View Full Version : Your last moving violation....

02-01-2008, 09:30 AM
Your last moving violation was given to you because?

A: They have quotas. It was the end of the month.

B: Entrapment.

C: "The Man" is trying to keep you down.

02-01-2008, 10:16 AM
D: I was speeding

it was like 6 months after i got my drivers license

drift freaq
02-01-2008, 10:31 AM
D. I was speeding. Fuck this poll is lame without that catagory. Fuck we all speed whoever lies about that well hahahhaha they are just lying to themselves.

02-01-2008, 11:22 AM
This poll just got so much better just now

02-01-2008, 11:39 AM

Expired tags. :)

02-01-2008, 11:46 AM

going two miles an hour past a school bus...

stupid? yes

set up? possibly

02-01-2008, 12:42 PM
I saw this question on some goofy calender, its obviously not suposed to be taken seriously....

thanks for adding option D; that way, before your brain explodes from having a lack of a sense of humer, you'll have an answer to choose.

drift freaq
02-01-2008, 04:29 PM
I saw this question on some goofy calender, its obviously not suposed to be taken seriously....

thanks for adding option D; that way, before your brain explodes from having a lack of a sense of humer, you'll have an answer to choose.

Its not a question of my brain exploding from a lack of sense of humor. The questions do not pose themselves humorously. The calender may be goofy of course if its goofy it means it also could be lame. Forgive me for not laughing at lame humor.

Though your idea that a poll on this forum is obviously not serious is more humorous than your poll. So many dumb asses post seriously stupid lame ass polls in seriousness that yours actually comes across serious and not humorous at all. Take that for what its worth.

02-01-2008, 04:38 PM
got pulled over because the guy next to me decided to do a burn out at a stop sign, and i got blamed for it? wtf? IDIOT.

02-01-2008, 06:51 PM
I mean, I COULD add the option of "the cops are on a witch hunt for SRs," but the fact of the matter remains that we don't have that problem in NC, but nothing about the original post even felt a little bit humorous.

02-02-2008, 09:38 AM
driving on a suspended. got that fixed by getting past tickets off my license (100 days supervision, just had to pay to put 2 tickets back in court) and the driving on a suspended charge was dropped.

see? just pay your way out of things. the government just wants money, thats all.

i have a clean license now. no tickets, no violations :)

02-02-2008, 09:51 AM
88 in a 55 in North Cacalac. Dropped to 68 in a 55 after 8 hour class from hell. BTW the fastet ticket was 155 in a 70 lol.

02-02-2008, 09:52 AM
Red light almost a year ago.
Caught by camera. Cop followed me for a little but gave up. I guess he figured the camera already got me.

02-02-2008, 10:53 AM
out of town and lost lastnight, ran a stopsign, i was following a jeep and they ran it too. i told the cop i was lost, still got a ticket.

02-02-2008, 11:26 AM
I had a modified exhaust so the cop thought i was speeding. It was october 31st, I was only going 33 in a 35. Shortly after I got pulled over I pulled into the next gas station and I see the same cop giving another ticket to someone else.

Palo Alto cops suck balls!

02-02-2008, 02:57 PM
C: 18th time ive been pulled over and only 3rd time they noticed i had no inspection.And lift tickets FTMFL

02-02-2008, 06:12 PM
Guilty as charged Operating to endanger, Property damage, Disturbing the peace...lawyered up and beat everything. All for drifting a cul-de-sac, I am an a-hole and i will never do it again.

02-03-2008, 12:04 AM
Dangerous driving is such a relative term...

02-03-2008, 02:46 AM
Guilty, It was 16 years ago and I was speeding, not wearing my seat belt, tire were bald and my dual cherry bombs ended just past the front seats. Yeah I was guilty and knew it.

02-03-2008, 10:58 AM
What: Guilty of speeding (75 in a 45). Caught in a speed trap. Funny thing is, they have never had a trap there on that road before and haven't had one since.

