View Full Version : This is your COUNTRY and it's ending ONE minute at a Time...

steve shadows
01-11-2008, 10:03 AM
Magical machine and 28 people tell you what to think! Brilliant!


They are dieing to go into Iran, DIEING. They want to go into IRAN so bad, that they are manipulating their own debates with this bullshit propaganda.


So much bullshit

here is a clip if you like comparing there responses on the coming recession...


01-11-2008, 11:19 AM
I like Ron Paul and after watching the debate last night, I've got to say that I can't see him becoming president. Don't get me wrong, he's got great ideas and knows how to articulate them. But the problem lies in his persona, he comes off as more than passionate, he almost seems frenzied in his responses. And unfortunately, the general voting population of America wants someone who's good on camera and who's funny, who might have some good ideas. Not someone with a serious economic agenda who doesn't come off so well on camera. But at least he got invited to the debate?

steve shadows
01-11-2008, 11:23 AM
so beacuase , by your notion everyone else might not vote for him because he is basically not SEXY enough to be president, you won't either?

Why not vote for him anyways, what harm would be done, if you believe in his pre-text's and others vote because he doesnt look the most like their favorite WWE wrestler. :ugh:

I think he is poised, direct, educated and firm.

But like idiocracy your going to vote because "he talks like a fag" ? right :keke:


01-11-2008, 11:27 AM
Uuhhh isnt looking appealing and having certain sex appeal a huge thing for presidents? Wasn't it one of the reasons for JFK's success? Also what president was it that couldnt walk but never showed that weakness on television? They just always showed him standing or if you would look carefully someone helping him walk??

Unfortunately for this country, most of us just like what we think looks nice.

steve shadows
01-11-2008, 11:28 AM
How about Jimmy Carter?

I would have to venture to say he was much less "KICK ASS FUCK YEAH" then the other candidates.

It's sad we have gotten to the point of debating electability? wtf does that even mean? why are we here?

01-11-2008, 11:31 AM
I never said I wasn't going to vote for him for that reason, I'm just suggesting that the majority of voters won't.

01-15-2008, 01:24 PM
I've been to Iran...numerous times.

A lot of people there love Americans. The government is just full of fucknuts. I have a lot of family over there and if they go to war there that basically means I can't see them for years. I'm not afraid to go now, but I can't go now, and by the time I CAN go, they'll probably at war, and i'm not gonna get kidnapped by al quaeda and get my throat slit over some dumbass bullshit war.

01-15-2008, 01:46 PM
Shit is getting overly stupid.

Anyone for the war, please give me a reason why Iran needs to be invaded?
Quit wasting OUR money by trying to turn every single country into a mini america, Maybe they should be looking in the white house for terrorists..

01-15-2008, 04:26 PM
Mike Huckabee is coming to my University on the 17th and bringing Chuck Norris and Ric Flair. I mean what the hell? Seriously? :tweak:

01-15-2008, 04:52 PM
On this point of our country ending what about this whole North American Union?


steve shadows
01-15-2008, 05:19 PM
maybe by summer the dollar will equal the peso

viva mexico

01-15-2008, 05:45 PM
Uuhhh isnt looking appealing and having certain sex appeal a huge thing for presidents? Wasn't it one of the reasons for JFK's success? Also what president was it that couldnt walk but never showed that weakness on television? They just always showed him standing or if you would look carefully someone helping him walk??

Unfortunately for this country, most of us just like what we think looks nice.

You're thinking about FDR, and they didn't even show him standing, they always showed him seated and went as far as to have had wheelchairs that didn't LOOK like wheelchairs.
Nevermind that he was married to his cousin and cheated on her with his secretary, and I am not even going to fucking discuss "The New Deal," I will just respond to your query.

01-15-2008, 05:58 PM
so beacuase , by your notion everyone else might not vote for him because he is basically not SEXY enough to be president, you won't either?

Why not vote for him anyways, what harm would be done, if you believe in his pre-text's and others vote because he doesnt look the most like their favorite WWE wrestler. :ugh:

I think he is poised, direct, educated and firm.

