View Full Version : rules of the road. help?

01-28-2008, 11:32 AM
friday after work i was in a slight accident with a cocky arrogant a-hole in a bentley. here's what happened:

on the off ramp after i exited the freeway i was in the "left" right hand turn lane. the bentley was in the "right" right hand turn lane. there are only two lanes. the lane i was in you can choose either to turn left or right from that lane... we had a green light. i chose to turn right and upon my choice i also chose to turn to the middle lane. (there are three lanes after making the turn. the far right lane is a right turn only, the middle - straight, and the left, which is left turn only for the following intersection). the a-hole, also chose the middle lane turning from the "right" right hand turn lane. we bumped. i took some paint from his car and nothing happened to mine. he was pissed. called me a "ricer fag" which is funny, because my car is basically stock. the reason i call him an arrogant a-hole is because he got out of his car in the middle of the road and started yelling at me. i told him "lets pull into the gas station and swap ins info" he said "you're probably going to take off!" and i was all "dude, you have a like 400 some odd hp car, i think you can keep up if i did..." anyway, long story short, we pull into the gas station, he told me "forget insurance, i can afford to pay for this, lets settle this like men" i should have accepted his offer and sued him for later damages, but i declined.

anyway, who was at fault? we both argued that we had the right to turn into the middle lane... i've always been under the assumption that, say for instance its two left hand turn lanes... the "left" left lane has to keep left. and the "right" left lane can choose either the middle or right lane... so rules should be the same for two or more right hand turn lanes, no?

01-28-2008, 11:48 AM
this Always happens to me when im in the outside turning lane. i always have to make room for people who dont understand basic rules of the road.

i believe your right in this situation since you should be following the lines in the road that clearly show that the inside turner should be following the inside lane.

anyway, that guy seemed like a jackass and if you went through insurance, hed prolly find a way to get everything blamed on you.

and to add, irvine has the most stuck up people there. i used to work valet and some retard in a new benz decides to cut through the parking things and go through the backway into our parking lot, hits the SPIKES, and tries to blame us.

01-28-2008, 12:01 PM
If the right lane after you turned right wasn't a right turn only lane, then it would've been easily his fault. I'm not sure if the same applies for your situation though.

On a standard right turn, I was instructed to ALWAYS stay in the right lane after turning right, wait a couple seconds, check blindspots, etc, THEN switch to the lane to the left. So maybe you win haha.

01-28-2008, 12:05 PM
if i'm reading your post correctly, thats a stupid ass intersection. so after the turn, the middle lane is the only one that allows you to go straight? correct? i'm not even sure who would have the right of way. but yeah..... i ALWAYS let people go ahead. i stay as far away as possible. some real idiots on the roads. accidents/insurance/wasting time. bleh, no thanks.

01-28-2008, 12:05 PM
depends on how the lanes are marked

if they aren't marked at all, its ambiguous

01-28-2008, 12:32 PM
I believe that you had the right to be in the middle lane according to your description of the intersection.

He was just an arrogant jackass.


Thread would make more sense with pics.

C. Senor
01-28-2008, 12:37 PM
go back and look at the lanes....they should be marked. usually the right right turn lane is only meant to turn into the right lane and the left right turn lane is able to choose either middle or left....but that's why the street should be marked with the broken white lines to let you know who has the right of way.

01-28-2008, 12:39 PM
where did this happen and what kinda bentley. i know someone in thje irvine/newport area that has a black 4 door

01-28-2008, 01:21 PM
Its 100% his fault. This ALWAAAAYS happen on Montebello / Paramount. People closest to the sidewalk should stay there, becasue think about it, what if you DONT have two lanes to choose from? Why is that guy gonna turn right and then choose to turn into your lane ???

01-28-2008, 01:46 PM
tell us which intersection it was and we'll look at it in google maps.

seriously. everything else is speculation. i can think of intersections around here where it could be his fault, and others where it could be yours. let's see the actual intersection before anybody passes judgment.

01-28-2008, 02:17 PM
tell us which intersection it was and we'll look at it in google maps.

seriously. everything else is speculation. i can think of intersections around here where it could be his fault, and others where it could be yours. let's see the actual intersection before anybody passes judgment.

the intersection is in san clemente @ avenida palizada & I5... the closest cross street is north avenida de la estrella. i'll try and go by and take pics of the intersection when i get off work tonight. as far as i know, there are no markings on the ground...

EDIT: here's a google link of the intersection http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&tab=wl

the white van on the left can either turn left or right from that lane.. which is the lane i was in..

where did this happen and what kinda bentley. i know someone in thje irvine/newport area that has a black 4 door

san clemente. not irvine. irvine's streets are pretty well planned out, san clemente on the other hand is madness, except in the newer developed talega area... it was a blue coupe. the dude driving looked to be in his early 30s. looked like a surf bum. probably was either a pro or owned some surf company down here..