Where: On a really long stretch of road. Even though people say the cops in that area are assholes, nobody fucking does the speed limit on that road regardless. 45MPH in that area is pretty ridiculous imo but whatever. Since I graduated I rarely drive over there anymore and if I do, I'm on my best behavior.

When: After school in November of 06, just before Thanksgiving weekend....no traffic. Just great.

The good part: Cop was nice enough to drop the ticket to 55 in a 45. Told him I was sorry, this is my first ticket, etc. $230 became $85 and I took the course to get the point on my license dropped.

Been ticket free for 2 years! Knock on wood.

02-03-2008, 11:45 AM


I was paying attention to my GPS when the light turned yellow, no big deal right. (Wrong) I gas it only to realize I'm in 3rd and the light barely catches me. When I realized I'm not gonna make it the Cop traveling towards me is probably hoping I don't. I blow by the light see him and just pulled over when I saw him signaling to flip the bitch. The cop turns around no lights no accel or nothing. (I'm already parked,I know I was getting ref'd). I look up and the cops beside me. (female cop)

Cop:"Thats a good way to get your car impounded.":ugh:
Me: I'm dumb I thought I could make it.
Cop:You were going fast enough. I gotta go to another call. Drive safe.:aw: :aw: :aw:
Me: Sank You Jesus!! I will never run a red light again.

Running a light is more serious in California that speeding.

02-03-2008, 12:16 PM
none of the above..... im an angel when it comes to driving on the street....

02-03-2008, 01:48 PM
115 in a 45... dropped to 74 in a 45 so i didn't lose my license... after an hour of being called everything but a white guy by the cop... I was 17, just finished drivers ed class and had 12 point on my license... luckily cause that would have taken all 6 you start with here in WV... The cop knew me dad, thank god.

02-03-2008, 02:17 PM
According to marion PD...

37 in a 20...knocked it down to 30 in a 20, cost me $80.

the speed limit on that street goes from 35, to 30, to 20, all within 50 yards.

the most i've broken the limit would have been 120 in a 55...multiple times. didn't get caught.


02-03-2008, 04:18 PM
D. Exhibition of speed. Guilty as charged.

02-03-2008, 08:07 PM
got me for having my car sit to low to the ground ,its only dropped 2 inches 150$ FTW? MARYSVILLE COPS SUCK ASS

02-04-2008, 02:52 AM
fix it exhaust ticket right next to irwindale speedway!

02-04-2008, 03:02 AM
had a car for 4 years... i've only been pulled over once and that was to tell me to please slow down. The cop didn't even get out of his car. Nice guy :P

02-04-2008, 06:16 AM
mine was kinda complex... i was cut off and then the van that cut me off slammed on his breaks, so i hit him, and there was an off duty police officer that called backup and had him write me a ticket for following to closely... Gay, i consider it being profiled haha, not really

02-04-2008, 10:43 AM
98 in a 75, I deserved it. I had to drive 120 miles for my court date and they dropped everything because I showed up and was polite.
My first ticket was 135 in a 45, dropped to 79 in a 45 with a $398 dollar fine and 8 hours of traffic survival school.

02-05-2008, 08:48 AM
ahhh it was for 17 over on the highway 82 in a 65 and i was in sight of the exit that i needed i was no more then a mile away...and it was a day before i was turning my license in for previous speeding tickets.. 190 days later finally got it back with a nice sr22 on my record..

02-06-2008, 03:07 PM
last moving violation was out of state, on my way to california. kansas, like 90 in a 65. cost about a hundred bucks.
last IN STATE moving violation was 98 in a 60, and that cost about 400 to fix. most expensive ticket i've ever had. got it about three years ago.

02-09-2008, 12:29 PM
In my old 93 thunderbird 5.0, built from the ground up. Some dodge neon thought he was cool talkin ish at the light. When it turned green i just gave him a little peice of american muscle. 97 in a 35. A year on diversion, $1400 ticket and a laugh in his face cause he won't race anymore, no matter what car i'm in.
-No more street racing for me though. I learned, abiout two years ago now.

