View Full Version : gauge cluster conversion ?

10-06-2002, 10:57 PM
If i bought a gauge cluster for a 95-96 and put it in my car (a 97), how difficult would it be to recalibrate (is that the word....correct me if i'm wrong) the Speedo and the Tach to 97-98 specs? The oil and fuel? How much would it cost to get it done? Thanks.

10-06-2002, 11:42 PM
no offense but why? I think the s14a gauge cluster is way better looking than the 95-96 one. But to each his own, and honestly I doubt anybody knows on this forums it would cost to recalibrate your stuff, just call your local shop or Nissan dealership and ask, it would be the easiest thing to do and the most accurate estimate.

10-07-2002, 01:41 AM
I honestly did not know you need to recalibrate the gauges.  I thought it was a direct swap, IMO the 95-96 gauges do look better.  Plus you can by reverse indiglos for that gauge cluster.

As for recalibrating...you got me, but I would check out the dealership if you don't mind spending the $$$$$.

10-07-2002, 05:23 AM
(I HAVE BEEN DRINKING)THEY ARE THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!....just plug and play......i have always liked the 97-98 bezel over the 95-95.....but they are a DIRECT swap.......