View Full Version : close calls

12-18-2007, 10:45 AM
so I just got to work after being stuck in traffic for a while and almost wrecking my car. When I first got onto the highway I was cruising but people drive like assholes and went flying by me on both sides. I hate when this happens so I started driving faster and passed everyone who just passed me. From the next lane over a crown Vic gets right behind me and stays pretty close. So Im thinkin "awsome probably an unmarked police car." I keep looking back at him and he finally gets outta my lane. This whole time I was right behind an 18wheeler cruising pretty good but not wanting to get into a faster lane with the "potential cop" behind me. So as I look where the "cop" is goin I turn back after he disappears to see brake lights of an 18wheeler directly in front of me. I jam on mhy brakes HARD, screeching tire smoke the whole deal. Theres a metal piece that houses the directionals on the back of the truck and it was right at bumper level....my car would have been fucked...luckily I looked at the last second and saved my ass....

So anyone else have stories like this where you narrowly escaped wrecking your car and owning ur self? Im bored at work and figured Id share so give me somethin to read

12-18-2007, 11:14 AM
Sunday night around 11 I was on my was to work when I see some hazard lights up ahead.
Now, I'm doing like 70 in the right-middle lane and the freeway has a slight right hand curve so I think nothing of it and
then right as I get close I notice the car with it's hazards on is stopped IN THE MIDDLE of my lane and the right lane
and there is this smashed up car turn sideway right in front of it.
I was like "oh shit!" and hit the brakes. I stopped like one car length away. Shit freaked me out.

12-18-2007, 11:23 AM
I was on my way home from dropping off a co-worker off and as I am going straight on a 4 lane street there was a big couch in my lane. I just swerved by and thought about taking it home, lol.

This other time I was just going straight again and this lady turns right in front of me to get to the gas station without looking and I stomp on my brakes and of course creating lots of smoke. After that she still didn't even look over. Luckily I did have the z brakes or I probably would of crashed into her for sure. Everyone at the gas station stared too lol

12-18-2007, 11:41 AM
back in 04. copy and paste from evolutionm.net. back when i had my car. a little long, but if you feel like reading............

i was driving home from new york when it happened. all of a sudden we hit a "snow white spot". basically a snow storm came out of nowhere. one minute the road was clear.... the next minute 6 inches of snow covered the ground and you couldnt see 3ft in front of you.

the next thing i see is a semi truck jack-knifed sideways blocking off the 2 lane expressway. i had no options....... semi right in front of me, trees on the left, trees on the right. i yelled to my girlfriend "HOLD ON!". we tried to stop, but it was too late. i cut the wheel completely and spun my car so that it smacked into the side of the semi on the rear passenger side (i wanted to avoid a head on collision). we came to a dead stop.

i yelled to her "GET OUT.....GET OUT NOW!". we get out of the car in a matter of seconds and whats coming towards us? sure enough, the second semi i had just passed up. it jack-knifed also. the driver slammed on his brakes, and was coming sideways right for us. my girlfriend ran and jumped out of the way, back tires on the semi nearly hitting her legs. as for me..... well i stared death right in the face. the bed/cargo/trailer part was coming right at me. i dropped to the floor and said "GOD save me". the semi passed sideways right on top of me. i passed right inbetween the tires, with the rear tires almost smashing my head by about 2 or 3 feet. i looked behind me while i was on the ground, and the truck plowed into my car and took it into a ditch. my car was underneath the semi.

seconds after i yell "RUN..... RUN..... RUN!". all the other cars, trucks, and minivans come flying at us. as we are running towards the woods cars are crashing everywhere. into the semi, into other cars, flying off the shoulder into trees. "RUN INTO THE WOODS!" i yelled. other people did the same and followed us. you didnt hear anything except..... BAM.......silence.....BAM..... silence.....BAM...... this went on for about 2-3 minutes straight. no tires, no brakes, no nothing just people crashing into one another. the snow storm got us. mother nature got us.

everything went silent. people running around asking if everyone was ok, little children screaming and crying. dogs barking. police, medical, and fire department sirens could be heard in the background coming towards us. so many people on the road walking around shocked. 80 cars....... maybe 200+ people. after everything had calmed down i went back to where my car was. i asked the semi truck driver "HEY ARE YOU OK?" "yeah i'm good" "HEY DID YOU BY ANY CHANCE SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CAR?" "no i didnt hit your car". hmmmmm..... i look underneath the semi by the ditch, and sure enough, my car was on its side smashed to pieces. total loss.

