View Full Version : rear subframe install - binding up..

01-12-2008, 06:55 PM
Tips on getting the rear subframe back on?

Solid SPL bushings
greased studs
two floor jacks
car is on a driveway = serious rake. I think this is killing us.. Rear studs are aligned and mostly on, but the front studs are binding. Jacking from middle of diff, between cover and input flange. Using the other floor jack on the front bushing pads.

A friend is bringing some more floor jacks and jackstands to level the car with now.

If anyone is on and has some advice to get the subframe back on, drop some wisdom...

01-12-2008, 07:02 PM
I had the same problem with my spl's a few years ago. Even with the full weight of the car, the b*tches still wouldn't get right, until they were persuaded with my BFH!


01-12-2008, 07:11 PM
Mine did that too. I used two jacks, one on the diff and one in front. i got it up as high as i could before the car started lifting off the jack stands, then i used a big hammer to give a good wack. That did little to nothing so I just put the nuts on, and started tightening slowly, making sure each corner was going up evenly.

Then, set the car down, go drive around, and check them the next day (my subframe had settled and one nut was not as tight as it should have been.

Good luck!

01-12-2008, 08:02 PM
gotta make it go on evenly.

use a hammer, go around in cirlces.

it takes a while.

01-12-2008, 08:35 PM
Thank you guys!

We got it on by threading the nuts slowly & evenly.

Tomorrow; bleed the brakes, figure out the ebrake issue (wtf one z32 cable is too long?), then ghetto align.

01-12-2008, 09:31 PM
Sweet :)

adasdas sfda