View Full Version : what is starting to notice on zilvia and what i we do to help.

01-02-2008, 11:34 AM
well i was on really early in the morning and i searched and i saw a thread that look good so i read it and add my two cents in well i fucked up i didn't notice the new rules that were add and i didn't get a waring i just got infacted do to the fact that i posted on a really old thread that should have been locked a long time ago but am the ass hole that aciddently with out know bumped a old thread i know am going to be neg reped. up the ass and some members are going to talk trash but how many time have you searched and found really old threads that are still active people find that on late night searchs.but if you want more clearity here is the thread and after i posted and bumped a old thread other people started bumping it too i don't know if they got infacted but i did well heres the thread post http://www.zilvia.net/f/private.php?do=showpm&pmid=1398966 also the roads in question i could understand but i a late night search on google i found this concept forum which is active heres the forum http://www.conceptinmotion.numutant.net/forum20/viewforum.php?f=16 i think that before infracting some one for something that a forum moderate should have locked along time ago is bullshit. but ill let the people from have a field day with this thread and the rep that comes with it. where to kids but so members act like kids a add stupid thread or rep. i only post on that thread so people that what to know about good roads to drive know if this roads become pig farms it due to the lack of respect to the road and themself everyone in this forum is responsable for there own actions on public roads am not saying that go drift this roads am saying that drive this roads safely if you want to drift go to a event thats what way they have them. i and taking it upon myself so that this type of infraction don't happen again any old thread from a time frame that a moderate gives me i well bump only for it to be deleted acordding to the the new IBTL and other nonsense posting that was added 12/13/07. i like this forum and the people and the meets and the hook ups if i sound like i was be a little bitch because i go infracted it not that its that some threads have good info or info that some people might want to know. i google alot and am on the forum as much as i can. i hope this well help and inlight the members and moderators from zilvia.net

01-02-2008, 11:40 AM
Would be much easier to read with some punctuation and capitalization... let me re-read...

01-02-2008, 11:44 AM
An infraction IS a warning.

We don't need to lock every old thread. We would like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they would look at the dates on a thread before posting in it if you found it by searching.

You really need to work on you Engrish and punctuation because your posts are very difficult to understand.

Don't talk about neg rep. The more you talk about it, the more it'll come true. Crying about an infraction and neg rep is the last thing you want to do on here. Also, if you had a problem with said infraction, you need to take it to PM's with the moderator that gave it to you. Again, crying about in in Off-Topic only makes you look bad. Not the mods.

We're (mods/admin) not here to ruin anyone's lunch, day, week, life. We're here to make sure Zilvia is the best 240sx site in the World. There are 46,000+ members on here and there needs to be rules and order. That's where we come in. Don't like it leave. But that's ultimately not what we want.

GL on Zilvia.


01-02-2008, 11:46 AM
I didn't read your post before reading it.

You need to address a few issues I encountered with your post before I'll read it.

1. Paragraph structure.
2. Capitalization.
3. Punctuation.
4. I'm sure your syntax, grammar, spelling and sentence structure leave something to be desired as well.

In short, make this a legible and easily decipherable post, and I (and others) will bother ourselves to read and respond to it.

I realize this isn't elementary, middle, highschool or college. If you're 22, you should be past at least highschool and be capable of writing a few paragraphs in correct English. For the sake of all other users, you should take the extra minute or two to review your words to check for errors and then fix them. It'll save you embarrassment as well as assist others in understanding you.

Final thoughts:
"what i we do" - Really? What do "I we" do?

01-02-2008, 12:36 PM
Please Delete this thread thank you

01-02-2008, 12:43 PM
you're a premie do it yourself