soon after perimedics asked if we were ok. i told them that i was fine, but my girlfriend pulled her back. they asked me what car i was in, and i told them it was the red one underneath the truck. they were SHOCKED. how could we still be alive? they immediately put us in the first ambulence, and rushed us to the nearest hospital. everything was ok. everyone at the hospital asked me what specifically happend in "our" crash situation. i told them and their mouths dropped. they were speechless. soon after everyone in the hospital knew our story.

after all this happend they transported the victims of the car pile up to the nearest motel. we spent the night there, and the red cross set up a disaster relief center in the ballroom. local places donated food, so we got to eat a nice hot meal. i heard the reporters and camera crews were looking for me and my girlfriend. the famous red car with the luckiest 2 people. apparently word got out quick on what we did. i didnt run into them however..... ehhh i didnt mind.

this morning when i woke up to get ready, i quickly turned on the tv and watched the news. sure enough, my car was there. full sized recording coming through the tv. the only reason i knew it was my car was because a piece of my evo 7 hood was still intact, and i saw my hood vent. evertyhing else was destroyed. 80 car pile up on the I-80 west right near the pennsylvania/ohio boarder. 30 hurt and went to the hospital, no serious injurys, and NO deaths.

this morning i caught a flight back to chicago. its over. the nightmare is over. all i see in my mind is that semi coming right at us. it was something out of a damn movie, and all of it happened in about 20-30 seconds. yeah....... it was THAT crazy. i dont know how i'm still alive. GOD saved me. thats the only explination i can give. how did i know to get out of the car? how did the semi not crush me as it went over? how did i know how to run? i dont know. GOD definately had something to do with it.

i'm VERY thankful to be alive. i'm thanking GOD every minute of the day.

i just wanted to post up and say thank you to everyone for everything. i dont know whats going to happend now with insurance and all that. i'm probably not going to be on the boards anymore. its been fun. i really did love my lancer, and felt bad after everything happened, especially since it was heavily modified and i put my heart and soul into the car. this is a great community, and i appreciate all the help and advise. i'll see you guys around.

take care, and GOD bless.

12-18-2007, 12:24 PM
well i stared death right in the face.

that is madness.

12-18-2007, 01:08 PM
I pulled out at the last second, and jizzed all over her legs.

Whew close call.

12-18-2007, 01:36 PM
^^ a woman from the next office over was just leaning down next to me with that post on the screen and she didnt see it....now thats a close call lol

great stories tho, keep em comin

12-18-2007, 01:39 PM
I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have seen it since she was leaning so down on you.

Playa playa.

drift freaq
12-18-2007, 01:57 PM
I got one, I was rolling off the 101 to the 110 in downtown LA. Now if anyone has driven this section of merging freeways they will know its a crazy mess of people trying to get off at the exit and trying to get on with multiple lanes converging at once. So there is a SUV next to me and in front of me.
Usually instead of just trying to cross 3 lines to enter which is how its setup people stay in one lane and take the 6th street entrance to the 110 which is interconnected to this on and off spot. So this is what I opt to do given the amount of traffic.
So here are these SUV's going slow in front of me. Ya I know impatient. So move over to the next lane and nail it get around this line of like 4 SUV's in a row.
I am up to about 80 mph and I move back into the lane and there in front of me is a car backed up on the entrance. I am going way to fast for the distance so I pump my GTR brakes and scrape off a fair amount of speed but at a half a car length behind the Toyota my fronts lock, I lay two rubber strips in a straight line for 6 feet. LOL At this point I am thinking, ok I am still going to fast and if I don't act quickly, I am going right into the rear of this guy. I pull my foot off the brake , jerk my steering wheel to the right and punch. Thank god for full suspension as I was still moving at around 50-60mph. My car literally moves to the lane next to me in a quarter or less of a car length and I go right around the guy and jump back into the lane entering the the freeway.
I am sure the people behind me where just mouth hanging open saying WTF that guys nuts. LOL
Fast thinking, quick reaction and a good car.
P.S. I don't recommend trying to drive like this on purpose to anyone. lol It felt like a BMW commercial.

12-18-2007, 02:08 PM
Hahaha ya'll are crazy.

I had a close call when I was about 19 and driving a '90 Celica on almost bald tires (yea i know. i was a stupid kid). It had been raining and I was coming from one freeway to another and right around the bend I see a 5 car pile-up. I slam on my brakes and I'm sliding right for the last car. I get off the brakes and start downshifting as fast as possible. At the last moment, I pull the e-brake and come to a stop just about 3 inches from the car in front - literally. I put my hand in between and I couldn't fit 3 fingers in between. Funny thing is the guy never saw how close I came to hitting him. He was more concerned with the person in front who HE had hit. I went THAT DAY and bought brand new tires.

