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12-28-2007, 04:25 AM

12-28-2007, 04:30 AM
You drive a white fastback with s15 face?

12-28-2007, 04:31 AM
that sucks man, do they have cameras in the lot?

12-28-2007, 06:02 AM
You drive a white fastback with s15 face?

he drives a black s14 kouki.

parking lot cameras are typically worthless seeing as they're always moving and/or placed just dead center in certain areas so they get little to no visibility of ppl unless they walk right under them.

sucks for you Johnny. wouldn't want you to sell your car though :hs:

12-28-2007, 06:28 AM
he drives a black s14 kouki.

parking lot cameras are typically worthless seeing as they're always moving and/or placed just dead center in certain areas so they get little to no visibility of ppl unless they walk right under them.

sucks for you Johnny. wouldn't want you to sell your car though :hs:
I would still talk to parking garage security or mall security whoever runs it around there and see if they have video footage around that time. But most likely you will never find the person and have to pay for the damages yourself. Sorry bout your luck bro.

12-28-2007, 06:55 AM
did you piss anyone off on your way in? cut some one off/drive like an ass. I know I have been tempted to do that to a few dumb ppl driving like idiots.

12-28-2007, 07:53 AM
damn...maybe u know who found u....u know....them :barf:

12-28-2007, 07:57 AM
Do you believe in karma? No offense, just asking.

Sucks to hear man, sounds like your car is really really fucked up.

12-28-2007, 08:05 AM
Damn I would just keep the car but get a daily driver car.

12-28-2007, 09:32 AM
I havn't had such good luck either. Some idiot sideswiped my 240, when it was parked on the street a month ago. The body and my Volks got all scraped up. The side mirror is gone. Earlier this year, someone decided to smash up the windows on my 240.

Also, I park my miata and crx outside my house. The miata got towed by the city one day. After I got it out of the impound, the damn city impounded my miata again, along with my crx the very next day. Excuse was that I parked the cars for over 72 hrs. Basically had to pay around $800 a week for that.

There also quite a bit of personal bs that happened, like death of my 2nd closest family member, getting laid off at thanksgiving, gf cheating with 7 dudes, and other miscellaneous nonsense. Usually I'm not superstitious, but 2007 is not my fav year, and I'm glad it's going to be over soon.

did you piss anyone off on your way in? cut some one off/drive like an ass. I know I have been tempted to do that to a few dumb ppl driving like idiots.

lol, here in los angeles that is difficult not to do. lots of ppl take personal offense (real or not) at just about anything. Seriously, I just prefer to avoid places like the mall altogether. Nothing good can come from those places anyhow, and you always hear cars get stolen there.

12-28-2007, 10:53 AM
i know what you mean. some idiot(s?) decided to pour paint all over the front end of my car (s14) 2 days before christmas. i mean seriously.... who does that? i'm a nice guy. try to stay out of trouble. not sure who i pissed off really. i'm just happy it all came off. good as new.

"what kind of a gutless pussy....fucks with another man's car?" ( <--what movie is that from?) thats all i kept thinking.

12-28-2007, 10:57 AM
people just dont care anymore. i used to work at the long beach town center and i saw people kick cars, throw shit on them, 3 employees cars got stolen. big shopping malls suck.

oh yeah and i probably lost a job at a store there because some guy decided to get in to a fight with me over my car after i came out from an interview

12-28-2007, 11:02 AM
sorry about what happened. i feel ya tho.

u just gotta be mature and man up about it and say to yourself, "shit happens" because hey, what else can you? it already happened.

ima firm believer that when shit happens in your life, good things will happen to make up for it. <---just dont mess this concept up by doing shit to other people (karma!) oooooooooo yeaaa i believe this.

never know, u might just meat this hot as girl at the body shop when you get your car repainted :naughty:

12-28-2007, 11:09 AM
Malls are breading hole for ass holes and pussies, I go to ghetto swap meets.LOL I have never had my car fucked with there. Besides Malls are over rated.Haha

12-28-2007, 11:52 AM
lol, here in los angeles that is difficult not to do. lots of ppl take personal offense (real or not) at just about anything. Seriously, I just prefer to avoid places like the mall altogether. Nothing good can come from those places anyhow, and you always hear cars get stolen there.

First off, sorry for all that shit that happened to you. That really sucks for the city to do you dirty like that. Second, I am from the LA area. :keke: Believe me, I know about that petty drama. PPL in LA can suck bad sometimes. More than likely it was some punk kid that was jealous or emo that he didn't have a 240. I agree though... I try to avoid those places with any of my S chassis. I doubt I will be driving them hardly at all when I am back home.

12-28-2007, 11:56 AM
california is sweet

/bash 'o' day

that sucks guy.

12-28-2007, 12:12 PM
yeah sell the car and buy my 350z.


Sucks to hear. Damn people.

