View Full Version : Men Behind the Curtain.

01-25-2008, 01:03 AM
Yes, Yes I know,

most people dont believe in this.....

but some stuff just hits too damn close...

America's Economy...

its a long watch, but 44 minutes will be worth it, I'm serious, Ive played video games for longer and accomplished or learned anything.

Men behind the Curtain Video. (http://www.stage6.com/PeaceThinkers-Muse/video/1991523/Zeitgeist,-The-Movie---Don't-Mind-The-Men-Behind-The-Curtain)

01-25-2008, 01:43 AM
Scary shiet...chip implants huh? Sounds like the Anti-Christ is among us, revelations is coming.

01-25-2008, 08:07 AM
Scary shiet...chip implants huh? Sounds like the Anti-Christ is among us, revelations is coming.

Don't laugh, no matter what god you believe in (or no god) a global change is coming. The writing is on the wall.

01-25-2008, 08:43 AM
dude i saw this commin. the amero, the chip, homeland security... its pretty fuckin nutz.

01-25-2008, 04:27 PM
i am the antichrist. now send me all your monehs.

01-25-2008, 04:33 PM
i am the antichrist. now send me all your monehs.


Do you need the 3% seller's fee?

01-25-2008, 04:35 PM
paypal +3%. i also accept money order, $, and souls.

01-25-2008, 04:43 PM
i muist have been watching the wrong video...?

01-25-2008, 04:45 PM
That is Rediculous. Plain scary honestly.


01-26-2008, 12:04 AM
i dont need to watch it to know its the truth
except i believe its 'satan behind the curtain' ...coward :keke:

PS: there aint nothin any human can do to prevent it

01-26-2008, 12:38 AM
i dont need to watch it to know its the truth
except i believe its 'satan behind the curtain' ...coward :keke:

PS: there aint nothin any human can do to prevent it

no there isn't anything one person can do but as a whole we could do a lot.

important stuff is in that movie i suggest you all watch it sooner or later, maybe not the first part of religion cause that's kind of boring.

01-26-2008, 01:10 AM
Like what was said in the end, if every person were made aware of this whole scheme and revolted against the Feds, they wouldn't know what to do. They are PAYING us to do their will, and we, in turn, pay them back with our consumption of everything they throw at us to distract us from what's really going on.

WE fight THEIR money wars. WE are the ones that are sending our families and friends to die for THEIR greed. WE are the ones that take money from a private institution. WE are the ones making all the choices by buying into all their scare tactics. As long as we continue to make ourselves blind to what's going on, they're getting their way.

This should be broadcasted on every channel during primetime.

01-26-2008, 01:39 AM
I think makinge these videos the #1 watch videos online would do something. What it is, im not sure but something would definitely happen...its scary watching the 9/11 theory part. Alot of the shiet they pointed out is true, half the shiet that happend that day isnt practical.

01-26-2008, 02:00 AM
I knew that shit was planned since a few months after it happened. I was pregnant with my daughter at the time, so I had nothing to do but watch TV. When it was going down, I listened to everything all the people there had to say.

At the point where people were saying they heard explosions coming from the bottom floors of the trade center buildings, I knew they were full of shit.

01-26-2008, 02:54 AM
Most of the shiet they talked about made sense. The only thing Im throwing out there as far as the Shanksville crash was that we heard from certain people who were up in the air that day (I was in McGuire AFB, NJ doing Air Traffic Control) was that it didnt crash but was actually shot down. They had 2 impact craters almost half a mile apart. Hows a plane that nose dove to the ground have 2 impact craters? Unless it broke up airborne...Then if it was shot down, then it would make sense to make heroes out of them so there wont be questions coming up...

01-26-2008, 02:58 AM
There were no bodies of survivors, just a crater in the ground. This just isn't plausible, since other plane crashes that landed on the ground produced bodies- or pieces of them at least.

01-26-2008, 03:03 AM
Don't laugh, no matter what god you believe in (or no god) a global change is coming. The writing is on the wall.

I could not pick a time in history where I could have said "global change is coming" and been wrong.

"Global Change is coming" is something retards say to each other to make it seem like they have any idea whats going on, and then some indefinite time period later they end up right because, duhhhh things changed

Shut up Draven, go cram it into a size 20 or whatever the fuck wind sail your wearing these days. Whatever you posted makes no fucking sense, probably because its something you parroted off some highs school kids blog.

