View Full Version : how to let someone know they smell

01-04-2008, 02:11 PM
ok i got a situation, i know of some people that just dont smell pleasent,.. my homie brung his homie over to my crib, we are cool and all, but i initially could smell shit on him.. foreals.. and my room i have a futon as a bed *my room is small* so people usually sit on that thing.. really hard to sleep on that when someone smelly was just chillin on it. unfortinutly after they left i freaking threw out my sheets lol.. but forreall how would you let people know they need to step thier hygene routine up? I know you cant just tell people they stink, some people get offended and think u just dont like em.

01-04-2008, 02:15 PM
sometimes brutal honesty is your only option.
If you had to throw stuff away....I'd recommend a gift basket of shampoo, soap, a scrub pad, deoderant...

01-04-2008, 02:16 PM
tell them no offense, but my room is small, i sleep on this shit you just sat on, you stunk it up, i cant sleep now.

next time can you please be courteous and shower before coming over, or just check your stank at the door before coming in.

or better yet


01-04-2008, 02:17 PM
what smell is this you speak of? bad breath or poor taste in cologne?

It really isn't easy to make your point across without being rude. Once I had to give a friend of mine and one his lady friends a ride. I had never met the lady friend before. Turns out she had the most horrid bio ever, and it would have been awkard to tell her in front of my friend. I told my friend afterwards to suggest she wear deodorant, but at the time I just had to roll down the windows and endure.

Team Aero-K
01-04-2008, 02:17 PM
have an airfreshner airosal can by the door, if they smell like shit, spray them down if they agree...if not, you boot them out of your place!

01-04-2008, 02:17 PM
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.soundpartners.org/files/118987.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.soundpartners.org/node/1593&h=364&w=481&sz=65&hl=en&start=8&sig2=-YsU4yoaZg6H0pgk0K8OFA&tbnid=OzSZUW2eB57JZM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=129&ei=EqJ-R7yQCJGygQPY-KyCBw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dyou%2Bstink%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26 hl%3Den

01-04-2008, 02:18 PM
well i jus took the sheets off for laundry
the smell, really smelled like dookie shit lol

01-04-2008, 02:19 PM
just show him the way out after u smell it

say sorry man, animals are meant to stay out

01-04-2008, 02:21 PM
1. Go to the bathroom
3. Ask him to stop in there and ask him if something smells "off"
5. Take it easy and invest in febreeze

01-04-2008, 02:21 PM
lol, used to have a buddy that I worked with (in the navy) he'd go to the "smoking pit" and come back smelling like 100 dirty wet ash trays.

we got so sick of it that when he came back to the office we would spray him down with a bottle of Febreeze every time.....

01-04-2008, 02:27 PM
lmao tryin not to laugh while im at work

i had to air freshner spray my room last night.. chilled in there for a while.. then left the room for a minute or two, then went back in.. and the smell hit me again in the face.. lmao

01-04-2008, 02:30 PM
honesty is your best policy. but say it in a good manner. or you be like me and say it bluntly. "yo ass stank so you gots to go!!!!!!"

01-04-2008, 02:36 PM
SARS masks:
get several of them, don't put them on until he gets there. Hand one to EVERYONE in the entourage except for him... If he doesn't get that, then kill him, putting him out of all of your misery.

Team Aero-K
01-04-2008, 02:38 PM
SARS masks:
get several of them, don't put them on until he gets there. Hand one to EVERYONE in the entourage except for him... If he doesn't get that, then kill him, putting him out of all of your misery.

hahahahaha holy shit!

01-04-2008, 02:45 PM
just tell him he fucking smells. Thats how i'd handle it anyways.

If its that bad, there's no point in beating around the bush. The way i see it, if the smell is subtle, you give a subtle response, if its not subtle.....well you know what i'm getting at.

I'm a clean freak so i have like zero tolerance for that sorta thing.

01-04-2008, 02:46 PM
haven't seen these on the streets yet.

01-04-2008, 02:51 PM
^^^why does the shirt the girl on the right is wearing have nipple holes in it?

01-04-2008, 03:08 PM
tell him he fucking stinks and not to sit anywhere and leave. no reason to ignore it or bite your tongue, its your crib

01-04-2008, 03:18 PM
Well, do you and your friends take off your shoes in your house? If not, he could've stepped in dog shit..or rolled in it.

It's hard to tell the person they smell like shit 1-on-1 so it's better to have more friends around. What I'd do, if no one decides to man up and take center stage, is tell him in a super joking matter.
"(laughing) Duuude, you fucking smell like shit. Like, for real. (laughing)"
If your other friends agree with you, they should chime in their opinions, too. By then, everyone should be laughing or smiling about how your friend smells like pure shit. At the end, you or someone has to bluntly tell your friend, "Seriously, you do though."

