hahah yeah...I think you summed it up

02-02-2008, 03:51 PM
wowwwwwwww...i am proud of you most zilvians lol...and i cant believe the stupidity, ignorance and lack of understanding of the world today of the OP and some of the people that are agreeing with him....ahahahahahaha lmao

02-02-2008, 03:58 PM
Should've never killed Saddam.

Yes I look like a monster for defending Saddam, yes he was a cruel leader, but a wild country like Iraq needed tough leadership to keep it in check. Saddam would've never ever attacked the U.S., attacking the U.S. is like committing suicide, plus he cared more about running his piece of land in the Middle East. Saddam hated terrorists, there were zero terrorists in Iraq during his reign, now Iraq is breeding grounds for terrorists and militant groups.
Suddenly caring about how Saddam was running his country was such a pathetic excuse for invading Iraq, every nation was just shaking their heads in disbelief, there have been no significant gains, it only created more enemies who are now out for American blood, but still, USA IS NOT GETTING ATTACKED, so crawl out of your bomb shelter.

Pulling out is the best solution in my opinion because this is pretty much another Vietnam War. America needs to leave others alone and stop acting like it has to be the savior of the world and start tending to its own problems instead, taking care of your own people should be first priority.

America leaving other countries alone won't do.
It's a young country, has a lack of history compared to others, so it has to prove it's worth.


You know who should America "invade"?


End the Civil wars.
End the Militant uprising.
End the Hunger.
End the spread of AIDS.

Oh wait, that'd be crazy.
There's no corporate gain over there.

No Profit, just humanity.

That can't do.

02-02-2008, 05:04 PM
We should either nuke them(like we should have on 9-12-2001) or continue staying there in order to protect our homeland.

still cant get over this:keke:


02-02-2008, 05:30 PM
lock this thread up already!!!

02-02-2008, 05:50 PM
wowwwwwwww...i am proud of you most zilvians lol...and i cant believe the stupidity, ignorance and lack of understanding of the world today of the OP and some of the people that are agreeing with him....ahahahahahaha lmao
There is not a single individual agreeing with the original poster, are we reading the same thread?
lock this thread up already!!!
No, I am trying to allow people to have fun, even if it does come at another user's expense. At least until people do what they always do and fuck that up. Watch, it will happen.
America leaving other countries alone won't do.
It's a young country, has a lack of history compared to others, so it has to prove it's worth.


You know who should America "invade"?


End the Civil wars.
End the Militant uprising.
End the Hunger.
End the spread of AIDS.

Oh wait, that'd be crazy.
There's no corporate gain over there.

No Profit, just humanity.

That can't do.
Come on, man, there is ZERO profit in that.

02-02-2008, 05:55 PM
Come on, man, there is ZERO profit in that.

There is Oil in Nigeria. Can take care of the 419 scammers too... :keke:

02-02-2008, 05:57 PM
what about diamonds? nobody likes those anymore? and while we take on all of africa we might as well send a load of people to north korea too and see if they have anything of value

02-02-2008, 06:03 PM
[quote=PHLIP;1809275]There is not a single individual agreeing with the original poster, are we reading the same thread?

i read through the whole thing...a couple werent agreeing with him...but were on a similar track as him...lol the what if?

02-02-2008, 06:04 PM
America leaving other countries alone won't do.
It's a young country, has a lack of history compared to others, so it has to prove it's worth.


You know who should America "invade"?


End the Civil wars.
End the Militant uprising.
End the Hunger.
End the spread of AIDS.

Oh wait, that'd be crazy.
There's no corporate gain over there.

No Profit, just humanity.

That can't do.

right on the track...thats what i was trying to explain to 'BUSTEDS13" in the other thread

02-02-2008, 07:03 PM
You wanna know whats gonna fix our fucking problem???

- STOP POLICING THE GAWDAMN WORLD AND MIND OUR OWN BUSINESS!!! Our foreign policies simply fucking sucks...end of story...ultimately the reason why alot of countries dont like us.

02-02-2008, 07:05 PM
only YOU can fight terrorism


02-02-2008, 11:32 PM
Ok you have some good points but then you just go and ruin it with typical democratic propaganda. Your views on the economy are slightly on the simplistic side. First off we cannot just pull out of Iraq. We got in there made a quagmire and now we have to fix it. Yup , thank you Bush, who by the way has spent like a Democrat like no other Republican has spent in the history of the party.
To just say we bully everyone is complete and utter bullshit. There is a little problem we have being the Worlds only super power. The world expects us to rescue them when ever needed yet at the same time will criticize us for every move we make regardless. If we don't something they want they criticize if we do something they don't like they criticize. Its a no win situation. Yes if we were not in the middle east we might not have these problems. Problem is we have a ally over there that is pretty much hated by all the other countries, aka Israel. As long as Israel is our ally we will most likely have some conflict with other middle eastern states. No bully bullshit just a fucking fact!
We have made mistakes in foreign policy in some countries. Show me a country in the world that has not meddled in other countries politics. Hmm don't say France(Vietnam, Africa and a few others,) Germany? history! Russia? to many to mention. China? still does fuck with people, the list goes fucking on. Does it make it right? No. Does it happen all over the world in world politics all the time yes. Does the U.S. get chastised by the likes of these other guilty countries for it? Yes. So we have made mistakes and reaped the rewards. Ya well so has everyone else so we are equal here.

