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01-11-2008, 08:42 PM
do bad things happen to good people? and bad people just keep getting good things?

is this questioned pondered upon by any of you? heres an litle story for you guys

In january of 2006 i puchased a 2004 BBY evo 8 GSR, put falken koblenz on it, did all the sound, CF hood, garret GT35 turbo kit, RMR ram horn manifold, 1000CC precision injectors. RMR front mount. C02 front mount sprayer (wasnt really worth it but i got a good deal). i bought the car with 12K miles on it, and over the year or so i had it i proceded to put on only shy of 8K miles on it. i babied the car like you couldnt imagine, i wiped it with a old fashion diaper, garage kept, had it detailed once a month, most likey the only time i drove it that month, never drove it in the rain. never drivin it like it probably shoulda. the car was my soul possession :love: ...

and on may 12th 2007 around 5:15 disaster struck!!
http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/6835/fuckid3.jpg (http://imageshack.us)


http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/8627/fuckti9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)


http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/4954/fuckqr4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)


i dont have any pics of before the accident right now.

ok so the story, i was headin down the 215 freeway going north, and all of a sudden a mexican dump truck (a rinky dink s10 with wood gate sides usually packed way to full) well one of those things si9de swiped my front passenger side. loosing controll, and i hit the concrete center divider at 80 MPH head on.. ok there were two girls in the car and some guy. my girl friend, her friend, and her boyfriend. everyone was ok, no one hurt, no one even went to the hospital. and as time goes by waiting to hear from my insurance, being that it was a hit and run. and were witnesses, but the driver wasnt found, (he was illegal and stole those plates he ahd on the truck) so i get a call from alex, my insurance adjuster, he says its toaled, the frames bent, and will cost 24K to fix it, our pay out is 26.%K, so i say ill just take the pay out. and i get a call back 2 days later saying we cant pay you until we get all parties to sign a realese forum saying the wont sue you. so i play games for a fuckin MONTH with my girls friends "friend". and finaly, i get get the awesome news "IM GETTING SERVED!!" yea. so it gets to court and i loose!! 75K dollers, to a coniving bitch!! i got screwed more than you can imagine!!. i was doin great in life, i was doing realestate deals with my grandpa, makin a decent amount of money :naughty: , went to church, donated money to charities, i always belived in the saying "the more you give, the more you get" so i was always giving to charities, gave bums money, even though there not gone use it constructivly. and i belive i was a alaround good guy "not in a conceded way" and didnt think i deserved such BS. so i get in touch with a friend from High school. and in school, he had a 66' mustang restored by CHIP FOOSE!! his uncle owned a huge peice of property and sold it to developers and made a huge sum of money. so he was always spoiled. anyway i get in touch with him, he was a grade or 2 behind me. so anyway, he still lives with mom, and i ask what hes driving now. and he says he has a evo, mustang, eclipse GSX, and a jeep. now, this kid is the most concedded kid, he treats his mother like dirt, and is an all around disrespectfull kid. and yet his life just keeps getting better and better. and as you all can tell, i got my self very flustered over this ordeal. wondering why people like me drive around a P.O.S 240, when other people are livin it up, and should sueing soccer balls in IRAQ for 6 cents an hour. im slowley regaining the possessions i used to have. but i wont have a car like that for a LONG time.

now as most of you might say, im just jelous, or anything along those lines, i do envy everyone out there who has nice things, due to the fact that i know whats its like, and the joy it can bring you, and how much fun it is to have a kick ass car. and wish there was a way to regain those possessions. im sorry this rant should have gone in some sort of myspace post, lol. but as car enthusiests i thought you guys might wonder the same thing, and maybe someone has a simlar story they car share, maybe i dont have it that bad.

OHH and by the way, i cant do the realestate investing anymore, my grandfather passed away, and no one else does real estate in my family. i can barrely afford to pay for the classes im taking for real estate, but im getting there slowly. as of now im working a no where dead end job. and not making enough to support my hobbies, or anything else. so anyone please share a similar story, im really not looking for critisism, PLEASE keep it to your self, thank you for reading.