02-10-2008, 01:13 AM
Last week on wednesday Leaving ten rens on duarte road.. One of the infamous charger cops crept up on me right as i was turning on my street. Giving me a ticket for Extremely loud exhaust,No front plate,No proof of insurance. Told me he would get my car off the street but he didn't have anymore state ref tickets. After that he said "cause by the way ur car sounds and looks i can tell it donesn't belong on my streets it belongs on a track.. Have a nice day:Owned: :mrmeph: .. Then got pulled over next day for no front plate again but they didn't give me a ticket this time:eek3d:

02-10-2008, 04:11 AM
stupid speedding ticket that turned out to be some stupid fix-it ticket..
and i forgot to go to court last week
i gotta go this week haha

02-10-2008, 06:14 AM
mine sucked..lets just say it involved my old car and like 3000 in fines =( ...thank god its over now =D

02-10-2008, 02:00 PM
Well I had a bad week, Monday monning I get speeding ticket on way to work. 51 or 35 zone, I was not paying attention to speed. Bike cop got me. I get into LongBeach and I get pulled over again, car has no plates, I bought car like that and waiting on my personal plates....
Friday morning unsafe lane change(according to the officer) smash up a HOT asain driver in her Acura TL.
So I took off weekend to clear my head and start over again.

I feel like a magnet for cops right now....:ugh:

02-10-2008, 10:29 PM
not stoping for an emergency vehicle
speeding: undefined
reckless driving
unsafe left turn
no blinker
loud exhaust
no front plate
crossing solid line
i dont remember the other two, in short i ran got away and he pulled me over at a stop sign the next town over..they didnt catch me in the act and i played dumb.. they wrote me up searched the car took my GF home in a cop car and let me drive home...

02-10-2008, 11:17 PM
uhh reckless driving.

decided to lay my foot into the floor in 2nd in my 96 s14 w/built sr at night. Cop saw me (driving other way)
car had stock suspension and was plenty fast so it looked more than it did.
Sucks for me. And it was my first ever moving violation =(.

Rob's S14
02-13-2008, 02:41 PM
None of the above for me. My last ticket was for not having tags on, but it was dmv's fault for not sending them after I paid so I just had to go to court and give $10. The cop was an ass though saying my exhaust was illegal, but for some unknown reason didn't ticket me for it.

02-13-2008, 03:05 PM
Speeding, about 5 years ago.

Doing 35 in a 25. Lame.

02-15-2008, 03:02 AM
new years day. swerved in front of a cop. thought i was drunk. ticket for illegal lane change...

02-18-2008, 10:14 AM
LOL man I get pulled over so many times, luckily my dad gave me a list of all his friends hahaha I pull that out the glove box and the cops say have a nice day, sorry to bother you! (and no I do not act like a dick)

Last ticket.. I got pulled over and was with my friend and said watch this be for an exhaust ticket ill laugh..
Cop: "do you know why I pulled you over?"
Me: "nope sorry"
Cop:"well your exhaust is a little loud"
Cop:"is something funny sir?"
Me:"yes officer.. my exhaust is stock, you hear my intake"
Cop:"oh.. I see.... well then, your registration is expired"

02-18-2008, 12:02 PM
On my way to visit some friends at college with girlfriend in the car around 11pm.

Im in my BMW 3 series 4 door daily....

Blow past cop doing 91 in a 70.
Slowed down and watched him in my mirror but he didnt pull out.
Stayed at about 75 for 2 minutes with no sign of them coming after me.
No traffic on the road so I speed back up to 140.

10 miles later I see flashing red and blues in my mirror about a mile back so I slow down, hop in the right lane and am cruising at a stout 80.
Cop blows past me, slams on the brakes and gets behind me and pulls me over.
Walks up to the car and long story short says, We clocked you doing 91 in the 70 back there at mile marker 203, weve been doing 120 for the past 15 minutes trying to catch up to you. Youre going to jail.