Beware of those who preach enlightenment because their ilk is ripe with Charlatans

Read it, read it again, go buy a fucking dictionary so you can figure out what enlightenment is and Charlatans are and then go make a bulletin on myspace about boycotting Exxon today because you'll beleive anything your spoonfed as long as its pitched as "opening your eyes to the horrors of the world" or some bullshit.

god I hate you fucking hippies.

01-26-2008, 03:17 AM
And this is why no one can have normal conversations. There's always some asshole that has to come in with worthless comments and pointless name-calling that will get the thread closed.

No one cares about what you think of me. I certainly don't. Stick to the topic and quit being an asshole.

01-26-2008, 04:16 AM
Can't anyone just have a conversation on here? Sheesh.

02-13-2008, 10:23 PM
That is Rediculous. Plain scary honestly.



Life is scary.

02-13-2008, 11:05 PM
Show this video to everybody you know, this shit is your future people.

02-14-2008, 08:48 AM
I could not pick a time in history where I could have said "global change is coming" and been wrong.

"Global Change is coming" is something retards say to each other to make it seem like they have any idea whats going on, and then some indefinite time period later they end up right because, duhhhh things changed

Shut up Draven, go cram it into a size 20 or whatever the fuck wind sail your wearing these days. Whatever you posted makes no fucking sense, probably because its something you parroted off some highs school kids blog.

Read it, read it again, go buy a fucking dictionary so you can figure out what enlightenment is and Charlatans are and then go make a bulletin on myspace about boycotting Exxon today because you'll beleive anything your spoonfed as long as its pitched as "opening your eyes to the horrors of the world" or some bullshit.

god I hate you fucking hippies.

So we're the retards? Your entire argument is riddled with insults and attacks. You completely invalidated your entire argument when you started insulting people. You're fear keeps you a slave. Anytime someone says "global change is coming" or "men behind the curtain" your butt sphincter tightens up and you scream "conspiracy theorists" or "moonbats"! You have been programmed by the media to dismiss anything other than the norm. God forbid you open your mind to other ideas no matter how out there they are.

Most of the educated minority knows something isn't right. A major global change is coming but slowly and so subtle that no one will resist. If it happened over night people would revolt and fight back. Instead it happens little by little and we get used to it...just like the gas prices...we got used to them.

I'm not trying to pick a fight with you. I'm not dismissing your point of view either. History is a constant loop, the only things that change are the sophistication of the weapons and the names of the people involved. Anyone with any kind of common sense realizes that if you do not learn from the past you are doomed to repeat it.

02-14-2008, 12:26 PM
I could not pick a time in history where I could have said "global change is coming" and been wrong.

"Global Change is coming" is something retards say to each other to make it seem like they have any idea whats going on, and then some indefinite time period later they end up right because, duhhhh things changed
god I hate you fucking hippies.

You must be shitting me. You think that because "Change is inevitable" that we should just roll over and play dead? Let whatever happen happen? Of course global change is always coming. Hitler brought global change, and people in Germany saw the shit about to hit the fan but they couldnt do anything about it because of the "enabling act" (i.e. the Patirot Act). The Patriot Act is a pile of shit upon everything this country was founded on. Read this, then tell me we're just a bunch of fucking hippies.

"An evil exists that threatens every man, woman, and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland."
Sound familiar? Thats a quote from Adolph Hitler.

02-14-2008, 02:11 PM
I don't really care.

There are a lot of things that make no sense in both sides.

If there really was some weird dude(s) ruling the world secretly...why would everyone obey them? If noone knows them, it'd be pretty damn easy to kill them and such.

If there really was some weird dude(s), why'd they let this video come out?

If 9/11 was fake, wouldn't they have tried to make it seem real(er)??

Etc etc.

02-14-2008, 02:37 PM
shits just wackk

02-15-2008, 07:11 AM
I don't really care.

There are a lot of things that make no sense in both sides.

If there really was some weird dude(s) ruling the world secretly...why would everyone obey them? If noone knows them, it'd be pretty damn easy to kill them and such.

If there really was some weird dude(s), why'd they let this video come out?

