View Full Version : Is this real??? Looks to insane

12-26-2007, 08:24 PM

12-26-2007, 08:28 PM
That shit's old.

Ueo is nuts.

How is that not real in your mind though.

It's like that everyday for me going to work son.

12-26-2007, 08:29 PM
I taught Ueo that,

mad full lock left right dragass

12-26-2007, 08:30 PM

yah video has been floating the net for a while.. its ehhh to me, maybe 3 years ago i woulda been goin crazy over it hahaha
drifting is whatever lol

12-26-2007, 08:31 PM
Ahhh well I don't youtube "drifting" that much so its kinda new to me. But look how close he gets to the wall, it doesnt look real. I guess thats just hardcore badass. Does anyone have a different angle of that same video???

12-26-2007, 08:31 PM
my mother, she's blind in one eye. and even she can drift better than that.

12-26-2007, 08:32 PM
this is cooler vid
illegal street shit, fawk that track safety bullshit
keep it off the track!

12-26-2007, 08:33 PM
I like left right Drag ass better than manji.:bigok:

12-26-2007, 08:46 PM
this is cooler vid
illegal street shit, fawk that track safety bullshit
keep it off the track!

damn they kept that shit in theyr lanes

12-26-2007, 09:04 PM
Is this thread real? How could you watch that video and not think it's real?

12-26-2007, 09:07 PM

its the 86 magician yo..

12-26-2007, 09:27 PM
Thats hella crazy!
i give them props

12-26-2007, 09:36 PM
i wish he'd roll his windows up. wind noise ftl. but ya that vid is a few years old. and it is way sick. imho.

12-26-2007, 09:45 PM
what if he crashes shattered glass everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-26-2007, 10:25 PM
damn i would be scared if someone did that shit in front of me while im drivin lol:doh:

12-26-2007, 10:33 PM
oh that shit is real.....now where is my intial d?

12-27-2007, 02:53 AM

12-27-2007, 11:23 AM
what if he crashes shattered glass everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!

Depends on the track and event, but for non-pros you have to have the windows up at Fuji.

12-27-2007, 12:56 PM
It just doesnt look real to me because he gets so close to the wall for no reaosn, and as close as he already is he starts swirving towards the wall even more, like ok? He's not drifting he's just going straight and getting that close, whats the purpose of that?? I call photoshop

12-27-2007, 01:06 PM
ueo style hella sexy

apexing the shit outta it

its dope to see :bigok:


12-27-2007, 01:09 PM
:bash: OMG dude.. this is getting lame .. of course its real:bash:

12-27-2007, 01:10 PM
:bash: OMG dude.. this is getting lame .. of course its real:bash:

lol show me another angle dammit!!!

12-27-2007, 01:32 PM
i thought we had a random video thread... *shrugs*

thats old. cool none the less, but yeah. old.

12-27-2007, 01:37 PM
lol show me another angle dammit!!!

I think this is the same track..

every one kills that streight away

12-27-2007, 02:55 PM
this is cooler vid
illegal street shit, fawk that track safety bullshit
keep it off the track!

WTF? This was on Discovery channel?! All my Discovery channel shows is bears & lions eating deers.

12-27-2007, 03:40 PM
It just doesnt look real to me because he gets so close to the wall for no reaosn, and as close as he already is he starts swirving towards the wall even more, like ok? He's not drifting he's just going straight and getting that close, whats the purpose of that?? I call photoshop

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah your a MORON....

12-27-2007, 03:41 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah your a MORON....

Haha I know, hence this thread

12-27-2007, 06:38 PM
aight whoever gave me negative rep, i was only kiddin about doin it on the street stuff and dont blame me for the lameness of street drifting

12-27-2007, 06:49 PM
It just doesnt look real to me because he gets so close to the wall for no reaosn, and as close as he already is he starts swirving towards the wall even more, like ok? He's not drifting he's just going straight and getting that close, whats the purpose of that?? I call photoshop

lol how would you photoshop that? its an in car camera...probably just getting that close to the wall to show off some driving ability but theres no reason to doubt a professional driver is getting that close....we've all seen those videos of people doing donuts around someone and practically running over their toes, these guys know the dimensions of their cars perfectly....its shit like that video that explains why they are pros and the rest of us arent

12-27-2007, 11:48 PM
Ive had that video on my myspace for years now. Of course its real wtf have you never drifted at a track?

photoshop? are you serious? the purpose of driving close to the wall has always been to impress the crowd; which impresses the judges. Go watch a D1 event live they do the same shit, maybe not as impressive because its an american track but still.

12-28-2007, 12:32 AM
i know about the whole getting close to the wall thing, but arent you suppose to do that when your DRIFTING? Not driving straight? Plus also notice how stupidly close is to the wall towards the end of the video? And then he whips out the rear, right there is where im like "OK HOW THE HELL did he not hit the wall right there!?!?" I think its just the position of the camera that makes it look crazy.

**edit** lol i cant believe a stupidass thread like this reached two pages. I bet if my name was like

18YROLDDRIFTARX2000 my rep would be cherry fuckin red right now haha