02-18-2008, 06:41 PM
D. thinkin' with my penis trying to catch up with a car...89 in a 65...$320 fine, payed it, it's behind me, whatever...and that was in the failblazer that i no longer have :/

02-22-2008, 03:52 PM
none of the above. i broke the law by going 30 mph over the posted speed limit... ::shrugs::

02-23-2008, 08:33 PM
50 in a 30 last novemeber :(

02-23-2008, 10:24 PM
i got my first ticket last july, 26 over the speed limit, and i know i was speeding.. that was an instant liscense suspension 81 in a 45.. also that same night, an hour later i got pulled over once again for "wreckless driving" i told the cop i had a welded diff. and he was like "awesome i have on in my blazer" i still got a damn ticket..

6 days later i got another one for following too closely.. i will never change tthe radio again while coming to a stop light, i hit that civic at 5 mph, and there goes my front end..

needless to say, 6 points on my liscense, no more liscense.. and lots of fines..

but i get my liscense back next month..

02-26-2008, 10:18 AM
Most recent ticket was for no front plates... but that's not a moving violation.

Last moving violation... I was on my way home from a meet with a buddy in the car. Empty highway 2 am at night. My buddy kept wanting me to peg the speedo, but I wasn't really in the mood, so I was cruising 85-90 mph (65 zone). Shouldn't have been going that fast, but I was.

Cop comes up behind me w/o his lights on, and follows me. I change lanes, he changes behind me. Doesn't put it lights on just keeps riding my ass. I change lanes a few times he stays on my ass and does the same. At this point I'm going like 65 mph and I'm like wtf either pull me over or stop playing games. I get over in the slow lane and drop to like 50 mph and finally he pulls me over.

First he yells at me telling me I didn't pull over at a good place (pulled over on a perfectly good shoulder), so he makes me get back on the highway, and follows me with his lights on for another half mile till I find another shoulder.

After that, he takes my paperwork and asks me how fast I was going. I tell him 85. He says try again. I tell him I know I didn't cross 90. He tells me I was going 100 mph... I def wasn't. He didnt' even catch me on radar, he just told me he was following me and he was going 100.. bs. I get into a verbal argument with the officer (mistake). He accuses me of having weapons in my car. wtf?! Makes me and my buddy like stick our hands out the windows and visually searches the car with his flash light. My back seat is dropped down at this point, so he can see all my wiring and audio equipment which wasn't super cleanly installed at the time.

He gives me a ticket for going 100 in a 65 and wreckless driving. All for going down an empty highway at 90 mph. bs. Would have been like 10 points + damn near $1000 in fines.

I got a lawyer and got that silliness dropped. Ended up paying $200 in fines and got 80 in a 65 on my record.

Lesson learned... don't argue with a state trooper. :duh:

02-26-2008, 11:25 AM
i got my lisence suspended twice in a year!!!

02-26-2008, 11:49 AM
last moving violation for me was in 03 i got a ticket for street racing and doing 95 in a 40. a fox body mustang wanted to race (i was in a 194 whp ek)
we raced i smoked him, by at least a car. then i saw a motorcycle cop start following us. he pulled us both over.

when i went to court the judge asked me if i was racing in my honda. i said yes. and he told me he was an import guy as well but owned a WRX. he threw the 95 in a 40 ticket out and i ended up gettting $1106 ticket, 2 points on my record and 3 years informal probation(if caught at the street races i got 6 months jail). havent recieved a ticket since then.

02-26-2008, 06:58 PM
I was hella guilty as FUDGE on jessica albas behind lol. nah i ran and got away i did until they showed up at my house ummm big nono

02-26-2008, 11:14 PM
fish tailing through intersection accelerating through intersection were my remarks basic speed 40 on 25 was the ticket but the limit was 35 I took pictures and will get that shit dismissed.

