View Full Version : Getting Ref'd on New Years Eve!!!

12-31-2007, 07:44 PM
Well great way to start the new year. I got rolled this morning in La Habra on my way to work from my girls pad. I wasn't driving like an ass bag or anything just going straight minding my own business and i see the sheriff in their truck waiting on the side of the street in launch mode. As I pass them I look in my rear view and sure enough they pull out and they're tailing me. I get stopped and the cop tells me he pulled me over cuz my car looked too low and my front looked like it was gonna fall off... i didn't say anything to that. So long story short they pull me over and make me pop my hood. They take pics w/ a camera and tell me to wait my car. Half an hour later they give me a ticket stating I have to go to the REF. Oh yea they gave me a citation for not having a working horn. I've got a nardi w/ out a horn buttong. I just thought that was kinda petty.

Well I got ref'd in LA county earlier this year and hopefully it'll be as easy as last time. I just appeared in court pleaded guilty to the judge and paid the $367 fine and that was it. I don't know if it'll be the same in the OC.

I hope everyone else is having a better new years eve than i am and watch out for those police cuz they're out in full force tonight.

sorry mods i wasn't sure on where to post this. please move accordingly.

12-31-2007, 07:46 PM
Damn that sucks.

I don't know if second offenses count with different counties or if its state wide kind of thing.

Hopefully you get off easy.


12-31-2007, 07:47 PM
im sorry man. in texas we dont have to go throught that it sounds horrible, but geting refed sounds as bad as getting bro raped :ugh: suks dude...

ps i <3 azndoc!!!!!!!

12-31-2007, 07:49 PM
Thats sucks ass, what I dont get is why did the sherrif give u a tic to the reff? Isnt CHP the one who does that?

12-31-2007, 07:54 PM
Yea i'm hoping since it's different counties they won't know about the 1st one.

I think 1st time I got Ref'd they were Sheriffs also.

i think i'm gonna get fucked up tonight, but i ain't drivin that's for sure......

12-31-2007, 07:55 PM
Thats sucks ass, what I dont get is why did the sherrif give u a tic to the reff? Isnt CHP the one who does that?

all cali cops can give you a ref ticket!:barf:

12-31-2007, 08:03 PM
that's lame...they sent pics to someone to have them look over by the sounds of it.

Used to love my WRX wagon. Lived in CA (for work (Navy)) and had Florida tags, CHP used to flip u-turns (cuz no front plate) then tail me for about 5 minutes. I could see them on the radio, obviously trying to figure out how they could pull me over....considering I always drove kosher in the day time.

Drift N Dragg
12-31-2007, 08:06 PM
I think it will still show in the System... I got pulled over and force to Ref in Nor Cal... I joined the military came back got Pulled over and Ref'd in So Call attached with a 600 Dollar Fine... But If I understand correctly isn't there a No Profiling Law that is suppose to be in effect... But I guess if you have a badge that just doesn't matter.... My GF got pulled over 3 days ago in a Stock 05 Mits eclipse GTS and they tried to Ticket her for a aftermarket Exhaust.. How bogus is that Crap? Cali is getting out of Hand....

Sorry didn't mean to rant.... GL though with that .. Hopefully it they dont see it

12-31-2007, 08:14 PM
i hate that shit.. some random car profiling and pull over is gonna cost you over $300 bucks.. your right up there with sex offenders and rapests

12-31-2007, 08:21 PM
love it when the CHP would pull my friend over with a stock STi and try and cite him for an aftermarket exhaust...idiots.

12-31-2007, 08:38 PM
damn that suck's i got rolled 2 times already i think tha second one was like $450 i was sooo sad

Drift N Dragg
12-31-2007, 08:40 PM
Yeah... Sheriffs made my girlfriend cry and him and his buddy where laughing when they left... I hate that shit.. Like they can just do whatever.. If I report them in a small town I will be pointed out ... I mean crap we cant Profile them... but they are Ok to do it to us .. in the name what? .. Wow.. I need a Sam Adams Cherry Wheat.... Wooo its good.

12-31-2007, 08:44 PM
i tend to not give a fuck anymore when it comes to being pulled over.

i rarely get rolled, but when i do its usually just for exhaust.

i dont give a fuck though, thanks to logan and his flanges. 10 bucks? chump change.

12-31-2007, 09:06 PM
i got refed once already.. paid a 380$ fine.. no biggie..

getting refed is cheaper then most monthly payments on most cars..:naughty:

12-31-2007, 09:43 PM
man my ref tickets where like over 700 etc.. and i had 2 of em in 2005 or 06 i cant remember.. but that was other shit on top of that.. lowered, removal of smog, none visible license plate *had it bent/tilted up drifta style*

12-31-2007, 09:52 PM
At least they didn't impound your car. What a shitty way to end the year. Lets us know what you end up paying.

12-31-2007, 10:17 PM
i honestly can say

with 100% truthfulness

i NEVER FEEL sad when i hear a cop dies

im sorry
but fuck the police

for serious
maybe its the beers talking
but those fuckers have nothing better to do then pick on youngsters and kids who enjoy working and fixing cars

street racers and DOING street racing YES fuck those kids. pull them over take their liscense CRUSH THE CAR

but just cruising down the street minding your own business
they dont pull over the hot rod guy sw/ no fenders, no front plates, no seatbelts
but a kid w/ a 'street race car' yeah fuck him!
shit the hotrod has a engine making 550 hp on a 1300lb car. yeah he's cool.


for sure.

thats why i dont daily my car anymore
see it on the trailer officer, cant do a GODDAMN thing about it
no cat leaded gas illegal engine

eat a dick.

good luck my friend.

12-31-2007, 10:28 PM
i honestly can say

with 100% truthfulness

i NEVER FEEL sad when i hear a cop dies
I never do either...I know people will be outraged.
It's always made out to be a tragedy when an officer is killed in the line of duty and people make me feel all guilty and worthless when I don't feel sorry for him or her, but my view is that if you don't expect to put yourself in life threatening situations every day, then what were you thinking when you joined the force.

12-31-2007, 11:23 PM

12-31-2007, 11:27 PM
Yea i'm hoping since it's different counties they won't know about the 1st one.

I think 1st time I got Ref'd they were Sheriffs also.

i think i'm gonna get fucked up tonight, but i ain't drivin that's for sure......

i dont even know how many times i got pulled over...i got pulled over in la area and also in lancaster...and the judge there saw all my records from before!!! so...GL!

12-31-2007, 11:36 PM
While I know the east coast isn't nearly as bad as you guys in Cali, it's getting unbearable in my area. The town I live in is 2 square miles, and surrounded by busy places . I think there is about 5-8 cops in my town lol and they're all as close as can be. It's 100% guaranteed I'll be pulled over if I drive for more then ten minutes in my town, but I can drive anywhere else and no other cops waste their time with me. I really can't take it, its all trigger happy rookies who literally try to intimidate me at every chance they possibly can. Shit don't work on me though, although sometimes I feel I'll get shot by them haha.

01-01-2008, 12:20 AM
We are not here to hate on cops. Sucks you got a ticket. Do like Aaron does and trailer it. They can't say shit (unless the back wheels are on the ground, then iirc they can...especially if it isnt registered).