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View Full Version : ka24e problem

Slammed Assassin
01-09-2008, 12:15 AM
I put in a newer ka24e in my 89' coupe because my old one had 230k and got a blown headgasket.. and seems to run fine..anyways. when it stalls the car jumps foward and and car wont start for 5 or more minutes..pls help. I did alot of research and i just cant find he answer..pls dont tell me to get a sr, rb, or anything else because im still saving up...i kno ka-e is crap but its just tempory.

Thanks for the help in advance..

01-09-2008, 12:26 AM
you need to put more info man. too vague.

01-09-2008, 12:30 AM
Don't knock on SOHCs. They take a beating and still keep on kicking ass.

Add more information. ALOT more information. Maybe you're not getting enough fuel? or too much?

Slammed Assassin
01-09-2008, 11:06 PM
sorry about being too vague..i guess u can call me a noob because im only 16..but ive help out with a couple of swaps before and i have prety good knowledge on how to do stuff...so i bought myself a 240 to start a project of my own..anyways i got a free ka-e from a friend..i swaped it in and it surprisingly started on the first try. then when i press the clutch it made a loud squeak and found out it was the throwout bearing..after i fix that i decided to do that stall out test and the car wouldnt start for 5 min.(shit).then today i went to start it up and all it made was a click noise..could it be ground, vacum, wiring, problems?

01-09-2008, 11:56 PM
this happened to my sohc i blew a hg or first signs of it i let it rest and sit for a week cuz i decided to sell now it starts everytime WTF, try letting i sit a day it might work call me a noob2

01-10-2008, 12:04 AM
The reason it won't start is either a bad starter or low battery. Since it clicks you know that the ignition switch and all the relays are working. Try hitting the starter with something a few times and then starting it. If it starts then the starter motor is going bad. If it does not start then try hooking up a battery charger. If it starts then you either have a bad battery or there is a drain somewhere. If it still doesn't start then you have ecessive resistance in the power wire to the starter. Also what do you mean by "stall out test"? The only stall test that I know of is a torque converter stall test.

01-10-2008, 12:29 AM
My problem was the battery on my KA, Does your car start ok (not 5 mins after stall) for example everymorning? If so this will rule out the low battery. As for the "stall out test" I think its just in reference to his own test in where he purposely stalls his car out.

Slammed Assassin
01-10-2008, 07:01 PM
so far i charged the battery..(didnt work) i hooked up the battery with the charger but it didnt work also..i changed out the starter (didnt work)..for some reason the clutch lost pressure and i bled it a shit load of times..any tips?

Slammed Assassin
01-11-2008, 07:52 PM
i found the problem it was a vacum line...somehow it poped off..but i still need help with the clutch loosing pressure over nite..

01-12-2008, 12:05 AM
As for your clutch loosing pressure overnight, it's either a bad clutch master cylinder or a bad slave cylinder. Check your clutch fluid levels just to see if you are leaking any fluid. If you aren't, then chances are it's your clutch master cylinder. If you're gonna replace it, best to replace both the master & slave...
Anyhow, hope this helps.

Always best to start a new thread about a different problem instead of continuing it in your current non-related thread. That way people can read about your new problem & reply to it. I just happened to stumble across your clutch problem while reading about your posted stalling & not starting problem.

Slammed Assassin
01-12-2008, 11:17 AM
^^ hey thanks dude for the tips..ill try it out rite now..

Slammed Assassin
01-12-2008, 09:19 PM
dammit..my car wont start agian..(shit)..i bought a new starter and a slave cylinder and installed them.(worked).but when i walked to the garage after an hour my car wouldnt start Again.what else could be the problem?...pls help..getting tired of this ..but ill just have to deal with it..

Slammed Assassin
01-22-2008, 08:48 PM
all done...problems solved..thanks..