03-05-2008, 03:13 AM
i don't speed i just drive recklessly to fast 5 miles over the speed limit no ticket cause each time i luckly had donuts to give away each time hahahaha

03-16-2008, 10:51 AM
i didnt get a ticket, but i got pulled over in my audi the othere day for swerving, guy thought i was drunk driving and was shit faced. but there were just tons of hugeeeee frost heaves since for 1 its winter and 2 its new hampshire

03-18-2008, 01:29 AM
Last moving violation happend a year ago and they have never turned in the ticket.
Got me for tint, running a stop sign and speeding. Lucky?
I thank God every time I remember.

03-18-2008, 11:26 AM
Last week saturday i went to the ontario mills going to footlocker i stopped a little to hard at a stop sign and it made my tires squeak, passed a tad bit on the white line though i did see the stop sign and stopped but the cop heard my brakes and i seen him waving at me to come toward the cop pit stop where they had other cars pulled over.

I wanted to act like i didnt see him and keep going, but i was like nah im feeling good today. Thought my points were done but turns out my last ticket was in 06 and where i only had 2 points. chyyeeaaa! So when my tax return comes ill be sure to throw that money to my local court house.

Lesson learned i guess. :shrug:

04-03-2008, 07:25 PM
dangerous lane change. this was on the 10 freeway heading from monterey park to downtown, in socal. I passed with a car length distance between my rear bumper the other minivan/suv's front. Used my blinkers too, so i don't see what the deal is. I'm going to fight this for sure.

04-03-2008, 09:08 PM
75 in a 55 zone, i was in my '06 E55 not really looking at the speed and the cop was hiding... this happened in Irvine.


04-04-2008, 10:53 PM
god damn camera's got 2 in one week
fuckin a

04-04-2008, 11:26 PM
just last week i got pulled over for "not stopping at a stop sign" which i did stop

04-05-2008, 10:43 AM
E. Guilty as sin so I used my balls and payed the ticket.

It was a 100kmph in a 80kmph zone, that the cop knocked down to a 99kmph, which is cheaper.

04-14-2008, 09:25 AM
running a red light when it was clearly a yellow...

04-17-2008, 12:33 AM
Ive had my driving record clean for the past 4 years.... Last thursday i got a ticket for speeding. I had just got into the 60 fwy, not even 30 sec and CHP was already pulling me over. States paced me at 87mph. Fine whatever. Today getting off of work going down one of the main streets (Imperial hwy) was changing lanes so I speed up. Got clocked at 59mph on a 40mph zone. 2 speeding tickets within 1 week.

04-20-2008, 05:19 AM
41 in a 25. I deserved that one. That was probably 6 years ago.

I was once charged with driving in the opposing lane, but because of the circumstances the charge was dropped. Basically it was pitch dark and the road was improperly marked and there was a sign on the right that said "Do Not Enter" (the road transitioned from 2-lane to divided at that point). Less than 15 seconds after passing the improperly marked point I was involved in a head-on collision.

I had photographic evidence that showed they purposefully removed the road markings after the fact. They used a grinder to remove the paint from the road.

The responsible party settled with me, but most of that went to my lawyer and my bills. I used what was left to buy my S14.

04-23-2008, 08:36 AM
97 in a 35 on main street in small town KY...ran a red light whilst passing on the rumble strip...fucking motorcycles....ticket was for 9 over :D

04-28-2008, 01:10 PM
Stopped at a Light, Cop pulls me over for Exhaust and Ask me to Pop my hood. Oh well, I'll just pay it and wait for the next one.

04-30-2008, 07:05 PM
I got 2 tickets in 3 days

#1 was for speeding, 58 in a 45.