I've experienced a similar situation when my friend stepped in shit while we were out playing airsoft. It works.

01-04-2008, 03:20 PM
since the dude that stinks isnt ur friend, tell yo boy to never bring him to ur house again.. done

01-04-2008, 03:26 PM
i would stright out tell him..

done it before..

01-04-2008, 03:37 PM

#1 Its your crib, yet alone your room that you sleep in, so if anything isn't right. Let that person know straight forward.

The other day, this guy came to my house on new years smelling like straight up WEED, which I dont mind at all. around 2am he began to pass out on my
sofa after he threw up 3 times.

I told him to get up, and go chill outside for a bit, because I dont want him making my sofa smell like tree's, and I want to avoid any possible way of him vomiting on my shit.

He took it very offensive, and pushed me...I was drunk and high, so I have ZERO tolerance for any bit of disrespect in my pad, I grabbed him and threw him outside while he was punching me several times. When I got outside, I didn't even need to fight him...Half my homie's were already handling his ass.

but like I said bro. Your pad Your rules. Handle that shit.
And since you didnt handle it. Now you had to throw out your sheets, and be miserable in your own house. :-/

01-04-2008, 04:00 PM
I'd seriously say "go home...take a shower...do some laundry...and then call me"

Ask any of my "in real life" friends, i'm very very verryyy blunt...and I don't care about feelings.

01-04-2008, 04:07 PM
To him: "Dude, you smell! Don't sit on my bed."

To your room mate, with stinky dude in the same room: "Don't bring smelly ass people into our place and let them sit on my bed. I can't sleep on a futon that smells like his ass."

Now laugh with both of them, then: "No really, he smells like raw shit. I'm serious." :hahano:

01-04-2008, 04:11 PM
True that, just tell your homie not to bring that dude no more.

One chance is someone gets if their smelly.

I'd understand if you just got done playing some sports and all, but usually if I do that then I just sit my ass on the damn floor.

Fuck I even hate it myself after playing basketball and having to drive my self home. Ask Alex I always tell him not to lean his wet back (not a racial word, but just saying his back is wet after playing ball) against the seat.

01-04-2008, 04:19 PM
well i jus took the sheets off for laundry
the smell, really smelled like dookie shit lol

what does my shit have to do with this fool smelling like dirty butt? In all reality, you just say, hey man, you smell like you forgot to wipe your ass for the last week. You need to get yourself some bodywash, some shampoo, a toothbrush/toothpaste combo, and some deodorant, and then do your fucking laundry. After that's done, got o ikea and get me new sheets cause you just fucked mine all up.

01-04-2008, 04:36 PM
Before you're brutally honest, be sure to dry heave in front of them first to let them know that they've got serious stench.

01-04-2008, 04:39 PM
You can also do it this way. when its you and your friends be like "dude what is that smell?" "you smell that?" and go looking around for it and say it smells like ass..." then you and your friends investigate. They will get embarrassed and leave.

01-04-2008, 04:40 PM
tell them they smell... if you want ill tell them for you.. hahaha

01-04-2008, 04:46 PM
True that, just tell your homie not to bring that dude no more.

One chance is someone gets if their smelly.

I'd understand if you just got done playing some sports and all, but usually if I do that then I just sit my ass on the damn floor.

Fuck I even hate it myself after playing basketball and having to drive my self home. Ask Alex I always tell him not to lean his wet back (not a racial word, but just saying his back is wet after playing ball) against the seat.

hahaha love how you have to clarify

01-04-2008, 05:12 PM
When he's over there, be like "Woaaah what's that nasty smell!" Then pretend you're searching for its source, and end up with him.

01-04-2008, 05:14 PM
Make fun of him

Then he'll be so traumatized he'll HAVE to do something about it

01-04-2008, 05:16 PM
^ yea it ends up with someone on the breaking news or on maury.

01-04-2008, 05:24 PM
maybe he had a bad day?? he could of SHARTED on himself or something.

01-04-2008, 05:42 PM
link him to this thread. i'm sure you'll get your point across. i'm sure i'd have to do something about my hygiene if people were talking shit about me (lol, no pun intended).

01-04-2008, 05:49 PM
Mrs. Droft33... yeah....but come on...if you had an "accident" would you go chill at your friend's friend's house....?

We have a term in the Navy for people like this...."Dirt Bag" and that's one of the kinder ones.