12-18-2007, 02:10 PM
nearly tboned...

if i hadnt listened to my bro to sit in the back seat...i wouldnt be here

thanks bro

12-18-2007, 02:13 PM
well i stared death right in the face.
that is madness.

Now I HAVE to read that ridiculously long post. Lol.

My story.

This happened a couple of days ago after the big snow storm hit Michigan and a bunch of other surrounding states.

My street hadn't been plowed (still hasn't been plowed...assholes), but I decided to go over to my friend's house out in bum-fuck nowhere. I back out into the street scraping my muffler and intercooler against the snow. 1st...1500rpm...2000......4500...0 ft. of travel. SHIT! So I try backing up, pulling forward, reverse, forward...this continued for a good 10 minutes. I'm sure the neighbors are pissed and tired of listening to my car in front of their houses. Smoke billowing everywhere. Angry asian revving. Bad situation. By the time I give up, my car's parallel to the street 15 ft. away from where I had initially backed out and I'm blocking off the street completely as well as my neighbors driveway. Well, why the hell don't I go ask for help inside my house, right? Because...my cocky-ass left the house all confident like I was driving a monster truck and driving through snow would be child's play. My dad even told me before I left, "you won't get out of the subdivision without calling me." "Yeah, whatever, dad, you'll see."......I walk inside my house and my dad just looks over with a big grin on his face, "I told you, son."

We're walking out to my car and I see reverse rights to my neighbor's Mercury Mountaineer and it's backing out at a good pace directly at my car. I guess grandma didn't check her rear view mirrors and only looked down both sides of the street for cars. My dad and I are just standing in our driveway :drama: waiting for the inevitable to happen. "SHIT! MY CAR!" I somehow sprinted full speed at the Mountaineer without slipping on my ass and slid into and body checked the hatch with only a few feet to spare. My neighbor immediately jams on her brakes and thought she had hit me. It was about to be game over.

I never did make it over to my friend's house. I couldn't get past the incline leading out onto the main roads out of the subdivision so had to surrender...

(I kind of lost interest in typing the actual "close call" part of the story)

12-18-2007, 02:26 PM
^^ lol Im the same way, I always put myself in front of my car in situations like that lol like staninding in front of my front bumper while people pull in or park in a space so theyd hit my legs rather than my bumper lol

12-18-2007, 02:30 PM
I was on my way home last night turning righ onto the freeway with a van in front of me. The right turn is a yield so of course the van driver decides to fully stop when we have the green. I slam on my brakes, slide sidways almost hitting the bumper of the van and the curb to my left.

Needless to say the van driver was some old ass lady who received her fair share of middle fingers and horn blasting from me. How do some old people still have drivers licenses.

12-18-2007, 02:40 PM
1) I was in the left lane passing all the cars during rush hour when some woman on her cell phone in a Toyota Land cruiser swerved into my lane unexpectedly, almost sending me into the divider. Her stupid ass didn't bother to check her blind spot. Luckily she swerved back into her lane.

2) I was in the left lane another time and I saw this Hummer H3 in the distance with its blinker on, as if it was gonna get into the left lane. Stupid lady took forever and didn't bother to merge until I'm about to pass her, nearly clipping me.

3) Driving home late at night, I was making a left turn when some moron decided to run the red light, almost t-boning me. Luckily he stopped in time and reverse back to the light.

4) I almost plowed into the rear end of a van on a long stretch of road because I was going "a little too fast." Light turned green but the driver wasn't moving.

Yep...just a few of mine...

12-18-2007, 02:46 PM
here's a pretty good one.....

This was a few years back when my dad still had his dodge ram and i had my 240, which was crashed at that time. Anyway, my dad was always very concerned about me when it came to driving, and would NEVER let me drive any of his cars. Finally one day I really needed a car to go to training (washington mutual) out in eygpt (northridge) when I was living in montebello. So he FINALLY let me borrow his truck (AND this was when he was ready to sell it). So here I am, driving down the 5 in my dads car for the FIRST time ever. Passing burbank mall and all that on the 5 north starts to get a little bit curvy here and there. I was driving in the fast lane going normal speeds (but I was driving like a damn granny the WHOLE time, I mean this is the FIRST time ever that he lets me borrow his cars) and LITERALLY for 2-3 seconds I look down to change the radio, look back up, and RIGHT there in my lane is a 90ish celica DEAD STOPPED. The distance and the monstrosity of a truck I was driving I KNEW I would never stop in time. Going at normal speeds with this celica dead stopped in front of me I literally only had a few seconds to react. Luckily to my fortunate ass that freeway had an emergency lane next to the fast lane, so I quickly jerked the wheel a little bit to the left and started to try and stop this humongous semi hoping that the emergency lane was wide enough for me to fit.....It fit...... then of course the reason for the freeway being dead stopped, there was a little car crashed with a large woman inside bleeding and from my point of view, seemed stuck in the car. There was a fire truck already on the seen trying to get her out.