#2 was failing to yeld, gay

04-30-2008, 07:56 PM
guilty as sin...
Speeding... 108 on 55(speeding and neglegent driving)
got total of $800

Whent to court... cop didn't showed up
I lost my voice yelling, when I was runing out of court

04-30-2008, 08:55 PM
Long time ago. I was coming home(DC) from big party in Baltimore. Drunk like MFer. I'm thinking:" OK, I'm drunk. Better drive carefully. Not more than 10mph. Speed limit is 65... So 65+10=85..????) Cop got me at 87.

cop"where are you coming from"
me"from Baltimore"
cop"obviously from BaltiMore. From the bar?"
me"no, from restaurant"
cop"OK. Have you been drinking?"
cop"how much?"
me"1 shut of vodka"
cop" are you sure. Seems more than 1 to me"

He got me out of the car, for tasts. I pasted it all. Good thing that he didn't had breathalyzer....
In the end he comes up to me:
cop"come on, just be honest. How much you had?"
me"I've tald you, only 1, I'm not alowed to drink at all. I had only 1 shut"
cop" How BIG was it???"

I start laugh...
got away with 80 on 65. 75$ fine.
On the way home was foloing some1s taillights and missed my exite by 15milles....

Signum Temporis
05-01-2008, 12:23 AM
turning right at a red light. :|

for real.

he has a "problem" with s14's

05-01-2008, 11:25 AM
yesterday for a fix it then the day before for no seatbelt. This month i have been on a roll!

05-02-2008, 01:04 AM
My last ticket was for 89 in a 65, I'm a dumbass. Totally my fault.

05-14-2008, 10:02 PM

No front LP, then when they seen there is nowhere to mount it they pulled the oh your windows are too dark card. I had bought the car 2 days prior and already made an appointment to get it fixed and had my paperwork from bank and appointment card for the tint and still gave me a ticket
Small fine but no biggie. In all honesty though the redneck cops in my area are quite fond of pulling me over since I bought my Lexus. Maybe black on chrome with blacked out windows wasn't the best idea. :(


05-18-2008, 12:32 PM
two weeks ago... 60 in a 40..was supposed to be wreckless but the sheriff knocked it down. The thing is..nvm it was my fault. Dammit i had to take a piss.

05-18-2008, 10:09 PM

135mph (roughly, no fuel cut anymore:) ) in a 60.
40 of community survice
really turned out to be like 6 hours:fawkd: . knew the dude i was doing the survice for.

05-19-2008, 05:41 AM
92 in a 50 on my bike. Cop pulled me over on a side street. (I did not see him) He asked me some questions about my bike, took my insurance, went back and wrote me a warning - I guess because he liked my bike so much. Thats the first time I've ever not gotten an actual ticket.

"excessive speed, improper eye wear and failure to signal" was what the warning was for.. several months later, I discovered that my license expired the day before, so that cop really cut me some slack in a BIG way.

05-29-2008, 03:05 PM
My last moving violation was a Waste of Finite Resource ticket. Cost me $15 and no points on my license!! I was going 80mph in a 55 area through the mountains at around 1AM. I'm just glad the cop was cool about it cause that could have been a really expensive ticket plus I had already taken the drivers education class twice. lol

05-31-2008, 07:35 PM
got cut off on my motorcycle on i95 and hit the guard rail doing 80mph. broke my leg 4 times now have 8 pins and two rods going down my left leg. with all that the cop was nice enough to meet me at the hospital and give me a ticket and a court date........thats why im a firemen and not a cop.

06-12-2008, 10:28 AM
I was a stupid 17 year old. 82 in a 55mph zone. If the cop had caught me a half mile back i was doing ~110. He was nice and dropped it down to a moving violation.
At the time i was commuting an hour one way to work, so i really realized the damage that increased insurance/losing my license could do to my future. So i wized up and take it to the track now.

06-12-2008, 10:54 AM
HAHA these are some really funny stories, I can't believe the thread is still going.

This all spawned from a goofy calender I got for Christmas. lol.