01-11-2008, 08:49 PM
all i see is a crunked evo and lots of jumbled words


good luck in your endeavors....whatever happens, happens for a reason.

edit: i mean that in a good way...

01-11-2008, 08:50 PM
I feel really, really sorry for you.

01-11-2008, 09:23 PM
I felt Semi bad, until u said this....

all of a sudden a mexican dump truck (a rinky dink s10 with wood gate sides usually packed way to full)

Now, how the hell do you justify a fucking CHEVEROLET S10 a Mexican truck??!!

01-11-2008, 09:27 PM
So some illegal hits you on the freeway manages to drive away while you crash into the wall, and because the passenger got some kick ass lawyer you must pay 75K!!! Sorry dude, guess you just learned that money runs shit and karma is non-existent. Well you were pretty spoiled at 19 to have your grandaddy buy you an Evo anyways, I didn't get a car until I was 18 it was a 1980 Lincoln Continental for $550 and I was stoked to have that. Fuck man you should fell bad for people still driving Geo Metro's, or thier chevro-legs.

01-11-2008, 09:29 PM
FYI (mexican dump-truck equals wheelbarrow)

01-11-2008, 09:30 PM
I felt Semi bad, until u said this....

Now, how the hell do you justify a fucking CHEVEROLET S10 a Mexican truck??!!

in my neighborhood we have like 10 different landscaping companies (aka Mexicans that mow lawns) 9 out of 10 have s10 with altezza lights, lowered and some gay 16inch chrome rims and one group has a blue 1980's ford truck....

01-11-2008, 09:45 PM
Lest's not start this Mexican's mow lawns shit again Please. Sorry for what happen to you but it seems like you have a lot of hate in. But you have hate in your heart let it out. All we can really say is keep trying and best of luck. Swiftdrift + rep for you I was thinking the same thing. Fuck it trow it in the gutter and go buy another is what I would have said.

01-11-2008, 09:46 PM
how did that guy get 75k from you??? what a fucking douche.....thats fucked up. what ever happened to making an honest buck. sueing your friends...wtf why does everyone sue over in the states?? shit is rare here...is it cuz he said he needed medical care??

01-11-2008, 09:55 PM
ok so the story, i was headin down the 215 freeway going north, and all of a sudden a mexican dump truck (a rinky dink s10 with wood gate sides usually packed way to full) well one of those things si9de swiped my front passenger side. loosing controll, and i hit the concrete center divider at 80 MPH head on.. ok there were two girls in the car and some guy. my girl friend, her friend, and her boyfriend. everyone was ok, no one hurt, no one even went to the hospital. and as time goes by waiting to hear from my insurance, being that it was a hit and run. and were witnesses, but the driver wasnt found, (he was illegal and stole those plates he ahd on the truck) so i get a call from alex, my insurance adjuster, he says its toaled, the frames bent, and will cost 24K to fix it, our pay out is 26.%K, so i say ill just take the pay out. and i get a call back 2 days later saying we cant pay you until we get all parties to sign a realese forum saying the wont sue you. so i play games for a fuckin MONTH with my girls friends "friend". and finaly, i get get the awesome news "IM GETTING SERVED!!" yea. so it gets to court and i loose!! 75K dollers, to a coniving bitch!! blah blah blah blah BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH WOE IS ME BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH



so let me get this straight. a truck with stolen plates hits you and totals your car. the drivers are illegals. you say it was a hit and run. but then they need the illegals who ran from an accident to sign papers saying it's not your fault? and somehow they get $75,000 out of you?

call me cynical, but i don't think you're telling the whole story. or maybe you're exaggerating, hard.

