View Full Version : e to de & 5 speed swap

01-31-2008, 09:49 AM
okay, ive read numerous threads about the swap, but i still have a couple of questions that i haven't found the answer.

basically, i'll write down a run-around of what i think i need to do, so please, bare with me.

i aquired a ka24de longblock, came with a flywheel and clutch set.
i am about to buy a s13 transmission that came off a s13
still sourcing for a manual tranny crossmember, non-abs driveshaft, s13 de powersteering pump+bracket+lines, s13 de coil, s13 de manual ecu, s13 de cluster, throttle cably, clutch+brake pedal assembly, and clutch master+slave, clutch hard+rubber lines.

also, since im going from a e to de which was automatic, would i need the tranny harness? or just the engine harness? i see some people switching their fuse boxes out as well.

as far as my thinking goes, aside from splicing into the body harness for the tach, temp gauge, etc, all i need is the harness from the ecu to the engine itself, correct? do i need the whole fusebox setup+wiring and tranny harness from a de motorset as well?

thanks for your time.

drift freaq
01-31-2008, 11:12 AM
okay, ive read numerous threads about the swap, but i still have a couple of questions that i haven't found the answer.

basically, i'll write down a run-around of what i think i need to do, so please, bare with me.

i aquired a ka24de longblock, came with a flywheel and clutch set.
i am about to buy a s13 transmission that came off a s13
still sourcing for a manual tranny crossmember, non-abs driveshaft, s13 de powersteering pump+bracket+lines, s13 de coil, s13 de manual ecu, s13 de cluster, throttle cably, clutch+brake pedal assembly, and clutch master+slave, clutch hard+rubber lines.

also, since im going from a e to de which was automatic, would i need the tranny harness? or just the engine harness? i see some people switching their fuse boxes out as well.

as far as my thinking goes, aside from splicing into the body harness for the tach, temp gauge, etc, all i need is the harness from the ecu to the engine itself, correct? do i need the whole fusebox setup+wiring and tranny harness from a de motorset as well?

thanks for your time.

your making this harder than it needs to be. First off you if your switching from a e to DE you do not need to change any under dash harness stuff or speedo wire stuff. Swap in a DE cluster. plug and play. Second off if your putting in a DE all you need is your DE engine harness and make a few wire changes. mrmeph. did a whole writeup on the E to DE swap in the faq and archive section. You also may not want to go through the hassle of replacing the complete brake pedal and just cut your automatic brake pedal down to size. Anyways do a search for the engine swap and you will get all the info you need. The wiring does not have to be as complicated nor is it, as you think.

01-31-2008, 11:21 AM
This is the thread that drift freaq speaks of:
And for a little spice, here is the auto to 5-speed FAQ:
BOTH of those are sticky at the top of the FAQ/Archive section, lord knows how they were missed in your original search.

... oh, wait.

01-31-2008, 11:45 AM
When doing the E to DE swap. There is some wiring under the dash. You just need to match colors to colors on the small connector from the engine harness. In the engine bay, just get all the DE stuff, and its plug and play.

I did this swap when I got my car. It takes some time and work. But take your time and do it all right.

I will look, but I know I have some of the parts you are looking for S13 KA24DE ecu and coil.

01-31-2008, 11:47 AM
okay, thanks for the links. yea seems like i missed those. blame the search engine! haha jk

ok, so i do need the subharness for the transmission as well. from most 5 speed swap write ups ive seen never really mentioned that i needed it, and i never really knew if it mattered if i got a automatic or manual engine harness..

one really dumb question is; do body harness' connecter and come with 'engine' harness'?

so i cut off the harness from the sohc and just splice it in unto the dohc body harness on the ecu?

01-31-2008, 01:16 PM
how would it work if you are planning on swaping in a ca18det into a 89-90 automatic

01-31-2008, 01:18 PM
i am new to this forum but not 240's, i came here from nico club and the info here seems alot more useful, i love the site

drift freaq
01-31-2008, 01:34 PM
okay, thanks for the links. yea seems like i missed those. blame the search engine! haha jk

ok, so i do need the subharness for the transmission as well. from most 5 speed swap write ups ive seen never really mentioned that i needed it, and i never really knew if it mattered if i got a automatic or manual engine harness..

one really dumb question is; do body harness' connecter and come with 'engine' harness'?

so i cut off the harness from the sohc and just splice it in unto the dohc body harness on the ecu?

thats because technically on a S13 you don't need it(5 speed sub harness. The only really important hookups are your reverse lights and your speed sensor for the cluster. If you read the auto to 5 speed faq that I wrote and is stickied in the Faq section you will see that I write that.

01-31-2008, 03:45 PM
how would it work if you are planning on swaping in a ca18det into a 89-90 automatic

Exact same thing. You need the cluster and PS lines, the new engine, ECU, and harness. Same with an SR or RB too. Wiring is all the same to the underhood and dash plugs.

02-01-2008, 06:40 PM
thanks i just wanted to make sure