View Full Version : Arp head stud Q.... I know

01-30-2008, 02:11 PM
Alright, I really hate doing this, I know this topic has been covered like a bazillion times and searching yeilds 8 pgs of results on arp installation, but I am willing to take the flaming for this one.
I know torque specs and all that shiz, I have the fsm.
My question is, I picked up some arp thread seal because (or so I thought) that the head bolts go into the water jackets.
Now Im second guessing myself.
Am I correct in
Applying thread seal to the bottom and the arp provided moly lube to the top?
Or should I just moly lube both ends?

01-30-2008, 02:19 PM
i was told by arp (because i had the same question) to only aply the moly lube to the studs due to that the mold lube has the most consistent viscosity for the arp head stud torque rating , and i used the arp head torque rating as well . hope this helps


01-30-2008, 02:23 PM
Thank you.
I wonder why the shit that comes in the box says to use thier thread seal if the bolts go into the water jacket.