If 9/11 was fake, wouldn't they have tried to make it seem real(er)??

Etc etc.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

Omarius Maximus
02-15-2008, 09:04 AM
I've been thinking lately as to how to truly change things in this country and I think I've found a way. How bout not voting at all? I mean majority vote and democracy are the foundations of this country, so if all of us simply didn't vote, lets say to the point where there was a 15% election turnout...wouldn't that in and of itself incite a revolution? You'd have the few leading the many(thereby having a legitimate reason for revolution), and basically spin everything upside down.

I've been theorizing all of this stuff because when it comes to elections and political parties, its like you get a faux choice. You get to pick between fat free and whole milk. In the end, you do have a choice, but regardless of your vote, you end up with milk.

02-15-2008, 09:19 AM
i never post... ever i just read and learn..i have a clean s14 no need to describe........

This shit just changed my life

02-15-2008, 09:28 AM
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

How do you know the "devil" is the devil?

Maybe who you see as good (dudes who made video) are truly evil and are trying to derail the good by saying it's evil and lying about it to make the plan fail so they can implement theirs?

There is a lot of "what ifs" and shit like that...and not enough definitive information, which is why conversations like this are pointless. If we don't even know who these random "bad guys" are, how are we going to counter what they're doing? What're we gonna say "no, you can't make me"?? If they're so powerful, they'd just fucking kill or torture us or something. And if they're so powerful, they'd have the capability to make us happy so they could achieve their goals faster.

It's a load of horse cum.

02-15-2008, 09:36 AM
How do you know the "devil" is the devil?

Maybe who you see as good (dudes who made video) are truly evil and are trying to derail the good by saying it's evil and lying about it to make the plan fail so they can implement theirs?

There is a lot of "what ifs" and shit like that...and not enough definitive information, which is why conversations like this are pointless. If we don't even know who these random "bad guys" are, how are we going to counter what they're doing? What're we gonna say "no, you can't make me"?? If they're so powerful, they'd just fucking kill or torture us or something. And if they're so powerful, they'd have the capability to make us happy so they could achieve their goals faster.

It's a load of horse cum.

I rest my case. You just confirmed what I said. Your confusion about right and wrong is all the proof I need. Deep down in your cockles you should know the difference, not because someone told you what to believe but because your humanity tells you so. You can't even have a discussion with out being vulgar and rude which again, makes you look foolish. I know what I believe and I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

02-15-2008, 09:45 AM
^^^^ i love ur argument!

02-15-2008, 10:13 AM
This is the very reason I haven't watched the news or read a newspaper in over 10 years. It just never felt right. Like I was getting bombed with useless propaganda. Pumping fear at me. Waste of time. I want to enjoy every second of my life. Workout, read stupid shit online and laugh, work on my cars, hang out with family and friends, etc.

32 and have never voted. Why because it's rigged. The puppet they want up on the podium is already picked. I am not going to explain how, do your own research. Trust me it is, each day we loose more and more freedom. The film is 100% right, this is the path we are on. The problem is we are in so fucking deep now there is almost no stopping it. This has started long before we or our parents were even a thought. I hope everyone shows this film to their family and friends.

The income tax pisses me off and has for years when it was explained to me that it is illegal.

Fuck the government and their jerk off pals the federal bank. Absolutely disgusting. You don't believe the central bank control everything?? I use to day and swing trade, back when nasdaq was at 5000. lol Those were the days. When greenspan would anounce a central bank increase or decrease. It was show time. Just amazing what an effect it has on the world markets. Watch the market next time the fed is ready to announce if you don't believe me.

This theory, no were near as detailed as in the film, has been running through my head for years. When you actually trade everyday (10hrs) for 4+ years you begin to see who and what controls the market, ie the world. It's not you or me, which isn't bad but when they have bad intentions. WE BECOME FUCKED!

I will never have a chip in me. When that day comes it's not going to be pretty for the guy that needs to insert mine. I feel bad for my 9 month son. God only know what the world will be like for them.

They did a brilliant job on the film.