Since posting this I got pulled over doing 50 in a 25. Unfortunately it was on an awesome spring day and I was having a blast dragging my knee around the previous turns. When I came out of the last turn onto the straight I centered up and let out of the throttle(I don't enjoy blasting around on a bike in a straight line). The UGA police man was sitting down behind a railing next to the creek, completely out of sight I might add, so I waved as I passed ,at about 30mph, b/c I thought there was no way he was going to bother me. Well sure enough he caught up to me and explained that I was doing 51MPH in a 25 zone, writing me a very legible ticket (He had very nice hand writing). Once the court date came around, I pleaded not guilty and went to court. I discussed the situation with my lawyer and we both thought this wouldn't be an issue, so I went alone; big mistake. Judge Geise decided on that day she was not in the mood to hear it. I threw everything I could at the officer and prosecutor I found in my research; in regards to a mistake on the officers end. Even though my attempt DID get the radar evidence thrown out, I was still convicted of speeding. The prosecutor argued that the officer was quite capable of judging speed on sight alone, and was confident that he could do it within 1MPH. At that point I was loosing confidence in our court system and the judge was not interested in hearing my rebuttal. I was given a fine that day of $400 and I had to complete a defensive driving class within the month. I turned to the officer shook his had and said, "you can't get away with everything you do illegal, ride safe." (he was a motorcycle policeman). I paid my fine that day with a smile and walked out. They had won this one...

06-12-2008, 06:25 PM
Ive had a couple of close calls, but no tickets to date. Worst thats ever happened to me was I got pulled over for not having my lights on when it was dusk and I had happened to have forgotten my wallet that day, so I didnt have my license, and I was less than a block from my house. I just had to go up to city hall the next day and show I had a license and it was wiped clean yay.

However I used to have to drop from Dayton, TN to Ringold GA to work every day, and god knows I sped, and I swear on at least 3 seperate occasions I passed a cop doin 120 in a 65 and all he did was flash his lights at me and stay where he was. Oh well, thank god for grace. Looking forward to my insurance dropping in a few months when I turn 25.

06-12-2008, 11:15 PM
I was pulling out of a gas station. and before i shift in to 2nd i got pulled over for doing 50 on a 35. ahahahaha I fought it and he showed up i paid so much money for it. I was in debt. BS

06-13-2008, 12:02 AM
we weren't street racing, I just have a loud exhaust o_0 :loco:

06-13-2008, 11:19 AM
So far only 2 citations.

1. Going 105 in a 45 construction zone. Just got the car so no registration for it yet. Handed him all my paperwork (title, bill or sale, old registration for my other car that matched my plates..) Explained I didn't notice the speed change, he said it was ok and wrote me a citation for 57 in a 45 :)

1 week later

2. Female officer... pulled me over for no front license plate. I had it in my car on the windshield and told her I didn't have the screws to mount it yet. She then proceeds to find other things wrong with my car. Tries to tell me the sticker is expired (it was October 2007 the sticker was good until January 2008) I was too tired to fight with her so I just said ok... She then wrote me a citation for both things.

Now I've been driving around with an expired sticker for 6 months :)
(To be inspected today)

06-13-2008, 11:26 AM
i have no moving violations:x:

06-27-2008, 03:07 AM
1.coming off of an exit ramp and a semi truck was blocking me so i came off the end like at about 140 but the cop was cool he didnt give me a ticket he said he knows how i feel and for me to slow down

2.loud pipes back fiering in a parking garage 75 dollar ticket but alot of car alarms went off lol

07-10-2008, 07:01 AM
raced a nx, layed a patch through 2nd gear then slowed down for a light and was clocked at 60 in a 25, but the dumb cop thought it was a 35 zone, so 60 in a 35, speeding and street racing...$750.. but he didnt show in court after like a year of postponing it! haha, i think the other kid paid it and lost his license too!

