View Full Version : Check under the airbag after a crash

12-20-2007, 04:50 AM
A women's body was found a day later after a crash. :wtf:


12-20-2007, 05:11 AM
i blame the mafia! or the government. whichever is easier to wrap a conspiracy theory around.

that shits artarded. how do you miss a WHOLE PERSON?!

12-20-2007, 06:03 AM
Damn I live like 5 minutes away from Canoga Park.

12-20-2007, 07:02 AM
WTF...how do you miss someone? What if she was still alive????

12-20-2007, 07:12 AM
WOW that seriously sucks

12-20-2007, 08:23 AM
Would be an eerie sight for someone working at the wrecking yard.

12-20-2007, 10:27 AM
WTF is right. thats crazy.

12-20-2007, 11:05 AM
that sucks.....when I was in my accident last year the tow truck driver who towed my car back to my house was tellin me all kinds of stories after seeing how fucked up my car was....He said that he had to go to the scene of an accident in my city where a guy had been driving drunk and police think he laid down across his passanger seat and fell asleep while he was still drivin....they estimated the guy goin about 90 and he went off the road after passing out and into the woods on the ege of the road, the tow truck driver said the guy was stuffed up under the dashboard and the corener or paramedics or whoever had to pull the body out so the guy could tow it away.....the driver said that there was blood everywhere and it was seaping through the floor boards and out of the bottom of the car like an oil leak....the driver told me that there was probably more blood in the car than in the guy

some fucked up shit but i can understand how you would miss someone else in the car.....thats horrible that the guy killed his own mother though, idk how I could live after or look at myself in the mirror

12-20-2007, 01:35 PM
man this is terrible....i read about this....

the driver told the paramedics there was no one else in the car. ???

How the hell do you not check for others!

12-20-2007, 11:29 PM
the driver was probably soo shocked and out of place and didnt see the other person so they might have thought they where alone? dunon .. looks like he went straight into that wall though how the fuck do u do that? lol

can see how the big the airbag is and it is pretty big.
damm bitch needs to go to grammar school

12-21-2007, 12:36 AM
Damn police can never do shit right.

Seriously it's like "yo if your an idiot who loves power trips then you should be a cop"

Then again the paramedics weren't that smart either.

12-21-2007, 12:51 AM
lol that towing company is like a couple blocks down. they're always coming here to tow my parts cars....

Seriously tho how do you not check the car????

12-21-2007, 01:32 AM
I wanna see pics

12-21-2007, 08:20 AM
Wow...that is crazy.

12-21-2007, 08:42 AM
that sucks.....when I was in my accident last year the tow truck driver who towed my car back to my house was tellin me all kinds of stories after seeing how fucked up my car was....He said that he had to go to the scene of an accident in my city where a guy had been driving drunk and police think he laid down across his passanger seat and fell asleep while he was still drivin....they estimated the guy goin about 90 and he went off the road after passing out and into the woods on the ege of the road, the tow truck driver said the guy was stuffed up under the dashboard and the corener or paramedics or whoever had to pull the body out so the guy could tow it away.....the driver said that there was blood everywhere and it was seaping through the floor boards and out of the bottom of the car like an oil leak....the driver told me that there was probably more blood in the car than in the guy

some fucked up shit but i can understand how you would miss someone else in the car.....thats horrible that the guy killed his own mother though, idk how I could live after or look at myself in the mirror

yeah, my brother used to be a tow truck driver. he was telling me how this one guy drove out on a back road in the ortegas (basically in the boonies for so cal) and blew his head off. but they didnt find the body car / body for 2 months and it was in the summer time, with all the windows rolled up on his van. my brother said the stench was unbareable and that the guy was fat and he started to decompose in the seat. he also said that a couple of the lot workers that "prep" the cars for auction had to scrape the remaining fat off that had basically melted onto the seat and floor. nasty.

btw, the van was a 2007 nissan quest and was completely paid off (had no liens), it had less than 10k miles, but sold @ auction for $300 because they couldnt get the stench out. my bro said they left the windows down and sprayed fabreeze in it every day for a month... i think the whole interior just needed to be ripped out and done over.. whoever bought that van, if they know how to do reupholstering, they pretty much came up.

anyway, yeah i dont see how they could miss a body unless the car was completely crumpled.

12-21-2007, 12:20 PM
^^ hahah.. if i bought something like that... as long as I didnt know, it wouldnt bother me.. until you start ripping the carpets out and realize its "sticking" to the floorboard for some reason

12-21-2007, 04:23 PM
07 Nissan Quest, paid off...why'd you off yourself?

12-22-2007, 01:01 AM
Damn police can never do shit right.

Seriously it's like "yo if your an idiot who loves power trips then you should be a cop"

Then again the paramedics weren't that smart either.

lol thats right!...all they do is catch illegal street drifters...when it comes to the real deal..they will never do it right...

12-22-2007, 05:10 PM
Ya, my buddy details cars. There was a bank robbery guy from my town that went all over with in a couple hundred miles robbing banks. He finally got caught, shot himself with a .45 in the head. Needless to say my buddy got a suprise a couple days later when the car showed up to were he works to get reconned. I went and looked at it, nastiest thing I have EVER scene. The black leather seats were stained red from blood. They had to spray hydrogen-poroxide over the entire car until it didnt bubble up/foam before they started on it.

how the hell do you miss a body in a car? maybe if it was under 400pounds of dirt in the back of a suburban. But in the front seat? WTF?

12-22-2007, 09:12 PM
What if she was still alive????

I would want to kow what the coronors autopsy report is. If she was still alive at the time of the accident, Screw the Police department.!!