01-11-2008, 10:05 PM
No I think he's saying the girl, his girlfriend's friend, is the one who sued him. She probably had all kinds of emotional injuries and stuff, you know how easy it is to get hurt for people who have good lawyers.

01-11-2008, 10:07 PM
matej got it right..... my girlfriends friend sued me... i never found the illegals. she must have had an expensive ass attorney.

>mademedoit. my grandfather didnt buy the evo, im sure i bought it on my own. i did do several realestate investments with him, and i made all the money myself, and i was working 2 jobs at the time. sont make accuisations please..

i didnt mean to offend anyone with any stereo types, i just kinda assumed everyone knew what i was talking about..

http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/8818/lolmexicansof2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

^like that exept overloaded, and an s10. but you guys got the picture...

01-11-2008, 10:09 PM
so some chick in your car sued you for 75 grand? was she physically injured in any way? did you not bring up that you weren't at fault at any point in your hearing? what about the other witnesses in your car?

01-11-2008, 10:17 PM
she has scoliosis, and said she hurt her ankel.. other people in the car didnt wanna help... didnt wanna get involved, said that it wasnt there problem...

i brought up at the hearing no one was hurt, but the attorney pointed out that she was sitting where the most impact was taken... which i found out later it wasnt, but anyone she won... jus shy of 75K. exact number she sued for was 74,880$... she won 74,800.. i have no idea why picked such a random ass number.... but she made several hospital visits a week complaining her back hurt... racked up a bunch of medial bills, probably incurouged by her attorney... and BAM. they were perparing and building the case before they even filed a claim. i was basicaly helpless...


01-11-2008, 10:19 PM
dude that sucks.. and i dont mind him saying mexican dump truck, he is just letting us know the ethnic of the drivers, if he said redneck dump truck i bet no one would say anything..

sucks tho i dont understand how your freaking passanger would sue you over this.. dam they are fucked up in the head.... did they go to court and say "oh there was no truck he did it on purpose!"?? thats fucked up man.. thats a freaking life ruiner to have to work for that..

Im at a dead end job, still at home, not in school right now and having all my friends make more money then me, and all the girls i know get mommy and daddy buying them cars, crash it from clubbing, and get a new one and all is well, its not fair.. but i know i just got to work on my situation.. not nearly as bad as yours, good luck man,.

01-11-2008, 10:22 PM
I would pay illegals to shoot the judge who awarded them that money.

unless you are lying to us.

but yeah, justice must be served.

01-11-2008, 10:33 PM
you say you go to church so i say this:

God only gives us what we can handle!

if you look in your heart and stay stong and keep moving forward, than things will get better for you in the future. maybe not next week or year, but in a couple of years you will get past this and on to better things! as for the car it's fucking metal and glass. some are worth more than others, but so long as you have a 240 or any car that can get you from point a to b than do so. everything else is just a status symbol, and if you get caught up in those issues, then you will never get past this!

01-11-2008, 10:35 PM
she has scoliosis, and said she hurt her ankel.. other people in the car didnt wanna help... didnt wanna get involved, said that it wasnt there problem...

i brought up at the hearing no one was hurt, but the attorney pointed out that she was sitting where the most impact was taken... which i found out later it wasnt, but anyone she won... jus shy of 75K. exact number she sued for was 74,880$... she won 74,800.. i have no idea why picked such a random ass number.... but she made several hospital visits a week complaining her back hurt... racked up a bunch of medial bills, probably incurouged by her attorney... and BAM. they were perparing and building the case before they even filed a claim. i was basicaly helpless...


If what you are saying is true.

I would find it very hard not to take the wrecking bar out of my trunk and serve justice myself...

Not because of possessions or anything superficial but principal alone.

01-11-2008, 11:04 PM
sorry but i read bits of it but how did you know the mexican was illegal if it was hit and run and the truck was stolen, again i read it super fast so if im in the wrong my bad

01-11-2008, 11:20 PM
all i see is a crunked eclipse and lots of jumbled words


good luck in your endeavors....whatever happens, happens for a reason.

edit: i mean that in a good way...

