View Full Version : Questions about 5 lug conversion and brake upgrade

10-05-2002, 08:50 PM
In case you haven't read the article I will give you brief cliff notes: They took the rear hub, spindle and brake assembly from a 300ZX TT to put on the 240(first question concerns this). They also replaced the suspension links(second question). They talk about replacing the S13 ball joints with aftermarket ball joints for the 5-lug conversion(third question).

1. If you go this route with the 300ZX rear hubs you don't need new hubs for the rear, correct? And these are the same bolt pattern as the front would be with a 5 lug hub off an S14, correct?

2. I'm not sure if this is actually necessary, but for the rear would you use 300ZX or 240SX suspension links or are they the same? What kind does everyone have/recommend?

3. What would be the best place to buy the ball joints from? And what kind would you recommend?

10-05-2002, 10:25 PM
Look here:
Fresh Alloy thread (http://forums.freshalloy.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB9&Number=343178&page=14&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1)

You may have to register first before you can view the page, but its worth it....the pics are alot better than the magazine.


drift freaq
10-06-2002, 12:18 PM
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1. If you go this route with the 300ZX rear hubs you don't need new hubs for the rear, correct? And these are the same bolt pattern as the front would be with a 5 lug hub off an S14, correct?
2. I'm not sure if this is actually necessary, but for the rear would you use 300ZX or 240SX suspension links or are they the same? What kind does everyone have/recommend?
3. What would be the best place to buy the ball joints from? And what kind would you recommend? </td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

ok here we go.
1. you are getting hubs when you get the 300zx hub so no you do not need new hubs the 300sx hubs are the new hubs, and yes the bolt patterns are identical hence the interchangeabiltity.
2. do not bother changing your suspension link it is unecssary. All you need is the 300zx rear hub and the backing plate if you are going to install the 300zx rear brakes due to the fact that the parking brake on the 300zx is on the inside of the rotor in the form of a minuature drum brake . you will also need to figure out how to extend your parking brake cable on either side .
3. on the ball joints for the front lower control arms i.e. S14 balls joints . there are a couple of different aftermarket manufactures that sell them. Moog is one . Most any brand your local auto parts store stocks will work. Its strictly a matter of the price because it does vary.
remember also you only need this for the s13 and you also need to include the s14 front knuckle with the hub .
your s13 knuckle will not work.

thats it in a nut shell , oh yeah by the way this is all covered in our faq section.