View Full Version : I think my car's leaking.

01-31-2008, 09:37 PM
Every morning after it rains or there's heavy fog, I find that all my windows are fogged up from the inside. There's water on the inside of the windshield, rear window, side windows, everything.

The floor is damp, and I have no clue where to start. When I leave the window slightly cracked, the windows don't fog up, but the floor is still wet.

Has this ever happened to anyone?

Xandy Boosts
01-31-2008, 09:40 PM
I'm starting to get that "wet after its sitting for a few days" smell but my car only leaks where the tail lights are after it rains. It DOES fog up n stuff but my floor is never damp. Is the whole floor damp or just certain areas? Maybe that will help you find out where its leaking the most.

01-31-2008, 09:43 PM
The whole back floor where the left rear seat is most damp. The rear right is slightly damp. I tried feeling for some perspiration or leakage, but I can't find any even when it was leaking.

When I say fogs up inside, I mean like... you can't wipe it off with the wipers and stuff and I have to get a cloth to wipe it out from the inside.

My car never used to do this. I went to LA where it rained and it didn't fog up inside like it did now.

02-01-2008, 04:07 PM
Bump. I'm thinking of putting my sunroof thing back and seeing how it goes from there.

02-01-2008, 04:12 PM
did you remove the spoiler without pluging the holes?

02-01-2008, 04:13 PM
Bump. I'm thinking of putting my sunroof thing back and seeing how it goes from there.

"sunroof thing"...?

moisture is getting in somewhere...doors, windows, etc. check all the weather stripping..look for big cracks/ pieces missing, check for fitment, make sure nothing is loose.

get a friend to spray places where water can get in with a hose, as you sit inside the car, see if you can see any signs of water leaking in.

02-01-2008, 04:59 PM
same thing with me on my s14 and s13 as well the s13 isnt as bad but still. i dont get the damp floor but i get the wet smell. i know my taillights leak on my s13. i cant get them sealed well for shit. but on my s14 i have no idea. when it rains the sunroof leaks bad. maybe its our sunroof seals. maybe it leaks and the water stays in the headliner then it evaporate's and the moistre cant get out.

02-01-2008, 05:07 PM
Make sure to check the tail lights, I had a leak in the rear that took me months to discover, even sitting in the hatch with my friend spraying he car with a hose. Turns out the stupid ass body shop that repaired my rear Q panel broke the weather seal on the tail lights. If your spare tire well is getting water in it remove the plug and leave it off till you fix the leak, that way it just drains out instead of overfilling and spilling onto the carpet.

Also! park with the nose of the car higher than the rear, that will assist with draining the water greatly if it's raining at night.

Seriously, worst body shop ever, good thing I'm planning on stripping and redoing my interior..

02-01-2008, 09:46 PM
There are a couple spots leaks can spring from:

sunroof seal
sunroof drains
window trims.

more than likely the sunroof seal/drain in combination with the hatch rubber trim.

Take off your headliner and see how the sunroof drain is routed, last time I checked, my drain hose was completely off the outlet, which leaked and leaked. Never made it past the headliner, but dripped towards the back where it trickled down the b pillar(?)

also check your sunroof seal.. it's more than likely worn out due to age, replace that too.
same with your hatch seals.

02-02-2008, 12:23 AM
my rear hatch leaks. my car smells like mildew :(

02-02-2008, 03:01 PM
Damn, my car has a bunch of open areas through which moisture can get in yet I don't have a problem with foggy windows. That is until I have to drive in the rain with my windows up! No heater for me! I still love my track whore though.

02-04-2008, 01:06 PM
my rear hatch leaks. my car smells like mildew :(

lol.. who's hatch has not leaked at one point or another? =P

02-07-2008, 10:11 PM
I'd say check the drain, my old mazda leaks a few times a year, every time the drain gets clogged up. also whenever you fix it use damprid, that crap works wonders.

02-07-2008, 10:57 PM
my car has been having this same issue. We've have been getting rain for the past weeks solid and my car smells terrible. My passenger floor has been a swimming pool multiple times. Fixed the leaks today since we finally had sun and found a weird spot it was coming in. The frame rail in the engine bay butts up against the firewall,well theres like a 1/8th inch gap there and that was getting water in it and going to a pocket that had no drainage that i could see.
There was a about a quater sized rust hole in the floor and is was just letting it poor right into the engine bay. bad design from Nissan if you ask me.