I dont see any eclipses ... ?

01-11-2008, 11:28 PM
I find it hard to believe a judge awarded damages to a passenger in your car from an accident that ended in a hit and run.

you arent telling the whole story, or you just didnt fight the case. either way your GFs friend should be dragged from a rope behind your next car

01-11-2008, 11:40 PM
why do good things happen to anyone

why do bad things happy to anyone

why does anything happen at all

drift freaq
01-11-2008, 11:44 PM
Scratch everything I was going to type. I will sum it up for you. You come here posting something that begs for advice and then tells us to keep it to ourselves. You don't want our opinions don't post!
I was going to go give you some sage advice but your ending statement just made me not want to. You have a lot to learn in life. If you just want to complain without listening your lost.

01-11-2008, 11:54 PM
i didn't read anything in your first post, but judging by the responses in this thread, your rep, and your lack of grammatical skills, im going to have to say it just sucks to be you.

01-12-2008, 12:10 AM
i didn't read anything in your first post, but judging by the responses in this thread, your rep, and your lack of grammatical skills, im going to have to say it just sucks to be you.
Yea were supposed to believe that he cleared 30k+ at 19 with his two jobs and real-estate skills.:jerkit: Yet he can't even type a fuckin paragraph! (You sound like bad people to me... lol, I hope your 240 isn't turbo so you don't hurt yourself.:w00t: )

01-12-2008, 12:17 AM
also, with his mod list + tuning, youre looking at an additional 6k+

C. Senor
01-12-2008, 01:20 AM
damn mexicans...lol seriously though...i like the saying....every day you're above dirt is a great day...you should think about things that way.

01-12-2008, 01:21 AM
OK this is why I call BS.

You ether have the $75 to pay her or not.

If you don't file bankruptcy and screw her.

If you do you should have had as much insurance as you have money for shit like this.

Anyway don't pay her have her try to recover the money.

01-12-2008, 01:52 AM
Yea were supposed to believe that he cleared 30k+ at 19 with his two jobs and real-estate skills.:jerkit: Yet he can't even type a fuckin paragraph! (You sound like bad people to me... lol, I hope your 240 isn't turbo so you don't hurt yourself.:w00t: )

30k sure, but then he pays out another 75k? i definitely call bullshit on SOME portion of this story.

01-12-2008, 02:37 AM
Okay im a little drunk, but im not ashamed to say i neg repped the peeps agreeing with the whole "mexican dump truck" issue. that was absolutely not necessary to mention or stereotype and im sure im not the only person to take a offense to that. ill be sober tomorroww and will be a little more coherent. sorry

01-12-2008, 02:38 AM
Why didn't you fight it??? YOUR NOT AT FAULT!!! and then you counter sue for your attorney fees. get a good laywer.

I once took a police department to court for a 1/4 million dollar harrasment case. they backed out, I became invincable in my home town, and they fired the officer.

If a 18 year old drop out skate punk with a single mom can do that, how did YOU loose a BS case for 75K ??

besides that, you really need to choose the people you surround yourself with in life. If they got some bad, or sketchy energy, stay away. Bad people have a feel to them, just get intune with that shit and trust your gut about people.

sounds gay, but its the truth.

01-12-2008, 03:16 AM
Damn, your g/f's friends are shady. Keep your head up. oh and whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. remember that

01-12-2008, 03:40 AM
I felt Semi bad, until u said this....

Now, how the hell do you justify a fucking CHEVEROLET S10 a Mexican truck??!!

in my neighborhood we have like 10 different landscaping companies (aka Mexicans that mow lawns) 9 out of 10 have s10 with altezza lights, lowered and some gay 16inch chrome rims and one group has a blue 1980's ford truck....