Oh and you want to give Clinton credit for the economic upswing that was already in place when he came into office? LOL thats a fucking laugh and proves you don't follow economics for shit. Ya Bush is fucking us up, but you cannot say that all Republicans do that. Just like yes not all Democrats spend. Though the fact is Clinton got fucking lucky and people like you who are oblivious to the truth want to believe the propaganda.

Now I am not a fan of Bush nor am I am fan of being in Iraq or going in there in the first place, though I will say we just can't pull out with out correcting shit. Do I feel we have spent way to much money on it? Yes.

Do I believe bailing out all the idiots that got wrapped up sub prime loans and jumbo mortgages or people that took out second mortgages to spend is wrong? Yes. Fucking Hillary Clinton wants to help the idiots out of their own mistakes which they should learn were mistakes. Helping them out does not make them learn.
Ya maybe the fed should do some more rate cuts. Put in more liquidity. Though this who idea of bailing people out who made stupid mistakes or borrowed what they could not afford? Let them live and learn they will be better for it. I have no sympathy for anyone who takes out a loan thats more than there income. Nor do I have sympathy for someone who can afford to buy a 350k house but takes a loan out to buy a 550k house because they can get the loan but technically its spending more than they earn.

Or the fools who took second or third mortgages to buy boats or go on trips because they had equity. What happened to the concept of you buy a house at a 30 year fixed rate mortgage because it was were you were going to raise your family and live and pay it off and have security? To many fucks got greedy. To many other people just plain bought what they could not afford. Bail them out? No they made the mistake.
Hillary is scary, Obama is not as bad. I honestly do not see very good candidates on either side and yes I vote fucking cross ticket. So for anyone tryng to pigeonhole my politics forget it

Oh and as far as the OP's original question goes. Whoever gets elected an immediate pullout will not happen. Congress would have to approve it and I do not see that happening. As far as our troops being over and that protecting us you have it backwards my friend. We destabilized the region by going into Iraq. Hussein may have been terrible but he kept a balance of power. Now its a vacuum, which has actually created more of a breading ground for terrorism and made us more a target than before. If we pulled over time we would be less of a target. Though going into Iraq has set back our foreign policy and World standing by 40-50 years. It will be a long time before we recover from this. Its a fact and no matter how much anyone wants to complain about it its true. The best thing we could do at this point is insure their is some kind of stable goverment in Iraq when we do leave otherwise we are fucked.

+1 for the only intelligent response in this whole thread. the OP was way off, but the rest of you were even more off. Drift Freaq, it's good to know that there is some other unbiased people out there with some common sense, sadly there are more bandwagon jumpers who just want a woman or a smooth talker for president now that bush is on his way out. think the US will ever get a decent president?
we need to clean up the mess we started, or just like DF said we are going to create a horrible monster over there. If we don't it will eventually come back to haunt us in the form of lives. I'm kinda thinking the US is a bad place to live, but for other reasons than the economy. (IE this: http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=158484). And yeah those morgage idiots made their bed, now let them sleep in it.

02-02-2008, 11:54 PM
So, the conversation here is about, zombie paratroopers trying to nuke iraq, but failing miserebly because a poodle feel from the plane, they inadvertantly chased it, and 'splat' hit the ground.....this happened in, based on the info from the OP, in september 12 2001?, and now, McCain is actually a zombie in disguise trying to win the election so he can finish the origianal zombie plan, while other nations ,being angry at us or whatever, have upset our economy, and make the housing market crash, all the while hiliary and obama, are running TOGETHER, to fix it....alrite im confused, but honestly, is there any safe place to run, when the zombie apocalypse happens? if hiliary wins, will she really build an inpenetrable wall with an army of illegal mexican immigrants with a missle defenes system, with towers all around, to save us from the zombie apocolypse?

But seriously, i agree with drift freq completely....screw the fuck-nuts who took out loans they cant/couldnt pay off cause hey, they are grown ass adults and they shouldve researched or searched first (kinda like what gets said on forums sadly)....and as far as the war on terrorism/iraq/whatever the hell, its bullshit.....complete bullshit..