View Full Version : Paris loses out: Hilton fortune pledged to charity

12-27-2007, 03:00 PM
This can't be true, can it?


12-27-2007, 03:02 PM
She's still rich on her own anyways.

So whatever.

Unless she's having my baby and I'm getting alimony then I don't care.

12-27-2007, 03:10 PM
wow :doh: ... and i was thinking abour getting married with her hah ! not anymore:nono:

12-27-2007, 03:14 PM
Even though Paris is losing all that money, she's still a rich fucker. She can still make money through other means but she'll just have to "work" a bit harder.

But whatever. I could care less.

drift freaq
12-27-2007, 03:18 PM
This can't be true, can it?


Its true Norm, and ya Grand dad is disgusted.
Fact is she will still inherit enough to be comfortable unless she does not learn to correct her overly extravagant spending habits.
Of course we are talking about a person that gets paid thousands of dollars already just to show up places and be seen.

12-27-2007, 03:36 PM
Screw you guys and your thoughts about her loss, I wanna know what freakin charity to be a part of now!! I want in on this dough! I mean come on I wont even be greedy, only a few gballs and Ill be happy, nothing life changing here......

12-27-2007, 04:43 PM
^^ yup. Doubt she'll be forced to get a real job anytime soon.

12-27-2007, 05:35 PM
yah shes already spoiled rich so i dont really care.. already a celebrity so she will get money anyway for jus doing celebrity easy stuff.. i think she sings too!!

12-27-2007, 05:47 PM
yah shes already spoiled rich so i dont really care.. already a celebrity so she will get money anyway for jus doing celebrity easy stuff.. i think she sings too!!

ok sorry but i gotta make this public, but your sig is fuckin tight haha :w00t:

12-27-2007, 08:48 PM
I am sure there is going to be something set aside for her and her sis. Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let their little girls starve would they? Oh wait. They already do that :keke:

12-27-2007, 10:44 PM
I am sure there is going to be something set aside for her and her sis. Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let their little girls starve would they? Oh wait. They already do that :keke:

:bowrofl: haha nice one!

12-28-2007, 12:37 AM
Jerry Oppenheimer, who profiled the Hilton family in his 2006 book "House of Hilton," has said Barron Hilton is embarrassed by the behavior of his socialite granddaughter Paris and believes it has sullied the family name.

:wavey::wavey::wavey::wavey: her own grandad

shits funny

12-28-2007, 04:28 AM
its funny how a story about a nice thing that the grandfather is doing turns into a paris hilton is screwed story, who cares about paris anyways

12-28-2007, 07:53 AM
She's probably throwing a btich fit about it as I type tihs.

12-28-2007, 08:59 AM
its funny how a story about a nice thing that the grandfather is doing turns into a paris hilton is screwed story, who cares about paris anyways

aye...all i can say...is ...LOL to her...and to the gPa..glad to see that the whole family isnt fucked in the head as she is

12-28-2007, 01:33 PM
Eh, better for unfortunate ppl/children to benefit from that kind of money than that little spoiled brat. I hope she hangs herself.

12-28-2007, 08:29 PM
it's good that it's going to charity.

who cares about paris?

12-28-2007, 08:43 PM
Regardless........................................ ..........

the point here isnt what shes going or not going to inherit, its about what she HAS that you guys do not.

I'm not talking about the money, I am talking about YOUR ATTENTION. Paris gets attention, regardless if its good or bad - its attention that excites people. I think its safe to say that most people, especially female peers HATE her - but there are few that like her. Either way, all that excitement makes HER money by generating publicity. Without your attention, paparazzi wouldnt be taking her photos, she wouldnt be writing books, and there wouldnt be a TV show.

The more people focus on celebrities, the bigger they seem to get. Shit, look at how big Howard Stern got, and rightfully so. He's talented, funny, and people love to hear what hes going to say. Not everyone agrees with his actions or opinions, but I definitely think hes hilarious.

