View Full Version : moped rider in japan tries to ditch the Koban.

12-31-2007, 08:27 PM

12-31-2007, 08:41 PM
japan tires huh

12-31-2007, 08:44 PM
japan tires crazy

12-31-2007, 08:44 PM
grammer failure. :).

12-31-2007, 08:44 PM
got a visual of a guy on a moped wearing tires while trying to escape the police.

oh, and a Koban is a mini police station...
Keisatsu, or Omawari is police....

12-31-2007, 08:47 PM
Chat General Discussion About The Nissan 240SX and Nissan Z Cars

So, uhhhhhhhh, how does this fit in exactly?

Moving it to Off Topic.

12-31-2007, 08:54 PM
what exactly are they rolling them for? helmet?

12-31-2007, 08:58 PM
what exactly are they rolling them for? helmet?

They are Bosozoku...basically an annoying ass tribe of punks that do nothing but steal mopeds and motorcycles and cause mass aggrivation when driving late at night.

Disturbing the peace is most likely what they were originally going to get....

they usually do these parades between 11pm and dawn....fags.

edit: yeah they pulled them for helmets....one kid (driver) was 16. (the first ones pulled over)

they generally have no licenses and no insurance... ride with no helmets and no lights.

12-31-2007, 09:03 PM
I hated those bastards when I was on Oki.

Riding around two to a bike with the person on the back waving a fucking stick hitting people's cars and shit.

I always wanted to just side swipe one just for the hell of it.

I like the narrator's tone, he made it just that more drama.

12-31-2007, 09:13 PM
/\ yep...

Had a few dealings with them.

Once in my S13 the night I brought it home from doing the CA18DET engine swap, bastards were in my lane on one of their parades...I didn't budge and one rider had to bail to his left into one of the VIP sedans that was rolling with them.

From the rear view mirror all I saw was his scooter do off on it's own. Driver of the scooter apparently was ok, cuz I saw him get up after the sedan stopped. Since there was about 100 of them....I put the new engine to a full power run and got the hell out of there ;)

the other in my wifes W10 Avenir. a dirt bike and a scooter (both with two people) cut infront of me from oncoming traffic, making a turn where they had no right making a turn. They literally appeared out of no where. No turn lane for them what-so-ever.

Had to slam my brakes on this POS wagon. When I looked up I see four scared to shit teenage Japanese kids, who suddenly realized I was a Gaijin....

They took off, and I jammed the gas peddle down (SR18DE FTL :( ) and tried to catch them. (or at least scare the crap out of them more)

My half Japanese buddy was trying to get the license plates. I caught a light and they busted across on coming traffic again (running the red light) and disappeared.

A japanese driver next to me looked over, smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

12-31-2007, 09:39 PM
so is the general conscious that the public hates these guys?

12-31-2007, 09:41 PM
I give props to the last guy for at least having some nightriding skill, and I give props to the police for being cool and using non-violent techniques unlike trigger-happy American officers who like to yell and slam people on the ground.

12-31-2007, 10:46 PM
Yeah, has some skill and balls. I would never ride a bike like that through those kind of alleyways at night. You have to think though, our cops are trained to act to situations differently. We have alot more idiots out there doing more shit than just riding around doing petty crime. Our societies are just different. I think our cops are trained to be dicks. lol

Those sirens are damn annoying sounding.

12-31-2007, 11:00 PM
HyperTek - yes you are generally disliked by everyone else if you are a Bosozoku.

12-31-2007, 11:01 PM
Japanese police are pretty docile until you cross the line. Esp with drunks in the street, Ive seen alot of cops take badgering from them for a couple of mins before they bring out the whoop ass which is always funny.I perfer the way the Japanese cops handle things, cause you really gotta be f*%king up to get into real trouble. Boso's are annoying but 90% will back down once you show them your not afraid even when your somewhat outnumbered. But like always your got to keep your eye on the 10% who have something to prove.

12-31-2007, 11:29 PM
i wouldn't even consider them boso what the hell

its just some kids breaking the rules, two people on a bike and no helmets

boso isn't really even around anymore just some people who try to keep it alive

fyi most of the kids went from being boso riders to drifting after they passed a law against bikers or they joined the yakuza

the boso clan took in kids that ran away from home or weren't accepted in society and gave them a place to call home

and the bosozoku is still one of the coolest gangs out of japan

don't deny it

Koopa Troopa
01-01-2008, 06:09 AM
They are Bosozoku...basically an annoying ass tribe of punks that do nothing but steal mopeds and motorcycles and cause mass aggrivation when driving late at night.

Disturbing the peace is most likely what they were originally going to get....

they usually do these parades between 11pm and dawn....fags.

edit: yeah they pulled them for helmets....one kid (driver) was 16. (the first ones pulled over)

they generally have no licenses and no insurance... ride with no helmets and no lights.

You don't need a license for a 50cc and insurance is not required for anything in Japan.

However no helmets and lights is pretty illegal..

We need that anti boso task force in Oki. Fuck those homo's.

i wouldn't even consider them boso what the hell

its just some kids breaking the rules, two people on a bike and no helmets

boso isn't really even around anymore just some people who try to keep it alive

fyi most of the kids went from being boso riders to drifting after they passed a law against bikers or they joined the yakuza

the boso clan took in kids that ran away from home or weren't accepted in society and gave them a place to call home

and the bosozoku is still one of the coolest gangs out of japan

don't deny it

Yeah, no.

110% wrong in every aspect of that post.

01-01-2008, 09:22 AM
unlike trigger-happy American officers who like to yell and slam people on the ground.

nothing wrong with being strict. way to keep people in line.

01-01-2008, 09:29 AM
man that title was painful to read....

so this is about guys riding on scooters without a helmet?

I was honestly expecting some humor or cool cars when I first saw this thread....

01-01-2008, 10:01 AM
lol boso. yeah i know what those people are.

XD boso boso boso!

01-01-2008, 11:10 AM
hate those fuckers
coming out of narita to crash over at society mikes house in japan. he picked me up in the s14
traffic was fucking TERRIBLE getting back
ended up some boso guys decided to 'close' a lane and tlak
mike slowed down revved and burned outnext to them (wastegate crack) and took off

FUCK those guys. if it wasnt my first time there i would have thrown something at them.

01-01-2008, 03:33 PM
I give props to the last guy for at least having some nightriding skill, and I give props to the police for being cool and using non-violent techniques unlike trigger-happy American officers who like to yell and slam people on the ground.

I think the main reason American cops do that is because jerkoff Americans tend to not respect police, get violent, and generally not listen to law enforcment....

ended up some boso guys decided to 'close' a lane and tlak
mike slowed down revved and burned outnext to them (wastegate crack) and took off

FUCK those guys. if it wasnt my first time there i would have thrown something at them.

So wait, parked their bikes, and just sat there? Don't the police get tired of chasing these guys?

01-01-2008, 03:53 PM
So wait, parked their bikes, and just sat there? Don't the police get tired of chasing these guys?


tell me when to go

01-01-2008, 04:02 PM
tell me when to go
Hah I wish some semi truck would plow through those dudes, I'd be throwing wrenches at them from the opposite lane.

01-01-2008, 04:10 PM
So wait, parked their bikes, and just sat there? Don't the police get tired of chasing these guys?

cops in japan are a bunch of pussies
they wont work too hard unless tehy have to it seems
we cruised down (a japanese friend w/ a 500HP markII D1/D1SL/ADM car) the country road
no seat belts (both of us)
going too fast
cop pulls behind us. he just keeps going faster and the cop gave up

in california or any where in the USA youd have choppers and shit going after you.