Lest's not start this Mexican's mow lawns shit again Please. Sorry for what happen to you but it seems like you have a lot of hate in. But you have hate in your heart let it out. All we can really say is keep trying and best of luck. Swiftdrift + rep for you I was thinking the same thing. Fuck it trow it in the gutter and go buy another is what I would have said.

dude.....we totally drive those trucks I aint even gonna lie LOL.....

Anyway, to the original poster and to some of the people who replied.

EVERYTHING IN LIFE HAPPENS FOR A REASON, and I'm walking living proof of it. I've had two incidents in my life that were the most horrible things EVER and where I'm at NOW I can honestly truely say that those incidents taught me more / were ment to happen to get me something better.

Dont give up, life will always have its ups and downs (its ment to) in the end it will ALWAYS balance out.

Vision Garage
01-12-2008, 11:29 AM
hahaha. Dont get mad he said mexican dump trucks. It just gives you a VERY GOOD VISUAL AID. I dont get mad when people say we drive RICE ROCKETS. God you guys are sensitive!

01-12-2008, 12:54 PM
my evo is perfectly fine... *snicker* ...


i felt motivated to post pics of my evo due to a certain comment i received.



sucks to be you.

look at it this way, if you had enough money to pay off the evo + mods + the 75k shes asking for at 19. it really doesn't suck that much to be you.

01-12-2008, 12:59 PM
bad things make you stronger and appreciate the things you have and will have later in life.

maybe if you werent posting dumb shit on other people's threads you wouldnt get the same in return, its called bad karma sucker!

01-12-2008, 02:26 PM
i love zilvia!!!!!

u get all kinds of assholes on here....including me :D

01-12-2008, 02:41 PM
You don't do good shit because your mindset is you're going to get great things in return if you do. You do them simply because you believe them to be good things that should be done. You don't need religion for that.

You got screwed over in court for reasons that aren't really disclosed in your story or throughout this whole thread. It sucks you're going through all this crap, but you have to get through it because it's just one of many other bullshit things you'll probably endure through life.

I really think you should fight that case though. I don't know how in hell you lost that case unless you were a complete jackass in court.

01-12-2008, 02:56 PM
Something is amiss in this story. I agree with the fact you should fight it, because you've lost something dear to you [Evo] to some illegal immigrants. And of course, this is under the assumption this is all true 100% undiluted.

I'm in favor for vigilante justice.

Good luck, I won't tell you everything is gonna be okay, because, it's life, it's not. You just have to be happy that it could've been worse, and be successful in real estate w/o your grandfather.


01-12-2008, 03:05 PM
You took a very hard hit man, but be glad you are still in good health. Hopefully everything will turn out just fine in the end.

01-12-2008, 03:24 PM
man you need to just not sweat it.. like hands you shit ball it up and throw it right back..

i used to own a business and make 250k a year.. but i hated every f' in day of it. i was ruining my life.. never got to see my kids or my girl. but i was cool cuz i had 2k suits and a rolex and drove a bmw m3 with more mods then anything!

Then i decided to quit cuz i hated it. my family and friends were more important. i sold it and everyone said i was crazy no body could belive i would give up all that.. It put me in such a bind i lost everything and filed for BK. no more nice car no more 2500 apt in long beach. no nothing. BUT i was happy.

Because of all that i met really cool friends.. jack and alex and the rest of the 626 guys. had my 240 coupe and got married. So even through all that shit Im a much happier person these days. Of course i ended up moving to Idaho but whatever..

Just remember theres always people out there who have it a hell of a lot worse then you could ever imagine. Remember the vet who lost his legs in iraq at 19 y.o. and cant drive ever then think to yourself is your luck really that bad??

my .02

01-12-2008, 03:26 PM
You got screwed over in court for reasons that aren't really disclosed in your story or throughout this whole thread...


It's probably because you were speeding (aka driving recklessly) that you got screwed.
Now start your story over again and tell the whole truth.