07-10-2008, 08:20 PM
i got stopped again...some dbag was tailgating so i sped up(slightly). Officer stopped me and asked why. i said i was "driving like asshole" and he let me off.

07-12-2008, 01:04 AM
Speeding last thursday. Got out of it because my speedometer doesnt work.
cop;liceince, reg, insurrance
me; reg & insurrance in other car(lie), heres licence(what'd i do)
cop;come on!
cop;you were speeding, how fast where u going?
me; dunno
me; really dunno, speedometer & rpm dont work
cop;(laughs) so how do you obey the speed limit?
me;go same speed as ppl next to me
cop;and when no ones on the road?
me; i actually dont like to drive that fast because my suspension is stiff
cop;(laughs) well jus go a lil slower and get the speedometer fixed

07-18-2008, 11:54 AM
skateboarding.... I think the man was trying to keep me down

07-18-2008, 12:00 PM
I got a WARNING once for IMPROPER TURN! lol... I am abit older and have a shop in nh, and LUCKLY! the cop was diggin my car...lol...

"nice brakes! , BIG BRAKE KIT HUH" cop
me Yeah, gotta go slow first right?
cop..." chuckles, yeah you should have tried them 5 minutes ago!"
after I told him my car wasn't fully tuned and I HAD to spin tires to keep it running...lol...

cops, are depending on the sleep they get arseholes or nice guys if wifey gives em AM love... nothing like a good start!

09-09-2008, 01:20 PM
i got a "driving left of center" for going around some obstacles in the road. it was kinda stupid. and the judge ended up being my old math teacher from high school who never liked me so he wouldnt even reduce it at all, he said i was being irresponsible and could have killed someone.

it was like 1:30am and i was going like 10 miles an hour, i was less than a block away from home.

$120, 4 points

09-09-2008, 01:37 PM
speeding... about 5mph over in my car that had a broken speedo, so I was trying to pace with traffic, but apprarently that wasn't the right speed. I could do that in any other call all day long, but get in the red sports car and they find a reason to pull you over.

09-09-2008, 03:38 PM
Define the word "Moving" in the context of the poll subject.

Other wise, I have never had a 'Moving" violation for moving my personal things as I travel from one point to another.

09-09-2008, 04:48 PM
My guess is he means Moving Traffic Violation. The only kind I know so far... never gotten a single parking ticket or otherwise. Every law I've broken and been caught for has been in one of my cars

11-26-2008, 02:16 PM
ive yet to have one.

11-26-2008, 02:38 PM
just happened like 30 min ago.

i did not yield to a ped. bs....

11-26-2008, 03:32 PM
Lol..... super guilty.... Missed my exit on the interstate, so I U'ied it through the median, punched it sideways into the other lanes (there was no traffic) and hit it all the way through the top of forth.

I caught LS1 Camaro headlights waaaay back in the rearview, so I slowed down to see if he wanted to play, Turns out it was a LS1 Camaro alright... just happened to be tan and black and have Florida Highway Patrol on the side.

He comes up to the window and say 'So what did you do wrong there?' He was pretty nice considering!

11-26-2008, 07:38 PM

I was driving had to switch lanes right away after light turned green. Kicked it down and got some nasty boost thru 2nd gear. Now I have proof I can do 0-76 in way to fast. Resulted in a ticket for 76 in a 40. In the middle of know where at 1am with only me and my friend on the road. :(.

I promptly paid my $41 ticket. No complaints at all. First ticket on my record in 6 years of driving.

11-28-2008, 11:50 PM
82 in a 60.

Hello Trooper Davis.

12-13-2008, 09:30 PM
Guilty. the cop saw me start my car with my seatbelt off and then pulled me over.. what do you guys think about that bs

01-15-2009, 07:05 AM
attempted to charge me for listening to music with headphone, after figured out my device is a cellphone in stead of mp3 player (N95) he decided to pop my hood, pointing at a BOV saying thas a PCV valve(???)... referee tkt, from an airport police.