12-29-2007, 10:20 AM
Regardless........................................ ..........

the point here isnt what shes going or not going to inherit, its about what she HAS that you guys do not.

I'm not talking about the money, I am talking about YOUR ATTENTION. Paris gets attention, regardless if its good or bad - its attention that excites people. I think its safe to say that most people, especially female peers HATE her - but there are few that like her. Either way, all that excitement makes HER money by generating publicity. Without your attention, paparazzi wouldnt be taking her photos, she wouldnt be writing books, and there wouldnt be a TV show.

The more people focus on celebrities, the bigger they seem to get. Shit, look at how big Howard Stern got, and rightfully so. He's talented, funny, and people love to hear what hes going to say. Not everyone agrees with his actions or opinions, but I definitely think hes hilarious.

OMG!!!! Sooooo true! I agree with everything you just said.


12-29-2007, 10:48 AM
that really doesnt mean that much... thats just her grandpa's fortune... whats in his bank. he's not giving the thousands of hotels around the world away that still make millions each year.

gramps probably figured he'd do something good before he kicks the bucket. i doubt paris or nikki are the least bit worried.

if i had a few billion sitting in the bank and a world wide business that makes millions each year, i doubt my family could careless about what i do with my fortune as long as the hotel line stays in the family name, who cares what senile old gramps does..

12-29-2007, 01:01 PM
she cant sing, have you heard the way she "sang" to hugh hefner on his birthday party?? she sounds like SHIT!
Youtube that mess and see what Im talking about...
but im sure this ho will get money anyway regardless of grand dad...
and yes, Im jealous cause I can't get money that easy, I have to work freakin 10 hours a day just to be able to buy flippin gas for the week....

12-29-2007, 01:50 PM
hollywood Hilton heiress being shoved to the street corner. Funny how her whole life evolved around being an heiress and now she gets practically nothing compared to what she should have received.


I dont know why my girlfriend bought and read that book.

12-29-2007, 02:54 PM
I wish I had the opportunity to loose out on that much money. Let alone be completely fine loosing it... wtf that much money floating around and I have none of it, lol.

12-29-2007, 06:15 PM
I hate her so much. I really do... And even though this is fantastic news, I wont be completely happy until she is completely cut off, broke, working at McDonalds, living in a trailer, and supporting 4 children without a father(s). Then I would be thrilled. Usually I feel bad about wishing such a horrible fate upon anyone, but not this time.

12-29-2007, 06:45 PM
You would think with them donating 2.9 BILLION $ to whichever charity that charity's issue at hand would be totally irradicated forever. LOL

12-29-2007, 09:59 PM
Im excited. This means another sex tape is on the way.

12-29-2007, 10:02 PM
Her Gramps sold Hilton / Hilton International to Blackstone Group.

He still has an office upstairs.

But I'm sure hes just finishing up whatever he has going on and getting out of there.

Talked to him, hes a normal nice old dood. Drives a blue bentley.

Hilton only owns 46 actual properties the rest are either franchised or hilton managed.

12-31-2007, 08:44 PM
I dont know why my girlfriend bought and read that book.

Curiosity... jealousy... envy, just to name a few.

Being that women are creatures that ENJOY being pampered, next to near *ANY* woman would love to have what she has. Sorry to say, but you over-estimate women and how easily influenced they are by luxuries.

I hate her so much. I really do... And even though this is fantastic news, I wont be completely happy until she is completely cut off, broke, working at McDonalds, living in a trailer, and supporting 4 children without a father(s). Then I would be thrilled. Usually I feel bad about wishing such a horrible fate upon anyone, but not this time.

thaaaaaaaaats right, keep it up. keep despising someone so that they can profit off of your reactions.

she WONT ever work at mcdonalds, she WONT ever live in a trailer, and she WONT ever be broke. you dont understand the way the system works, do you? people that have money, REAL money.. will never be broke - they have too many people working for them, either analysts or people involved in finance that KEEP them wealthy. even if she was to set her money on fire, shed still have more than enough to do whatever the fuck she wants with.