12-28-2007, 12:36 PM
sorry to hear that kvahag, i just read what happen about the incident you had earlier, its good to hear you didnt loose your cool and try to fight back, even if people say u whimped out, you did the smart thing, its not worth loosing your life over attitudes.. ive heard of people getting shot over stupid shit like this. I got friends who get into fights at clubs, esp when thier club-aquintance buddys get into fights and my friends feel they need to stick up for them and jump in.. i always feel im not gonna risk my life for only a club buddy.

i thought i had a bad week, lost both my dogs on the 23rd *someone left our gate open and they ran out* , my best friends car got stolen the other day, and todays paycheck is at a all time low i feel like quiting..

12-28-2007, 01:41 PM
lol what the fuck is up with california? seriously I really wanna move out there but it seems like its kinda hectic...thats dumb that you have to worry about ppl fuckin with ur car everywhere....Ive accidently left my car unlocked so many times or park it in the most cramped spots, public places etc... and (knock on wood) nothin has happened to my car yet...ppl over there need to chill out, I thought cali was supposed to be laid back

12-28-2007, 01:46 PM
^Now dont start with the "Oh you cant take your car out of the garage or it will get _______!!!" Thats :bs: cause ive never ever had a problem with leaving my car in a public lot in socal.Face it someone that is either stupid. hater or having a bad day did this not your average californian.Only once has something like this happened and it wasn't my car it was my buddy's 2 month old STI and it got keyed outside of a party.Oh yea witch it was someone hating.Need less to say by the time my friend let up on him he couldn't even pick up some keyes:D.

12-28-2007, 02:48 PM
damn where the pics at yo? so we can get some blood boiling

12-28-2007, 02:52 PM
^Now dont start with the "Oh you cant take your car out of the garage or it will get _______!!!" Thats :bs: cause ive never ever had a problem with leaving my car in a public lot in socal.Face it someone that is either stupid. hater or having a bad day did this not your average californian.Only once has something like this happened and it wasn't my car it was my buddy's 2 month old STI and it got keyed outside of a party.Oh yea witch it was someone hating.Need less to say by the time my friend let up on him he couldn't even pick up some keyes:D.

I dont doubt that thats not the average californian but the number of stories like this or "oh no my car got stolen!" are ridiculous especially during the spring and summer seems like theres a new sticky everyweek cause somebody in cali got their car stolen

12-28-2007, 02:57 PM
nope i didn't do anything to anyone on my way into the mall. im not a bad person, i don't get into bad things so karma shouldn't be a problem. idk i hope next year will be better for me.

12-28-2007, 03:01 PM
lol what the fuck is up with california? seriously I really wanna move out there but it seems like its kinda hectic...thats dumb that you have to worry about ppl fuckin with ur car everywhere....Ive accidently left my car unlocked so many times or park it in the most cramped spots, public places etc... and (knock on wood) nothin has happened to my car yet...ppl over there need to chill out, I thought cali was supposed to be laid back

It is laid back but most people here have this attitude like they have something to prove to you or that you should not say anything them.

12-28-2007, 03:02 PM
Were the BMW and the Porsche still parked there?

12-28-2007, 03:17 PM
damn that sux =(. will insurance be able to do anything about it?

my car got hit today by my own automatic gate that has no sensors... -_-

12-28-2007, 04:02 PM
lol what the fuck is up with california? seriously I really wanna move out there but it seems like its kinda hectic...thats dumb that you have to worry about ppl fuckin with ur car everywhere....Ive accidently left my car unlocked so many times or park it in the most cramped spots, public places etc... and (knock on wood) nothin has happened to my car yet...ppl over there need to chill out, I thought cali was supposed to be laid back

CA is large, and has many diversified areas. I think it really depends where you're at. To date, I have had good luck living in San Francisco and the East Bay (bar Oakland, which I don't care for and try to avoid). I lived there for 4 yrs, and never had a single incident. It was very laid back.

I have mixed luck in Los Angeles. I live in a decent area close to Beverly Hills. Thank goodness I've never had my car stolen. However, there has been numerous incidences here. I had an EG civic coupe, that had it's windows smashed twice. Had a drunk driver total the same EG while it was parked outside my house and then blame me for it (she was from FL, however).
As I said, I also had my S14's windows smashed this year again. My brother's Audi had someone key "F U" all over it. He's quite mellow for the most part, so I doubt he did something that would deserve that.

Around the Silverlake area, I've had my pos honda crx (just had some lousy rotas on) stolen once.

I've also been harassed A LOT by cops in the Orange County area, and they like to make some pretty uncouth assumptions. That area truly horrifies me. The OC is my least fav area anyhow and I avoid it.

I'd (based on my experience) say norcal is laid back, but not so much socal.
Plus, as a lot of ppl in this thread have mentioned, it seems like a lot of ppl in socal have an axe to grind. They tend to overeact very easy and take things personal. there's a lot of hate in the air.