01-12-2008, 03:46 PM
Remember the vet who lost his legs in iraq at 19 y.o. and cant drive ever then think to yourself is your luck really that bad??

my .02

the guy with the yellow z06? i know him, well met him, my neigbor was his sargent. or w/e. he wrote him a long letter. if were talking about the same guy...

as far as negative shit goes on here. it doesnt bother me. theres more racial shit out there than "mexican dump truck". it was to give a visual, theres no racial discrimination, i think you guys should relax a bit. thank you for all the kind words and advise, as far as my grammer skills go, i was un aware i was trying to impress anyone, i was in a bind and just needed to write it out, and was in to much of a hurry to go back, spell check, i didnt wanna indent, and write in correct grammatical forum. i am telling the whole truth, i left out alot of specific details. its just a nutshell story, as far as i was concerned, i didnt think people would be doubting me. she won, but i am seriously thinkingabout taking it back to court. i cant afford a good lawyer. so i have to save a bit first. :smash: , but i really hope someone some how brings justice to that caniving bitch, and her new mustang that she bought with my money. i told the whole story, i left out court issues, i went back and forth, and back and forth some more, and everytime, she came back with more medical bills, and proof of hospital visits, scars on her anckel that werent even from the accident, but i couldnt prove they wernt, being that we didnt even let the EMT's get a phisical run down on us. we all said we were ok, and they packed there shit and left.

i wasnt driving fast, we just got back from a LONG ass photoshoot, we were all exhausted, and it was moderate traffic. (theres always that asshole who's in a hurry dodging through traffic) i was in the number one lane (fast lane) just crousin along listening to the radio the 2 in the back looked like they were sleeping, i was relaxed not driving like an ass. and !!SWIPE!! i got hit. shit happens guys. thanks for the advise, and to the asshole to posted pictures of his evo. thank you.. that was so nice of you :mrmeph: ...

01-12-2008, 04:51 PM
the guy with the yellow z06? i know him, well met him, my neigbor was his sargent. or w/e. he wrote him a long letter. if were talking about the same guy...

as far as negative shit goes on here. it doesnt bother me. theres more racial shit out there than "mexican dump truck". it was to give a visual, theres no racial discrimination, i think you guys should relax a bit. thank you for all the kind words and advise, as far as my grammer skills go, i was un aware i was trying to impress anyone, i was in a bind and just needed to write it out, and was in to much of a hurry to go back, spell check, i didnt wanna indent, and write in correct grammatical forum. i am telling the whole truth, i left out alot of specific details. its just a nutshell story, as far as i was concerned, i didnt think people would be doubting me. she won, but i am seriously thinkingabout taking it back to court. i cant afford a good lawyer. so i have to save a bit first. :smash: , but i really hope someone some how brings justice to that caniving bitch, and her new mustang that she bought with my money. i told the whole story, i left out court issues, i went back and forth, and back and forth some more, and everytime, she came back with more medical bills, and proof of hospital visits, scars on her anckel that werent even from the accident, but i couldnt prove they wernt, being that we didnt even let the EMT's get a phisical run down on us. we all said we were ok, and they packed there shit and left.

i wasnt driving fast, we just got back from a LONG ass photoshoot, we were all exhausted, and it was moderate traffic. (theres always that asshole who's in a hurry dodging through traffic) i was in the number one lane (fast lane) just crousin along listening to the radio the 2 in the back looked like they were sleeping, i was relaxed not driving like an ass. and !!SWIPE!! i got hit. shit happens guys. thanks for the advise, and to the asshole to posted pictures of his evo. thank you.. that was so nice of you :mrmeph: ...

You're welcome.

If you want to be taken seriously, on a serious subject. ACT LIKE IT.

How do you expect us to hold your hand and cry over your situation if you type like a fucken dyslexic special needs student?

Take the extra minute to compose everything into a coherent and legible story. kthnksbai

01-12-2008, 05:02 PM
Thread closed at Original Poster's request.