Imagine? The only time my dad lets me borrow his truck and I almost crash it

12-18-2007, 03:00 PM
Most people that know me know of my close call.

Taxi cab runs a red light going 45-50mph. I'm half way through the intersection making a left. T-bones me where the fender/door meet. No skid marks, loud screech, nothing. I'm guessing he froze up and thought "oh shit". Needless to say, I walked away from the accident, but my S13 was totaled badly. If he would've hit me just a split second later, he would've slammed into me dead on exactly where I was sitting at. I don't think I would've walked away if he had done that...

I guess that's my way of staring at death straight in the face...and laughing at it.


The money shot...


12-18-2007, 03:03 PM
/\/\ Thats a close call. Glad your safe bro.

12-18-2007, 03:12 PM

12-18-2007, 03:15 PM
Oh this brings back some fun memories.

1. In My 96 F-150 on I-17 north of Phoenix, AZ. Late in 2002. We were on our way to the desert to go shooting, goin about 70. I wasn't payin attention cause there wasn't much traffic and I was talkin to my friend. All of a sudden, there's a completely stopped car in front of me. I was in the left lane, and decided to just yank the wheel left, no brakes or nothin. Get into the wide(10 yards), grassy/dusty median, fishtail a few times, downshift to 4th, merge back onto the highway a few cars ahead of where I started. A great day for me(EGO) and my passenger, cause ya know, we both lived.

2. Maybe a year ago or little more, in my 89 coupe, goin down 95 just south of Philly. There's a lane about to end to my right, but there's a red VW that wanted to get past me before the merge. I say No, of course, by swerving over to the right and immediatley back into my lane. Dumb idea. Forgot about the donut on the pass rear. Fishtail/correct/fishtail/correct/fishtail/correct, and this seems to go on forever.

Finally, I'm just like fuck it, it was meant to be. Let go of the steering wheel.

Spun a 180 and rolling backwards looking at traffic coming my way. Man am I glad everybody was able to stop. Threw it in reverse, spun around and was on my way again.

The looks on peoples faces were priceless. One lady looked like she saw a ghost and yelled to see if I was OK. Another guy(passenger) in a truck was like "YEAH MAN! SWEET!!!" with both his thumbs straight up in the air.

I held it through 8 or 9 fishtails. My cigarette never left my mouth(don't smoke anymore) and the car never stalled(5spd).

I've pretty much never had such an adrenaline rush.

12-18-2007, 03:25 PM
dope pic /img

haha he was playing chicken with you and you lost :coold:

midnight zenki
12-18-2007, 05:13 PM
Last year due to the blizzards that lasted six weeks straight in Denver my ride was buried so I had to take the bus. The bus stop was right down the street from my house around a corner on a major thoroughfare within walking distance. So one morning I head out a little late for my usual bus. As the blizzard is blizzarding all around us I wait and wait and wait some more. Finally I say fuck this and head home to wait for the next bus so I can thaw out a little, just as I head back around the corner I hear that unmistakable sound of locked brakes sliding in the snow and then BAM! I ran back around the corner to find a full-size Chevy pickup plowed straight up the sidewalk and making out with the bus stop I was just standing at. Thank god I'm a pussy in the cold.

12-18-2007, 06:06 PM
i was on the 405 in the fast lane on my way to finals, clear day open road everyone is zooming. All of a sudden van in front of me is basically in the fast lane stopped. I have just enough time to do a hard stop about 2 car lengths ahead modulating enough to keep me moving forward without the guy behind me slamming into me. Were stopped in the middle of the 405 the van me and the guy behind me. Clear road, I look left and right everyone is just zooming in the carpool lane and lane number 3. Im like shit this aint good. Im holding the clutch with the car in 1st gear ready to punch. Just as i see an suv way back coming full speed. Boom smoke. Rearview guy behind me has the oh shit face. His car gets slammed right as im gunning it to the left cutting back infront for the van barely avoiding a car shooting down that lane. All in all about 4 cars slam in before theres enough smoke to signal danger down the freeway. after all is done and everyone is stopped im calling 911 car behind me was smashed into the rear of the van. Theres an engine in the carpool lane. I see people pretty fucked up. After i call 911 and do a quick tell of how many cars and people i take off to go to class. Turns out it was a fatal accident couple people died. Didnt hit me till i got home how bad it was. Im lucky i got out without gettin rear ended jumpin out the lane.

