View Full Version : American Family Insurance is worthless...

10-15-2002, 06:59 PM
My sister got rear ended about a month ago in her 98 Civic EX that we purchased about 2 years ago in perfect condition (previously owned by honda tech). the other lady who rear ended her has American Family insurance and (obviously) was at fault and got cited. well ever since then my sister has been calling and gettin estimates for the damages just like their insurance agent requested... they were $3500 from Roush Honda (local dealer/body shop) and $2500+? from 3C. well after all that time we spent doing that they decide to send out their own claim adjuster. turns out he felt the trunk lid could be repaired instead of replaced unlike the 2 other body shops (dented in at trunk latch, i DON'T want to deal with any rusting from them "cutting corners") and gave an estimate of $1300 by using "quality replacement parts" instead of OEM like the other 2 body shops used. basically i told her to not sign any paperwork and refuse anything other than OEM due to quality and fitment issues that i've heard are lacking in "quality replacement parts". i'm planning on giving this guy a call tommorow and letting him know we're not putting up with 2nd rate parts on our car that was wrecked by HIS client. i was wondering if you guys could give me some advice, things to bring up, etc. to help my cause. i always thought insurance companies jobs were to restore a car to preaccident condition... not 2nd rate condition that obviously couldn't help resale value.

my mom and sister have called and talked to the guy after the estimate and said he was a total dick. he says "well if the parts don't fit right we'll take them off and put OEM on". WTF, do it right the first time!!! sorry i'm just a litte upset that they're trying to cut corners on a car we spent good money on. we talked to a friend whos an attorney and she said legally theres not much we can do, but to talk to more body shops and our insurance company to find out if theres anything we can do in that aspect... we're getting in touch with another individual claims adjuster (a friend) who's looking at the other 2 estimates to give us some advice... from what i've heard in the past, if u're persistent and stubborn with insurance companies they'll budge, especially when it comes down to "quality replacement parts" and OEM. but any advice you guys could offer to speed up the process would help a lot, thanks


Annoying Eric
10-15-2002, 09:01 PM
Morgan.. I say you punch the guy in the face then hold him down and tell him whats up be liek " I want the best parts...ok... BITCH" yeah that wil teach that cock gobbler.

HAHAHHAHHAA <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'> &nbsp;<img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>

10-15-2002, 11:21 PM
they are pretty bad. my whole family is thinking about switching ins. companies. my sister got hit, and they won't even send an adjuster out here to evaluate it. we've paid them all this money for home and car insurance all these years and we don't get treated right. insurance on the 240SX is $20 a month for me and i'll pay more with another company but at least i know they'll help me out if someone runs into my blazer or my other family members' cars.

the way i see it is if they broke OEM parts, then that's what they're going to have to replace. not something that 'may' fit.

10-16-2002, 07:03 AM
Find the number to your state's insurance commissioner (or other governmental body that regulates insurance). &nbsp;Every state has one. &nbsp;They will be able to tell you your rights in this situation. &nbsp;Also, should they get involved, one phone call from then to AFI will likely solve the problem &nbsp;<img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sly.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':sly:'>

Good luck with it all &nbsp;<img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/unhappy.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':unhappy:'>

10-16-2002, 03:02 PM
hm...i have amfam and my full coverage insurance is SOOO cheap. like, under $400 for 6 months. i'm 4 pts away from losing my license, and am 20. i guess you get what you pay for?