View Full Version : FS! B-Magic 30mm Fenders for S13 POP-UPS Front CHEAP!

12-26-2007, 03:24 PM
Sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold! sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold! sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold! sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold! sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold! sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold! sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold! sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold! sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold!sold! sold!sold!sold!

12-26-2007, 03:38 PM
hahaha nice bro! thanks for pointing out that I'm selling it for more, but i did state it is OBO, and they are used, only difference is there unvented for those people who hate the vents. :keke: Goodluck with your sell, if they where silvia overfenders I get them:naughty:

12-27-2007, 12:42 AM
hahaha nice bro! thanks for pointing out that I'm selling it for more, but i did state it is OBO, and they are used, only difference is there unvented for those people who hate the vents. :keke: Goodluck with your sell, if they where silvia overfenders I get them:naughty:

I didn't know it was you lol! :wiggle: Yea mine are vented and they have that mesh on already so goood!