View Full Version : THATGUY - about that one thread..

01-31-2008, 11:45 AM


just curious why this makes sense.

I'd PM but I'm sure everyone who was having fun posting in there wants to know.. what's wrong with chitchat among the folks in the same area?

all in good fun

not trying to be a big pain in the ass...just want a better explanation than what you posted. i guess i'm not exactly sure what harm that thread was doing.

01-31-2008, 11:46 AM
I thought that was the point of a public forum was to have posts? Is this drifting.com?

01-31-2008, 11:48 AM
They were off topic, and honestly should have been in the regional section

01-31-2008, 11:49 AM
why not just move it then?

i think the thread was created with the intent of being able to talk about more going-ons as they came around

Sonic Motor
01-31-2008, 11:49 AM
yeah, i think the thread should just be moved to another section...instead of being closed...

B Love
01-31-2008, 11:50 AM
Hhaaahha the thread is titled So Cal drifters and hes mad because everyone in there is from California ??!?!?!???

C. Senor
01-31-2008, 11:54 AM
let me see if i can steer you guys in the right direction. why it was closed was because it was meer chit chat. nothing really pertaining to helping or asking for help of any kind. it was people just posting about random things that could be done in person instead of taking up bandwidth. the chat section is for stuff about cars and the regional section is about events going on in those regions. not for talk that should done through some sort of instant messenger.

B Love
01-31-2008, 11:59 AM
Throw it in off topic or something at least. Hhaha isnt the whole purpose of a forum so people who all like the same things can talk to each other?

01-31-2008, 12:01 PM
no, it's so you can make contact, you can do that VIA PMs and not use bandwidth that costs money for all of us. OR as was stated before, you can download AIM for free and use that.

01-31-2008, 12:05 PM
it was locked because THATGUY wasn't part of the fuuuuun.

C. Senor
01-31-2008, 12:05 PM
^car forums are about ascertaining information needed and providing information that was newly acquired. car forums such as this one are for the advancement of the motorsports the specific cars pertain to. it allows for people to set-up events and what not so they can get together to learn about thier cars and make new freinds. not so much for idle chat. that is what chat rooms are for or aim.messenger. think about it as if it were school. you learn and ask question, make new friends with little conversation done while there and when you're not there is when you gossip like little girls.

01-31-2008, 12:05 PM
lol if you're going to say keep it on AIM then why do you have this forum at all?

i was talking with guys on there i never met before that are drifters here in socal, it was cool. and there was interaction w/ others that frequent the mosport forum not from socal

lets keep it civil gentlemen :D

good to see some different opinions on this

01-31-2008, 12:12 PM
sounds booooooring if it's just to "Advance motorsport blah blah blah"

Good thing there's an off-topic forum.

B Love
01-31-2008, 12:14 PM
^car forums are about ascertaining information needed and providing information that was newly acquired. car forums such as this one are for the advancement of the motorsports the specific cars pertain to. it allows for people to set-up events and what not so they can get together to learn about thier cars and make new freinds.

That looks like exactly what I saw going on. have you not looked into the off topic section? is that new car information? nope just people talking to each other.

01-31-2008, 12:17 PM
This reminds me of queenBEE's intro thread. :rofl:


01-31-2008, 12:30 PM
My understanding, as it took place, is that ThatGuy was consulted before the thread was started and relented only on the stipulation that the thread be approached with a topic of discussion and not taken as a playground for rampant post-whoring...
Guess what happened?
In such, the thread was closed, as it would have been just as bad as far as pointless and off-topic posting in the regional section as it was in the motorsports section. I am going to close this one now, I would kindly ask that if you have any further questions for moderation as a result of action taken, would you please approach (via PM) that moderator on a more personal level?

01-31-2008, 04:48 PM
Allow me to reinforce what PHLIP has so correctly explained.

I was thinking of starting a thread for the SoCal drifters in the Motorsports forum. I know its a regional thread, but it would be a place to have a discussion for all the local SoCal people to discuss events, trash talk, bs, etc...

All the threads in the Motorsports forum that deal with upcoming events always get filled with fun trash talking and just the usual bs. It would be great to have a thread where these poeple could do this without cluttering up an event thread.

Would it be okay in the Motorsports forum, or would I have to place it in the Southwest forum?

If it gets out of hand, it will be locked.

Don't take things personally ladies and gentlemen. It's just the business of Moderation. :bow:

Have a pleasant day.