View Full Version : Pay Your Sh!t 3.19 The Repo man Cometh!!

01-13-2008, 11:02 AM
Ok so this is a nothing thread but im [email protected]#kin irritated. I had to take a car this morning from the most backwoods hillbilly mullet wearin one tooth havin idaho hick ass biiiiatch! This businiss is not the most friendly but jesus if your gonna buy somthing as least make some arrangments to pay for it! This women got pissed off at me for taking her car so early in the morning! what nerve. then she gave me the keys after fighting with her for about 20 mins. So i get in the car to take it away and its infested with

MICE!!!! HOW DOES YOUR CAR BECOME INFESTED WITH MICE!! Who does this! How dirty can you be? i dont get it...

i think the nastiest thing ive had in my car is the dead french fry from mikky D's that fell beside my seat!!

just wanted to vent.. and ask whats the nastiest thing in your car so i dont have to take it! hahaha

01-13-2008, 11:17 AM
The only "nasty" thing in my interior, is a big ass hole in the carpet under the drivers feet. New carpet is coming because stripped interiors are fucking stupid in a daily driver.

01-13-2008, 11:21 AM
nastiest thing I've ever found in a car I purchased used was a used condom...

Cake Is Dope
01-13-2008, 11:25 AM
im not gonna lie, i had a car repo from me... my insurance jumped an extra $400 up from what i was paying ($320) so i wasn't gonna pay $720 for a BOX on wheels plus car payment, so i stopped paying all together, i was young and dumb. I'm a tech at a Toyota dealer and often we find mice nest in vehicles, they make a home in the blower motor and when you turn the fan on...chop chop! they go. and once i went to change a air filter and there was a mice just staring at me..so i slowly installed the new filter and let the little mice rest, hehehe so the mice thing is common, depends on where you live i guess

01-13-2008, 11:31 AM
The only "nasty" thing in my interior, is a big ass hole in the carpet under the drivers feet. New carpet is coming because stripped interiors are fucking stupid in a daily driver.


well, after while they get annoying...say like...a year and a half.....and im putting it back in soon enough.

01-13-2008, 11:32 AM
This reminds me of the time that me and my buddy Zach dry iced an old FC i had and so much nasty shit and mice lived under the carpet

So Nasty

01-13-2008, 11:34 AM
when i bought my 240, it looked sort of clean on the inside, needed a vacuuming. but when i got around to pulling out the back seat to run wiring... THERE WAS ENOUGH DOG HAIR IN THERE TO BUILD ANOTHER DOG. also, i found a stale sack of nugggz and zig zags in with the jack.

01-13-2008, 02:32 PM
holy shit ... repo'ns a funn job, used to repo in SD with my dad...

fun stuff...

ive taken a car that was on base in miramar and it had mc'donalds in it, and he's been deployed for around 8 months, smelt horrable!!

01-13-2008, 03:17 PM
Well I got my S13 running for the first time, then I turned on my heater.....what do I smell?? CAT PISS! Time to rip apart the dash and do some cleaning.

01-13-2008, 05:53 PM
man i got so many story's... but yes that is some nasty shit.. these mice were everywhere. in the carpet in the seats everywhere.. i got like 10 confirmed kills!! was nasty..

just got home and had another nasty one but ill tell youabout that one later... wifes getting pissed cuz were going out to dinner and im typing on here...

01-13-2008, 05:58 PM
i found a used herione spoon inside my car!

i hate repo men! if i ever found out where this dick head lives i would steal his car!


01-13-2008, 06:18 PM
the water that occasionally builds up in my spare tire area can be pretty nasty at times

I love watching the repo shows on tv, its like legally stealing things

01-13-2008, 06:21 PM
^^ but its not like that at all. most nights you go out, check all the adresses you get from the bank, and you never find the car your looking for... sometimes you do though. it has to take soo long to film that show..

01-13-2008, 08:19 PM
i found a used herione spoon inside my car!

i hate repo men! if i ever found out where this dick head lives i would steal his car!


HAHA ASS!! i remember when you found that spoon. atleast i remember you tellin me about it.

found a bunch of meth in a car i actually stole today.. stupid lady was inside and didnt even have the balls to come out and get her stuff. gave her the oppertunity and everything. Idiot. probly thought i was gonna call the cops for her drugs.

i usually find about 2-4 cars a night.. Its true though there hard to find somtimes.. but i do all the investigation.. i love finding people. Anyway this is only a part time night thing.. The real job is much much more fun!!!

01-13-2008, 09:19 PM
^ what company do you work for? what area do you work?

you got a good area, when i repo'd we worked a shity area, we did have our 4 cars a night, but usually 1 or two a night.

i actually had an account where both there only cars were out for repo. both santa fe's, matching, husbands, and wifes. i only took one, i felt bad.. lol. how much u makin a repo. when i was working for san diego auto recovery they were taking to many fee's. and dan, the guy who ran it was an :mrmeph:. he was taking a fee from everyone...

i found some used diapers before, but the best is when they know its out for repo and just empty it out and leave the keys in it... :boink: free money!!

01-15-2008, 10:32 PM
i work in boise idaho.. moved up here from L.A. and i dont make much. I mostly just do it now for the owners, i really like them. make 50-75$ a car. This is just a part time for fun thing for me.

Im a fugitive recovery agent full time and that beats repo'in anyday..

i do repos for some title loan companys and man those places are all a rip off! dont ever go. The cars you get from them are all meth head cars beat up pieces of crap..

i have taken two cars from one house on a few occasions. I love it! the look on there face.. priceless. pissed off at me cuz im takin there shit but forget that they hadn't made a payment in 4 months. Yes i love it when they leave the keys in it, but i have perfected the fine art of the leathermen...

01-15-2008, 11:00 PM
That's why when I bought my car, I threw like 3 foggers in it and killed anything that might have been alive. The last car I had I found a dead rat in the engine bay.