12-18-2007, 07:13 PM
2. Maybe a year ago or little more, in my 89 coupe, goin down 95 just south of Philly. There's a lane about to end to my right, but there's a red VW that wanted to get past me before the merge. I say No, of course, by swerving over to the right and immediatley back into my lane. Dumb idea. Forgot about the donut on the pass rear. Fishtail/correct/fishtail/correct/fishtail/correct, and this seems to go on forever.

Finally, I'm just like fuck it, it was meant to be. Let go of the steering wheel.

Spun a 180 and rolling backwards looking at traffic coming my way. Man am I glad everybody was able to stop. Threw it in reverse, spun around and was on my way again.

The looks on peoples faces were priceless. One lady looked like she saw a ghost and yelled to see if I was OK. Another guy(passenger) in a truck was like "YEAH MAN! SWEET!!!" with both his thumbs straight up in the air.

I held it through 8 or 9 fishtails. My cigarette never left my mouth(don't smoke anymore) and the car never stalled(5spd).

I've pretty much never had such an adrenaline rush.

Cliffnotes: FF3 to FF2
Tokyo Drift to "How about them apples?" :rofl:

I hate the "fuck it" stage of close calls.

One day last winter, my friend in his GTP was feeling super confident with his TCS and FWD. We're about to hop on the on-ramp (90* right turn before overpass) pushing the car pretty good, winter rally style. Hit the apex then all of a sudden we're not turning and I hear the retarded TCS kick in. We bogged over the curb into the snow and almost slid down the embankment into trees. I haven't ridden with his dumb ass since...

12-18-2007, 07:32 PM
i was on the 405 in the fast lane on my way to finals, clear day open road everyone is zooming. All of a sudden van in front of me is basically in the fast lane stopped. I have just enough time to do a hard stop about 2 car lengths ahead modulating enough to keep me moving forward without the guy behind me slamming into me. Were stopped in the middle of the 405 the van me and the guy behind me. Clear road, I look left and right everyone is just zooming in the carpool lane and lane number 3. Im like shit this aint good. Im holding the clutch with the car in 1st gear ready to punch. Just as i see an suv way back coming full speed. Boom smoke. Rearview guy behind me has the oh shit face. His car gets slammed right as im gunning it to the left cutting back infront for the van barely avoiding a car shooting down that lane. All in all about 4 cars slam in before theres enough smoke to signal danger down the freeway. after all is done and everyone is stopped im calling 911 car behind me was smashed into the rear of the van. Theres an engine in the carpool lane. I see people pretty fucked up. After i call 911 and do a quick tell of how many cars and people i take off to go to class. Turns out it was a fatal accident couple people died. Didnt hit me till i got home how bad it was. Im lucky i got out without gettin rear ended jumpin out the lane.

if you saw the van why didnt you just change lanes? haha damn im glad your ok wonder what my life would be like without john.... :confused:

12-18-2007, 07:49 PM
Going to work real early morning of September of last year, I took a off ramp at least 30mph too fast (was kind of rushing) and was running on R comps, the asphalt was really cold (it gets really cold over night up north, even in fall). The offramp got tighter about halfway through with a slight bump in the asphalt, so basically when I turned into the tighter part of the curve I started over steering badly (265's weren't even close to warm I'm guessing) and was never able to bring her back, so instead of risking hitting the cement barrier I gave it some more gas and spun it around fully 180 and was left facing traffic, thing is, although I was going pretty fast, a semi managed to catch up to me while I was spinning and basically stopped half a meter in front of my front bumper after I had spun.

I've never been closer to shitting myself in my life lol. Kind of wish I had an on board cam to film how close the semi stopped from my car.

12-18-2007, 08:35 PM
tonight i was getting on the interstate and going above the speed limit, i was passing cars in the right lane and i look over to see if any one was in my blind spot(fucking hatches have horrible blind spots) and i look back in front of me and about 10 feet in front of me was a whole retread tire. i had no time to react so i just took the hit on the passenger front and i could hear it smacking the whole side of my fucking car, i stop at the next ext to see the damage and there wasnt any. i guess i was lucky

12-19-2007, 01:09 AM
I'm a really good passenger seat driver.

I'm always telling my friends when to watch out cause most of them are stupid.