02-15-2008, 10:38 AM
I rest my case. You just confirmed what I said. Your confusion about right and wrong is all the proof I need. Deep down in your cockles you should know the difference, not because someone told you what to believe but because your humanity tells you so. You can't even have a discussion with out being vulgar and rude which again, makes you look foolish. I know what I believe and I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

Cause I need to be so polite on the internet when talking about cut rate conspiracy videos on a forum targeted towards youth into flashy, fast 10-20 year old cars...

I really don't care about your opinion, and i'm sure you don't care about mine. So have fun.

02-15-2008, 10:52 AM
Cause I need to be so polite on the internet when talking about cut rate conspiracy videos on a forum targeted towards youth into flashy, fast 10-20 year old cars...

I really don't care about your opinion, and i'm sure you don't care about mine. So have fun.

How am I supposed to take you seriously when you sound like a 6th grader. You just open your mouth and let whatever fall out with out thinking. That's all I am saying. No one will take you seriously when you sound like that. You have your opinion and I have mine. We'll agree to disagree.

02-15-2008, 10:55 AM
This is the very reason I haven't watched the news or read a newspaper in over 10 years. It just never felt right. Like I was getting bombed with useless propaganda. Pumping fear at me. Waste of time. I want to enjoy every second of my life. Workout, read stupid shit online and laugh, work on my cars, hang out with family and friends, etc.

32 and have never voted. Why because it's rigged. The puppet they want up on the podium is already picked. I am not going to explain how, do your own research. Trust me it is, each day we loose more and more freedom. The film is 100% right, this is the path we are on. The problem is we are in so fucking deep now there is almost no stopping it. This has started long before we or our parents were even a thought. I hope everyone shows this film to their family and friends.

The income tax pisses me off and has for years when it was explained to me that it is illegal.

Fuck the government and their jerk off pals the federal bank. Absolutely disgusting. You don't believe the central bank control everything?? I use to day and swing trade, back when nasdaq was at 5000. lol Those were the days. When greenspan would anounce a central bank increase or decrease. It was show time. Just amazing what an effect it has on the world markets. Watch the market next time the fed is ready to announce if you don't believe me.

This theory, no were near as detailed as in the film, has been running through my head for years. When you actually trade everyday (10hrs) for 4+ years you begin to see who and what controls the market, ie the world. It's not you or me, which isn't bad but when they have bad intentions. WE BECOME FUCKED!

I will never have a chip in me. When that day comes it's not going to be pretty for the guy that needs to insert mine. I feel bad for my 9 month son. God only know what the world will be like for them.

They did a brilliant job on the film.

Well said. I love your sig banner.

02-15-2008, 10:56 AM
Nobody can do anything about it so live laugh and love my friends

02-15-2008, 02:43 PM
How am I supposed to take you seriously when you sound like a 6th grader. You just open your mouth and let whatever fall out with out thinking. That's all I am saying. No one will take you seriously when you sound like that. You have your opinion and I have mine. We'll agree to disagree.

You're being a tool.

I don't really care to sway your opinion, thus i'm not going to potray myself in a charming manner. Honestly, I don't really give a flying fuck is the apocolypse is coming or if there's going to be another world war. I'll still have everything I love and need...so how about you just shut the fuck up already and quit being an elitist bitch? And what makes it worse is that you're being an elitist bitch who's basically begging for an e-fight by insulting me and then saying to agree to disagree.


And you must know some smart fucking 6th graders.:rofl:

02-18-2008, 04:32 PM
You're being a tool.

I don't really care to sway your opinion, thus i'm not going to potray myself in a charming manner. Honestly, I don't really give a flying fuck is the apocolypse is coming or if there's going to be another world war. I'll still have everything I love and need...so how about you just shut the fuck up already and quit being an elitist bitch? And what makes it worse is that you're being an elitist bitch who's basically begging for an e-fight by insulting me and then saying to agree to disagree.


And you must know some smart fucking 6th graders.:rofl:

I am not asking for anything and where did I insult you? This is a controversial topic with many views...most of them grown up type stuff. Why bother posting childish garbage that doesn't help the topic along? No facts, only the rantings of an e-thug trying to justify his behavior. I didn't agree with you but I respect your opinion and your right to bury your head in the sand. Most of the 6th graders I know, in fact high schoolers I know (I'm a teacher) are childish, selfish, and materialistic only concerned about their ipods and social lives. I apologize if I offended you.