12-28-2007, 04:29 PM
Were the BMW and the Porsche still parked there?

the beemer was but not the porsche, and they were parked in the corner of the lot whereas i was towards the elevator

damn that sux =(. will insurance be able to do anything about it?

that's a negative.

this is why i want to move on from this car, it has brought me nothing but trouble. i am very attached to it and i had very big plans, but everytime i think about putting it up for sale something prevents it from going on sale. it's freakin' weird. after it gets all fixed and i sell it, i'm thinking about moving on to a 350z. any other ideas for other cars in the 10-20k price range?

12-28-2007, 04:38 PM
the beemer was but not the porsche, and they were parked in the corner of the lot whereas i was towards the elevator

that's a negative.

this is why i want to move on from this car, it has brought me nothing but trouble. i am very attached to it and i had very big plans, but everytime i think about putting it up for sale something prevents it from going on sale. it's freakin' weird. after it gets all fixed and i sell it, i'm thinking about moving on to a 350z. any other ideas for other cars in the 10-20k price range?

BMW M coupe!!

12-28-2007, 04:46 PM
wow..that really sucks..i saw ur car at the Wed. night meet the bang-ups werent too horrible and now this..?? sorry to hear/read..fucking haters

12-28-2007, 04:56 PM
CA is large, and has many diversified areas. I think it really depends where you're at. To date, I have had good luck living in San Francisco and the East Bay (bar Oakland, which I don't care for and try to avoid). I lived there for 4 yrs, and never had a single incident. It was very laid back.

I have mixed luck in Los Angeles. I live in a decent area close to Beverly Hills. Thank goodness I've never had my car stolen. However, there has been numerous incidences here. I had an EG civic coupe, that had it's windows smashed twice. Had a drunk driver total the same EG while it was parked outside my house and then blame me for it (she was from FL, however).
As I said, I also had my S14's windows smashed this year again. My brother's Audi had someone key "F U" all over it. He's quite mellow for the most part, so I doubt he did something that would deserve that.

Around the Silverlake area, I've had my pos honda crx (just had some lousy rotas on) stolen once.

I've also been harassed A LOT by cops in the Orange County area, and they like to make some pretty uncouth assumptions. That area truly horrifies me. The OC is my least fav area anyhow and I avoid it.

I'd (based on my experience) say norcal is laid back, but not so much socal.
Plus, as a lot of ppl in this thread have mentioned, it seems like a lot of ppl in socal have an axe to grind. They tend to overeact very easy and take things personal. there's a lot of hate in the air.

yeah idk ive been to cali once and it was nice.....LA was way shittier than i thought it would be...well more like hollywood and the sunset strip, I went to santa barbara that was incredibly nice and ppl were cool as hell...san diego seemed nice and so did places like santa monica and pasadena, people seemed nice and polite in all those places....I loled at the fact that ppl in cali wait for the light to cross the street even with no cars coming etc. I think ppl over here from what Ive seen are way more on edge...ppl from the east coast just arent really friendly to strangers...rude, in a hurry and just really dont give a fuck about anyone...if youve been here you know what i mean (lol or just watch the departed, its pretty accurate)...but a lot of ppl would rather fuck with you than your car i think....but i guess the more i think of it theres a lot of places in this state i wouldnt leave my car open either cause it would probably get stolen...shit is probably the same all across the US

12-28-2007, 04:58 PM
i took this pic in the hollywood hills around april


this is a gay photoshop experiment, but you get the idea

12-28-2007, 05:12 PM
this is why i want to move on from this car, it has brought me nothing but trouble. i am very attached to it and i had very big plans, but everytime i think about putting it up for sale something prevents it from going on sale. it's freakin' weird. after it gets all fixed and i sell it, i'm thinking about moving on to a 350z. any other ideas for other cars in the 10-20k price range?

On the contrary, I'd suggest you save up maybe 3-4k and get yourself a used banged-up corrolla or something that's reliable, frugual, and already with a questionable condition exterior. Most likely nobody's even going to notice you, let alone going through the trouble of messing up your car. There is something to be said about the joys of owning a pos car.

12-28-2007, 05:18 PM
i took this pic in the hollywood hills around april


this is a gay photoshop experiment, but you get the idea

I wonder if this is some kind of stupid vandalism trend in Socal. I've seen cars windows smashed like that too (not just my own). Odd thing is that typically only 1 window is smashed, and nothing damaged or stolen besides that. Usually its for older cars, or cars with a 'for sale' sign.

Leads me to believe that it may be overzealous property owners not allowing anything to get in the way of their property value or something silly.

12-29-2007, 01:45 PM
damn sorry to hear that... i plan on moving to a 350z also... not for this reason though, I just want to start a new project.