Had he been working on a project all day and stank of sweat...that's one thing..nasty, but understandable. If he's just nasty for the sake of being lazy....then it's a whole other issue :(

01-04-2008, 05:58 PM
maybe he had a bad day?? he could of SHARTED on himself or something.

lol yeah maybe

01-04-2008, 06:09 PM


01-04-2008, 06:15 PM
lol just say "wtf is that smell?....one of u smells like ass" sniff the kid and be like "omg its def you...damn kid take a shower" unless he could kick ur ass i wouldnt worry about it....no one wants to get beat up by a big smelly dude...if someone stinks i tell them they stink...i go over other ppls houses and tell them their room smells....why not? if u stink, u stink....wash ur ass, end of story.

01-04-2008, 07:07 PM
i just ''accidently''' dumped a whole bottle of febreeze on em...:bigok:

orr just say '''what the fuck is that smell'' sniff there way and say '''dude did u step on dog shit or something'' :angel:

01-04-2008, 07:19 PM
Fuck I even hate it myself after playing basketball and having to drive my self home. Ask Alex I always tell him not to lean his wet back (not a racial word, but just saying his back is wet after playing ball) against the seat.

Even I do this shit in my own car. I drive home like a grandma hunched over my steering wheel to make sure my...saturated back doesn't get all over my seat.

Had he been working on a project all day and stank of sweat...that's one thing..nasty, but understandable. If he's just nasty for the sake of being lazy....then it's a whole other issue :(

I don't think I've ever mistook the stank of sweat to be the stank of shit though. Maybe your friend's friend just really had to shit and was turtle poking. If he smells like shit the next time you meet him, just tell him to go take a shit.

Man, this whole thread is making me want to go take a shower. I think the shit is seeping through my screen..

01-04-2008, 08:41 PM
i used to live with a homie who just fucking stank. his room was so bad that we put towels under his door to keep it there. he would come into a room and we could just smell his funk. so one day we all just chipped in and bought him soap, and deodorant. it cured it for about 1.5 months, until he ran out of both, then boom the stank came back. just be blunt man, tell him that if he wreeks like that he will NEVER get laid.

01-05-2008, 12:41 PM
if its a friend dont even worry about it. just tell him/her. i did it before.

Dirty Habit
01-05-2008, 01:59 PM
Everyone gets swamp ass. The key is knowledge of prevention.

Some Johnson's on your steez every morning after showering is the way.

01-05-2008, 02:02 PM
^^ just take emm aside if ur chill with them, and tell them they stink, dont say it infront of everybody though, save them the embaressment. even though it is already...

01-06-2008, 10:06 PM
next tiem you see your budy on aim send him this link


if he doesnt get it, give up.

01-06-2008, 10:18 PM
When he's over there, be like "Woaaah what's that nasty smell!" Then pretend you're searching for its source, and end up with him.

yea I would pretty much do the same thing and add the fact that he can't sit on my bed.

I don't care if its in front of a bunch of people...cause I know most of them are thinking the same thing.

One-to-one might be even worse...cause you never know..he might be the breathy talking kind of person with hot breath.

01-06-2008, 10:22 PM
Just tell him! aint no thang!:wiggle:

01-07-2008, 03:16 PM
I had a fucking troop like this. Honestly, I just told him straight up that he stinks and needs to take care of himself better. Most people, its not that they dont bathe or use body wash/deodorant or shiet like that. They are mostly lazy fucks who wouldnt change their damn clothes. THis guy, I shiet you not, we marked his BDU (got a marker and put a dot on his collar). From the time we marked it, he wore that shiet for another month and a half (6 gawdamn weeks in cali summer, and he rode a bike from the dorms to get to work everyday), I cant even tell you how long he was wearing that uniform BEFORE we marked it.

Again, just tell them. People like these honestly dont know they stink. They get so used to their smell and just dont notice it. Its like having Hallitosis, everybody knows but you.

01-07-2008, 03:39 PM
SARS masks:
get several of them, don't put them on until he gets there. Hand one to EVERYONE in the entourage except for him... If he doesn't get that, then kill him, putting him out of all of your misery.

damn.....jdm mask

lol..dude just shoot em lol
but yeah be a friend tell him the problem

i have a co worker who has a bad bad breath who smog drink and eat coffee for breakfast, lunch, and dinner ... took me awhile because she is a female good looking female but yeah i one day we had a project together and no choice i offered her gum ...alot of them lol

01-07-2008, 04:17 PM
"You fucking smell"

Sometimes they might laugh and feel a little insecure... but they'll get over it. In the end they may realize that you did them a favor.