But like idiocracy your going to vote because "he talks like a fag" ? right :keke:


Wht not vote for him anyways? What harm would be done? Are you insane?
Poised? Direct? Dude.. :loco:
Youre honestly saying these things? Did you watch the SC debate? You would honestly want someone like that guy running our country?

That text voting is total comedy... check any national poll.. Ron Pauls percentage is 1-6%...

He doesn't talk like a fag, he talks like an old lost man. And if you watch the debates.. he looks like one too

He's not going to become the republican candidate..

01-15-2008, 06:02 PM
Good grief, and I thought CNN was bad. CNN's bias may be obvious, but at least they make at an effort at being adults. Watching the 28 person (with undisclosed credentials) thing was like an episode of Geraldo/Jerry Seinfeld, "Who's biggest loser tonight?!". Thought it was something from the Onion for a sec. What a farce.

FOX is seriously doing a lot of harm in bad publicity for the republicans. It's guarantee to discourage the moderates, indie, and even-semi-intellegent voters. Exactly who are the target audience for FOX?

01-15-2008, 06:04 PM
maybe by summer the dollar will equal the peso

viva mexico

awesome! that means we can head south and live like kings! $50 garbage bags full of pot and nickel beers! FISH TACOS!!!! woo!

01-15-2008, 06:15 PM
awesome! that means we can head south and live like kings! $50 garbage bags full of pot and nickel beers! FISH TACOS!!!! woo!

You would see the fastest decline this country has ever seen.

01-15-2008, 08:33 PM
Anyone ever see the movie Idiocracy?

I did, and since then, it's been like the movie never ended.

01-15-2008, 08:50 PM
POLLS? POLLS? are u fucking serious? you know how those are done right?

01-15-2008, 08:52 PM
maybe by summer the dollar will equal the peso

viva mexico


01-15-2008, 08:57 PM
I didn't watch the video because politics just make me upset, but has anyone heard about the Iranian speedboats messing with U.S. warships?


It has happened twice so far I believe. President Bush is making a big deal about it saying that if it happens again he'll be forced to take action (well he wouldn't technically be the one taking action, he'd just sign papers to destroy cities and send young people to die and kill civilians, while his daughters party).
So right now I guess the fate of the U.S. depends on if a few guys with speedboats feel like approaching a warship someday.
To me it seems like it's just a perfect excuse to go to war, that's a completely stupid thing to do of Iran which makes me doubt if it's even authentic, do they have any proof those are Iranian boats, not trying to sound like a conspiracy nut but perhaps it could even be staged? It could be some random dudes with painted or stolen boats trying to start a war between the U.S. and Iran, I don't know.

01-15-2008, 09:30 PM
uhn fight club quote

01-15-2008, 10:14 PM
awesome! that means we can head south and live like kings! $50 garbage bags full of pot and nickel beers! FISH TACOS!!!! woo!

lol, i think its the other way around actually. The dollar will buy you less pesos, if the value of the dollar goes down (assuming the value of the peso remains constant). which in turn equates to less fish tacos and other stuff.

01-16-2008, 08:37 AM

This will blow your minds. It did for me last night when I watched it on PBS.
This is true power.

steve shadows
01-16-2008, 09:18 AM
here is the direct link




too many https up there

I wish Thomas Jefferson and Lafayette would rise from the grave for a couple days.

Maybe they could even dig up Benny Franklin.

steve shadows
01-16-2008, 09:25 AM
You're thinking about FDR, and they didn't even show him standing, they always showed him seated and went as far as to have had wheelchairs that didn't LOOK like wheelchairs.
Nevermind that he was married to his cousin and cheated on her with his secretary, and I am not even going to fucking discuss "The New Deal," I will just respond to your query.

FDR and the New Deal are a colossal disgrace and it is when our republic became a socialist-democracy. It was horrific how much it destroyed civil liberties. around the same time as FDR's policies, Stalin was man of the year two years in a row in Time iirc. :barf: