View Full Version : F1 Racing

01-16-2008, 12:28 AM
anyone have any info on "f1 racing clutches" from gripforce.com. good/bad?

Baron Fel
01-16-2008, 09:31 AM
I'm running their lightened flywheel in my KA right now....

cheap as hell and it hasn't given me any problems in the year I've had it

01-16-2008, 09:41 AM
honestly. I'm running a stage 3 clutch from them cuz I was short on cash during my manual swap. (iirc I got it for $75 from a friend)

The Good -

1) it has held up for over a year with no major issues, it grabs pretty well - and I beat the sh!t out of it.

The Bad -

1) It has *no* pedal feel. The pedal is softer than stock and its a pain in the ass to use until you get used to it. I daily drive manual and it took me almost a month till I was smooth with it.

2) Once in a while, when I'm in traffic, it'll tend to stick in 1st gear. I'll push the clutch pedal in and the stick won't want to come out of gear. It only seems to happen in slow traffic - and I'm not sure if its the clutch master / slave cylinder not pushing all the way due to heat / shitty clutch install (we rushed it) / or the clutch. So - I'm not entirely sure if I can blame this problem on the clutch. If I give it a quick rev while the clutch pedal is down, and I pull the stick at the same time, it'll slide out smoothly. I've kinda gotten used to it, so I just ignore the issue.

3) I got some clutch chatter for the first few thousand miles, but it eventually went away.


Even after using it for a year, I think the pedal feel sucks. Everyone that has driven my car tells me that the pedal feel is "wierd" or "wtf is that" or "your clutch pedal feel sucks". The clutch works, and is reliable (I drive 100+ miles a day on my 240). I still want to replace it with a better clutch.

bottom line... if you want something that will do the job, go for it. If you want something that will do the job and make your car a pleasure to drive, spend some more money.

01-16-2008, 09:50 AM
Installed a stage 1 with their lightended flywheel in a customers 97 ka. It seemed alright for a few miles, then just kept slipping, and slipping and now it almost feels gone. Only about 1000 miles if that, and can barely make it up a hill. Weve been mking adjustments here and there. Going to replace slave cylinder. and loosen pedal a bit(already tighened pedal). Ive never had this much problem with a clutch before. Their feedback was great and prices were greater, so I said why not try it. and now Im gonna get stuck with labor replacing the danm thing, not to mention cost of a new clutch. If I can tweek it or replace that slave and it turns out good, then Ill update this thread with praise! But at this time, I dont have anything good to say!

01-16-2008, 11:12 AM
f1 clutch is junk, stage 2 on stock sr20 slips since new. I even did the 500mile break in. Total crap don't waste you 120 bucks. That said I replaced it with a Blitz active clutch.. OMG it rocks.

01-16-2008, 04:54 PM
I have an F1 street on my miata, I DD it and took it to the track a few times. It performs great with no problems at all and I have had it on for about 2200 miles.

05-23-2008, 10:34 PM
I got the F1 Stage 2 clutch and flywheel combo from gripforce. Got it installed on my s14 ka engine earlier this week. After the install, took it for a test drive and their pedal feel is weaker than stock. Not only that, the clutch just kept slipping. It could not hold any power down and my engine is stock. I went ahead and ordered a exedy stage 1 clutch but the supplier didn't have any at the time so they upgraded me to a stage 2. Got the stage 2 installed and WOW what a difference! Pedal feel was great and grabs very well.

IMO, I wouldn't bother with their clutch and just go for a better one the first time around and not spend a shit load on labor like me. After taking the F1 clutch off, I could see a hotspot on the pressure plate. Anyhow, their flywheel is good though. I've had no problems with it so far, but I'd skip the clutch.

05-24-2008, 12:55 AM
weaksauce clutches.. ebay crap..... just get a stock pressure plate with better disk if your short on cash flow...... pressure plates makes the difference honestly...